17 episodes

My podcasts provide highly effective solutions to assist you with overcoming your limiting beliefs and self-doubt. Motivate you to unlock your truest potential, embrace your greatness and 'become the best version of yourself.'

As an award-winning Certified Life Coach, PCC my coaching services provide personalized guidance/support to help you identify and overcome any obstacles holding you back. Help you develop strategies you need to activate and unlock your greatest Potential. Align your unique talent with your Passion to discover your life Purpose! www.transformational-lifecoaching.com

Sabrina's Motivational Minutes Sabrina C. Nelson

    • Education

My podcasts provide highly effective solutions to assist you with overcoming your limiting beliefs and self-doubt. Motivate you to unlock your truest potential, embrace your greatness and 'become the best version of yourself.'

As an award-winning Certified Life Coach, PCC my coaching services provide personalized guidance/support to help you identify and overcome any obstacles holding you back. Help you develop strategies you need to activate and unlock your greatest Potential. Align your unique talent with your Passion to discover your life Purpose! www.transformational-lifecoaching.com

    Overcoming Adversity: How Challenging Circumstances Propel Us Forward (Ep.#11)

    Overcoming Adversity: How Challenging Circumstances Propel Us Forward (Ep.#11)

    Hello welcome to Sabrina’s Motivational Minutes Podcast. On this new episode #11 I will be discussing “Overcoming Adversity: How Challenging Circumstances Propel Us Forward in Life”. I assure you this episode will be worth every minute of your valuable time. 

    Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, successes and failures, joy and sorrow. At some point or another, everyone faces challenging circumstances that test their resilience and determination.

    I can attest that I’ve experienced many incredibly tough circumstances personally and professionally in my life. These challenges can be daunting, but they also have the potential to be powerful catalysts for personal growth and progress.

    On this podcast, let’s explore the ways in which facing tough circumstances can propel us forward in life, helping you become a stronger, more resilient, and more fulfilled individual.

    Everyone knows that life is unpredictable, and no one is immune to facing difficulties. Whether it's a personal crisis, a professional setback, a health challenge, or a combination of these, tough times are inevitable.

    However, it's important to recognize that these challenging circumstances can serve as stepping stones to a better future. They have the potential to teach us valuable lessons, inspire personal growth, and drive us to achieve new heights. Let's delve deeper into how this process unfolds. On this episode I'll focus on these specific aspects:

    Resilience: Building Mental Toughness
    Self-Discovery: Finding Hidden Strengths
    Learning Opportunities: Gaining more Wisdom
    Empathy and Compassion: Connecting with Others
    Motivation and Ambition: Fueled by Determination
    Appreciation for the Good Times: Gratitude in Abundance
    Building a Support Network: Strength in Numbers and Unity
    Redefining Success: A New Perspective

    It is my hope that my podcast resonated in some way and provided you encouragement, enlightenment and motivation! If you desire to receive more guidance in any area of your life, I would love to support you on your journey.

    When you’re ready schedule your coaching sessions at: ⁠www.tansformational-lifecoaching.com I'm looking forward to hearing from you!


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sabrina-nelson07/message

    • 9 min
    Embracing Your Greatness: Unleashing Your Full Potential (Ep.#10)

    Embracing Your Greatness: Unleashing Your Full Potential (Ep.#10)

    Hello welcome to Sabrina’s Motivational Minutes Podcast, today’s Episode #10 we’ll discuss “Embracing Your Greatness: Unleashing Your Full Potential.” On this podcast I will unpack the meaning of this powerful word and various ways we can achieve greatness. I just want to take a moment to say; I appreciate the many listeners tuning into my podcast your engagement is greatly appreciated!

    Embracing greatness is a transformative mindset that allows individuals to tap into their full potential and live a life of purpose, achievement, and fulfillment. It is about embracing the inherent greatness within ourselves and taking deliberate steps to nurture and unleash it. On this podcast, we will explore the concept of embracing greatness and provide practical strategies to help you embark on this empowering journey. Whether you're a younger adult or much older, a student, professional, entrepreneur, etc. the principles discussed here will apply universally, guiding you towards embracing greatness and unlocking your limitless possibilities.

    To embrace greatness, we must first understand what it truly means. Greatness is not limited to extraordinary achievements or recognition from the masses. Instead, it is an inner state of being characterized by authenticity, personal growth, and positive impact. Greatness encompasses both personal and professional spheres of life, intertwining our passions, talents, and values to create a meaningful existence.

    Embracing greatness requires a shift in mindset, away from self-doubt and limitations, towards self-belief and possibilities. It involves embracing failures as learning opportunities, nurturing a growth mindset, and cultivating resilience to overcome obstacles. Greatness is not a destination but a continuous journey of self-discovery and self-improvement.

    By understanding the true meaning of greatness and implementing the strategies discussed in this podcast, you can unleash your full potential, embrace your unique gifts, and make a positive impact on the world. Embrace the journey, celebrate your progress, and inspire others to embrace their greatness too!

    Remember, greatness resides within each and every one of us. It's time to embrace it, ignite your passions, and create a life that reflects the extraordinary potential that lies within you. Embrace greatness, and let your light shine brightly for the world to see.

    It is my hope that my podcast resonated in some way. If you desire to receive more guidance and valuable insights, I would love to support you on your journey when you’re ready. Please schedule your coaching sessions at: www.tansformational-lifecoaching.com


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sabrina-nelson07/message

    • 9 min
    Embracing Faith, Overcoming Fear and Unlocking your full Potential!

    Embracing Faith, Overcoming Fear and Unlocking your full Potential!

    Hello welcome to Sabrina’s Motivational Minutes Podcast, today’s Episode #9 we’ll discuss embracing faith overcoming fear and unlocking your full potential.
    In the journey of life, faith and fear are two powerful forces that shape our actions, decisions, and overall well-being. While fear can hold us back, restrict our growth, and cloud our judgment, faith has the power to uplift us, guide us, and enable us to conquer our fears.
    This podcast episode explores the intricate relationship between faith and fear, delving into how faith can help us overcome our fears, unleash our potential, and lead a more fulfilled life. By understanding the dynamics between faith and fear, we can learn to embrace faith as a transformative force and navigate the challenges that life presents with strength and resiliency.
    But before we dive deeper into this episode, I want to acknowledge all my listeners who tune in consistently to my podcast and have started following me on Instagram and Twitter as well. I appreciate you and it's my hope these messages will continue to resonate within your heart and soul in some way. Also, provide you with valuable guidance, strategies and tools to succeed in any area of your life as well.
    The journey towards embracing faith and overcoming fear is a long process. It requires self-reflection, self-awareness, introspection and being completely vulnerable with yourself. Also, the moment we're in the 'fight-or flight' response it impacts our decision-making skills, can hamper our personal growth, create blind spots; limits our potential to recognize and embrace infinite possibilities. 
    In the face of fear, faith serves as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for personal growth. By understanding the nature of fear, recognizing its paralyzing effects, and implementing strategies to overcome it, we can begin to nurture and cultivate faith within ourselves.
    I've utilized these strategies to nurture my faith while overcoming fear in my life and wanted to share them with you. 

    Shifting Perspectives from 'Fear to Faith': requires you to reframe fear inducing situations around you. Cultivate a positive mindset through affirmations you create or from your favorite author, life coach, or motivational speaker. Also build a supportive network for encouragement when you don't feel motivated. Trust me you will feel so powerful once you've modified your actions and thoughts.
    Strengthening Faith through Spirituality: Please understand that I'm not here to force any type of spiritual practices on anyone, but I can attest that my "faith in a higher power" has been instrumental with overcoming my fears throughout my life! Whatever your beliefs are is very personal to you and by exploring the connection between faith and your spiritual practices can provide more clarity.
    Embracing Faith in Uncertain Times: faith can be a source of comfort and solace during challenging circumstances and major crisis in our lives. Learning to lean on a higher power can provide so much peace to your body, mind and spirit. Also, I've found that meditation (even for ten or fifteen minutes) can assist with refocusing and reframing your mindset, it will help you live in the 'present moment' more often.

    In conclusion, by choosing faith over fear, we embark on a transformative journey towards enlightenment, exploration and empowerment. Through faith, we can confront our fears, unleash our full potential, and live a life filled with resilience, purpose, and happiness.
    As a Certified Life Coach (PCC) I would love to support you on your transformative journey and I believe you're courageous enough to take the next step! Schedule a 30-Minute Complimentary Coaching Session today at: www.transformational-lifecaoching.com let's lean into embracing faith as your guiding light, and conquering fear one step at a time. I'm confident that your Potential, Passion and Purpose will be reignited in some manner!


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spoti

    • 10 min
    Sabrina's Motivational Minutes (Trailer)

    Sabrina's Motivational Minutes (Trailer)


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sabrina-nelson07/message

    • 1 min
    Mother's Day and Loss of Mother Message (Season 2 Ep. #8)

    Mother's Day and Loss of Mother Message (Season 2 Ep. #8)

    Motherhood is one of the most significant and meaningful experiences a woman can have. From the moment a woman becomes a mother, her life changes in profound ways. She suddenly has a new purpose, a new set of responsibilities, and a new person to love more than anything else in the world. But for some women, the experience of motherhood is tinged with the pain of loss. Losing a mother or child can be a devastating experience that leaves a profound impact on a woman's life.

    When I think of Mother’s Day, I reflect on the joy and warmth of celebrating a special day for mothers everywhere. Every year, families take the time to show their mothers and mother figures appreciation, gratitude and unconditional love. But for many, Mother’s Day can be a painful reminder of the loss of their dear mother. Here's how I define the word "M-O-T-H-E-R" :

    "M" is she's magnificent in a million ways. 

    "O"  is for being over-protective of her children. 

    "T" is for the tender-hearted woman, who has made many sacrifices. 

    "H" is for her heart made out of 24 karat gold. 

    "E" is for her everlasting and unconditional love. 

    "R" is for her resilient spirit!

    It's been said that “there are no words to express the loss of a mother” and I can certainly attest to this first hand. I would like to try my best to express those feelings. For many people this day is not a time of celebration, but rather a time of sorrow and grief. Mother’s Day can be a painful reminder of what was lost and of the love that will now remain forever unrequited. 

    The loss of a mother is a unique and deeply personal experience. For some women, the loss is sudden and unexpected, while for others, it is a long process. Regardless of the circumstances, the loss of a mother can be an incredibly difficult experience to navigate.

    One of the most challenging aspects of losing a mother is the sense of emptiness and loneliness that comes with it. Mothers are often the primary nurturers and caretakers in a family, and losing that presence can leave a significant void in a woman's life. Many women feel lost and adrift after losing their mothers, struggling to find a sense of purpose or direction in their lives.

    Grief is a natural and necessary part of the mourning process, but it can also be overwhelming and all-consuming. Women who have lost their mothers may find themselves struggling with feelings of anger, guilt, and sadness. It is important for women to give themselves permission to grieve, to feel their emotions fully, and to seek support from loved ones, friends, or professionals if necessary.

    "There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one." ~ Unknown

    Despite the challenges, many women find that the experience of motherhood after losing a mother can be a source of strength and resilience. They may draw on the lessons and values instilled in them by their mothers, and use those lessons to guide their own parenting journey. They may also find that their own experiences of loss and grief give them a unique perspective on life and motherhood, allowing them to empathize and connect with others who have gone through similar experiences.

    In conclusion, the loss of a mother can be an incredibly difficult experience for any woman. It can leave a profound impact on her life, and the experience of motherhood after losing a mother can be especially challenging. However, by allowing themselves to grieve, seeking support when needed, and drawing on the lessons and values instilled in them by their mothers, women can find a sense of strength and resilience as they navigate this difficult journey.

    As a Certified Life Coach, PCC I am here to ensure you are being seen, heard and understood. If you ever need someone to listen to what's on your heart, please reach out: Schedule a Complimentary 30-Minute Coaching Session at: 👉🏾 http://www.transformational-lifecoaching.com It would be my pleasure to support you on your journ

    • 7 min
    Honoring Your True Calling: The Path tp Fulfillment and Happiness! (Season 2 Ep. #7)

    Honoring Your True Calling: The Path tp Fulfillment and Happiness! (Season 2 Ep. #7)

    Hello welcome to Sabrina’s Motivational Minutes Podcast. On this new episode [Lucky #7] I will discuss ‘Honoring Your True Calling’ and finding ‘The Path to Fulfillment and Happiness!’ We will explore what it means to honor your true calling and how you can make it a reality. We’ll look at the importance of discovering your true self, how to recognize and act on your true calling, and the rewards of following your passion. 
    At some point in our lives, we all feel the gravitational pull of our true calling. We know that our lives have a purpose, yet we have difficulty articulating it. We may feel stuck in a job we don’t like or relationships that have run their course, leaving us unsure of what our next move should be. But if we take the time to honor our true calling, we can find a sense of fulfillment and joy in our lives. 
    Finding fulfillment and happiness in your life, can be challenging to figure out exactly what to do. We all have dreams and aspirations, but it can be difficult to know how to take the necessary steps to make them come true. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of life, but if you take a step back and really focus on what you’re passionate about, you can find a sense of purpose and a true calling.
    Honoring our true calling is a process of self-discovery. It requires us to take a deep look within ourselves to uncover our passions and interests. Ask yourself questions such as, “What am I truly passionate about?”, “What brings me joy?”, and “What unique gifts and talents do I have to offer the world?”
    By reflecting on these questions, you can begin to uncover your true calling and start taking necessary steps to pursue it. It can also be helpful to reach out to others for support. Ask friends and family for their input and feedback — they may be able to offer valuable insights and guidance. Additionally, seek out mentors who have experience in the field or area that you’re interested in to gain more knowledge and advice. 
    What Does It Mean to Honor Your True Calling? 
    Honoring your true calling is essentially a way of living your life according to your deepest values and passions—in other words, your true self. It’s about living authentically and having the courage to pursue what you truly want out of life. It’s not always easy to figure out your ‘WHY’ but when you have tapped into your truth, that’s when you will have a major epihipanny about “what’s your true calling in life!”
    When you’re living a life of purpose and passion you’ll live each day with a positive mindset and belief in the infinite possibilities that await you on your path. Remember that success leaves clues along your journey – if you have a pulse then you have a greater purpose to fulfill in your life!
    As a Certified Life Coach (PCC) my coaching services provide personalized guidance and support to help you identify and overcome any obstacles that are holding you back and help you develop the skills and strategies you need to reach your full potential and create a life you love. 
    When you’re ready to take the next step, schedule your 30-minute complimentary Discovery Coaching Call at: transformational-lifecoaching.com to unlock and activate your Potential, Passion and Purpose!
    My coaching services, will assist you with taking control of your life and create the future you want. I provide a safe and non-judgmental environment to explore new avenues for personal growth and create sustainable success in your life. We offer a holistic approach to helping you make positive life changes, so that you can live a more balanced and fulfilling life.
    I look forward to connecting with you soon ~ Thank you!


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sabrina-nelson07/message

    • 7 min

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