On Fascism (the unfuckable bodies edition‪)‬ The Barron Field Experience

    • Philosophy

From the cultic structure of hot-desking to the universal desire of Socratic ugliness, the Barron Field Experience takes you to the bloated beer gut of fascism, slicing it up and serving it cold to the masters desire. Come along for the ride: personal, universal, pallid and Pauline at any given time and not a zionist or forrested pedagogue left standing. The BFE, terminably unfuckable.

From the cultic structure of hot-desking to the universal desire of Socratic ugliness, the Barron Field Experience takes you to the bloated beer gut of fascism, slicing it up and serving it cold to the masters desire. Come along for the ride: personal, universal, pallid and Pauline at any given time and not a zionist or forrested pedagogue left standing. The BFE, terminably unfuckable.