6 min

Fun fact about あな‪た‬ Japanese Grammar Tips

    • Language Learning

※Some voice has not been reflected after edit.

  I add the important part here.

For "Are you hungry", it is strange to say あなた は おなか が すいていますか?

You better to say either just おなか が すいていますか?by omitting あなた or すずきさん は おなか が すいていますか? if you are asking Mr. Suzuki.

It is quite normal to omit the personal pronouns such as わたし, あなた since it is obvious who is referred to.

あなた can be used in the specific situations and we don't usually use it.

In this lesson, I will introduce you the fun fact about あなた.

First Examples:

あなた かばん わすれてます よ。

You left your bag. You need to take it.

あなた きょう は なんじ に かえります か?

What time are you coming home today?

Second Examples:

あなた の じこしょうかい を してください。

Could you please introduce yourself?

あなた の しぼうどうき は なんです か?

What is your motive for application?

Third Examples:

あなた わたし の くつ ふみました よね?

You stepped on my shoe, didn't you?

あなた なにさまのつもり?

Who do you think you are?



※Some voice has not been reflected after edit.

  I add the important part here.

For "Are you hungry", it is strange to say あなた は おなか が すいていますか?

You better to say either just おなか が すいていますか?by omitting あなた or すずきさん は おなか が すいていますか? if you are asking Mr. Suzuki.

It is quite normal to omit the personal pronouns such as わたし, あなた since it is obvious who is referred to.

あなた can be used in the specific situations and we don't usually use it.

In this lesson, I will introduce you the fun fact about あなた.

First Examples:

あなた かばん わすれてます よ。

You left your bag. You need to take it.

あなた きょう は なんじ に かえります か?

What time are you coming home today?

Second Examples:

あなた の じこしょうかい を してください。

Could you please introduce yourself?

あなた の しぼうどうき は なんです か?

What is your motive for application?

Third Examples:

あなた わたし の くつ ふみました よね?

You stepped on my shoe, didn't you?

あなた なにさまのつもり?

Who do you think you are?



6 min