Freedom Reportage: Unbiased and Uncensored News

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Freedom Reportage: Unbiased and Uncensored News Podcast

Freedom Reportage delivers captivating stories, relevant headlines, developing stories, breaking news, features and analysis from Europe, Africa, Asia-Pacific, and America. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. All the content used in this audio recording belong to their respective owner, Support this podcast:

  1. 25/03/2023

    Biden Administration is Releasing Horde of Chinese Illegal Aliens Into U.S.

    The Biden administration has now begun releasing Chinese illegal aliens into the U.S., according to reports. Fox News captured Border Patrol releasing Chinese nationals to an NGO in Brownsville, Texas on Tuesday. “CBP sources say they are being released w NTAs (notices to appear) because there are so many crossing and no more space to house them,” reported Fox News correspondent Griff Jenkins. FOX News captures exclusive video of Chinese nationals being released publicly to an NGO in Brownsville, TX. CBP sources say they are being released w NTAs (notices to appear) because there are so many crossing and no more space to house them Jenkins over the weekend reported that a group of Chinese nationals were apprehended at the Rio Grande Valley border. FOX News cameras were rolling as more Chinese nationals illegally cross into the RGV sector this morning… this group of 5 would not say how much they paid to smugglers. The RGV sector seeing a more than 900% increase in Chinese nationals since last year The region has also seen a 900% spike in Chinese nationals crossing the border. The CBP Nationwide Encounters report shows a massive spike in Chinese nationals in 2023 compared to the last three previous years. According to the report, Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 5,000 Chinese nationals just between October 1, 2022, and February 28, 2023. Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Gloria Chavez claimed CBP apprehended 90 Chinese nationals illegally entering the U.S. last Thursday, the largest one-day apprehension of Chinese nationals at the border since 2010. Cartels have reportedly tapped into the Chinese smuggling market and charge them triple what they charge other migrants because they’re coming from an industrialized first world nation. This episode is also available as a blog post: --- Support this podcast:

    2 min
  2. Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Flooded With Billion of Dollars in Deposits As Small Bank Run out Of Cash


    Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Flooded With Billion of Dollars in Deposits As Small Bank Run out Of Cash

    Over the weekend, amid populist howls of outrage that a bailout of SVB would promote moral hazard (in the end depositors did get bailed out with a full recovery, but other unsecured creditors oddly enough would get nothing, while the common stock is a doughnut), we said that while technically true, the events that toppled SVB and now SBNY as well, are really a subsidy for the big banks. Many view what’s happening as a question of moral hazard and a bailout of small banks. It’s really a subsidy of big banks: JPM was solidly green in Friday’s rout— zerohedge (@zerohedge) March 12, 2023 Today, one day after many small banks nearly failed amid a surge in deposit outflows, we read that “after the back-to-back collapse of three smaller banks, their biggest US counterparts are seeing a rush of depositors fearful the crisis will spread.” According to Bloomberg, JPMorgan – or as we now call it JPMega – the largest US bank and about to become much, much bigger, alone received billions of dollars in recent days, and Bank of America, Citigroup and Wells Fargo & Co. are also seeing higher-than-usual volume. “The top six banks in the US are and have been too big to fail, the financial crisis over 10 years ago demonstrated that,” Michael Imerman, an assistant professor at the University of California Irvine’s business school, told Bloomberg. “So it’s safer to go with a name with higher degree of certainty.” Other banks are seeing increased deposit inflows as well. Citizens Financial Group Inc. announced Monday that it “has seen higher than normal interest from prospective new customers over the past few days,” and that it would temporarily extend branch hours to accommodate. Confirming BBG reporting, the FT writes that “Large US banks are inundated with new depositors as smaller lenders face turmoil“, which of course means that small bank deposits are getting drained. so… small financial institutions are losing deposits quickly— zerohedge (@zerohedge) March 14, 2023 According to the FT report, “large US banks are being inundated with requests from customers trying to transfer funds from smaller lenders, as the failure of Silicon Valley Bank results in what executives say is the biggest movement of deposits in more than a decade.” This episode is also available as a blog post: --- Support this podcast:

    6 min
  3. American Capitalism ‘Breaking Down Before Our Eyes,’ US Billionaire Warns


    American Capitalism ‘Breaking Down Before Our Eyes,’ US Billionaire Warns

    As Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin once observed, “there are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” The bailout package for Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) introduced by US authorities shows that capitalism in America is “breaking down before our eyes,” billionaire hedge fund manager Ken Griffin has reportedly stated. “The US is supposed to be a capitalist economy, and that’s breaking down before our eyes,” Griffin told a major British business journal during an interview on Monday. The statement came just one day after American regulators promised that all SVB customers — including those who had invested more than the $250,000 limit guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) — will be reimbursed in light of the bank’s collapse. Warning that there’s “been a loss of financial discipline with the government bailing out depositors in full,” Griffin put the blame on regulators, who he said were “the definition of being asleep at the wheel.” If the Biden administration had simply let the banks fail and only backstopped federally-insured accounts, it would have been “a great lesson in moral hazard,” according to the billionaire. Griffin is far from the only influential investor to blast the decision to bail out bankers who decided to bet the farm on the prospect that low interest rates would last for years. “What effectively happened over the weekend is that [Biden] nationalized the American banking system,” Canadian businessman and Shark Tank host Kevin O’Leary told a mainstream US outlet on Monday. “It’s no longer a risk, it’s no longer private in any sense. It is now backstopped by the government, ultimately, the taxpayer. So, it doesn’t matter how bad you are as a bank manager.” O’Leary had previously blasted SVB’s “negligent board of directors” and “idiot management” for the financial fiasco, asking on social media on Sunday, “why should taxpayers bail them out?” A senior Treasury spokesperson insisted Sunday that average Americans wouldn’t end up footing the bill for the bailout: “For the banks that were put into receivership, the FDIC will use funds from the Deposit Insurance Fund to ensure that all of its depositors are made whole. … The Deposit Insurance Fund is bearing the risk. … This is not funds from the taxpayer.” But according to conservative American commentator Liz Wheeler, that’s simply not the case. “The FDIC bailout IS a bailout,” she wrote on Twitter Monday. “It’s not directly from taxpayers. But FDIC is composed of banks. Those banks will foot the bailout bill. Then they’ll pass that cost to consumers. That’s you.” This episode is also available as a blog post: --- Support this podcast:

    2 min
  4. Inflation Wiping Out Families As Economy Breaks Down, Says Carl Icahn


    Inflation Wiping Out Families As Economy Breaks Down, Says Carl Icahn

    The average household no longer has any practical wealth, says billionaire investor Carl Icahn, who also said inflation is the worst thing an economy can have. Responding to the Silicon Valley Bank fiasco, Icahn pointed out the American economy is “breaking down.” “We’ve been on a spending spree and the rising tide the tide lifts all ships, but a lot of people in our economy are not doing well obviously,” Icahn said on Tuesday. “The net worth of the median household is nothing basically and you you just look at what is going on, I think Powell really has to raise interest rates sooner or later.” “Inflation is the worst thing an economy can have, and I think people underrate that,” Icahn added. “…You’ve gone out on a binge, you’ve spent the family wealth, and you just keep spending.” “At the end, you pay the price for it, and that’s what this country has done.” During another appearance on Fox Business, Icahn warned that the SVB collapse was a sign of things to come. “When things are good, the rising tide lift all boats. But when things start going down, then you see who’s naked,” he told Fox Business on Monday. “You’re going to see a lot of nakedness.” This episode is also available as a blog post: --- Support this podcast:

    1 min
  5. Signature Bank Gave Lecture on Gender Pronouns 6 Months Before Collapse


    Signature Bank Gave Lecture on Gender Pronouns 6 Months Before Collapse

    Six months before its collapse, Signature Bank chairman Scott Shay hosted a “know your pronouns” company seminar during which employers were lectured on how to pronounce “gender-neutral pronouns” such as “Ze” and “Hir”. Maybe they should have been concentrating on more important matters. Signature Bank was seized by the feds on Sunday after the closure of Silicon Valley Bank prompted nervous customers to withdraw more than $10 billion in deposits, with the bank’s failure representing the third largest in U.S. financial history. The “Know Your Pronouns” symposium was part of Signature Bank’s “Social Impact” series and also involved Finn Brigham, a Manhattan-based corporate consulate on gender issues who was described as a “genderqueer trans masculine person” during the event. Referring to former Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), Shay bragged about how Signature Bank was “the first bank in the United States to have an openly gay man on our board.” Staff were taught how to properly use the pronouns she, hers, he, his, they, them, ze, and hir by Brigham, who stated, “I don’t know if there’s anyone in the Signature Bank world, but probably you have clients that use ‘they’/’ them’ as pronouns. They’re gender-neutral pronouns on purpose.” “‘Ze’ is another gender-neutral pronoun,,” he added. “The other part of that would be ‘hir’ — spelled H-I-R.” Emphasizing its commitment to wokery, Signature Bank promoted “sustainability, diversity, equity, inclusion, community engagement, employee development, employee health and safety, and any other environmental, social, or governance-related initiatives.” As we highlighted yesterday, Signature Bank wasted millions of dollars creating cringeworthy, woke music videos & TV shows about themselves, prompting critics to ask whether the cash could have been used more wisely elsewhere. The bank’s commitment to regime narratives was also reinforced when it closed down Donald Trump’s accounts following the incident at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Maybe the lesson should be don’t put your money in woke banks, but given that virtually all of them are the same, that’s a difficult task to accomplish. This episode is also available as a blog post: --- Support this podcast:

    2 min
  6. Cartels Offering American Teens Money Via TikTok to Smuggle Migrants


    Cartels Offering American Teens Money Via TikTok to Smuggle Migrants

    Southern cartels are reportedly offering money to American teenagers via social media apps to smuggle illegal immigrants across the US border, Fox News claimed on Wednesday, citing various ads. According to the broadcaster’s assertions, criminals pay adolescents and young people at least $3,000 a ride to pick up a group of migrants approaching the US border. The “quest” is to pass checkpoints in a vehicle loaded with migrants and drop them off at a pre-specified location, from where the immigrants are purportedly taken by a cartel member to hiding places, scattered throughout the border. As Fox News also reported, children often use their parents’ cars without asking permission and adults sometimes are not aware of the child’s profitable “hobby.” The US Border patrol, distracted by an overwhelming influx of minor migrants, does not immediately react to such breaches, claims the media outlet story. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey announced on Tuesday that he would deploy 250 National Guard troops to the state’s border with Mexico “to support law enforcement efforts,” adding that there is “no action” foreseen from the federal government. Earlier, a number of Republican senators visited the Southern border and reported that they had encountered what they described as “human traffickers and cartel members,” taunting them from “the other side of the river.” The US border patrol has faced a huge wave of illegal immigration following the Biden administration’s relaxing of the former US president’s strict border policies. To date, the amount of people smuggled into the US is said to exceed statistics over the last 15 years, with recent estimates expecting 150,000 migrants to approach the US border on a monthly basis. Biden has not classified the border situation as a “crisis” despite tense public attention and no official visit to the border has been planned by top administration members. At the same time, Biden has not lifted refuge admissions, standing at 15,000 people per year, although he earlier promised to raise that figure to 62,500. The surge came amid Biden’s moves to overturn the previous administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy. So far, the Biden administration has suspended US-Mexico wall construction, along with the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), and allowed unaccompanied migrant children to enter the country, prompting space and personnel shortages in temporary housing facilities. The influx of migrants is also believed to be partially triggered by devastating storms that hit Central America in November 2020, along an adverse economic situation due, in part, to the coronavirus pandemic. This episode is also available as a blog post: --- Support this podcast:

    3 min
  7. American Heart Association Study Shows Link Between Covid Vaccines and Heart Inflammation


    American Heart Association Study Shows Link Between Covid Vaccines and Heart Inflammation

    New research in pre-print publication at the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation shows a link between free spike antigens produced by the mRNA Covid shots and a form of heart inflammation known as myocarditis. Harvard Medical School researchers examined 16 adolescents and young adults hospitalized at Massachusetts General Hospital or Boston Children’s with post-vaccination myocarditis from January 2021-February 2022. The subjects had “markedly elevated levels of full-length spike protein” in their blood, “unbounded by antibodies.” The medical researchers affiliated with the hospitals, however, did not find free-floating spike antigens in the 45 “healthy, asymptomatic, age-matched vaccinated control subjects,” despite “essentially indistinguishable” antibody profiling and T-cell responses between the groups. The medical study’s findings isolated the free spike antigens in the young subjects who developed post-shot heart inflammation. “Immunoprofiling of vaccinated adolescents and young adults revealed that the mRNA vaccine–induced immune responses did not differ between individuals who developed myocarditis and individuals who did not,” the researchers note. “However, free spike antigen was detected in the blood of adolescents and young adults who developed post-mRNA vaccine myocarditis, advancing insight into its potential underlying cause.” The study establishes further linkage between the mRNA shots and an increased risk of myocarditis in young people by providing a potential biomedical causal mechanism. In October, Florida’s State Health Officer & Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo, M.D., issued guidance that recommended against mRNA shots being given to healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 40. “The Florida Department of Health (Department) conducted an analysis through a self-controlled case series, which is a technique originally developed to evaluate vaccine safety,” Ladapo announced by press release. --- Support this podcast:

    3 min


Freedom Reportage delivers captivating stories, relevant headlines, developing stories, breaking news, features and analysis from Europe, Africa, Asia-Pacific, and America. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. All the content used in this audio recording belong to their respective owner, Support this podcast:

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