100 episodios

Maid of Steel is a podcast discussing the CW Show Supergirl. John and Karen talk about the show each week, give some background information about the characters, and share listener feedback. If you'd like to join in the fun, you can do so by calling 304-837-2278 or visit www.goldenspiralmedia.com/feedback.

Maid of Steel: A Supergirl Podcast John McGrail & Karen Lindsay

    • Cine y TV

Maid of Steel is a podcast discussing the CW Show Supergirl. John and Karen talk about the show each week, give some background information about the characters, and share listener feedback. If you'd like to join in the fun, you can do so by calling 304-837-2278 or visit www.goldenspiralmedia.com/feedback.

    MOS 163 - The Last Words

    MOS 163 - The Last Words

    The Legacy of Supergirl for me will always be friends.  The friends that I would not have found if I hadn’t entered the superhero world. I began as many did with Arrow. Having no comic knowledge. I sought out a podcast to help understand this new world. The adventures of Oliver Queen were always a little dark for this butterfly, but I kept watching. Not as much for the show itself but for the Arrow Squad and the people it was drawing into its ranks.  Green Butterfly was technically born on the Central City Underground which celebrated The Flash. The brighter, more humorous tone suited my personality better, but I was still waiting for my hero. I had never heard of Supergirl.   I had seen a few superhero movies when I was younger, but my memories were hazy.  Almost everything I knew was coming from these new CW shows.  Then I met the Scarlet Cougar and Miss Ice. They both helped me understand the multiverse that was beginning to unfold in front of me.
    I knew from the very first episode that Supergirl was going to be my favorite show.  It was funny, light, and full of hope. I was immediately drawn to the characters and the bond I could already see forming between them.   The podcast was super fun too. I often invented a role for Green Butterfly to play in that week's plot. I always wanted to make people smile so I let my silly side come out.  I love that the characters on our show are not bonded by blood but by something stronger. A deep emotional connection and commitment to each other. They support each other through this life all while keeping the world safe.  I also felt my friendships getting stronger as the show continued. Friendships that I feel may not have existed if Supergirl had not come into our living rooms.
    There were aspects of the story that mirrored my life in ways that made the show even more meaningful for me.  One example is when Kara is exposed to kryptonite she is weakened and sometimes nearly paralyzed. I have Cerebral Palsy so when my muscles get sore and tired moving can seem like a monumental task.  Supergirl always fights through and I do too. When they had Alex come out in season 2 I was moved by how much that story resonated with me. The words and emotions Alex was expressing echoed mine from a decade before.  
    The stories entertained me every week.  However, the people in the real world that I met because of the show will always mean the most.  In the years that have passed I have learned so much about my Superfriends. I understood which story elements would excite them and which one’s would drive them crazy. When Miss Ice said she had to step away I was really sad because I was worried Maid of Steel would not continue. Immediately I started praying for a hero and I was rewarded. I can't imagine my life now without Silver Vox. He swooped in when we needed him most.  National City got a new voice to speak the truth about what was happening there and I got a treasured friend.
    I could never fill the Scarlet Cougar’s shoes. Karen taught me so much about superheroes and really ignited my passion to know more.   It was with her encouragement and the help of John, Geoff and Emilee that I found the bravery within myself to let my voice be heard on a weekly basis. I can’t be Scarlet Cougar, but I will always honor her and be your eye in the sky.   The Legacy of Supergirl for me will always be one of fun, friendship, and hope.  Whatever our next adventure holds, I hope you all will join us. Because the most important thing to remember is tv shows will come and go but Superfriends are forever.

    • 2 h 38 min
    MOS 162 - Supergirl Podcaster Roundtable

    MOS 162 - Supergirl Podcaster Roundtable

    The Supergirl season may be over, but the fun here on Maid of Steel continues.  This week we have the super opportunity to sit down with other Supergirl podcast hosts and discuss our adventures. What were the highs and lows of the season? How will we rank this season among all the others?  Listen as we discuss our favorite cast of characters. Then we will begin to talk about what is next now that our beloved show has ended. Thank you to Rebecca and Morgan at Supergirl Radio for inviting us to the table. Green Butterfly is very excited to learn about the others' experiences as we all watched the same story unfold. The script was the same but the way it is interpreted is unique. Are there plans to move ahead on our respective podcasts to keep this conversation going with YOU our treasured listeners? You will have to press play to find out!  This is your eye in the sky Green Butterfly wishing you a super week.

    • 1h 59 min
    MOS 161 - The Flash Armageddon

    MOS 161 - The Flash Armageddon

    Welcome back to Maid of Steel - post Supergirl!!  We're talking about The Flash!!  No, we haven't jumped shows or heroes, we're back to discuss the first five episodes of The Flash Season 8 - "Armageddon."  Why, you ask?  So glad you did!  Armageddon involves a kind of crossover event within the Arrowverse that includes many of our favorite heroes and villains.  Among those is our very own Alex Danvers / The Sentinel!  So, let's run down the plot summaries of the five episodes and summarize the Alex aspect of things, shall we?  Yes, we shall!
    Part 1: When a powerful alien threat arrives on Earth under mysterious circumstances, Barry, Iris and the rest of the team are pushed to their limits in a desperate battle to save the world.
    Part 2: Despero warns The Flash that great tragedies will lead to Armageddon; Barry doubles down on proving his innocence, but a devastating revelation pushes him to seek counsel from Black Lightning.
    Part 3: Barry meets Black Lightning at the Hall of Justice after things take a dire turn with Despero; Iris suspects something is off with Despero's vision of the future so she seeks help from a powerful ally.
    Part 4: Barry is shocked when Eobard Thawne returns in the most unexpected way, and with a tie to a loved one. Damien Darhk offers advice to Barry but there is a catch. An epic battle begins with The Reverse-Flash against The Flash and Team Flash.
    Part 5: Barry must decide whether to let his greatest enemy die, or save his life.
    As for Alex and The Sentinel, she is consulted when Team Flash interacts with Despero to find out anything the DEO knows about Despero's species, which is not much.  We then catch up with Alex at the celebration event on the impending nuptials of Eobard Thawne and Iris West.  When Barry Allen shows up on the scene (as Reverse Flash) everyone goes into battle mode, including the Sentinel.  Alex stays to hang with Team Flash to understand why Barry is here and what kind of trouble he might be trying to cause and takes it upon herself to try to navigate the potential relationship between two members of Team Flash, Allegra and Chester.  She is successful in bringing the two together with the help of the Paragon of Humanity - Ryan Choi.  And, that's about it.  When Eobard is discovered to have created a Reverse Flashpoint most of everything in Parts 2-4 of this event are...negated.  Gotta love the time shenanigans on The Flash!!
    Summary:  This Armageddon event was highly advertised with amazing visuals and the potential for some very cool crossovers but ultimately was uneven in its story telling and the heightened expectations fell short.  As we mention in the podcast, this is sooooooooooooooo much better than what The Flash Season 7 delivered so we'll see what the rest of the Season delivers beginning in March of 2022!

    • 1h 44 min
    MOS 160 - S6E19 & S6E20 - The Last Gauntlet & Kara, Part 2

    MOS 160 - S6E19 & S6E20 - The Last Gauntlet & Kara, Part 2

    The battle has been won.  Esme is safe at home. Alex is a married woman. Kara is committed to being true to both sides of herself. We now live in a National City where the citizens know that Kara Danvers is Supergirl.  She will use words to save the day and fists only when absolutely necessary. She will always be our Paragon of Hope!  What will happen now as our adventure continues?  Look throughout the Universe for all our Superfriends.  I am confident they will pop up to lend a hand as problems arise starting with Sentinel in the five-part Flash Armageddon Event.  
    However, before we dive into whatever drama is brewing elsewhere in the Universe we need to hear from you.  You know how Green Butterfly and Silver Vox feel about the Supergirl finale but what about you?  Here at Maid of Steel you are the star of the show. You are the most important part of the story. There was a lot of anger, sadness and trepidation leading into this pair of episodes. Now that they have aired, did the story within them bring you any closure?  My hope is that you found some joy in the characters we have all loved so much. Now it is time for my favorite part, an episode dedicated entirely to you, our listeners.  Television shows will come and go but Super Friends are forever!

    • 3 h 9 min
    MOS 159 - S6E19 & S6E20 - The Last Gauntlet & Kara, Part 1

    MOS 159 - S6E19 & S6E20 - The Last Gauntlet & Kara, Part 1

    The fight for the totems has taken a desperate turn.  Supergirl and her team have five totems however Lex and Nyxly have stolen the most precious of them all.  The love totem has fused itself with Alex and Kelly’s young daughter Esme.  In true Lex fashion, he gives the Superfriends an ultimatum. They must give him the five totems they possess and the destiny totem then he will return Esme.
    The love totem is different from the others.   Not only did it fuse with a living being, but each time it is activated some of the petals from the flower tattoo on the little girl's neck fall. Nyxly predicts that if all petals are allowed to fall then the totem will find a new host and will be lost to them. Lex and Nyxly disagree on how to separate the totem from Esme. Lex does not care if the little girl is hurt in the process. Lex thinks he is so clever, but we are shown a different side of Nyxly. She wants to possess the totem, but she doesn't want Esme to come to any harm. Nyxly also wants to obtain the totem honestly by passing the love gauntlet. In making this choice the gauntlet is achieved and the love totem judges Nyxly worthy of possessing it.
    Meanwhile Alex and Kara are disagreeing on how to rescue Esme and keep the world safe. Alex wants to meet the ransom demands and take out Lex with her bare hands. Kara is worried about surrendering that much power to the enemy.   If Nyxly and Lex can unite the totems to create the All Stone, Supergirl is concerned they will be unstoppable.  She heads to Prague in pursuit of the destiny totem.  This magical item shows Kara a possible destiny that she cannot allow to happen.   If Nyxly and Lex wield the power of all the totems combined into the All Stone then they will destroy this planet and enslave its people. They must make a plan, so this future does not become a reality. Brainy has an idea to use a satellite to concentrate sunlight to super charge Supergirl. Alex just wants to take the totems and exchange them for her daughter. The sisters go their separate ways to try to achieve victory. In the final moments of absorbing the extra sunlight Kara has second thoughts.  The people she wants to help are scared and running away. This can’t be the right decision. Through the power of Brainy’s legion crown and a little magic from Lena, Supergirl is able to deliver one last hope speech to everyone all at once. This mobilizes the citizens of National City to be the heroes in their own life. As a result of that speech there are many people to back up our Superfriends.  The heroes won the day and evil has been defeated.  Now it is time for the happily ever after. However, our paragon of hope is still conflicted. In the quiet moments following Alex and Kelly’s wedding Kara gets an unexpected phone call. Cat Grant has bought Catco back and wants Kara to be her Editor in Chief.  Can she find the balance in her life? Can she be both?  After some encouragement from Alex and prodding that only Ms. Grant could provide Kara has made a decision. She does have the courage to do both and she will tell the world. She is Kara Danvers, Pulitzer winning reporter and Supergirl.  Kara reveals to the world she is our beloved Maid of Steel.

    • 2 h 7 min
    MOS 158 - S6E18 - Truth or Consequences

    MOS 158 - S6E18 - Truth or Consequences

    The truth is when a fifth dimensional imp has her sights set on your home there will be consequences. In the race to beat Nyxly to seven magical totems there is not much time to relax and unwind. Lena encouraged the group to celebrate Alex and Kelly’s engagement with a bachelorette party.  The ramifications of the heroes taking the night off turns out to be devastating!
    Nyxly and Lex find and take control of the Truth totem. It has taken the form of a camera because a picture cannot lie. In the gauntlet to control this magical item Nyxly must become very vulnerable and tell the truth.
    Esme had an incident at school when another student made fun of her dessert in a baking competition.  She still doesn’t have complete control of her powers, but this is understandable for a young alien like herself. Alex takes her to the tower to run tests to hopefully understand how to help her daughter.  When Kara suggests something to help control her powers, like the glasses Jeremiah gave her as a child, the sisters have an argument.  Alex does not want Esme to have to suppress any parts of herself. She wants her to live happily and true to all aspects of herself. Kelly and Alex are both relieved when the symptoms their daughter has, including a mysterious rose tattoo, can be explained by Esme mimicking the powers of a new student in her class. The Superfriends head to the party. William and Esme head to the tower kitchen to bake something delicious.
    When a monitor alerts William that the Tower security has been breached, he tells Esme to hide. Lena should have checked the Tower’s defenses before leaving for the night. She should have been able to anticipate her brother’s next move. She talked about Lex. I know it crossed her mind, but the Arrowverse has a long history with problematic security setups. This break-in at the tower has catastrophic results.
    Back at the party Brainy is struggling with news he received from the Legion earlier in the day.   Apparently if Querl Dox does not return to the 31st century to merge with the Big Brain the Coluan race will die. This is devastating news for our favorite 12th level intellect. He has had the opportunity in this time to be free of his emotion inhibitors. He has been able to develop his own sense of self. This is very different from the communal society he was born into. He has a family here that is connected not by blood but by love. Brainy is in love with Nia and can’t imagine life without her. Another brainiac reminds him that the timeline will be irrevocably changed if he does not return to his own time. However, couldn’t the same also be said for how much the timeline has been altered due to his presence in this century thus far?  Timeline hypotheticals make Green Butterfly’s head hurt.
    Meanwhile, back at the tower, Lex Luthor has William at gunpoint. Lex is angry with William for publicizing his journals. Something he didn’t even do. Andrea stole the private documents and published them under William’s name.  His blood will be on her hands now because Lex shot and killed William for this crime. In another room Nyxly lures Esme out of hiding with promises of cookies. The imp only wants the love totem. What will she do to the little girl whose body now contains it?  Join us next week as our super series reaches an epic conclusion!

    • 2 h 11 min

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