Journal Of Small Musings

Apoorv Bedmutha
Journal Of Small Musings Podcast

You, me and everyone else, Can change the world with a little help

  1. My Crypto Investment Experience : What I learnt in 6 months


    My Crypto Investment Experience : What I learnt in 6 months

    #podcast #crypto #investment Hello and welcome back to another episode of Journal Of Small Musings, A podcast that generally moves around career, productivity, philosophy and almost everything else. Since the start of 2021, Crypto has been one of the most trending topics So I decided to share my experience and how I invest in cryptocurrency. Here I'm going to discuss this from a layman's standpoint that means, the way I invest does not need you to have any special knowledge regarding cryptocurrency or blockchain or anything else. I'm not a financial advisor nor a millionaire but what I am saying is these are a few things that I followed which provided me with better results. So since the July of this year, I had been keeping track of my crypto investments and I had been successful in achieving at least 12% profit per annum. and I'm happy with it. I'll first discuss different things that I learned through out the process. because I literally had zero experience in investment at that point. First and the most important: Understand what you can afford and this will save your ass on a long long scale. now let me elaborate We all have heard the stories of way too many people getting homeless just cause they did a wrong investment. Do you why that happens? It's because they do not know what they can afford. for example you have 100% of your monthly income. Now in my case, I try to reserve 30% of my income for saving and investment. That means I have 70% of my monthly income for my daily needs. now assume I have multiple options for investment or savings It might be a Provident fund, A mutual fund, Crypto, Fixed deposit etc. Let's consider only these 4 for now. There will always be 1 compulsory section in savings which is liquid cash for emergency cases. that means in total you have 5 sections. now we will divide the 30% that we are using for savings equally into these options. that means each will get 6% of your monthly income. This is what you can afford to invest in crypto. This way even If you lose all of it, you're never in a bad situation. The second thing is to start small. my first crypto investment was 100 rupees. because you are trying to understand the market, understand the tendency of the coin, its behaviour Crypto Investment will always be a game of who makes the best guess and to make the best guess you will need to understand the game that you are playing. Third point Our aim is to consistently grow with having a balance between risk and profit. The way I invest is not for someone who wants to become a millionaire quick. Our aim here is to increase the value of our investments with the least no. of losses. Results will take time, we are trying to grow gradually on a long run. Fourth point You need to be okay with losing everything you invested. The moment you will unfazed by the growing and falling of your portfolio will be the moment when you will stop taken decisions based on your emotions. Remember it's just maths and they are just numbers If you start getting attached to your crypto investments. then the market will start affecting your real-life decisions. Fifth point You need to trust the process that I am going to teach. until and unless you don't trust it, you will not have patience enough for it to work. Sixth point Keep track of your progress in as many ways as possible, I myself keep track of my crypto investments with respect to each month so that It gives me enough time to study my investments, the behaviour of coins. You need to work up an action plan based on actual figures not just on what you feel about the coin. I guess this is enough for the first part of this video. Regarding the strategy, I'll share it in the next part which will be released next Friday !!! So don't forget to tune in again next Friday. until then, keep hustling. Bye Background Music: Pomegranate Instrumental - Kota The Friend ( ) Find this episode on Spotify: https:

    13 min
  2. What makes your dream important | Episode 20


    What makes your dream important | Episode 20

    Hello and welcome back to another episode of journal of small musings, a place where I talk about stuff that might give us a different perspective on things, So last week I asked a bunch of people a very simple question "what is your dream?" and there were many cool answers So i thought I'd give my opinion on why dreams are important, To me I do not see my dream as an end goal but rather as a checkpoint or milestone that leads to my next dream, A few of you may disagree that when you look at it that way, you'll always be in pursuit of something or the other, I do not see what's wrong with that, being in pursuit of something does provide us with a purpose, and when you have a purpose or goal, it gives you a feeling that whatever you are doing is important, which I see very crucial in a long run, always having a goal to achieve keeps your mind busy, gives your conscious stimulus, keeps it active, and saves you from depression. So rather than looking at dreams as an end goal maybe dreams are stepping stones to your next dream, There's a concept in japan, that means always having a reason to wake up, if you have no reason you'll soon be bored with life, everyday will start looking the same, and eventually pointless. Another thing is having big dreams, Having big dreams is a really good and ambitious thing, but never forget to break down bigger task into smaller milestones, Since your dream is big at some point it will be hard to navigate whether you are moving in the right direction or not, breaking down your dream into checkpoints will help you to track your progress, give you an understanding of your strengths and rectify your mistakes. You cannot build pyramids without planning the architecture of each floor, In most cases large dreams are time consuming, so having checkpoints motive you instead of making you overwhelmed with work. have big dreams, but chase your checkpoints. and last but not least, if you are waiting to be happy when you complete your dream, you'll never be happy, because the feeling of happiness of completing a task does fade away and then you are left without a purpose. I'd advice you be happy in the pursuit, enjoy it, having a dream is utility, pursuit is consistent. I guess that's all from my side, Don't forget to like, share, subscribe You guys know the routine. keep hustling and take care, Bye. Background Music : Find this episode on Spotify: Find this episode on Apple Podcasts:

    5 min
  3. What is Abstraction and How it can benefit you? | Episode 19


    What is Abstraction and How it can benefit you? | Episode 19

    Hello Hello Hello ! Welcome back to another episode of Journal of Small Musings with yours truly, Now before we get this conversation started, Let me give you some background about the word abstraction. It's a common concept that is used in various places from technology to marketing to education even by the government. to put it simply Abstraction is only providing yourself or the target audience with information that they need to know. For example, If you are selling a Car you'll tell the buyer about how he could drive the car, how can he use different features not how we made the car or what type of nuts and bolts we have used to fix the chassis. If you are an introvert, you certainly do not like people knowing too much about you. Even if you are not, you certainly know the situation when you try to explain something to someone and end up making it even complex. We have all been in those places and it either becomes awkward or disappointing. I had the same problem so there are a few techniques that I had employed that worked for me. 1. thinking before talking, if possible writing stuff down Social interaction is really not my prime and I always end saying something awful. These days I try to frame my sentences in my head before I speak, It seems like a really simple technique but believe me it works. If I have a meeting or presentation, writing down points that I want to focus on keeps me on track. So rather than freestyling I'd suggest you keep it short but to the point. 2. Keep a small close circle Too many heads always make a mess trust me. There are 2 types of friends one are the normal friends and others are the ones who you can trust with your life. Keeping the circle small is far more helpful. You have people to talk too, people who won't judge you or your actions no matter what plus keeping a secret is far more easier. 3. talking about relevant stuff with relevant people Nobody likes people who beat around the bush, especially people who value their time as well as letting toxic people know unnecessary insights about your life may create problems. To keep it precise, Let them know what you want them to know. Well, these are a few things that I advise, I might make another episode on abstraction down the line. I feel there's a lot more to be discussed but today is not the day. I guess that's it, Anyway Like, Subscribe, and Share if possible. I'm thinking about buying a camera with my youtube money. To make better videos. So do your bit. Keep Hustling. FInd this episode on Spotify: FInd this episode on Apple Podcasts: Music used in the video:

    6 min
  4. The Morita therapy | Ep 18


    The Morita therapy | Ep 18

    Alright, Welcome back for another episode of Journal of Small musings, with yours truly. It's probably been a month since the last episode. So let's get started. Today, I'll address an important problem, Have you ever felt like you can't control your thoughts and emotions Continuous mood swings eventually lead to anxiety and in my case mild depression. that is the thing we're trying to find a solution for. So there was this dude in Japan named Shomo Morita, he introduced a technique for solving this. Hence, Morita therapy The basic principle of Morita therapy is that "You can't control your emotions, but you can control your actions" That sounds cliche but let me elaborate. Step one is accepting the fact that we have no control over our emotions, That we'll feel what we're bound to feel. But what we are feeling and what we do are 2 very different things. another principle that works here is knowing that our actions are going to affect our feelings. This is the gist of Morita therapy. Now there's a deeper technique in which Morita expected us to implement in our lives. But I'm gonna tell you how I implemented it in my life with positive results. Because we are all working class of beings, hence we have more factors to consider. There are _ things I did, which certainly worked for me. 1. Doing one thing at a time, i.e. not to multi-task. We as humans are so accustomed to doing so many things at a time, that it really takes a toll on our mental health. for example, Do not touch your phone to reply to a text when you are reading a book. This eased up on my brain big time I felt like I was starting to live in the moment more. 2. I started accepting whatever I was feeling by asking for a reason like why I was feeling them. I accepted that these emotions are a part of me. But I'm still going to do what I want to and what I have to do. 3. whenever I felt like I was losing control in my head, I stopped doing what I was doing. closed my eyes, took a deep breath, observed everything that was going on in my head without trying to change it. Like I was in a zoo. Eventually, things settle down and you get back to work. 4. One more thing I focused on was trying to minimize the amount of content I was exposed to. In this day and age, we are continuously exposed to memes, tik toks, video, audio, music and all this feels a little too much. So instead I stopped checking my phone for at least 1 hour after I woke up as well as 1 hour prior I go to bed. It certaily helps. 5. Trying to do something in which you can find Flow, i.e something you feel focused or engrossed in the task. For it was reading a book, I felt calm and refreshed after a read a book. There are a few more but these certainly worked for me. I'd certainly encourage you to do the same. You'll love the experience. Those who want to read about Morita therapy and similar concepts should certainly check out a book by Hector Garcia and Fransec Miralles named Ikigai, It's a world-famous piece of literature. Hope this helps someone. Goodluck and goodbye. Keep hustling.

    8 min
  5. Losing People | Ep 16


    Losing People | Ep 16

    Background Score: The video is from Pexels ( ) Many times when you lose people, People that are close to you, People who used to love Or the one’s you still love, It doesn’t hit immediately, it takes time. The grief slowly seeps in like ocean water on beach sand. You start to absorb the absence. The people who you used to vibe with or the one’s that you saw on a daily just leave an uncomfortable blank space that nobody else can see but you do. It always feels like the space clouds leave after move away, somehow incomplete. It’s the moments when you call their name and realize they aren’t in the same dimension as you anymore. They have ascended beyond. The grief turns into pain and pain turns into tears but it’s OK. Tears are proof that shows how important that person was to you. But many don’t cry, they just hurt, and it aches like a piercing needle through a heart. Somehow the lonely hours feel a lot more lonely. Fortunately, time heals and you are done grieving. You become strong mentally and now it’s your job to take care of the people around you. Many times the ones who have lost somebody very close to them are the kindest souls. Cause this makes them realize the fragility of life and how fast people may vanish from their life. Being good to people is very very important else it leaves baggage of guilt that is very hard to cope with. People are strong, really strong mostly one’s that don’t show. Instagram: Journal Of Small Musings Playlist:

    4 min
  6. How to get started with coding | Ep 15


    How to get started with coding | Ep 15

    Java Resources : C++ Resources : Python Resources: Background Music : Instagram : Hello and welcome back for episode 15 of journal of small musings, So recently I did an IG question story where I asked what are you all learning like technically and many of the replies were like "Bro, I want to start coding and stuff but I really don't know where to start?" and I know, It can be very very overwhelming to start programming since their are tons of languages and choices and this makes it very confusing. Hence to answer this particular question, I have recorded this episode. First thing, we have to decide which programming language we have to learn? I personally suggest you 3 choices: 1.Java 2.Python 3.C++ If you are the type of person who good at grasping different concepts and has the patience to do something consistently I will suggest you work with Java. Personally, I have some good memories with Java, but that will be for some other video. Now, If you are the curious type, The kind of person who doesn't like secrets somebody who loves to see how things work. I will recommend you to move forward with C++. It will really open a door of possibilities for you. Studying c++ will increase your understanding of technical aspects big time. C++ was my first programming language and it really gave me perspective in my career. Next, If you are the kind of person who hates complicated stuff and loves to take things slow. Python is perfect for you. In my opinion, Python will be the easiest to learn among these three as well as will also give you an overview of different programming [concepts. It]('s a really great language to get started. Now the next question is from where to study all this? So I would personally suggest you have somebody as a mentor who has experience in the field, but it isn't necessary you can still learn the same on your own. So assuming you are learning on your own. For java: I would suggest tutorials from a website named [](, They have touched every important topic one by one and have small sections that explain every concept deeply. Similarly for learning C++ there's a website called []( that allows you to learn c++ from scratch. I'll be linking all of them in my bio, so you don't have trouble finding it. Now for Python, you can put your trust in []( they have a complete tutorial in python, which also have videos that can help you to understand clearly. I have personally used all these sources and hence, I believe they will turn out to be very very helpful regarding. One last thing is that learning to code is all about patience, consistency and self-belief. You'll get there just keep trying, It's as simple as that. and believe me that joy of seeing something that you have built is euphoric, you'll feel crazy when it happens and that is what pushes most of the programmers out there. I guess that's all I have to say, actually there's one more thing. I'm currently teaching a few of my friends to code and I'd really love more students so if you are interested you can hit me up on my Instagram account or comment down below. Anyways keep hustling Byeeeeee.

    7 min
  7. The Freelancing Experience (part 2) | Ep 13


    The Freelancing Experience (part 2) | Ep 13

    hey alright, welcome back to episode 13 of journal of small musings, this is the second part to the freelance experience that we talked about last time. So let's start from where we dropped . Let's assume you got a got social scene and are ready to start receiving customers, Always remember your first customers will mostly be people who already know you,May be your parents, your friends, colleagues. The people who will follow your work and cheer for you no matter what. They won't be investing in you because they like your work but because they like you. And it's completely fine. What's crucial here is You need to give your best and by best i mean the best effort you can on these projects. Because your current customers will be the source for your future customers. Right the friends of your current customers is going be our target. Then their friends and so on. That's is how it works. I'll work like a network. and breaking a chain won't just cost a customers but a chain of them. That's why you need to be consistent and available for more work. Cause once this cycle gets started You'll be overflowing by projects. There's a myth that giving out free samples and projects is like loss for your business, which is completely wrong. You need to provide something out to the community to gain their trust to gain exposure. Why do you think Netflix has a trial period So that people can get a taste of, So that people know what they are buying. I'd have loved to talk about business models but i don't know I'm kinda illiterate in that section. Now there are many different type of customers good ones, bad ones,annoying ones, the abusive ones but it is of utmost important to have patience and politeness. They may some really hurtful stuff about you and more about your work and you have to be patience with them. Giving a response is like adding oil to the fire. This will help you in a long run. One of the major roadblock you have to cross is Hate and shame, There will be people who don't believe in your idea and moreover laugh at you on your face. but it's up to you how much you listen. Like if you know what your idea is capable of and you believe yourself relentlessly there is no flipping way someone could stop you. Same advice here do not fight hate with hate it'll be pointless and is a waste of energy.Instead ignore them and prove to them who's right. Most of the people who are thinking about starting freelancing are either students or the people who already have a job You do not need to drop out for having a successful freelancing experience.You do not need to lose your job to do freelancing. Freelancing has to start as a side hustle as their is a big chance that things will go sideways. There's a concept that Only lose your main hustle or your job when your side hustle earns you 3 times the money per month than your salary. It is just stupid take illogical risks. what you need is time management and passion and a hard working attitude. Once again, You do not need to lose your job, Do not drop out of school unless your side hustle at least earns 3 times your salary. Last but not l

    5 min


You, me and everyone else, Can change the world with a little help

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