30 episodes

The Yes To You Podcast aired from January 2019-January 2020

It was created, produced, and hosted by Dominique D. Wilson to be a global platform for women to foster collective healing and social change by telling their stories. By illuminating real stories of phenomenal women taking back their power to overcome adversity, redefine success for themselves, and help others along the way—we are committed to empowering women everywhere to say YES to their calling!

You can now connect with Dominique at holisticyonicare.com

Yes To You Podcast Dominique D. Wilson | holisticyonicare.com

    • Society & Culture

The Yes To You Podcast aired from January 2019-January 2020

It was created, produced, and hosted by Dominique D. Wilson to be a global platform for women to foster collective healing and social change by telling their stories. By illuminating real stories of phenomenal women taking back their power to overcome adversity, redefine success for themselves, and help others along the way—we are committed to empowering women everywhere to say YES to their calling!

You can now connect with Dominique at holisticyonicare.com

    Faith, Character, and Love: Wendy Uken's Journey From Undocumented to Unstoppable

    Faith, Character, and Love: Wendy Uken's Journey From Undocumented to Unstoppable

    Faith, Character, and Love with Wendy Uken: One Woman’s Journey From Undocumented to Unstoppable - 030 | Yes To You Podcast
    “I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.” —James Baldwin
    Dominique interviews Enrolled Agent, Tax Resolution Expert, and the Host of Tax Tribe the Podcast, Wendy Uken.
    In this episode, you’ll hear Wendy’s boldly inspiring story of what it’s like to grow up in the United States as an undocumented person—a shocking story that is both untold and overlooked despite the millions of human beings impacted every day, right here in our own country!
    Wendy shares how she developed the courage to power through the obstacles and limitations of growing up in a culture of fear, discrimination, and hatred through the power of love.
    In our conversation, you’ll learn some great tips, so get your pen and paper ready! Here are a few things you can expect to hear about:
    ►How the stigma of being undocumented affected Wendy’s and relationships
    ►The power of mentorship and getting support from the right people
    ►Resources for developing psychological resilience to traumatic experiences
    ►An inspiring leap of faith that helped Wendy to find her voice in 2018
    ►What Wendy learned about love, acceptance, self-care, and self-expression
    Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | iHeartRadio | Google Play | Google Podcasts | Stitcher Radio
      Episode Outline ►   [1:24] Happy New Year! Changes are coming to the podcast...again!
    ►   [2:25] Meet Wendy Uken
    ►   [4:25] Wendy explains what tax resolution is and the impact she makes
    ►   [5:07] How Wendy got stumbled upon her amazing career
    ►   [7:55] Challenges Wendy faced as an undocumented person in the US
    ►   [9:40] A bittersweet turning point when Wendy found a mentor
    ►   [10:00] How the stigma of being undocumented in the US affected Wendy’s career
    ►   [10:55] How Wendy learned to ask for help and let people into her world
    ►   [11:49] Wendy’s advice to those who are discriminated against
    ►   [12:23] Wendy’s opinion on why many people fear relationships with undocumented people
    ►   [14:30] Why we hate, push others away, and suppress empathy
    ►   [15:30] Emotional healing and developing resilience by working through negative cognitions
    ►   [16:40] The danger in asking for help as an undocumented person in the US
    ►   [17:35] Healing from trauma and false indoctrination through self-acceptance
    ►   [18:27] Mindset: The importance of reframing perceptions and redefining yourself
    ►   [20:00] How negative distortions affect people of color - undocumented or otherwise
    ►   [21:25] How Tax Resolution is a form of personal empowerment for Wendy’s clients
    ►   [24:14] Developing courage and confidence in your ability to speak up and ask for help
    ►   [26:30]  Why Wendy launched Tax Tribe The Podcast and why YOU should listen
    ►   [31:47] How podcasting can be used as a tool for MAJOR personal growth
    ►   [35:25] How sci-fi can be used as a tool for personal empowerment and critical thinking
    ►   [40:19] The importance of delegation, time management, and rest for self-care
    ►   [43:20] Wendy’s #1 tip for women who are struggling to find their voice and their path
    ►   [46:37] Wendy’s heartfelt message to undocumented girls all over the world
    ►   [47:17] Finding your rainbow
    ►   [48:22] Where to connect with Wendy online and listen to her podcast
    ►   [48:56] Dominique acknowledges Wendy & closing thoughts
      Resources Mentioned In This Episode CONNECT WITH WENDY
    Podcast: Tax Tribe The Podcast https://www.taxtribe.com/
    Social Media: (Instagram | Facebook)
    ►   Anything by Octavia Butler
    ►   Orson Scott Card’s Ender series

    • 51 min
    How To Cope With Unexpected Change

    How To Cope With Unexpected Change

    3 Questions: How To Cope With Unexpected Change - 029 | Yes To You Podcast
    “Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected. Sustainability is about survival. The goal of resilience is to thrive.” —Jamais Cascio
    We all know that change is inevitable and the only constant. BUT, unexpected change and be stressful if we're not mentally and emotionally prepared.
    These 3 powerful questions inspired by Dominique’s journey may help you to adjust in times of unexpected change so that you, too, can move forward peacefully with your heart's truest intention!
    In this episode, Dominique invites you to reframe unexpected change as an opportunity for alignment as you carefully consider the following:
    ►Your Feelings
    ►Your Expectations
    ►Your Desires
    You can use the questions stated in this episode as journal prompts, group discussion topics, or simply food for personal thought!
    Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | iHeartRadio | Google Play | Google Podcasts | Stitcher Radio
      Episode Outline ►   [1:32] What to expect in this episode
    ►   [2:09] Dominique’s BIG move and tough changes this summer
    ►   [4:15] Choosing acceptance over frustration 
    ►   [5:16] Empowerment Question #1: Feelings
    ►   [5:46] When your routine gets permanently interrupted
    ►   [7:00] Wearing too many hats leads to burnout, stress, and depression
    ►   [8:46] Busybody, numbing out and suppression of feelings through routine
    ►   [9:45] Empowerment Questions #2: Expectations
    ►   [10:25] How expectations can lead to fear, shame, and doubt
    ►   [12:14] The #1 thing to base ALL of your decisions on
    ►   [12:45] What to do when things just aren’t working out as you’d planned
    ►   [13:23] Turn obstacles into opportunities and problems into possibilities
    ►   [14:49] Empowerment Question #3: Desire
    ►   [16:21] Why Desire is so important to make the RIGHT decisions for your life right now
    ►   [17:00] Putting it all together to know whether or not you’re on the right track
    ►   [18:50] Being honest with yourself is the secret to your best next step
    ►   [19:36] Closing thoughts and acknowledgment

    • 21 min
    How To Improve Gut Health Naturally with Joyce Wheeler

    How To Improve Gut Health Naturally with Joyce Wheeler

    How To Improve Gut Health Naturally with Joyce Wheeler | Weekly Wellness Tip #23
    In this mini-segment, Natural Lifestyle Expert, Joyce Wheeler, shares tips on how to heal your gut and the importance of maintaining a healthy gut microbiome for optimal health.
    Based on a combination of her education and life experience, Joyce answers several questions related to establishing, maintaining, and repairing the gut, such as:
    ► What is the gut microbiome?
    ► Why does gut health matter?
    ► What are some practical ways to maintain a healthy gut?
    ► How can we tell whether or not our gut is healhty?
    ► How can we repair an unhealthy gut, especially after exposing our microbiome to antibiotics?
    Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | iHeartRadio | Google Play | Google Podcasts | Stitcher Radio
      About Joyce Joyce Wheeler has been living a natural lifestyle since 2012. During 2014 she began doing freelance writing on different aspects of natural living and, in 2015, started a natural living magazine and a podcast on Wolf Spirit Radio. She is also a blogger, speaker, and the host of Natural Bliss Podcast.
    In 2012 Joyce began learning about herbs on her own and formulated a salve which started her current business, Heavenly Bodies. After further education in cosmetic chemistry—she now formulates various skin care products, tinctures, and elixirs for both individuals and estheticians using plant-based, organic ingredients.
    Her mission is to provide quality products made from cruelty-free, organic ingredients that are easy on the pocketbook. Joyce believes everyone should be able to afford quality, toxic-free products at reasonable prices for a better quality of life.
    Learn more about Joyce’s products by visiting hborganicskincare.com and get 20% OFF your next purchase when you use coupon code YESTOYOU (it’s a one-time offer).

    • 10 min
    What is Reiki?

    What is Reiki?

    What is Reiki? | Weekly Wellness Tip #22
    In this episode, Naturopathic Reiki Master Teacher, Dominique D. Wilson, explains Reiki for beginners. You’ll learn how energy healing works and how to use Reiki to improve your health - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
    PLUS, learn how you can receive free Reiki and crystal healing with Dominique every Sunday!
     Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | iHeartRadio | Google Play | Google Podcasts | Stitcher Radio
    What is Reiki? The word Reiki (Japanese) or Sekhem (Kemetic) means "Universal or Spiritual" (Rei) "Life Force Energy" (Ki).
    Reiki is a traditional Japanese method of energy healing, which induces relaxation, reduces stress, and enhances the body's natural ability to heal itself on all levels of being—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
    Reiki Therapy consists of a gentle flow of conscious life force energy being channeled through the therapist to the recipient using gentle touch or the ancient art of distance healing.
    What are the Benefits of Reiki? Reiki works on a causal level opening the way to wellness by removing energetic debris from the aura, which in turn impacts the body on all other levels—physical, mental, and emotional.
    Of its many therapeutic benefits, the most well-known are that Reiki promotes deep relaxation, physical and emotional pain relief, emotional harmony, a healthy immune system, stress-reduction, less bodily tension, and more restful sleep. It also enhances stamina, intuition, mental clarity, meditation, spiritual awareness, intuition, and self-awareness.
    One of the most powerful uses for Reiki therapy is emotional healing from trauma because it is a very self-paced, non-invasive way to work on the subtle energies that influence the way in which we respond to happenings within our environment.
    Due to the detoxifying quality of Reiki and yoga (meditation and breathwork), releasing pent-up emotions that are stored as tension in various areas of the body is another unique healing benefit of a continuous Reiki therapy plan, such as my Emotional Healing Program.
    How Reiki Works Because Reiki is Universal Life Force Energy it is infinite, unbound by time or space, conscious, omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (everywhere), and omnipotent (all-powerful).
    Each Reiki therapist is attuned to specific healing frequencies within the Universal Life Force, and can channel them to any willing recipient using the power of intention. Because the energy is sourced from the Universe itself, providing Reiki therapy neither not disrupts nor depletes the personal energy of the therapist. In fact, the very act of channeling Reiki is also a very healing, relaxing experience for the therapist as well.
    Because the energy is conscious, Reiki will flow to where it is most needed at the time of treatment in order to assist in restoring the personal energy of the recipient to a state of wellness.
    There are 3 Levels of Reiki Attunement under the Usui Reiki tradition (click here to read my post on the origins and history of Reiki):
    A Reiki Level 1 Practitioner is equipped for self-treatment, as well as family, close friends, and pets.
    A Reiki Level 2 Practitioner is equipped to work as a therapist and share Reiki with the public in a professional capacity.
    A Reiki Master/Teacher (Reiki Level 3 Practitioner) has undergone further attunement and special training to work even deeper, at the cellular level of the body, to support individuals in their healing from the level of cause. They are also prepared to pass on the Reiki teachings and attunements to new students.
    Reiki can be channeled to a recipient either in-person through gentle touch or via the distance healing method.
    The only objective of a Reiki therapist during a session is to be a clear channel for Reiki to freely flow according to the recipient's highest good.
    In therapy, there is no agenda to command a specific result because Reiki is conscious energy that

    • 14 min
    Lemonade: Using Your Gifts to Transform Pain Into Purpose with Daree Allen Nieves

    Lemonade: Using Your Gifts to Transform Pain Into Purpose with Daree Allen Nieves

    Lemonade: Using Your Gifts To Transform Pain Into Purpose with Daree Allen Nieves | Yes To You Podcast #26
    The next time life gives you lemons...perhaps you should write about it!
    Dominique interviews authorpreneur, goal-getter, and true inspiration to many—Daree Allen Nieves. Daree is a speaker, certified life coach, and has presented at various conferences, schools, and universities across the country as an expert on professional and personal development.
    In this episode, You’ll hear of several inspiring ways to leverage the wisdom in your story and find purpose by expressing your gifts, including:
    ►How Daree found healing, purpose, and inspiration through the power of vulnerability and self-expression
    ►Simple steps to write your first memoir starting now
    ►Daree’s success tips for daily self-care, focus, and productivity
    ►The connection between your story, your gifts, and your purpose
    Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | iHeartRadio | Google Play | Google Podcasts | Stitcher Radio
    Episode Outline ►   [1:16] Shoutouts
    ►   [2:15] #MyPrideStory Challenge Launch
    ►   [4:19] What to expect in this episode
    ►   [5:18] Meet Daree
    ►   [7:35] Daree’s professional journey and mission
    ►   [10:30] Daree’s journey as a writer and what we ALL need to know about Technical Writing
    ►   [15:37] What it was like to publish her 1st book be vulnerable by telling her story
    ►   [18:00] Vulnerability is our social responsibility as guides for the next generation
    ►   [18:40] Why journaling pays off in more ways than one
    ►   [19:53] How Daree’s life changed as a result of writing and self-publishing her first book
    ►   [21:52] Are you standing in your own way?
    ►   [23:43] Writing her 3rd book from the black male perspective as a divorced single mom
    ►   [26:16] Daree’s message to black women
    ►   [27:49] How to stay focused and implement as a highly creative woman with many ideas
    ►   [31:00] The importance of habits and routines & some practical advice
    ►   [32:36] Actions steps to write your first personal memoir
    ►   [35:36] How to cultivate happiness through self-care and doing what you love
    ►   [38:43] Socializing can be a form of self-care for your mental health
    ►   [39:50] Daree’s book recommendations for confidence and setting healthy boundaries
    ►   [40:49] Daree’s #1 piece of advice to women with BIG dreams in the face of fear
    ►   [41:18] Why we each have unique gifts
    ►   [42:48] Where to connect with Daree online and listen to her podcast
    ►   [43:45] Dominique acknowledges Daree for 3 qualities and shares takeaways
    Resources Mentioned In This Episode CONNECT WITH DAREE
    Podcast:  iTunes or http://KickinitwithDaree.com
    Voiceover website: https://DareeVoiceover.com
    Promos/freebies: http://KickinitwithDaree.com/resources
    Social Media (@Dareeallen): (Instagram | Facebook | Twitter)
    ►   Ending the Blame Game: Black Single Fathers on Relationships by Daree Allen
    ►   What’s Wrong With Me?: A Girl's Book of Lessons Learned, Inspiration and Advice by Daree Allen
    ►   Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
    ►   Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis
    ►   Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living by Shauna Niequist

    • 46 min
    7 Ways To Empower Your Mindset

    7 Ways To Empower Your Mindset

    7 Ways To Empower Your Mindset | Weekly Wellness Tip #21
    Your mindset determines your momentum in every area of life. In order to begin deep healing, become more self-aware, awaken to your calling, express yourself with confidence, increase your resilience, and manifest your version of a successful life—you need a solid foundation of inner trust, courage, and authenticity.
    In this mini-episode, Dominique discusses 7 ways to empower your mindset based on the work of Valorie Burton in the book, “Successful Women Think Differently.”
    Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | iHeartRadio | Google Play | Google Podcasts | Stitcher Radio
    Valorie Burton’s 7 Key Decisions of Success I do not downsize my dreams. I focus on solutions, not problems. I choose to be authentic. I choose courage over fear. I choose relationships wisely. I actively seek feedback and use it to grow. I know my purpose and take daily action toward my vision. Resources Mentioned in This Episode (Book) Successful Women Think Differently by Valorie Burton

    • 19 min

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