7 min

Day 18: The Dawn of a New Day Enchanted Empath

    • Spirituality

Welcome to day 18 of the 22 day Psychic Cleanse. Today feels like a warm embrace after a wild storm, a gentle reminder that hope follows despair. If you've been weathering storms lately, take solace, for today brings a much-needed reprieve.

Picture yourself as a phoenix rising from the ashes. You've faced challenges head-on, shed layers of limiting beliefs, and emerged stronger and more radiant than ever. Through it all, you've discovered the core of who you truly are, beyond the illusions.

The Star

Today, let's tap into the energy of The Star card in the Tarot. Imagine a serene figure kneeling by a pool of water, pouring two vessels. One vessel pours into the pool, nourishing the earth, while the other pours onto the ground, symbolizing renewal and replenishment. This card is like a beacon of hope, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there's always a guiding light.

Much like The Star, you are a conduit of divine energy. You're connected to the universe in profound ways, even if you don't fully grasp it yet. Through the ups and downs, you've clung to that connection, anchoring yourself in pure, loving energy.

But here's the beautiful twist: in discovering your true essence, you've also uncovered your power. You realize that regardless of what life throws your way, you possess the strength and resilience to overcome it. You've peeled away the layers of doubt and insecurity, standing tall in your authenticity.

So, as you soak in the glow of today's respite, take a moment to honor the journey you've traversed. Celebrate the bravery it took to confront your shadows and the insights you've gathered along the path. Understand that you're a radiant star amidst the cosmos, spreading love and light wherever you tread. It's truly your time to shine!

And remember, amidst the vast expanse of the night sky, the stars offer us guidance. They twinkle with wisdom and spiritual insight, ready to illuminate our path if we only pause to listen.

"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all."

emily dickinson

Cleansing Exercise

Today is a perfect opportunity to reach out to your spirit guides. Say a warm hello and express your gratitude with a note or a small gift. It could be anything from flowers to a candle, or even your favorite fruit. Show them your appreciation for their guidance and collaboration on your journey.

Journal Prompt 

Reflect on a time when you felt a strong connection to your inner guidance or spiritual intuition. What signs or messages did you receive? How did you honor and nurture this connection? Write about any insights or revelations that arose from this experience, and consider how you can continue to cultivate and deepen your spiritual connection moving forward.

Creative Meditation  

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine yourself standing in a lush, serene garden surrounded by vibrant flowers and tall, swaying trees. Feel the gentle warmth of the sun on your skin and the soft breeze brushing against your face.

As you walk through the garden, you notice a sparkling pool of water ahead. Approach it with curiosity and ease. Gazing into the clear, reflective surface, you see your own reflection shimmering back at you, filled with light and radiance.

Now, imagine reaching out your hand and dipping it into the water. As you do, you feel a gentle tingling sensation, a connection to the energy of the universe.

Welcome to day 18 of the 22 day Psychic Cleanse. Today feels like a warm embrace after a wild storm, a gentle reminder that hope follows despair. If you've been weathering storms lately, take solace, for today brings a much-needed reprieve.

Picture yourself as a phoenix rising from the ashes. You've faced challenges head-on, shed layers of limiting beliefs, and emerged stronger and more radiant than ever. Through it all, you've discovered the core of who you truly are, beyond the illusions.

The Star

Today, let's tap into the energy of The Star card in the Tarot. Imagine a serene figure kneeling by a pool of water, pouring two vessels. One vessel pours into the pool, nourishing the earth, while the other pours onto the ground, symbolizing renewal and replenishment. This card is like a beacon of hope, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there's always a guiding light.

Much like The Star, you are a conduit of divine energy. You're connected to the universe in profound ways, even if you don't fully grasp it yet. Through the ups and downs, you've clung to that connection, anchoring yourself in pure, loving energy.

But here's the beautiful twist: in discovering your true essence, you've also uncovered your power. You realize that regardless of what life throws your way, you possess the strength and resilience to overcome it. You've peeled away the layers of doubt and insecurity, standing tall in your authenticity.

So, as you soak in the glow of today's respite, take a moment to honor the journey you've traversed. Celebrate the bravery it took to confront your shadows and the insights you've gathered along the path. Understand that you're a radiant star amidst the cosmos, spreading love and light wherever you tread. It's truly your time to shine!

And remember, amidst the vast expanse of the night sky, the stars offer us guidance. They twinkle with wisdom and spiritual insight, ready to illuminate our path if we only pause to listen.

"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all."

emily dickinson

Cleansing Exercise

Today is a perfect opportunity to reach out to your spirit guides. Say a warm hello and express your gratitude with a note or a small gift. It could be anything from flowers to a candle, or even your favorite fruit. Show them your appreciation for their guidance and collaboration on your journey.

Journal Prompt 

Reflect on a time when you felt a strong connection to your inner guidance or spiritual intuition. What signs or messages did you receive? How did you honor and nurture this connection? Write about any insights or revelations that arose from this experience, and consider how you can continue to cultivate and deepen your spiritual connection moving forward.

Creative Meditation  

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine yourself standing in a lush, serene garden surrounded by vibrant flowers and tall, swaying trees. Feel the gentle warmth of the sun on your skin and the soft breeze brushing against your face.

As you walk through the garden, you notice a sparkling pool of water ahead. Approach it with curiosity and ease. Gazing into the clear, reflective surface, you see your own reflection shimmering back at you, filled with light and radiance.

Now, imagine reaching out your hand and dipping it into the water. As you do, you feel a gentle tingling sensation, a connection to the energy of the universe.

7 min