Built Different Nearly Qualified

    • Video Games

How to show competition by being anti-competitive.

Examples and mindset behind pathways to success or a win condition.

Competition being anti-competitive (Bribery in professional play to achieve x outcome)

When I was playing in a Magic tournament, an opponent asked if I would like to concede/draw in exchange for a % of the prize - this was because he was a “pro” and had needed a particular result.

Building competition next to each other and being competitive by not being competitive

Winning by not playing the game; dredge

How to show competition by being anti-competitive.

Examples and mindset behind pathways to success or a win condition.

Competition being anti-competitive (Bribery in professional play to achieve x outcome)

When I was playing in a Magic tournament, an opponent asked if I would like to concede/draw in exchange for a % of the prize - this was because he was a “pro” and had needed a particular result.

Building competition next to each other and being competitive by not being competitive

Winning by not playing the game; dredge