26 episodes


Andy漫谈《老友记》 Season Six Andy的美语世界

    • Education


    Friends S06E24-25: 求婚紧盯老大哥 话别说死随便喝

    Friends S06E24-25: 求婚紧盯老大哥 话别说死随便喝

    1. propose to sb 向某人求婚 
    Chandle向朋友们讲述求婚计划时说instead of proposing a toast I’m just gonna propose.
    propose to sb 向某人求婚
    类似的说法还有 pop the question
    Chandler: Okay, well tonight’s the big night.
    Phoebe: Yeah!
    Joey: Okay listen, how are you gonna ask her?
    Chandler: It is going to be perfect. I am taking her to her favorite restaurant. I’m going to get her a bottle of the champagne that she really loves; therefore knows how expensive it is. Then when the glasses are full, instead of proposing a toast I’m just gonna propose.
    Rachel: Ohh…
    Joey: That sounds perfect!
    2. underprivileged 处于弱势地位的,贫困的
    Rachel公司要为了underprivilleged kids举办一个慈善晚宴, Rachel问伙伴们谁能参加。
    underprivileged 处于弱势地位的,相对贫困的 比直接用poor要委婉一些。奥斯卡获奖影片Scent of Women中校长利诱学生出卖朋友的一段对话里就用到了standout but underprivileged student来表示优秀的贫困生。 
    3. open bar 酒水免费
    Phoebe问Rachel参加的Party是否open bar, 得到肯定的回答后就欣然参加了。
     Open bar 意味着这个活动中酒水是免费的
    记得04年在多伦多参加一个party不是open bar,一小瓶啤酒3加币还得给小费。我和同事们一晚上抱着一瓶啤酒晃悠。后来到了蒙特利尔的Party是open bar.同行的伙伴喝酒最少的一个也华丽丽地喝了11瓶。Good memories.
    Rachel: (entering) Hey!
    Chandler: Hey!
    Joey: Hey Rach!
    Rachel: Are any of you guys free tonight? My boss is hosting this charity event for underprivileged kids and the more people I bring, the better I look. So, Monica? Chandler?
    Chandler: (glaring at her) Well, Monica and Chandler can’t go. We’re going to dinner remember?!
    Rachel: Oh my God, I’m so sorry.
    Monica: What’s the big deal?
    Chandler: I just get mad when Rachel doesn’t remember where we’re going.
    Joey: Where are you going?
    Rachel: How about you guys? 
    Phoebe: Open bar?
    Rachel: I think so.
    Phoebe: I can do that for the kids.
    4. throw sb off the track 误导某人迷失方向
    Phoebe和Joey看到Monica和Chandler晚餐回来以为求婚结束了高兴地要看Monica的手,把Monica弄蒙了。Chandler悄悄向他们解释了没有求婚并指责他们破坏了惊喜,Phoebe就说她会throw her off the track .
    throw sb off the track = throw sb off the trail 通过误导使某人迷失方向,无迹可寻,脱离正轨,也就是我们俗话说的把某人往沟里带。
    Phoebe: What happened?
    Chandler: Richard was there so I couldn’t do it!
    Joey: What?! Noooo… (Phoebe gasps.)
    Chandler: I’m gonna do it tomorrow y’know, and-and surprise her, but now you’ve ruined it!
    Joey: We didn’t ruin it!
    Chandler: Who walks into a room and asks to see a person’s hands?!
    Phoebe: Well, a palm reader, a manicurist, a hand doctor…
    Joey: Glove salesman!
    Phoebe: Good one! Yeah.
    Chandler: This is terrible. What am I going to do?
    Phoebe: Look, she only suspects something okay? She doesn’t know for sure, so justthrow her off the track.
    5. keep tabs on someone 紧盯某人或某事
    Chandler故意在Monica面前说诋毁婚姻甚至说how its just a way for the government to keep tabs on you.婚姻是政府盯梢你的方式
    keep tabs on someone 紧盯某人或某事
    例句:It's not always possible to keep tabs on everyone's movements.
    然后Joey附和了一句Big Brother. 老大哥是乔治·奥威尔在他的反乌托邦小说《一九八四》中塑造的一个人物形象。Big Brother是《一九八四》中大洋国的领袖,是最高领导人, 无时无刻监视着人民。

    Monica: (entering) Hi guys!
    Joey: Hey!
    Chandler: Hey!
    Monica: What are you up too?
    Chandler: Oh, just hanging out, talkin’ about uh, websites. Yeah, we saw this really interesting website about marriage and how totally unne

    • 10 min
    Friends S06E23 Vol.2:陈年往事已如烟 认真揩油有一点

    Friends S06E23 Vol.2:陈年往事已如烟 认真揩油有一点

    1. mooch off sb 占某人的便宜 
    Ross和Joey在判断Chandler生气的原因时,认为是因为他们没有给Chandler买一张球赛的票。Joey觉得Chandler一直占他们便宜。于是说That guy is always mooching off us!
    mooch 本意是闲逛,搭配around。另一个意思是白吃白拿
    mooch off sb 占某人的便宜,揩某人的油
    例句:You're old enough to get a job and stop mooching off your family.你年紀不小了,可以找份工作,別再白吃家裡的了。
    mooch off parents 啃老
    Ross: Hey, remember how Chandler and Phoebe blew us off yesterday?
    Joey: No.
    Ross: Remember? You-you were eating pizza.
    Joey: Yeah.
    Ross: Okay. Well, apparently Chandler’s angry at us for not getting him a ticket to that Knicks game a couple of weeks ago.
    Joey: Oh, we’re supposed to just get him a ticket?! That guy is always mooching off us!
    2. a tad 稍微有一点
    菲比戴了满身珠宝问店员Is that too much? 店员无奈地回答A tad。
    a tad = a little 稍微有一点
    常用的一个短语 just a tad 
    Phoebe: Okay umm, I’d also like to try on the tiara.  Oh yeah. Okay. What do you think, too much?
    Male Jeweler:A tad.
    3. for real 认真的,严肃的
    当Chanlder向Ross和Joey透露求婚的事情,Ross不敢相信地说Is this for real? 
    For real在这里等于serious. I am for real. 我是认真的。
    4. freeze out someone 排挤某人
    当Chandler向Joey和Ross说出了他将要向Monica求婚的消息以后,Joey觉得不应该再继续他们对Chandler的排挤了,说道I think we gotta end the freeze out.
    freeze out someone 排挤某人
    5. water under the bridge 过去的事情了
    Joey听到Chandler求婚的消息决定跟他冰释前嫌说We could be friends again. Chandler一头雾水因为他根本就不知道Joey和Ross排挤他的事情。Joey赶紧打圆场说Water under the bridge.
    water under the bridge “过去的事情了,已成往事”。
    Chandler: Guys? (They ignore him.) I’ve got something important to tell ya. (Still nothing so he walks over and stands in front of the TV.) Guys? (They lean over to try and watch the TV, Chandler mimics them.) Guys?! (Pause) I’m gonna ask Monica to marry me.
    Joey: (To Ross) I think we gotta end the freeze out.
    Ross: Wait a minute, is this, is this for real?
    Chandler: Yeah, check out the ring. 
    Joey: Oh my God!!
    Ross: So you two are really serious?!
    Chandler: Yep, pretty much.
    Ross: You-you’re gonna get married?! I mean… We’re gonna be brothers-in-law! (They hug.)
    Joey: And-and-and-and-and-and, and we’re gonna be friends again!
    Chandler: Heyyyy—What?
    Joey: Oh it’s water under the bridge, forget it!

    • 6 min
    Friends S06E23 Vol. 1: 无意闯入有回报 小鸡就会临阵逃

    Friends S06E23 Vol. 1: 无意闯入有回报 小鸡就会临阵逃

    1. walk in on sb doing sth 无意闯入撞到某人做某事 
    Chandler把准备求婚的秘密告诉Phoebe主要是You walk in on me browsing ring brochure. 
    Walk in on 意思是无意闯入某地撞见某事。
    Walk in on sb doing sth 撞见某人做某事
    例句:She walked in on me when I was getting undressed.
    类似意思的一个短语是 barge in 闯入
    I'm sorry to barge in like this, but I have a problem I hope you can solve. 
    2. pay off 取得成功,得到回报
    Chandler说Phoebe闯入房间看到他浏览购买戒指的册子本来是一句调侃又有一点不满的话,Phoebe不以为耻反以为荣,说once again not knocking pays off. 不敲门又一次赚到了。
    pay off 本意是还清,最常见的搭配就是pay off  debt还有pay off mortgage 
    pay off 取得成功,得到回报
    例句:In the long term, our efforts will pay off.從長遠來看,我們的努力將獲得回報。
    His hard work paid off in the end, and he finally passed the test.最後,他的辛苦付出得到了回報,他終於通過了測驗。
    Chandler: Pheebs, can you help me pick out an engagement ring for Monica? I can’t figure this out! It’s so hard! Should I get her a (turning to each page) Tiffany cut or a Princess cut or a—ah-ah! Paper cut!
    Phoebe: Now, have you told anyone else?
    Chandler: No, I don’t want to tell anybody else because I don’t want Monica to find out.
    Phoebe: You told me.
    Chandler: Well, it’s because I trust you, you’re one of my best friends, and you walked in on me when I was looking at ring brochures.
    Phoebe: Yeah well, once again not knocking pays off. I only wish you hadn’t been on the toilet.
    Chandler: Me too.
    3. can't complain 过得还行
    当Phoebe问Paul How are things going with you? Paul的回答是Can’t complain. 
    can't complain 意思是还行(总体上还算满意),相当与Not bad或者same old, same old 
    Phoebe: Hi Paul!
    Paul: Hi Phoebe.
    Phoebe: So how are things going with you?
    Paul:Can’t complain.
    4. Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁
    Paul向Rachel敞开心扉哭诉小时候遭人欺凌的遭遇, 这一段当中chicken这个词成了焦点。
    Rachel先是试图打断Paul的哭诉建议去吃饭,说Paul喜欢Kung Pao Chicken. 
    Kung Pao Chicken 国外最有名的中国菜-宫保鸡丁
    另外的中国名菜还有mapo tofu 麻婆豆腐等
    听到chicken Paul哭得更厉害了,因为他小时候被叫做chicken boy. chicken是一种胆小的动物。
    chicken out 临阵退缩
    Paul: And in fifth grade I got into a fight. Well, it wasn’t really a fight. Richard Darinvel bit me on the nose and, and I feel down. I still have a little scare right here (points to it) you can see it.
    Rachel: Yeah. Yeah, I-I-I see the scare. Listen, Paul, I think this is really great that-that y’know, you shared your feelings. It’s really, it’s beautiful, but umm, what do you say we go share some food?
    Paul: Oh, I couldn’t eat now.
    Rachel: What?! Wait! What are you talking about?! You love their Kung Pao Chicken!
    Paul: Chicken? (Pointing to himself.) Chicken boy!
    Rachel: My God, I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do that! I wouldn’t do that!
    5. haggle 砍价
         在Chandler挑选戒指时,菲比自告奋勇I know how to haggle. 
    Don't be afraid to haggle: for the moment, it's a buyer's market.
    Chandler: Oh, this one’s nice! (Pointing to another ring.) I like this one! Sir? Uh, kind sir? Can I see this one?
    Phoebe: Wait a minute, no, this is, this is the reason you brought me. Okay? I know how to haggle. So let me handle this from here on out.

    • 6 min
    Friends S06E22: 唤醒记忆去登记 吸收过滤上好戏

    Friends S06E22: 唤醒记忆去登记 吸收过滤上好戏

    1. jog one's memory 唤醒某人记忆 
    Joey又成了电视明星,想要干洗店老板再把他的照片放回到店里的电视明星墙上。但老板已经不记得他是谁,所以Joey要提醒一下,他拿出一张照片说Maybe this will jog your memory.
    jog someone’s memory 唤醒某人的记忆
    jog这个单词的本义是“慢跑;轻碰,轻推”。jog one's memory就是to stimulate someone's memory to recall something 唤起记忆。例句:
    I tried to jog Jack's memoryabout our childhood.

    Joey: Hey! So I’m back.
    The Dry Cleaner: Who are you?
    Joey: Joey Tribbiani! From the wall! Okay, maybe this will jog your memory, huh? Huh? Okay eh-ah-anyway, I’m ready to go back up on the wall I’m the star of a new TV show.
    2. soak up 吸收
    三个女生到了博物馆非常兴奋Monica大喊soaking up all the culture 尽情吸收文化吧。
    Soak up 吸收
    Soak 本意是浸泡,湿透。当吸收讲加in 或 up. 另外在口语中也有喝的烂醉的意思。另外be soaked也可以指被淋成落汤鸡。 
    Monica: Oh, I love museums!
    Rachel: Umm.
    Monica:Soakin’ up all the culture.
    Rachel: Yeah.
    Monica: Where do you want to start?
    Rachel: Ooh, the gift shop!
    3. screen 筛除
    博物馆的工作人员打来电话,Chandler和Monica的电话答录机自动接听并说出了if you’re listening to this message, we’re probably screening.这样的话。
    Screen除了当屏幕讲以外还有筛子的意思,用作动词就是筛选过滤。Chandler的电话答录机上说We are screening.意思是我们在筛选该接的电话。
    Chandler: (on machine) You’ve reached Monica and Chandler’s, if you’re listening to this message, we’re probably screening. (to himself) Yeah we are.
    The Museum Official: (on phone) Hi, this is Heldi from the Morgan Chase museum. I’m calling for Monica Geller. I want to let her know that there was a cancellation and if she’s still interested in having the Bing-Geller wedding at our facility, it is available… 
    Chandler: (on phone) This is Chandler Bing! This is Chandler Bing! (Listens) Yes, the groom—No! Not the groom!!
    4. showtime 好戏上场
    Paul跟Rachel约会之前对着镜子给自己来了一通pep talk, 然后大喊一声showtime. 
    Showtime 好戏上场。
    在做某重要事情之前会讲这句话showtime 或者it is showtime. 
    美国又一家电视台也叫showtime, 后来还推出过Joey的扮演者Matt LeBlanc的自传剧集Episodes
     Just relax. Just relax Paul, you’re doing great.  She likes you. She… Maybe, she likes you. She likes you. Y’know why? Because you’re a (pause) neat guy.  You are the man. You are (pause) the man! (He opens his shirt and looks at his chest.) I still got it. Nice and sexy. You’re just a love machine. (Starts singing) I’m just a love machine and I won’t work for nobody but you! Hey bab-y! (Flexes and grunts loudly.) Showtime. (Starts to leave and starts singing.) I’m just a love machine, yeah ba-by! (Grunts again and Ross is stunned.)
    5. put down one's name 登记某人名字
     Monica后悔在博物馆里登记结婚信息,因为她以为把Chandler给吓跑了。所以她后悔put her name down.
    Put down one’s name 写下某人的名字或在某个单子上登记某人的名字

    Monica: Phoebe!
    Phoebe: Yeah?
    Monica: Have you seen Chandler?!
    Phoebe: No! Why?
    Monica: The woman from the museum called and said that there was a cancellation and that we could move up our wedding and Chandler heard! (Phoebe gasps.) I know! How bad is this?!
    Phoebe: Well for the regular guy, it’s bad, but Chandler, Oh dear God!
    Monica: I know! I know! And he totally freaked out and I can’t find him anywhere!
    Phoebe: What are you gonna do?
    Monica: Well, I’m never gonna listen to you again, that’s for sure! (Mimicking her.) "Y’know, harm can it do if you go and put your name down?"
    Phoebe: Rachel said that!
    Monica: Well Rachel’s

    • 7 min
    Friends S6E21:激动拌嘴十二宫 攻击美言很认同

    Friends S6E21:激动拌嘴十二宫 攻击美言很认同

    1. horoscope 星座运势 
    Horoscope 就是星座运势,占星术。天宫图特指占星学里面用图像表示的日、月、行星以及黄道十二宫和中天的位置。
     Zodiac signs 黄道十二宫是描述黄道带上人为划分的十二个随中气点移动的均等区域,以数学方式的划分为十二个30°的扇区,在占星术领域上使用这些区域充当天文学上的黄道星座。从春分点开始的,也称为白羊宫(Aries)的第一点。
    2. lover's spat 情侣拌嘴
    Phoebe给Monica和Chandler进行星座运势分析,刚刚说他们互赠礼物就又预言他们的lover's spat
    lover's spat 情侣拌嘴
    spat 是因为一些很小的事情产生摩擦,可以翻译成口角和斗嘴,不如quarrel或是argue严重。 
    Rachel: Okay, Chandler!
    Chandler: Okay.
    Rachel: And your horoscope says, "On the fifth a special someone is going to give you a gift."
    Chandler: (To Monica) Oh, well thank you in advance. (Kisses her.)
    Rachel: Op, but the twelfth brings a lover’s spat.
    Monica: (To Chandler) You are going to make a joke about my special present! Why would you do that?!
    Rachel: Oh, wait and on the nineteenth a secret crush announces itself.
    3. be psyched about sth/to do sth 很兴奋做某事
    Joey明天就要去拍新剧Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.了, Chandler问他 So are you psyched to fight fake crime with your robot sidekick?
    be pyched about sth/to do sth 「很兴奋(be excited; be pumped up;be thrilled )」的意思,对即将发生的事情已经做好完全的心理准备,因此非常期待兴奋狀態。
    需要注意的是 be pyched out 意思完全不一样了,意思是非常紧张,近乎崩溃。 
    Joey: (entering) Hey guys!
    Chandler: Hey!!
    Rachel: (ecstatic) Oh my God! It’s Joey Tribbiani of Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.!!!!!!!
    Chandler: Oh that’s right. It’s your first day! So are you psyched to fight fake crime with your robot sidekick?
    Joey: Am I psyched? The lead in my own TV series? I’ve dreamed about this for years! Why have I not been preparing?!
    Phoebe: No! Joey, you’re going to be great!
    4. be well received 得到认同,反响很好
    菲比说自己写的书well received. 
    Be well received 被很好的接受,可以表示反响很好, 得到认同。
    有的人回email的时候写well received 以为是好好地收到了,其实是错的。 
    Chandler: Are you judging them by their covers? Because you’re really not supposed to do that.
    Phoebe: No, I’m just deciding which one to use—I’m gonna start writing another book!
    Rachel: Be-because the last one was such a big seller?
    Phoebe: Well, if you must know I have written 14 books. And as I am the only one who has read them, I can tell you that they all have been very well received.
    5. 大牌客串:Bruce Willes
      本集客串Ross小女友父亲的是好莱坞一线巨星Bruce Willes. 布鲁斯是著名银幕硬汉,《虎胆龙威》系列红遍全球,与《人鬼情未了》女主角黛米摩尔曾经的婚姻也曾颇为让人羡慕这对银幕情侣,不过如今已经劳燕分飞。布鲁斯早年也曾以电视剧《蓝色月光》起家成名,所以客串起来驾轻就熟。
    6. talk sb up 替某人美言
    为了给Elizhabeth的父亲留下好印象,Ross让朋友们给自己多多美言,Rachel从洗手间出来没有注意到Paul已经到了,大大咧咧地说 I am ready to talk you up. 
    talk someone/something up 替...说好话,吹捧..., 替...美言
    Don't worry. I'll talk you up when your girlfriend's here.
    别担心, 你女朋友来了我会替你说好话的。
    Even though you talked him up. I 'm pretty clear who he is.
    尽管你大力捧他, 但我很清楚他是什么人。
    Rachel: Hi, I’m sorry I’m late but I am ready, ready to talk you up! When does Liz’s father get here?
    Paul: I’m already here.
    Rachel: Oh! Ross is sooo great!
    7. kiss one's ass 拍马屁

    • 9 min
    Friends S06E20: 无意冒犯责备人 走运倒霉说不清

    Friends S06E20: 无意冒犯责备人 走运倒霉说不清

    1. solid 可靠的,值得尊敬的 
     Phoebe在帮Joey对台词的时候对自己表现很满意,对自己一顿猛夸。Joey赶忙说自己也不错。Phoebe的回应是You are solid. Yeah you are just not me.
        当我们说一个人solid, 这是一个夸奖意思是这个人很可靠,很值得尊敬,口语里也表示非常棒best of best. 

    Phoebe: Oh my God.
    Joey: What?
    Phoebe: I am extremely talented!
    Joey: Yeah, you’re great! Okay, let’s take it from…
    Phoebe: No, I mean I was really acting my ass off.
    Joey: Yeah, I thought I was pretty good too.
    Phoebe: Oh yeah, you’re solid. Yeah, you’re just no me.
    Joey: Y’know what? I think that’s enough for now. Yeah. I don’t want to be over rehearsed.
    Phoebe:  Fine! I’ll do it without you! I don’t need you or anybody else! I’m gonna make it on my own! You’ll see!! You’ll all see
    2. luck out 走运,交上好运
    Joey接到了一部新戏,是和一个机器人来搭档。他扮演的角色名字叫Mac, 这个机器人简称为C.H.E.E.S.E. 这部戏就叫做Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E, 发音和奶酪意面一样。朋友们觉得很好笑,可是Joey去不这么想,他说Y’know they really lucked out that the initials spell cheese.
    这里要注意luck out的用法,这个短语可以表示两种完全相反情况。
    首先luck out 走运,交上好运(而获致某物)
    例句:I was sure I was going to miss the train;but I lucked out, the train was five minutes late.本来我想我一定赶不上火车了,可是我真走运,火车晚点了五分钟。
    其次,luck out 也有不走运,注定倒霉的意思
    例句:The forecast’s very bad. We’ll luck out and get failed in this battle.气象预报说近期天气很不好。我们注定要倒霉,这一回我们准打败仗。
    Chandler: (To Joey) So uh, what’s this thing you’re auditioning for?
    Joey: Oh, it’s a new TV show. Yeah. I’m up for the part of Mac Macaveli or "Mac." Yeah, I’m a detective and I solve crimes with the help of my robot partner. He’s a, he’s a Computerized Humanoid Electronically Enhanced Secret Enforcer or-or "C.H.E.E.S.E."
    Rachel: So Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.
    Joey: That’s the title! Yeah! Y’know they really lucked out that the initials spell cheese.
    Chandler: That is lucky.
    3. no offense 无意冒犯
    Joey参加完面试以后觉得效果不佳,在向Ross和Chandler说起两位朋友可能不理解自己压力很大的时候说I mean no offense, but what you guys do is very different. I don’t know if you’d understand.
    no offense 一般指出对方缺点时,或者表示不同观点的时候,都可以加这样一句,表示没有故意要冒犯的意思。
    这实在是一句超级无赖的句子,因为通常在你对别人说了一句不怎么中听、不怎么礼貌的话之后,你就能说“no offense”,用于说明“无意冒犯哈”(很多情况下明明已经冒犯了,这么一说人家脾气都发不得内,真是很没天理……)或者有的时候只是担心别人多想,礼貌地补充一句“无意冒犯”,这时如容果对方大人大量压根儿没放心上的话,就应该回答说:“None taken.”
    Joey: I’m just so nervous! Y’know? The callback isn’t until tomorrow at five. I feel like my head is going to explode!
    Chandler: Well, it is overdue.
    Ross: Look, don’t worry. Okay? You’re gonna be fine.
    Joey: There’s just so much pressure. I mean no offense, but what you guys do is very different. I don’t know if you’d understand.
    Ross: Yeah, none of us have to deal with pressure at our jobs.
    4. beat oneself up 自责
    Chandler忘了转告Joey面试这件事让Chandler自责不已,Monica劝他Oh, stop beating yourself up!
    Beat sb up 本意是痛打某人.但是用在beat oneself up意思是后悔,就像kick oneself 一样当后悔讲
    beat oneself up = blame oneself = kick oneself 

    • 6 min

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