20 min

💪 Self-reliance & independence 1oz Practice

    • Mental Health

Om Namo Narayanaya sweet practitioner!

In this practice we embark on the cultivation of a specific virtue - self-reliance. I read a short story from Swami Sivananda's book "Inspiring stories" to illustrate the importance of self-reliance. We then dive into the meaning, the value and the wisdom of self-reliance and independence.

At 10:13 we start the meditation. We breathe. We visualize. We feel how it feels to possess the virue. We notice how the mind feels when we rely on others. We contemplate on the advantages and we complete the meditation with a strong resolve.

May all beings be peaceful ☮️
May all beings be happy 🙏

Om Namo Narayanaya 🕉

Om Namo Narayanaya sweet practitioner!

In this practice we embark on the cultivation of a specific virtue - self-reliance. I read a short story from Swami Sivananda's book "Inspiring stories" to illustrate the importance of self-reliance. We then dive into the meaning, the value and the wisdom of self-reliance and independence.

At 10:13 we start the meditation. We breathe. We visualize. We feel how it feels to possess the virue. We notice how the mind feels when we rely on others. We contemplate on the advantages and we complete the meditation with a strong resolve.

May all beings be peaceful ☮️
May all beings be happy 🙏

Om Namo Narayanaya 🕉

20 min