55 min


    • Personal Journals

With all good intentions, most new year's resolutions fail miserably. Why? Because they are not sustainable! If you go to the gym in early January, you will see many people enthusiastically crowding the premises. By mid to end of January, the gym population "thins out." This is because we set the bar too high and expect too much of ourselves. Habits take time to form. It takes about a month of doing something on a regular basis to form a habit. By taking baby steps--just putting our gym shoes on and going for a little walk, we can build sustainable routines that are DO-ABLE. A little less is sometimes better than a lot more that won't sustain over time. And remember, don't "SHOULD" on yourself. Pushing yourself and forcing yourself with what you SHOULD do won't work. Try compassion and self love instead. Go to our website www.DrJudyWTF and take a look at Panel 3 of the Mind Map and you will see that unless we build sustainable bonds based on realistic goals, we will break down into CHAOS and abort our best attempts. This new month set your intention or consciousness to "sustainable" and take the baby steps needed to build a solid new year. Today we Shrunk the Tune: This Is The New Year" by A Great Big World (and was even sung on TV by the TV show Glee)

With all good intentions, most new year's resolutions fail miserably. Why? Because they are not sustainable! If you go to the gym in early January, you will see many people enthusiastically crowding the premises. By mid to end of January, the gym population "thins out." This is because we set the bar too high and expect too much of ourselves. Habits take time to form. It takes about a month of doing something on a regular basis to form a habit. By taking baby steps--just putting our gym shoes on and going for a little walk, we can build sustainable routines that are DO-ABLE. A little less is sometimes better than a lot more that won't sustain over time. And remember, don't "SHOULD" on yourself. Pushing yourself and forcing yourself with what you SHOULD do won't work. Try compassion and self love instead. Go to our website www.DrJudyWTF and take a look at Panel 3 of the Mind Map and you will see that unless we build sustainable bonds based on realistic goals, we will break down into CHAOS and abort our best attempts. This new month set your intention or consciousness to "sustainable" and take the baby steps needed to build a solid new year. Today we Shrunk the Tune: This Is The New Year" by A Great Big World (and was even sung on TV by the TV show Glee)

55 min