30 episodes

An event to event discussion of the Harry Potter books by JK Rowling. If you're looking for a laid back, no frills discussion of your favorite fantasy series, you're about to listen to the right thing.

Mimblewimble - The Harry Potter Podcast Aishwarya and Prashanthini

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An event to event discussion of the Harry Potter books by JK Rowling. If you're looking for a laid back, no frills discussion of your favorite fantasy series, you're about to listen to the right thing.

    3.11 Prisoner of Azkaban - Wrap Up Discussion with a Special Guest!

    3.11 Prisoner of Azkaban - Wrap Up Discussion with a Special Guest!

    The day is finally here! We are ending season 3 with a special wrap up episode. It’s special not just because we’ve never done a wrap up discussion before but also because we have a guest! We are joined by Vignesh Vijayakumar AKA Body, a certified Potterhead and a friend of the podcast. Listen on as we discuss
    The overarching themes of Prisoner of Azkaban
    Book vs movie
    A little bit of book 4!

    Thank you so much for listening to us this season ❤️
    We’ll be back with a back with season 4 soon, so keep an ear out :)

    3.10 Hemione's secret

    3.10 Hemione's secret

    The world changed after our previous episode. The COVID-19 situation has taken over our lives completely and we took a little hiatus to get used to working from home, cooking for ourselves, and generally living differently.
    We are back now with the penultimate episode of this season where we discuss the last two chapters of Prisoner of Azkaban: 21. Hermione’s Secret and 22. Owl Post Again.
    Since we had a sneaky suspicion that we incurred God’s wrath by doing a video episode last time, we’ve decided to just stick to audio for now!

    SUMMARYHarry wakes up in the hospital ward to hear Snape's version of what happened earlier the evening. Ron is still unconscious but Hermione is awake and ready to help him tell Fudge, the Minister of Magic, what they saw and heard. But to their dismay, Snape and Fudge wave them away, believing that Black confounded their minds. Luckily, Dumbledore pops in then but he doesn't have a magical solution in his hat. He believes Sirius but admits that there's no evidence to back it up. The only thing he'll say is that they need more time. Hermione seems to understand this even if Harry doesn't and the minute Dumbledore leaves, Hermione turns an hourglass on a chain backwards three times, taking Harry and her back into time - three hours earlier. This gives them the advantage they need to save two lives - Sirius and Buckbeak.
    Harry and Hermione manage to make it back to the hospital ward in time, undetected, and let Dumbledore know of their success. Snape however is furious that Black got away so much so that he rages into the hospital wing and yells at Harry in front of Dumbledore, Madam Pomfrey and Fudge. Fudge retracts the award that he promised to Snape and removes all the Dementors. The next day, Harry finds out that Lupin resigned from the school in disgrace. Snape let the cat out of the bag wrt Lupin's transformation the previous night. Harry tries to convince Lupin to stay but it is to no avail. Dumbledore and Harry have a heart to heart that makes Harry feel better but only a little bit. He cheers up when he receives a note from Sirius clarifying some events and giving him official guardian permission to go to Hogsmeade the next year. Ron is also happy because Sirius sends him an owl to make up for exposing his rat as a human being. Harry returns to the Dursleys, anticipating a better summer than the previous ones.
    NOTESWe’ve done detailed discussions on how time-travel and prophecies work in the Harry Potter world in this one. What theories do you have? Let us know in the comments and we’ll give you a shout out in the next episode!

    3.9 Hermione faces the Dementors

    3.9 Hermione faces the Dementors

    Hello and welcome to Mimblewimble, the now-video and audio Harry Potter podcast! A lot of people have asked us about how the sausage gets made (we’re flattered!) so we decided to do something fun and do two versions of this episode: an unedited video version and a more polished audio version for the people who prefer to listen to us and not look at us. Enjoy!
    In this episode, we covered Chapters 19. The Servant of Lord Voldemort and 20. The Dementor’s Kiss.

    SUMMARYAfter Snape reveals himself in the Shrieking Shack, he makes it clear that he has no intention of listening to Sirius’ side of the story. His childhood humiliation and hatred takes over. and he wants to give Sirius over to the dementors and Lupin too for supposedly helping Sirius. Shocked by how deranged Snape sounds, Harry, Ron, and Hermione take matters into their own hands and knock Snape out to give Sirius and Lupin a chance to explain. They reveal that Scabbers, the rat, was in fact Peter Pettigrew and that he faked his own death to escape getting caught by Sirius. Lots of questions that have been building up since the beginning of the book are answered in this chapter:
    Why was Scabbers losing his health?
    Why was Crookshanks obsessed with Scabbers?
    How and why did Sirius escape?
    Who was the actual secret keeper?
    Why would Peter Pettigrew not utilise all the chances he had to kill Harry?
    How did Harry end up seeing the Grim during the Quidditch match? Or did he really see the Grim?
    And more! We really like bullet points!
    Harry decides that they should hand Pettigrew over to the authorities instead of letting his father’s best friends kill him and go to Azkaban. But unfortunately, on the way to the castle, Lupin transforms into a violent werewolf because it was full moon and he’d forgotten to take the wolfsbane potion. Sirius turns into a dog to protect the others from Lupin. But Pettigrew uses the chaos to attack Ron and Crookshanks and escape. The Dementors find Sirius. Harry and Hermione try their best to save him. Sirius loses it, Hermione loses it, and Harry is about to be kissed by a Dementor when a mysterious Patronus saves them. At this point, we are just very happy that Harry’s first kiss was not a Dementor.
    NOTESHow do we look and sound? Do you prefer this format or would you like it if we just stuck to audio? Let us know what you think!
    We hope you’re staying indoors and being safe. Social distancing is the need of the hour. We recorded this episode before things got a little dire over here.

    3.8 Hermione meets the Marauders

    3.8 Hermione meets the Marauders

    THIS IS ACTUALLY THE MOMENT WE’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR. This episode covers the action packed chapters 16, 17 and 18 Professor Trelawney’s Prediction, Cat, Rat and Dog, and Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. Basically:

    The text version for the fans:
    1) Hermione has exams but she's not able to concentrate because Buckbeak's appeal is on their last day of exams and she has multiple exams scheduled for the same time slot. Why can’t a body just write an exam in peace?!
    2) They find out that Buckbeak lost the appeal - when they visit Hagrid to offer their condolences, they find Scabbers in the hut! Sneaking back to the castle becomes a chore because Ron's rat is determined to make a run for it - a task that becomes even more strenuous when Crookshanks and a great big, jet black dog becomes involved. The much foreshadowed dog kidnaps Ron and lets his leg break in the process.
    3) When Hermione and Harry follow, they find out that the dog is actually Sirius Black and he “wants to finish the job". A scuffle later, the trio come out on top but they're interrupted by Lupin who turns out to be on Black's side?! And is a werewolf?! And Scabbers is actually a man called Peter Pettigrew?! They were all best friends in school?! Except for Snape who sincerely loathes them and makes the best entrance of all time, at the end of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.
    NOTESPlease let us know all your theories, comments, and wishes by either commenting on our website or writing to us at mimblewimblepodcast@gmail.com. We love fanart, comics and fanfiction so really, send everything our way.
    You can also listen to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcast, or any other favorite podcast app. Just search for Mimblewimble - The Harry Potter Podcast.

    3.7 Hermione slaps Malfoy

    3.7 Hermione slaps Malfoy

    But first, a summary of the events we cover in this episode, chapters 14. Snape’s Grudge and 15. The Quidditch Final.
    After Sirius Black almost attacked Ron, more steps are taken to increase Hogwarts security: Sir Cadogan is out and the Fat Lady is instituted again, along with security trolls to protect her. When Ron and Harry meet Hagrid to discuss Sirius Black, they discover that Hermione had been helping him to argue for Buckbeak for their case against the committee for the Disposal of Magical Creatures. He also tells them to value the friendship they have with her.
    However, Hagrid’s plan to get them back together has no chance of going through because Ron and Harry immediately hatch a plan that Hermione doesn't get behind: Harry visiting Hogsmeade using the invisibility cloak. Ron and Harry visit Zonkos, the post office and the Shrieking Shack. Everything would have been fine and things would have gone off, without a hitch, if Harry had not reacted to Malfoy’s comments about the Weasley family by throwing muck at him. He almost gets into serious trouble with Snape but Professor Lupin rescues him and admonishes him for being careless. He also reveals that he knows the makers of the Marauders Map. To make things worse, Harry and Ron find out from Hermione that Hagrid’s appeal failed and that Buckbeak’s execution date has set. This news unites the trio finally, right in time for the Quidditch final.
    It’s Gryffindor vs Slytherin for the Quidditch Cup, a match that Harry wins for Gryffindor. When he lifts the cup in the air, he feels that it would probably be the happiest moment of his life.
    Are we done?
    Feels like we’re done.
    Oh yeah, Hermione hears Malfoy talk shit about Hagrid and just slaps him. Just slaps, no questions no explanations. Her rebellious streak continues when she doesn't show up for the Charms class and quits Divination, quite dramatically. As with everything, Hermione is better than Harry and Ron at teenage rebellion too!
    NOTESHermione slaps Malfoy in the book but she punches Malfoy in the movies. We’re pedantics, till the bitter end.
    Aishwarya had a cold while recording this episode. Apologies for the stray sniffs and the nasal voice.
    It’s our two year anniversary! As the silent partner in this endeavour, you've made every step of this journey incredible. If you’re a super listener, thank you for all your feedback and good will. If you've been listening sporadically, thank you for keeping us in your thoughts. If you're just starting out, welcome! We love you already.
    Please let us know all your theories, comments, and wishes by either commenting on our website or writing to us at mimblewimblepodcast@gmail.com. We love fanart, comics and fanfiction so really, send everything our way.
    You can also listen to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcast, or any other favorite podcast app. Just search for Mimblewimble - The Harry Potter Podcast.

    3.6 Hermione has to read 422 pages

    3.6 Hermione has to read 422 pages

    Bonjour! This is a bit of a short episode because it covers only one chapter: Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw. Over the course of this episode, we discuss the breakdown of Hermione’s relationship with the person whose pet gets eaten by her cat, the broomstick that damaged her relationship with her friends, a match that she may or may not have attended, a party that she left early and a book with atleast 422 pages that she had to read for a class.

    SUMMARYTension between Ron and Hermione reaches an all-time high, after the apparent death of Scabbers at the claws of Crookshanks. To cheer Ron up, Harry offers him a ride on the new Firebolt after Quidditch practice, the last one before the game against the Ravenclaw, and it works.
    The Firebolt is everything as advertised and the Gryffindor team is very excited about their chances against Ravenclaw, even Oliver Wood and Percy Weasley. They were right to be because Harry easily outflies his rival, Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw Seeker, and catches the Snitch. Harry and his friends celebrate the victory for the rest of the day and well into the night, until the party is broken up by Professor McGonagall.
    When Harry finally returns to his dormitory to sleep, he's not able to catch forty winks before a scream shatters the silence of the dorms. The screamer is Ron, who claims that Sirius Black had slashed open the curtain around his bed. Everybody panics, and McGonagall shows up, to find out what happened. On Ron's insistence, she asks Sir Cadogan if he let anyone into Gryffindor Tower. The knight answers yes, that the intruder had all of the passwords written on a slip of paper, which Neville Longbottom, it is soon discovered, had accidentally left in one of the corridors. And yeah, Hermione has to read 422 pages about the habits of British Muggles even though Gryffindor just won a match against Ravenclaw.
    NOTESWe say this a lot but we always mean it with the utmost sincerity: we’re sorry about the long gaps between episodes. Our schedules have been really packed recently and while we try to squeeze in podcast time as much as possible, clearly, it’s not as much as we were able to, last year. Every time you’re tempted to wonder whether this is going to happen or not, just know that we will let you know if we’re giving up on Mimblewimble. We’re leaving the ghosting to professionals like Moaning Myrtle and sticking to just podcasting.
    Prashanthini had a cold when we recorded this episode and would like to apologize for her nasal voice.
    Please let us know all your theories, comments, and wishes by either commenting on our website or writing to us at mimblewimblepodcast@gmail.com. We love fanart, comics and fanfiction so really, send everything our way.
    A nice read about Hermione Granger and the importance she places on friendship (even if it might not seem obvious right now)

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