Her Real Life

Linette Colwell
Her Real Life Podcast

The podcast about her, you, and me. Real conversations about everyday life, situations and struggles that we all go through, yet feel alone. Discussions about culture, spirituality, navigating the world as we now know it and the kids we have to raise in it. Just real life.

  1. Her Real Life, Episode 1: Virtually Well with Mike Jones


    Her Real Life, Episode 1: Virtually Well with Mike Jones

    Who is Mike Jones the trainer? I’m SO glad you asked!! For me, Mike has been a life saver in more ways than one. From the very beginning of my fitness journey, I knew that I would need someone who was knowledgeable, played no games, expected results and checked in on me for follow through. Mike Jones was all of those things. Our interview took place at the beginning of this year, but our virtual fitness relationship has done nothing but flourish. Some call Mike Jones just a trainer, I call him a life coach. Our conversation was filled with insight, laughter, encouragement and all things fitness. Mike Jones is the truth. He not only trains his clients by his methods, but he also lives by them. I hope you enjoy our conversation.We had fun. But enough of me talking, I’ll let his bio speak for him. Meet Mike Jones, my virtual personal trainer. ************************************************************ Michael (Mike) Jones lives by the great quote of the late Kobe Bryant, “The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do”.  Mike Jones is a graduate of Gardner-Webb University with a B.S. in Health and Wellness. He is a former European Basketball Player with a passion for athletics, fitness, and healthy living. Mike served as the Fitness and Nutrition Correspondent for Vitamin C Magazine from 2016-2019. Mike is the creator of the Mike Jones “Get Moving, Get Fit”Kickball League, CEO of Grit, Grind and Muscle, IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and Certified Personal Trainer.  Mike has helped dozens of people lose weight, gain muscle but most importantly, live healthier lifestyles. He believes that fitness is about maximizing our potential as human beings. It's more than just exercising; it's finding the strength and will to keep pushing yourself to become greater! “YOU CANNOT OUTWORK A BAD DIET” - Mike Jones ********************************************************** Mike Jones Email: GritgrindMuscle@yahoo.com IG: @MikeJonesTheTrainer Facebook:  @MikeJonesTheTrainer Website: www.gritgrind-muscle.com ____________________________________________ Her Real Life, The Podcast Creator and Host Linette Colwell Post Production Editor Holly Harris, Torn Roof Entertainment HRL Theme Sound Kingdrums

    49 min
  2. The Clinician and The Man: Being Mentally Black in 2021


    The Clinician and The Man: Being Mentally Black in 2021

    Meet Ricky Duncan; my friend, a clinician, and Black man. There are some people in your life that you meet, interact with and never forget. As the years have passed, Ricky Duncan is one of those people. I met Ricky in 2002, literally almost 20 years ago. Ricky and I both worked for the Department of Social Services in Cleveland County, Shelby North Carolina. I was fresh out of college, confused yet believing I could save the world. Ricky became my roommate and we shared a home for a while during some of the most immature years of my life! Not only was he a great roommate, but an even better Social Worker, and a walking fashion icon. He was respectful and wise beyond his years. He was like  a unicorn. A soft spoken, powerful, game spittin’, gentle, fashion giant; like a mythical beast.  Fast forward to 2021 and of course, we don’t live or work together anymore, but we keep in contact via social media. As we spoke during the interview, it was as if we had never lost time. We’ve followed each other’s lives and it was amazing to reflect all of the growth. Ricky is still cool as ever, stylish, calm and collected. He’s developed yet another talent by way of photography, which isn’t a surprise. His eye for colors, patterns and outfits prove he sees things artistically that others may not see. Ricky is an intelligent, huge hearted friend that I was able to reconnect with to discuss the super important issue of mental health. Now that I’ve shared with you the social side of my friend Ricky, I am even more excited to share with you the professional side of Ricky. When you hear how huge his heart is, and the way he’s giving back to his community professionally and personally, you will understand that Ricky is the epitome of a renaissance man. He can do it all, very well, and I’m proud to call him my friend.  Ricky Duncan, a man of many talents. Helping others are on the top of that list. Ricky has 18 years of total experience as a social worker and 7 years as a clinical therapist. Ricky studied social work at NC State University where he was a a student athlete as part of the track and field team, received his BSW and completed his graduate studies in social work at University North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ricky’s dedication to helping others has always been the fuel that has ignited his passion in having positive impact on those in his community.  Ricky provides therapeutic services to adults and teenagers with a range of diagnosis and life experiences. Ricky currently works as a clinical therapist at Centra Health in Danville, Virginia where he does one on one therapy. Ricky splits his part time clinical work with both Grow Encourage Empower and Holly Hill Hospital. Another amazing effort  that Ricky participates in annually is being a leading fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. He hosts many fundraising events in honor of his Mother, of whom he lost at a young age to breast cancer.  There are so many layers to Ricky Duncan. Our conversation on Her Real Life was interesting, moving, powerful and informative. We discussed the importance of mental health and how the traditional way of providing services has drastically changed since the onset of Covid. We also discussed the cultural stigma that surrounds therapy in the black community. Ricky is still in the great state of North Carolina but commutes to Virginia to help those in need as well. Two ways to connect with Ricky for services, if you’re in those areas, are: Grow Encourage Empower, and Psychologytoday.com. On each site you can simply put “Ricky Duncan” in the search bar and begin the process for receiving counseling services. To learn more about Ricky’s fundraising efforts for the American Cancer Society, check out the ACS website and stay tuned for more information throughout the year.  May is Mental Health Awareness Month and I’m thankful that we’re able to have this open conversation about the importance of our mental

  3. The Young Black Educator- Part 1


    The Young Black Educator- Part 1

    From The Beginning: Episode 3 (Part 1) There are so many things that can be said about my guest. A doctoral student at Western Carolina University pursuing a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Equity and Social Justice. She is fashionable, intelligent and proactive. She has a heart for children and how they should be equally educated. Not only is my guest all those things, she’s also my baby cousin, Cassandra Farley Martin.  This episode is rich with the story of humble beginnings, many childhood memories, and all the foundational things of our real life. From discussing the way our parents raised us, to our ancestors who braved the Middle Passage, (LITERALLY an inside joke. You have to listen to the episode to understand.) to believing that we could do anything. We cover all the things; lack of diversity and cultural awareness in teachers and students that we personally experienced and the lack of awareness of those same areas in our education system today. As a solution to these current problems and disparities, Cassandra, aka (Punkin) created Cardinal Ed., LLC to provide training and curriculum that can help school districts become better equipped for the menagerie of students they may encounter. In Part 1, you’ll hear statistics that will blow your mind. You’ll hear information and data that shows how the system, educational and otherwise, really isn’t set up to create lots of winners. The amount of knowledge Cassandra gives to us will make your head spin. Her attention to detail and passion for children and their growth is astounding. Her desire to create a classroom environment that will produce a successful generation, while also educating the current teaching generation cultural and social awareness, educational equity, and inclusion. The goal is to have educational leaders consciously recognize that their classroom is not as monochromatic as history has tailored the curriculum to be.  The Sound of A Bird: Episode 4 (Part 2) In Part 2 the discussion about disparity in education continues with Cassandra Farley Martin. We learn more about her passion for cultural competence and assisting her fellow colleagues to not only open their eyes to the issues, but actually realize that their eyes are closed. We get into her love for being a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha and the history of that beautiful organization. Cassandra expresses her heart’s mission to make all children and educators knowledgeable of other races, genders, cultures and socioeconomic statuses. We discuss unity and how we’ve been trained to not be united. As you listen to the conversation, you’ll gather insight on biases in our society, but also question your own personal biases.  The sound of birds mean there is life. Bird sounds are awakening and refreshing; calming. Cardinals bring peace and comfort. It’s the state bird for North Carolina and it happens to be one of  Cassandra’s favorite birds as well. The name of her business is no coincidence as Cardinal Ed., LLC has been constructed to bring peace and inclusion to all. Cardinal Ed., LLC: Culturally Aware Racially Diverse Intentionally Nurturing All Learners Ed., LLC is an independent education consultant firm where, Cassandra is the owner, creator and founder. The services of Cardinal Ed., LLC, offers cultural competence training that school districts and leaders need to be equitable in their practices and behaviors in the classroom. Amongst the services offered, Cassandra is able to assist in developing curriculum that is culturally inclusive as well as helping with personal biases. Mrs. Martin is ready to identify the need, look at data and put things in place strategically and intentionally for the best result. Cassandra wants leaders in the educational arena to not be afraid to deconstruct and reconstruct the broken system they’ve worked with for so long, so it works for all students. Being culturally responsive and sensitive are more th

  4. The Young Black Educator-Part 2


    The Young Black Educator-Part 2

    From The Beginning: Episode 3 (Part 1) There are so many things that can be said about my guest. A doctoral student at Western Carolina University pursuing a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Equity and Social Justice. She is fashionable, intelligent and proactive. She has a heart for children and how they should be equally educated. Not only is my guest all those things, she’s also my baby cousin, Cassandra Farley Martin.  This episode is rich with the story of humble beginnings, many childhood memories, and all the foundational things of our real life. From discussing the way our parents raised us, to our ancestors who braved the Middle Passage, (LITERALLY an inside joke. You have to listen to the episode to understand.) to believing that we could do anything. We cover all the things; lack of diversity and cultural awareness in teachers and students that we personally experienced and the lack of awareness of those same areas in our education system today. As a solution to these current problems and disparities, Cassandra, aka (Punkin) created Cardinal Ed., LLC to provide training and curriculum that can help school districts become better equipped for the menagerie of students they may encounter. In Part 1, you’ll hear statistics that will blow your mind. You’ll hear information and data that shows how the system, educational and otherwise, really isn’t set up to create lots of winners. The amount of knowledge Cassandra gives to us will make your head spin. Her attention to detail and passion for children and their growth is astounding. Her desire to create a classroom environment that will produce a successful generation, while also educating the current teaching generation cultural and social awareness, educational equity, and inclusion. The goal is to have educational leaders consciously recognize that their classroom is not as monochromatic as history has tailored the curriculum to be.  The Sound of A Bird: Episode 4 (Part 2) In Part 2 the discussion about disparity in education continues with Cassandra Farley Martin. We learn more about her passion for cultural competence and assisting her fellow colleagues to not only open their eyes to the issues, but actually realize that their eyes are closed. We get into her love for being a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha and the history of that beautiful organization. Cassandra expresses her heart’s mission to make all children and educators knowledgeable of other races, genders, cultures and socioeconomic statuses. We discuss unity and how we’ve been trained to not be united. As you listen to the conversation, you’ll gather insight on biases in our society, but also question your own personal biases.  The sound of birds mean there is life. Bird sounds are awakening and refreshing; calming. Cardinals bring peace and comfort. It’s the state bird for North Carolina and it happens to be one of  Cassandra’s favorite birds as well. The name of her business is no coincidence as Cardinal Ed., LLC has been constructed to bring peace and inclusion to all. Cardinal Ed., LLC: Culturally Aware Racially Diverse Intentionally Nurturing All Learners Ed., LLC is an independent education consultant firm where, Cassandra is the owner, creator and founder. The services of Cardinal Ed., LLC, offers cultural competence training that school districts and leaders need to be equitable in their practices and behaviors in the classroom. Amongst the services offered, Cassandra is able to assist in developing curriculum that is culturally inclusive as well as helping with personal biases. Mrs. Martin is ready to identify the need, look at data and put things in place strategically and intentionally for the best result. Cassandra wants leaders in the educational arena to not be afraid to deconstruct and reconstruct the broken system they’ve worked with for so long, so it works for all students. Being culturally responsive and sensitive are more th

  5. The Officer


    The Officer

    “First of all, I represent myself. Second of all, I represent my family...and then third of all, you know, my community. Then fourth of all, the police department. That’s the last thing I represent, because that’s just my job; that’s what pays my bills, and that’s what allows me to do what I do for my family. But, I tell people all the time, I’m a black man first. I’ve been a police officer for almost 19 years, but I’ve been a black man for 43...” ~Ty Hunt Hunt He’s my friend. We met as middle school kids who went to different middle schools, connected by athletics. Always, consistent in his personality and demeanor, he comes from a wonderful family and he’s made the transition of being a great son, to being a great husband and father, seamless. An East Carolina University graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications Media Production who began his policing career in 2003 in the little town of Conover, North Carolina, Ty Hunt is a Patrolman for the City of Atlanta, since 2007, who is currently assigned to the airport. He’s a husband, father, friend, avid hunter, black man and a police officer. Ty Hunt is a Police Officer. A Police Officer during a time when it seems that racial tensions are higher than they have been since the 60’s. I can’t imagine being in his dichotomous position, but our conversation shares not only his viewpoints of the current situations in our country, but also his triumph in his career and longevity as a black man who just happens to be a Police Officer. Hunting For Himself We discussed his passion for his family, his heritage and his heart for doing what’s right. I learned of his trek to Africa to find his roots and by finding out more of who he is, helps him to be not only a better family man and person as a whole, but it most definitely helps him be a better Police Officer. What I learned from Ty during our conversation, was that it seemed being steeped in self-awareness, foundational knowledge, great communication skills and a genuinely good conscious, Ty has been able to increase his ability to positively manage his career as an Officer. He’s just a good person and like those of us who question some of the choices of his fellow brothers in blue, he doesn’t understand either. Baggage Claim I asked difficult questions and Ty was able to share his heart coming from a man who is a Police Officer that happens to be a 6’5” 270+ pound Black man...he gets looks, questions and misunderstanding from his culture as well as questions and stares from those who don’t look like him. We unpacked a lot of heavy baggage during our brief time together, but I believe that what you hear will be enlightening and encouraging. It’s good to know we have Officers like Ty out there in the world. I can only hope we see more of them stand up and come out more often. Her Real Life, The Podcast Creator and Host, Linette Colwell Post Production Editor Holly Harris, Torn Roof Entertainment HRL Theme Sound Kingdrums

  6. Real Time


    Real Time

    To say life has made some drastic turns is an absolute understatement. Even before Covid and all the changes that bought to our lives and especially our kids, there was the enormous elephant in the room that we all love to hate at times and that is the giant we so lovingly call, Social Media. We all use social media for one reason or another, and for the most part, it’s harmless. Then, there are other times when it’s the absolute worst thing ever created. It’s in these moments that we as adults look at our usage and say, “…maybe I should cut back,” and we step back and evaluate how it makes us feel and we stop for a while.  For our children who are growing up in this social media driven world, it isn’t so simple. For the ever evolving minds of the little people we love and care so much about, social media and the sense of acceptance and belonging it falsely gives to them, it creates a type of stress that they really don’t know how to handle. Having pre-teen and teenage kids in this social media day and age is definitely a task, especially having a daughter. These times can be brutal.  Meet Passion, Purpose and Power As a parent I do my best to expose my children to the good things of life and sometimes the good parts of the not so good things in life. As with everything in my life, when I find a good thing, I try to share it with everybody I know. Sports have always been a huge part of my life and when my children decided to become involved in sports, it made my heart smile. When we found Kiva for my daughter, it literally changed her little athletic life, and ours. The relationships and skill she’s developed have been incredible! I’m so thankful for our Kiva family. One of the first people I encountered at Kiva was Courtney Robison-Dixon. I will be forever grateful for our meeting. She was gracious and honest and at that moment, I knew I’d found the right place for my daughter to grow her passion for volleyball. I had no idea that Courtney was in the process of writing a book for young girls that would be a blessing and life changing read.  Purpose Author Courtney Robison-Dixon is a former Division 1 volleyball player at the University of Louisville who, for the past ten years, has coached girls ages 10-18, as one of the directors of Kentucky Indiana Volleyball Academy (KIVA)- one of the most prominent and prestigious clubs in the country.  Passion Courtney’s life mission is to help young women build the inner strength, confidence, and competence they need to live their lives in real time. Her relatable, supportive, life-changing advice will empower girls to realize that they are women of passion, with a purpose in life and the power to influence the world in a positive way.  PowerCourtney is a powerhouse and she not only communicates, exude and shares her powerful influence, she leans on it help create the next generation of women for a better future. She’s my kind of people and in this episode we discuss the driving force behind this amazing book and the hopes of change that will come not only from every girl, but every adult who reads it. I can’t wait to share the book with my own volleyball team this summer! I’ve set up a Play Date for pre-teen girls to participate in a Virtual Summer Book Club to make sure as many girls in my area are able to read it. I couldn’t be more excited!! The Connection The book, Living in Real Time is available, right now, for purchase!  Connect with Courtney here:  Courtney Robison-Dixon www.courtneyrd.com Instagram- @robisondixon21 Facebook- @courtneyrobisondixon  Twitter-@robisondixon21  *Her Real Life, The Podcast Creator and Host, Linette Colwell *Post Production Editor Holly Harris, Torn Roof Entertainment *HRL Theme Sound Kingdrums

  7. H.E.R. Motivation


    H.E.R. Motivation

    H.E.R. Motivation, Motivates Her “‘LEARN WHO YOU ARE AND BE THAT,’ is a quote that strongly defines where I am in my life. As a believer in God, a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and entrepreneur, I have found my confidence in knowing who I am and standing firm in that place. It feels so freeing to be okay with being me, Arielle Jones. I have learned that no one can be a better me than me!” ~Arielle Jones Meet Her “I stumbled upon the specific journey of finding myself during the COVID Pandemic in 2020. In order to put an end to the constant confusion and ongoing chaos in my mind about what I want to do, what I was created to do and just plainly put, WHO AM I? I prayed and promised to devote time to my Health, Empower myself and other ladies around me and to give myself time to Revitalize. Hence the birth of Motivate H.E.R. (24.7), a platform for women to consciously devote time to themselves. My husband Michael Jones also played a significant role in the conception of Motivate H.E.R. because he helped cultivate the platform of Motivate H.E.R. by encouraging and supporting me through my journey. I genuinely believe that empowered women empower women and if we change the way we think, we can change the world!” Arielle has 10 + years of experience in retail property management. The most significant element of her 10 + year career has been building relationships with entrepreneurs. Those relationships also helped her tap into her curiosity of starting her own business as well as investing in others. Arielle Jones is a product of a HBCU, Clark Atlanta University, graduating Summa Cum Laude. Arielle understands in life, you must find a way or make one (CAU MOTTO)! She is devoted to finding ways to empower women around the world and to encourage women to cherish who they are as well as the gifts and visions they will birth. Life Changing Knowing and speaking with Arielle Jones are two life changing events within themselves. She is an amazing woman and throughout my time of getting to know her better, I am thankful for the experience. In our one on one conversations, we discussed the faithfulness of God, health, wellness, camaraderie, transparency and purpose. We discussed the birth of Motivate H.E.R. and how it is growing and creating changes and ripple effects not only in my life, but lives of women all across the world. The reach of Motivate H.E.R. has made it all the way to Cairo! I personally know the changes this community made in my life and listening to our conversation will show you 1 out of a million reasons why you will want to get connected to Motivate H.E.R. and Arielle Jones.  The Business Motivate H.E.R. currently offers a variety of classes and opportunities to engage with their community and change your life. Email Arielle, follow Motivate H.E.R. on instagram and find your place in line for positive interaction and change. You are in for an absolute treat as we literally dive deep into Her Real Life. Arielle Jones, Motivate H.E.R Email: motivateher24.7@gmail.com IG- https://www.instagram.com/motivateh.e.r/ *********************************************** Her Real Life, The Podcast *Creator and Host  Linette Colwell  *Post Production Editor Holly Harris, Torn Roof Entertainment *HRL Theme Sound Kingdrums

    1h 21m
  8. The Preacher's Wife


    The Preacher's Wife

    She’s a beautiful soul. A thirty something pre-k teacher. An actress, model, author, mother…and a preacher’s wife. Sharece Gash is a friend of mine. Our connection is two fold. We are both part of the G-Dubb aka Gardner-Webb athletic family as well as the Grit, Grind and Muscle family. She’s my accountability partner on those days I don’t feel like getting up early and we are the queens of a “just finished an insane workout, are you alive?” selfie. She helped me get through those initial days of pushing through meal plans, waking up early and finishing the entire workout. There are no words to express how thankful I am for Sharece in my real life. She’s introduced me to Bible studies and a whole new set of ladies who keep support me on my health journey as well as my spiritual journey. Sharece is a praying woman, steeped in peace. Her voice is as calming as ANY sound machine. I’m so thankful we connected. Her story of being a pastor’s wife is interesting, because it isn’t what you think. Sometimes, we are placed in roles and situations that we aren’t always ready for and definitely not equipped. I’m glad to know I wouldn’t be alone in not wanting to dive head first into the deep end of a traditional, southern Black church “First Lady” role, either! I remember seeing the First Lady and all the things she did and what all the people tried to do to get in good graces or to help. Now in 2021, with Covid and the virtual church experience, things are different. Actually, things before Covid were a whole lot different from the 90s and how the church operates and all the moving parts within it. In this episode we discussed Sharece and her childhood, her youth, as well as meeting and marrying her husband. She talked about wanting “NO PARTS” of being a pastor’s wife…but as we all know, God has a way of working things out for the good. In this episode, we take a look into the life of a beautiful woman and how she now navigates leading a church with her husband, that actually has a family connection. We discuss the roles of husband and wife in the home and how those roles have a unique twist in her household. We laughed and had an absolute ball during this episode. Sharece Gash, the preacher’s wife. Sharece, and her husband Chris, the pastor, are the leaders of New Ellis Chapel in Shelby North Carolina. They have two beautiful children. You can join the services they have each week, Wednesday and Sunday mornings on FaceBook. New Ellis Chapel: https://www.facebook.com/newellis.chapel.9 Sharece is also the co-author of the book, “Not Where You Left Me” ************************************************************************************************************************ Her Real Life, The Podcast Creator and Host Linette Colwell * Post Production Editor Holly Harris, Torn Roof Entertainment * HRL Theme Sound Kingdrums

    50 min


The podcast about her, you, and me. Real conversations about everyday life, situations and struggles that we all go through, yet feel alone. Discussions about culture, spirituality, navigating the world as we now know it and the kids we have to raise in it. Just real life.

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