2 hrs

Gaming N Drinking Cast - Episode 16 Gaming N Drinking Cast

    • Food

In celebration of large soda companies coming up with ridiculous flavors at an insanely fast clip, Adam starts this one out double-fisting a liquor drink (mixed with one of those weird sodas) and a beer. It only gets better from there! This is the drunkest Adam has gotten during recording (yet), so we're in for a boozy doozy. Also, we talk about table top RPG dramedy, Weird West, and the death of the legend that is E3. Cheers! Peace!

In celebration of large soda companies coming up with ridiculous flavors at an insanely fast clip, Adam starts this one out double-fisting a liquor drink (mixed with one of those weird sodas) and a beer. It only gets better from there! This is the drunkest Adam has gotten during recording (yet), so we're in for a boozy doozy. Also, we talk about table top RPG dramedy, Weird West, and the death of the legend that is E3. Cheers! Peace!

2 hrs