26 episodios

Christ centered Christian leadership teaching that leadership isn’t about holding authority over someone else. It’s about positively influencing people to reach new heights. “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” (Romans 12:12)

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Lead 12:12 LBS Productions

    • Religión y espiritualidad

Christ centered Christian leadership teaching that leadership isn’t about holding authority over someone else. It’s about positively influencing people to reach new heights. “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” (Romans 12:12)

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    1:1 Meetings

    1:1 Meetings

    According to Gallup, employees who have regular 1:1 meetings with their managers are THREE TIMES more likely to be engaged at work! That's correct! THREE TIMES more likely to be engaged!
    Effective one-on-one meetings offer a variety of benefits to employees, managers and the overall organization.
    Benefits of conducting 1:1 meetings with employeesImproved Relationships. In the world outside of work, making time for coffee with a friend every weekend improves your relationship because you have time to chat, share stories and learn more about each other. The same benefit occurs when you meet regularly with employees. You get to know them better and set a tone for improved relationships and culture in the workplace.
    Increased Employee Morale. When staff feel their opinions are heard and matter, morale and engagement is usually higher. And when leaders work to address issues discovered in one-on-ones, morale can increase even more.
    Feedback for Better Leadership. One-on-ones also provide feedback for leadership so they can continue to improve how they manage their teams.

    What makes a good 1:1? A personal check in with the employee. They might want to share about an important life milestone or might be pleased if you ask about their children, spouse or pets.
    A business-facing check in. You also want to find out how the employee is doing with their work and position. Are they happy with their work, what challenges are they facing and what can you do to help them achieve production success?
    Comments and suggestions. Offer time for the employee to bring up comments and suggestions related to the business, even if they aren’t directly related to the person’s own position and goals. They might have seen a process that makes no sense or could be done quicker, and making space for employees at all levels to propose ideas and solutions gives you more information to work with.
    The employee’s future goals. Talk about employee goals, what might be appropriate for them and how they can plan and forge ahead to achieve those goals.
    How you can best support the employee and the team at large. Provide time for the employee to give you feedback as a leader if desired.

    Sample Questions for 1:1 meetingsPosition Based
    What’s your pie chart of what you are working on? What do you want it to be?
    How do you view yourself in your role?

    Career Based
    If you were having the best work day ever in your ideal role, what would your schedule look like?
    Where do you get your job satisfaction from?
    Where have you been most successful in the past?

    Long-Term Based
    What are your long-term goals? What skills do you need to achieve them?
    What obstacles will you need to overcome to achieve these goals?

    1:1 Meeting Tips for ManagersBring a sense of curiosity and openness with you.
    Have a problem-solving attitude — but keep it collaborative. Share suggestions and create a space where people can find solutions together.
    Ask questions instead of telling people what to do.
    Listen more than you talk.
    Leave any blaming attitude out the door (better yet, get rid of that altogether).

    1:1 Bad PracticesUsing 1:1 meetings as status update meetings
    Skipping meetings
    Infrequent meetings
    Lacking clarity

    Biblical Verses to Remember in 1:1 MeetingsProverbs 27:17 As one piece of iron sharpens another, so friends keep each other sharp.
    Proverbs 11:14 Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.
    1 Thessalonians 5:11 So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
    Chris' Example 1:1 AgendaFirst 5 minutes - Life catch up
    What are your wins since last week?
    What are your top priorities this week?
    What are your long term goals and how can I help you achieve them?
    Are there questions or rumors you would like to discuss?
    What is the status of your last action items?
    What are your action...

    • 16 min
    Episode 25 - Traits of Awesome Christians Leaders

    Episode 25 - Traits of Awesome Christians Leaders

    Awesome Christian Leaders have a lot in common. In this episode we review traits shared by Awesome Christian Leaders.
    1. Everyone must be treated with dignity and respect!
    a. At the most basic level, we dignify people by recognizing their value as human beings who are made in the image of God
    b. "Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, and honor the king" (1 Pet. 2:17)
    2. High moral standards
    a. 1 Cor. 15:33 Do not be deceived: "Bad company ruins good morals."
    3. Every day, positive attitudes, behaviors, and interactions!
    a. Hope
    i. Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
    b. Faith
    i. Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
    4. Take a stand for what is right, not what is convenient.
    a. I recently spoke with someone who revealed their greatest struggle with faith, and it may be the same as yours. There is no shame in it, but this person is afraid to address their position on hot-button issues for fear of receiving backlash. The bad thing was that I did not even have to inquire why. I understand how difficult it is. I understand how painful it is to be persecuted. I understand how unjust it is to be overlooked. I am aware of the overwhelming response. I am aware that the adversary appears to be stronger. I am aware of the high costs. We have a duty in Christ to be strong (Ephesians 6:10), to fight (2 Timothy 4:7), to be separate (2 Corinthians 6:17), to be courageous (Joshua 1:9), to suffer (1 Peter 3:17), to be persecuted (2 Timothy 3:12), to be hated (John 15:18). We all have a duty to stand for righteousness and spread the Gospel (Mark 16:15). I know the adversaries are loud and seem great in number. I know they will not come to reason or fight a fair fight. I know that they are boastful and proud in/of their sin. Nevertheless, Christ is with us (Deuteronomy 20:1), and He is greater (Deuteronomy 10:17).
    5. Take a stand for yourself
    a. God gives strength to his people. He enables them to be courageous through his gift of faith. God proves himself faithful to his promises and enables his people to trust him in everyday life.
    6. Be truthful and upright – be faithful to your word.
    a. Chuck Swindoll says - This rare breed of man is almost extinct. Whether an executive or an apprentice, a student or a teacher, a blue or white-collar worker, a Christian or a pagan—rare indeed are those who keep their word.
    b. When a man . . . takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said. (Numbers 30:2 NIV)
    c. Judge yourself on keeping your word.
    i. When you reply, "Yes, I will pray for you,"—do you?
    ii. When you tell someone they can depend on you to help them out—can they?
    iii. When you say you will be there at such-and-such a time—are you?
    iv. When you obligate yourself to pay a debt on time—do you?
    7. Help those around you (work) - relationships and service to others are central to life.
    a. Wayne helped local store
    b. Hebrews 13:16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
    8. Do everything with passion
    a. Passion is contagious
    i. Sports team
    b. Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.
    c. What are you passionate about? What should a Christian be passionate about?
    i. (Abhor) Hate What is Evil. Christians struggle with the term "hate." Rather than that, we use terms such as "dislike." However, that is not strong enough! God desires that we HATE evil! "The fear of the Lord is to despise evil," Proverbs 8:13 states. "I despise pride, arrogance, the evil way, and the perverted mouth." It is past time for Christians to hate evil. Of course, I am not advocating that we should hate evil people! Instead, we should want no part of their

    • 29 min
    Episode 24 - Demond Wilson!

    Episode 24 - Demond Wilson!

    He is a true Hollywood legend, star of TV's Sanford and Son, Demond Wilson! Demond shares his calling from God and his experiences in Hollywood as a Christian.
    Hey everybody. Welcome back to Lead 12:12. We're excited that you're hanging out with us. We have a great speaker today. We're so excited about Chris. Tell us about our speaker today.
    We are here with a true legend, the star of my favorite TV show Sanford and son.
    It's my honor to introduce. Demond Wilson! Thank you so much for joining us today.

    It's my pleasure in that.

    I say hi to, to all of your listeners and the woman that you said was your wife to just.

    We weren't supposed to talk about that.



    so Demond, I would love to hear your salvation story. Can you share that with us?

    I'm so far beyond that, I grew up. Totally. Ensconced in Catholicism. I was an acolyte and my whole life is from the age of eight was centered around the church.

    But I brought my mom. And my dad. Out of.

    The dark side into the light, through the Catholic church now. One might say.

    But you went from the dark side to a lighter, dark side which is true, but it, there are many roads that lead to to the most high and what the Lord saw in me. That I was born with was a talent. For entertaining. As a dancer and a singer and all of that. And. The love in my heart for him

    so the Lord's call was on my life. My kids were in private parochial school. We were living in. In Bel air. Beverly Hills and I have six adult progeny. I took the Lord. A little as a, literally when he said go forth. Be fruitful and multiply.


    that. Yeah, you

    We think so I have four adult.

    Daughters. And two adult. My oldest is 48, Nicole. My, my second born Melissa, and they both live in Atlanta with my granddaughter. My second, Melissa is 40. Is 44. My oldest son, Christopher who hits a golf ball, 320 yards. He's a beast. His kid. I put it off club in his hand when he was eight years old.

    He is a monster and his brother Demonn Jr. Will never want it to be known as the Mon Jr. Until he started working in a corporate world and people say, Hey. Do you know who your dad is?

    No. Do you know what whose name you have? And he said, yeah,

    That's my dad and they said, wow, we're going to do business with you. So now he's Goodman Jr. The rescue and he's 41. Tabitha is 36. And my baby who's been married five years and has her doctorate. She is. 32. She's the one that I came off the road for and I. My personal touch was on her. She's a beast.

    That's amazing.

    Yeah, she, Sarah is 32 and she's married to a guy named Matt. Matthew Mahoney. Nice kid. Nice kid, but my baby girl, I still, I'm still, when he comes to my house, I do this.

    I got ya. Yeah. Keep your eyes on him.

    We've been married five years. So what happened to your base in your voice? It went up. We've been married. Mr. Wilson. I said, yeah. But I still. We've got you. And my scopes.


    Yeah, boy.

    also back to what your original question was. I've always known. I came into the Catholic church to Christen my second born Melissa and my parents. I had sent to them. We had a rather large place. In Bel air and I came down the aisle of the church holding. My second born and my wife, my mother notch nudged my father.

    And she said my dad's name was Grady Wilson. That's where the character

    came from.

    that's amazing.

    And no, that's what his parents named him. So that's what he. What do you answered too? And my mom said But that's his nickname. The mine's going to preach. It's all over him.

    And I turned down a lot of money after my third series. I was going to Florida to do my first. Revival. I had been studying, and I said to the Lord, Until I'm imbued with the with the paraklete, with the pneuma. The spirit of the living. Creator. I'm never going to eat again.

    And I'm up.

    And my tower in...

    • 18 min
    Ethical Leadership Continued

    Ethical Leadership Continued

    Is ethical leadership a no-win situation? Is it possible to remain ethical in all aspects? We review theories from Heifetz, Burns, and Greenleaf and apply Biblical teaching and verses and through in a few moral dilemmas just for fun.
    Ethical Leadership Continued
    It seems like we live in a world of one after another high-profile scandal in business and government. Because of this, the interest in ethical leadership has grown proportionally. Prominent ethical scholars, including Ronald Heifetz, James MacGregor Burns, and Robert Greenleaf, have provided perspective on this area. A common theme is the need for leadership based on honesty, service to others, and moral courage. For Heifetz, leadership involves using authority to help followers uphold values in the workplace. Burns's theory of transformational leadership emphasizes the moral development of followers and maintaining high standards of ethical conduct. Greenleaf's approach to leadership has strong ethical overtones, with the central premise being that true leadership is service to others.
    Heifetz's theory of leadership is known as adaptive leadership, and it states that it is the responsibility of the leader to assist the follower in struggling with change and personal growth
    Burn's theory of leadership is known as the transformational leader. Burns states it is the leader's responsibility to assist followers in assessing their values and needs and to help followers rise to a higher level of functioning.
    Robert Greenleaf developed the idea of the Servant Leader, and he states the leader should be attentive to the concerns of their followers and should take care of them and nurture them. In addition, Greenleaf argues that the servant leader has a social responsibility to be concerned with the have-nots and should strive to remove inequalities and social injustices. Greenleaf places a great deal of emphasis on listening, empathy, and unconditional acceptance of others.
    In his 1986 book, The Hard Problems of Management: Gaining the Ethics Edge, Mark Pastin was the first to take a managerial approach to ethics in business. This was considered very thought-provoking on the ethics of management, and Pastin makes the following point: "An ideal [ethical] organization adds to the value of the individuals who are the organization. It does not require that individuals sacrifice some of their integrity to belong to the organization". I want to paraphrase that statement in terms of leadership. Leadership, correctly understood, operates this way: "Leadership adds to the value of the individuals who are in the relationship. Leadership does not require that individuals sacrifice some of their integrity to be in the relationship."
    Pastin viewed leadership as a sort of social contract, and he developed a two-pronged test for deciding the ethics of a contract that could be translated to the concept of leadership. "Social contract is sound if the parties to the contract would enter the contract freely and fairly" Pastin does not tell us what his use of the word "freely" means except to equate it with voluntarily. Pastin also does not go into how he defines the word "fairly," but there is a secret to determining if every contract is fair.
    "A contract is fair if the parties would freely agree to the contract even if their roles were reversed."

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
    Podtrac - https://analytics.podtrac.com/privacy-policy-gdrp

    • 20 min
    Ethical Leadership

    Ethical Leadership

    Would you break the law if you thought it would save the life of your spouse? Would you break the law if you thought it would save the life of a stranger?
    What does the Bible say about dealing with people at different stages of moral development?
    Episode 22 – Leadership Ethics
    Since I am the leader, I can do anything I want, right? Have you had a leader like that or knew
    anyone that thought like that?

    Php 2:3–5 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but
    in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own
    interests, but also to the interests of others.
    Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,


    Ga 5:16–26 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not
    gratify the desires of the flesh. For
    the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit
    are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from
    doing the things…
    1 Pe 1:15–16 but as he who called you is holy, you also be
    holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am

    Ethics Definition
    and Theory

    Is a derivative of the Greek word ethos, meaning
    customs, conduct, or character

    Is concerned with the kinds of values and morals
    an individual or society ascribes as desirable
    or appropriate
    Focuses on the virtuousness of individuals and
    their motives

    Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development

    In 1958 Lawrence Kohlberg had the idea that moral reasoning
    was linked to cognitive development.
    Kohlberg studied this by posing questions about morality to children
    aged 10 – 16 years and what he found was there were three levels of moral
    development and each level was split into two stages. Kohlberg also noted that people progressed
    through these in a fixed order.
    One of the best known of Kohlberg’s (1958) stories concerns
    a man called Heinz who lived somewhere in Europe.

    Heinz’s wife was dying from a particular type of
    cancer. Doctors said a new drug might
    save her. The drug had been discovered
    by a local chemist, and Heinz tried desperately to buy some, but the chemist
    was charging ten times the money it cost to make the drug, and this was much
    more than the Heinz could afford.
    Heinz could only raise half the money, even after help from
    family and friends. He explained to the
    chemist that his wife was dying and asked if he could have the drug cheaper or
    pay the rest of the money later.
    The chemist refused, saying that he had discovered the drug
    and was going to make money from it. The
    husband was desperate to save his wife, so later that night he broke into the
    chemist’s and stole the drug.

    Kohlberg asked a series of questions such as:

    Should Heinz have stolen the drug?

    Would it change anything if Heinz did not love
    his wife?

    What if the person dying was a stranger? Would
    it make any difference?

    Should the police arrest the chemist for murder
    if the woman died?

    Stages of Moral Development

    Level 1.
    Pre-conventional morality - Preconventional morality is the initial
    stage of moral development, lasting approximately until the age of nine. Children do not have a personal moral code at
    the preconventional level; instead, moral decisions are shaped by adult
    standards and the consequences of following or breaking their rules. For example, if an action leads to punishment
    is must be bad, and if it leads to a reward is must be good. Authority is outside the individual and

    • 27 min
    Zig Ziglar's Ambassador - Michelle Prince

    Zig Ziglar's Ambassador - Michelle Prince

    Hey everybody. We are here with Michelle Prince. She is Zig Ziglar's ambassador. She is a published author. She is a mother. She is a wife and we are just so happy to have her here. Michelle, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you so much for having me. I'm really excited to be here. Fantastic. I know we've been working on this a long time and I'm just so glad to have you here. I've been looking forward to this, Michelle, can you share with everyone your salvation story? Oh, I'd love to. As. With most people, I'm sure it's a long journey of how I am, where I am today. But actually Mike started really young. I was seven years old. I was. I can remember the moment like it was yesterday, but I had a, the moment where I meet met in Jesus, this is how I put it, I was in a. Catholic school actually at the time. And we were talking about. About how Jesus is always near. And I just had this moment of clarity and I invited him to come and sit with me and it was this. Crazy moment where I just. And it's hard to explain it now as an adult, but that was the first time that I actually had. And knowledge acknowledgement or understanding of who Jesus was and who he was in my life. And I felt like he was with me throughout my life, but what's really interesting is I didn't know. What I didn't know for most of my adult life. And I actually had a more. Relationship building experience with my salvation about 15 years ago. And it's a longer story that I won't get into, but my love for Jesus, my love for God. My, my commitment to my faith has been there since I was seven. But my understanding of my relationship didn't really go deeper until, like I said, about 15 years ago. I see. Wow. Wow. Yeah. And it's evolving. I feel like I've changed so much. In so many different ways, but God has just really opened my eyes to so many things and. I w I've learned things at such a rapid rate and I've understanding of things that I just didn't have when I was younger. And, God's been working on me for a long time and I'm finally listening and trying to just take it all in and absorb it as much as I can to really understand his will for my life. Beautiful. I know I'm a work in progress and I. I will always be a work in progress. Yeah. Exactly. It's like you can't say you got. We don't have it figured out. It's It's so far from it, but.
    It is a good day though.
    It's interesting because Jesus was all about relationship. It was never about religion. Yeah. And the best relationships go on forever. If you can keep a best friend from childhood on.
    That's your person. Yes. And that's exactly how I felt with, and sometimes it's hard to explain it. 'cause some people say where are you really a Christian? Or if you didn't understand, but I did. And I had this moment and it's like my whole life. I always knew Jesus was by my side. I. I just knew it. I knew it and I could feel it and sense it even without my understanding. Fully. What I didn't know, but that's how God works. I. He has protected me, has favored me and my family. He has given me so much and. And so when I, 15 years ago when I went through a Bible study I really didn't study the Bible. When I was young. The way that I do today. And so I remember going through this Bible study and it was just the most eyeopening, like, why didn't I ever see that before? Or how come? I didn't understand that before. And it was I actually had a. Somebody prophesied over, beyond an airplane. One time, it was a strange experience. And they said to me that my faith was about to radically change. And my my my understanding of it is going to just, grow rapids, and it did. And it was in that moment from, like I said, that was about 15 years ago to today. I still so much to learn, but I've the journey is just so much different and better and yeah.

    That's an amazing story. Thank you. I've got it. I'm dying to ask you this. Tell me about what it was like working with Zig. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my gosh, just....

    • 14 min

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