10 episodes


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    • Education


    Change Is Possible - Just Believe.

    Change Is Possible - Just Believe.

    Have you ever thought of starting all over again, changing thepast and living your life free of thepenalty of past mistakes? Do you feel bound by an addiction, a habit or obsession and arecrying insideto be free, really free indeed?

    What if I told you that there was ONE way you could experience change from deep within and be transformed on the outside sothat you would be free to rise so high?Yes you could begin to live a higher life, a new life.

    Life is more than just about girls, guys, sex, drugs and alcohol.You can be a totally brand new you. You would talk, look and act differently. In fact people who know you wouldn't recognize you,they would be speechless and if they could utter words it would bethat there is something different about you, that you seem to have changed.

    Now this is not my promise or a quick fix self help guide totransforming your life. It is changing the Bible way. It is an old truth that can guarantee a New You.I tried it a few years ago and all I can say is that it was the best decision of my life.It all started when somebody asked me to give my life to Jesus and accept him as my personal Lord and Saviour.

    I prayed a simpleprayer like this:Lord Jesus forgive me of all my sins, I believe you died to set me free, I accept you today as my Lord and my Saviour, Thank you Jesus for setting me free.That was it, a short prayer that has kept strong on the long road oflife.

    You may think that you have committed no sin. Perhaps you feel you are good or better than others. You may be cool and good or you may be cruel and bad. But are you saved? Are you bornagain? That's your ticket to get on the plane on a journey thatwould create a NEW YOU and eventually take you to heaven.

    Heaven is as real as the earth and so is hell where people who haven't accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour end up. Not because they are devils or are worse than you or church folks. No its just because they didn't accept God's ticket to Heaven and eternal life when they had the chance. That's what I call missing an opportunity of a life time, when you realize that it is absolutely FREE. The salvation of your soul is free of charge; you just have toaccept it. Jesus Christ of Nazareth paid the price, He died in yourplace, and He suffered a lot so that you don't have to.Would you like to receive this opportunity of a life time tobecome Brand New?

    If you would then say this simple prayer:Lord Jesus I come to you today as a sinner. I repent of all my sins; I believe you are God andthat you died for my sins and rose again to giveme life. I invite you into my heart, to be my Lord and Saviour. I thank you for your blood that washes all my sins away, and I believe that you began this good working me and will be faithful to complete it by your Holy Spirit that enables me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. Great you are now born again!! Please continue to read this book and learn some tips on how to live and express your NEW LIFE in God.

    From the book; The New You - Change & Transformed by JahMain KinG

    Visit www.JahMainKinG.com for FREE DOWNLOADS.

    Copyright © 2012 Jermaine Sanwoolu

    TEYN PublishingAll rights reserved.

    ISBN 978-1-62154255-1

    All Scriptures from KJV Bible.

    • 4 min
    The New You - Born Again

    The New You - Born Again

    “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
    (2 Corinthians 5:17)
    “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death”. (Romans 8:1-2).

    You made the best decision of your life the moment you gave your life to Jesus Christ. The bible says that heaven rejoices when you are born again. You will experience newness of life, a refreshing of your spirit and joy in your heart and soul. Your life has been changed and transformed from the inside and as you walk with the Lord it will begin to show.

    A man named Nicodemous in the bible asked Jesus what it meant to be born again, he wondered if one who was old could go into his mother's womb and be reborn (Read John 3:1-8). Being born again refers to a spiritual rebirth not a physical one, all of us were born into this world in sin, because we were offspring of the first man called Adam who fell into sin in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3 & 1 Corinthians 15:22), but when you gave your life to Jesus you became born again by an incorruptible seed (1 Peter 1:23), which is the word of God, Jesus Christ (John 1:1-3) and you are now His offspring. The same Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the dead now gives life to you. You were once dead in your sin, but are now alive in God though Jesus Christ. Remember the bible says, “Except a man be born again he can't see the kingdom ofGod”(John 3:3).

    You are now born again, you are a citizen of heaven, your name has now been written in the book of the Life. God has brought you out of darkness and has brought you into His marvellous light. God has given you eternal life as the bible says that Jesus Christ came into this world to “give you life and life more abundantly.” (John 10:10). Before, you where on your way to hell due to the life of sin you once lived, but God intervened and changed your eternal destiny giving you eternal life and setting you on the path to heaven, when you believed in Jesus Christ and became Born Again. The Bible says though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as wool (Isaiah 1vs 18), all your sins have been forgiven every single one of them, you need not feel dirty again or condemned you have been washed by the powerful cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. Understand that salvation is not a destination it is a journey. Being born again does not mean that you have a licence to sin since God has forgiven you, His mercy should not be taken for granted. It is dangerous to believe that once saved you are always saved, you must make a conscious and deliberate effort to rely on the grace of God and not your own works to live your life wholly devoted and surrendered to God .The word of God encourages us to you to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). Now that you are born again you are a new person, old things are passed away and all things have become new. Therefore stay focused, remain on the path of righteousness and walk in the newness of life with joy in Jesus. Being born again is so wonderful - you have become a child of God, an heir to His Kingdom. You are an ambassador of Christ, Gods representative here on the earth. You are precious in Gods eyes, He calls you “the apple of His eyes” and He cares for you. Jesus died just to set you free, if you were the only one on earth, Jesus would still have died for you! His love for you is like nothing you've ever experienced before or ever known. You are very special to Him. Now that you are born again, you are changed and transformed, a new being, with new life and a great destiny on earth and in heaven.

    From the book; The New You - Change & Transformed by JahMain KinG

    Visit www.JahMainK

    • 5 min
    Jesus - Saviour, Friend & Lord

    Jesus - Saviour, Friend & Lord

    “No greater Love than this that a man should lay down his life for his friend” (John 15:13)

    Jesus Christ, the only One who saves, the Anointed One is your Saviour, your best friend and your Lord. Jesus didn't just die for your sins on the cross of Calvary, but he paid the price for them too. The Bible says that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” but when you asked Jesus to be your Saviour, He saved you from the consequence of your sins, He redeemed you and purchased you by His precious blood, for the bible says except the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin (Hebrews 9: 22). He saved you, and you can always count on his saving grace to deliver you from any situation. He is a mighty saviour, deliverer, and conqueror and would fight every battle for you.

    He is such a wonderful saviour, but what a friend we also have in Jesus. Most 'friends' claim they can die for you or sacrifice anything for you but can you really trust them? Jesus demonstrated His love, friendship and commitment to you by dying on the cross of Calvary that you may live. This is the greatest sacrifice ever made, the Bible says “No greater love than this that a man should lay down his life for his friend” (John 15:13). In Jesus you have a friend that sticks closer than any brother, you can lean on Him and rely on Him, He is always close to you. He dwells in your heart. He understands you like no other. He knows your pains and what gives you pleasure. He knows your heart's aches and worries and will always be there for you no matter the storms in life you may face. All you have to do is call on Him and He will be there. He listens to the cries and prayers of your heart and whispers words of hope, faith and love to you, He is one friend you can trust with every detail of your life.

    The Lord Jesus is a servant leader like no other who will lead you in the path of righteousness. When you accept Him into your life, He will guide you in life and show you what to do, how to do it and His perfect timing. He is not a dictator, like earthly lords He is a loving Lord that does everything in your best interest and you can be sure that He will work all things together for your good. He is the same lord that saves you and will help you soar to great heights as a friend. Jesus loves you and will always be your Saviour, friend and Lord.

    From the book; The New You - Change & Transformed by JahMain KinG

    Visit www.JahMainKinG.com for FREE DOWNLOADS.

    Copyright © 2012 Jermaine Sanwoolu

    TEYN PublishingAll rights reserved.

    ISBN 978-1-62154255-1

    All Scriptures from KJV Bible.

    • 3 min
    Gear Up - Put On Your Armour

    Gear Up - Put On Your Armour

    “Put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit…” Ephesians 6:11-18.

    As you live this new life, you have to be prepared and ready to triumph and conquer in every battle you may face. To succeed in the Christian race, you need to have adequate spiritual gear or as the bible puts it “armour”. If you have ever watched war films you will have seen soldiers in battle all geared up with armour from head to toe. This armour is to worn to defend the warrior from the assaults of his enemies and also to help him in his offence and ability to win the battle.

    In the spiritual realm the bible says you wrestle not against flesh and blood and that the weapons of warfare you possess are not carnal or physical. Therefore the armour you need is not physical but spiritual. The battle you are fighting is a battle for your soul, heart and mind. The devil wants to draw you back to a life of sin but do not be afraid, God has fully equipped you to win every battle and to stand and conquer no matter what is thrown at you. We can win and overcome because Jesus won on the cross of Calvary on your behalf. The devil's devices to draw you back into his kingdom are subtle and they may not necessarily mean you fight with devils and demons. However they come up in everyday life in the form of doubts, unbelief, temptations, seductions, condemnations and those things that seek to distract you and take you back to your old way of life.

    The component of your spiritual armour are outlined below:

    Gird your waist with Truth - Truth gives you the confidence to stand and move ahead in life. There are many opinions and they will fail but the truth always stands and it is a firm rock to build your life on. Your whole life should be truth centred as this is the pathway to genuine liberty in Jesus Christ. The bible says "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32). The way you discover more of Gods truth is by studying the word of God as it brings light and illumination to your life. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Ps 119:105.

    The breast plate of Righteousness – The breast plate is a piece of armour that protects the most delicate parts of your body, your heart. The bible says that you should guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life (Pr 4:23). Your heart is your most important part of your body and also spiritually your heart is very important. The bible says that as you think in your heart so you are (Pr 23:7). Therefore a true reflection of who you are is seen in the image embedded in your heart. That is why the bible says that we should keep God's word in our heart that we may not sin against Him. The Breast Plate of Righteousness is a heart protector. The bible says that Abraham believed in God and it was counted to him for Righteousness. Believing and having faith in Gods word in your heart makes you righteous (Ro 4:3).You

    needs to preserve this knowledge that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus as it is your protection and security. The Bible exhorts you to 'put on' the armour; this means

    • 9 min
    Different - You've Been Set Apart

    Different - You've Been Set Apart

    “For this is the will of God, your sanctification…”1 Thessalonians 4:3

    Now that you're born again, you need to understand that you are a new and different person; you are changed and equipped with your full armour. Now the process of transformation begins with your sanctification. To be sanctified means that you are set apart by God for a holy use, you have been called from a lifestyle of sinful desires into an eternal life full of Holy and goodly pleasures. God has done the calling out, you must now be active in coming out of the world, by consecrating yourself wholly to God. This world, the pride of life lust of the eyes and of the flesh are all contrary to God and are all aimed at drawing you back into sin again.

    God has called you not to be a better person than you were instead you are called to be different, not to sample sinful pleasure but to be an example to people in this world .You are equipped by God to do this, for God calls you a vessel of honour destined to bring glory unto Him and a temple for the Holy Spirit of God, in him you have your being and the power to live above sin.

    You may ask how do I come out, be set apart from the world's ways? You can start by renewing your mind, as the word of God says, do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2). Our mind is an access point into our heart from which flow the issues of our life. So preserving your thoughts with the word of God will keep you in the perfect will of God for your life. The bible also says that the word of God has the power to sanctify us (John 17:17), through a spiritual cleansing and the washing of water by the word of God (Eph 5:26)

    Sin separates you from God but Salvation brings you closer to God. The Bible says 'Be Holy even as I am Holy' (1Pe 1:16), sin defiles you and has a way of corrupting godly virtues, thoughts and behaviours. But as you begin to read the word of God and spend time talking with and hearing from to God in prayer, your life would undoubtedly be changed and transformed, starting with the way you think and act. Reading your bible and praying may seem so basic in keeping you from sin but they do and the reverse is also the same, sin has a way of keeping you from committing to them too.

    Many times people know what to do but still compromise and turn back to their old life, but you don't need to. The bible says we should not love the world and the things of this world but rather love God with all your heart mind, strength and soul, everything in your life and every part of you should be yielded to God and not to this world. The world and its systems are contrary to God and stand in enmity and opposition to His ways. You as a Christian should preserve yourself by loving God and consecrating yourself to him and no other. You should not engage with people or events that don't glorify God.

    It doesn't mean that you do not talk, walk or sit near people who are not Christians; it means that you live your life in a way that is pleasing to God and do not indulge in what they do so that you be an example and shine the light in God's Kingdom. Stay focussed on Jesus in all you do. You should desire to be more like Jesus and less like the world. It may seem a bit difficult or impossible to do, but the bible says that “Being confident that He who began this good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6) and also now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely and may your whole spirit, soul and body, be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful who will also do it (1Thessalonians 5:23- 24). As a Christian God's grace is sufficient for you and His strength will be made perfect in your weakness, but remember, God will do His part in sanctifying you , but you must also consecrate and dedicate yourself to Him.

    From the book; The New You -

    • 5 min
    Soak Yourself - Be Baptised

    Soak Yourself - Be Baptised

    "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you." Acts 1:8

    “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” Act 2:1-4.

    To be baptised means to be completely immersed. In the word of God there are two types of baptisms:

    1) In water by full immersion.

    Symbolizes the death to your old life when you go into the water and life in God when you arise from the water, it is a baptism unto repentance. Jesus was baptised (Mt 3:13) and baptized others (John 3:22) and so were many Christians in the bible (Acts 2:38, 41). Ask your pastor in your church about water baptism so that you can get baptised. It is a public show of an inward change that has occurred through salvation.

    2) The Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

    Many people feel that the Holy Spirit is just a force or a power that enables them to do whatever they feel like doing at any time. The truth is that the Holy Spirit is a person, the third person in the Trinity. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are separate persons although the three together are One.

    The Holy Spirit brings the will of God to pass and seeks t glorify God in everything and He is powerful, but He is not given to you to curse or destroy those who offend you, for the bible says you ought to love your enemies. Rather, He is given unto you so that you can be empowered to live the Christian life in victory. The Holy Spirit is the promise of the father given when Jesus ascended to heaven after His resurrection from death by crucifixion. The bible makes us know that the Holy spirit is from God and does not dwell in a temple made by human hands but dwells in the temple made by God himself, your body. The Bible calls your body the temple of the Holy Spirit (1Cor. 6:19). The Holy Spirit is eager to dwell in you and make your heart His home. The Holy Spirit is a sign and seal of Gods ownership. Since you have been sanctified by the word of God and you have the whole armour of God. There are many ways the Holy Spirit will helps you, He will:

    Lead you: The Holy Spirit will lead you in the way that God desires you to go, leading you to God and away from Sin. For as a child of God you have the promise of being lead by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:14)

    Teach You: He teaches you things you don't know and haven't learnt, He will shed light on God's word when you read and give you understanding. He teaches you and gives you wisdom to make right decisions (John 14 vs. 26)

    Comfort You: The Holy spirit is a comforter when you are feeling down, neglected and rejected, when you are going through tough times and need someone to be there for you, He is right with you.

    (John 14:16-18)

    Help you Pray: When the Holy spirit comes upon you He will give you utterance and will also teach you how to pray so that you will be able to pray according to the will of God. The Holy Spirit can also give you divine utterance in prayer and you will begin to speak in Tongues. This may seem strange at first as you may not understand the language you are speaking as it is a heavenly language (1 Cor. 13:1, Romans 8:25-27)

    Give you spiritual Gifts: There are diversities of gifts the Holy Spirit will give you for God's divine purpose (1 Cor. 12:11)

    Give you Power: The Holy spirit would empower you for service in His kingdom to be a witness, overcome sin and be victorious in life (Act 1:8).

    Manifest Godly Character in you: Godly character will be developed in you as you yield yourself to the help of the Holy spirit, virtues that will strengthen your faith and move you closer to God and help you live in rig

    • 6 min

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