6 episodes

Live tunes by The Implausible Schmendrick, played with just one instrument and one voice.


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Live tunes by The Implausible Schmendrick, played with just one instrument and one voice.

    Episode 6

    Episode 6

    UnfinishedBusinessWithTheImplausibleSchmendrickEpisode6RichardDreyfus   Welcome to episode 6, a reltively short one this week because I only had a half hour in the morning to record the tunes so I chose two short ones. These I wrote very soon after purchasing my first ever relatively cheap ukulele last year, which has now been replaced by my first ever not relatively cheap ukulele which stays in tune much longer and is super nice. I recommend everybody get a hold of a uke at some point, it's a beautiful thing, and even the cheap-ish ones are OK really. Anyhow, I may miss the next couple weeks because of it being holiday time for my wife and children's, if I can fit an episode recording in I will, but I'll put my family first like a sane person if this would impose on their having my time equitably and reasonably and such. Hope you're enjoying the tunes anyway, and many thanks to my subscribers for subscribing, much appreciated.   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

    Episode 5

    Episode 5

      UnfinishedBusinessWithTheImplausibleSchmendrickEpisode5BrightWhiteLies   Here's episode five for you. While I was just at the end of recording the first tune some dogs starting barking outside, see if you can hear them, I think they kind of fit. These two songs are the only two I've ever written using only a synthesizer, acoustic instruments were my thing completely until I was exposed to the world of MIDI goodness that awaits pretty much anyone who types "free midi stuff" into Google. I was led to type this into Google when I got a free copy of the super basic version of Cubase, (recording software),  with a mic I bought, I used it to record just plain audio for ages but then somehow stumbled on the midi thing and that was it, it was a gateway drug, leading to the eventual purchase of a midi guitar and a proper physical synth, the glorious Waldorf Blofeld. I don't profess to have the minute control over the thing that somebody like Peter Gabrielle or that Aphex Twin guy would have, (my apologies to electronic music nerds, I realise there's probably atleast fifty more people who probably come before those two in the "people who are great at electronic music" list),  but I do profess to enjoy the thing thoroughly. However it usually takes the back seat, not the front one, apart from, so far, for these two songs. The first because I was just messing about with the thing and the song came out and the second more intentionally because I was going for a sci-fi kind of thing and there's nothing more sci-fi than synthesizers. Hope you enjoy anyway, I imagine at some point the Blofeld will get in the front again, it's a lovely little toy.   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

    Episode 4

    Episode 4

    UnfinishedBusinessWithTheImplausibleSchmendrickEpisode4BodyAndBlood Here's episode four. Very recent tunes these two, one written by candle light because of a power cut, and because acoustic guitars don't require electricity, and one I wrote just today, kind of, the lyrics are a poem I wrote a few days ago on a train, after hearing a rustling newspaper and seeing many a person tapping their little i-devices and other similar things. This songs take on such things is a bit double standard-ish however, considering that I wrote the poem on an i-device myself. Hope you like them anyway, and thanks for listening. If you want to leave a rating or review on the unfinished business page on iTunes that would be greatly appreciated, and I also will actually read it. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

    Episode 3

    Episode 3

    UnfinishedBusinessWithTheImplausibleSchmendrickEpisode3BraveandBrightandCallMeTommy Here's Episode Three, hopefully it doesn't send you into a bout of the sads. Bit of a heavy subject in teh first song, "Brave & Bold", which is about aids and death and horrible horrible times, but it's also about humanity and bravery and boldness, it's not all down, just mostly. The second tune in this episode, to balance out the sad one, is a relatively happy, silly song about the Power Rangers, or "Super Sentai" as they're called in Japan, (among many other Super Sentai, it's kind of like a genre I guess). In some ways "Call Me Tommy" is actuallt honestly about myself, but in a not at all serious way, many a truth told in jest as they say. Hope you enjoy anyway, and thanks for listening. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

    Episode 2

    Episode 2

    UnfinishedBusinessWithTheImplausibleSchmendrick Episode 2 Edmund J and Sweet Nothings   So, welcome to episode two, which includes a tune about the great Edmund Jacobsen and a little Ukulele tune about peaceful protests and planting flowers. Edmund Jacobsen being a psychologist who worked on relaxation methods for people who are incerdibly tense, not for medical, but rather psychological reasons, and a man I admire because he was interesting and just seems like a great guy from what you can read about him. I hope you enjoy having a listen, if you want to send me a comment  or ask a question please do, via: theimplausibleschmendrick@gmail.com also, I'd appreciate any reviews or ratings via iTunes if you have the time or inclination. Always good to know what people are thinking. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

    Episode 1

    Episode 1

    UnfinishedBusinesswithTheImplausibleSchmendrickEpisode1EugeneWesley Hello and welcome to episode 1 of "Unfinished Business with the implausible schmendrick", the implausible schmendrik being a music project type thing that I'm working on mostly on my own but with occasional help from some other folks when I can rope them in. The aim of this podcast is to have a place where I and maybe in the future some other participators can share unfinished songs, playing them nice and raw and live and simple. I'm specifically doing this myself because I'm finding that I write an awful lot of songs, and they just sit in line waiting for me to add beats and other sounds and things and finding the time and space to do this is not always easy, so I'd like to send them out there in this way just to get them out to people at all, because I'm impatient I guess, and also I'll tell you about where the songs come from and what they mean as best I can before playing them because I really love hearing other song writers do this, I think it adds to the appreciation of music in a big way so I'm giving it a go. So, for this first episode, I'll be playing you a song called Eugene Wesley, then I'll play you a fleshed out version so you can see what I mean when I say "Unfinished". Eugene Wesley is about Gene Rodenberry, or Eugene Wesley Rodenberry, it's sort of a bleak little song about how death makes dust out of heros, Gene Rodenberry being the creator or Star Trek and I imagine a hero to a fair ammount of people, it's about how time obscures fame and a whole life can be attached to one acheivement when really there was an entire person going on around that. Lucille Ball gets a mention because she gave Star Trek the go ahead back in the day, being the head of the TV station that first aired it, and there's also mention of Rodenberry's other lesser known careers as a police officer and a pilot and the fact that these expriences were never shared with the public in a creative kind of way, he wrote some cop shows but they've been overshadowed by Kirk and Spock. Another way I was looking at this when I wrote it was how would a huge Rodenberry fan react if they'd been living in a bubble somehow for the last few decades and only now just found out that he was dead? That's about all there is to it really, and whatever else you're own mind put in there, so here we go: The fleshed out version included here features the vocal talents of one Stacey Kendal who kindly did some singing for me, and who you may hear again at some point if this podcast is you're kind of thing. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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