2 min

Dr. Pezzini Executive Coach's intro & favorite book You Have Got The Power - in Any Economy!

    • Entrepreneurship

15:30:04 Hi, I'm Dr. Pizzini, Italian American and I'm thrilled to connect with you today with over 25 years of experience.

15:30:15 In psychology and a PhD in I/O psychology and an ICF PCC certification.

15:30:22 I bring a unique blend of expertise to my coaching and consulting practice. I'm passionate about empowering individuals like you to unlock their full potentials.

15:30:35 And that's why I have authored 4 number one bestselling books on the Power of the Mind.

15:30:44 These books delve into topics like mindset. Human potential and personal growth. Providing valuable insights for anyone looking to thrive both in their personal and professional lives.

15:30:59 In my coaching work I take a result. Driven approach to help tech professionals like you. Navigate career transitions, manage stress, and cultivate positive habits for success.

15:31:15 Whether it's addressing burnout, anxiety, or the challenges of remote work, I'm here to provide personalized support.

15:31:25 And guidance every step of the way. With certifications as a profession certified coach and expertise in disc assessments.

15:31:37 I offer tailored solutions to help you. And your teams achieve your goals and maximize your potential. So if you are ready.

15:31:45 To take your tech company to the next level. Let's connect and explore how we can work together to drive meaningful change.

15:30:04 Hi, I'm Dr. Pizzini, Italian American and I'm thrilled to connect with you today with over 25 years of experience.

15:30:15 In psychology and a PhD in I/O psychology and an ICF PCC certification.

15:30:22 I bring a unique blend of expertise to my coaching and consulting practice. I'm passionate about empowering individuals like you to unlock their full potentials.

15:30:35 And that's why I have authored 4 number one bestselling books on the Power of the Mind.

15:30:44 These books delve into topics like mindset. Human potential and personal growth. Providing valuable insights for anyone looking to thrive both in their personal and professional lives.

15:30:59 In my coaching work I take a result. Driven approach to help tech professionals like you. Navigate career transitions, manage stress, and cultivate positive habits for success.

15:31:15 Whether it's addressing burnout, anxiety, or the challenges of remote work, I'm here to provide personalized support.

15:31:25 And guidance every step of the way. With certifications as a profession certified coach and expertise in disc assessments.

15:31:37 I offer tailored solutions to help you. And your teams achieve your goals and maximize your potential. So if you are ready.

15:31:45 To take your tech company to the next level. Let's connect and explore how we can work together to drive meaningful change.

2 min