777 episodes



周一:单词造句磨耳朵 10个单词 每个单词2-5个句子

周三:句子反复磨耳朵 10个句子

周五:英文名著分级阅读 一篇

周日:level 4短文 一篇

高效磨耳朵 | 最好的英语听力资‪源‬ 英语磨耳朵

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周一:单词造句磨耳朵 10个单词 每个单词2-5个句子

周三:句子反复磨耳朵 10个句子

周五:英文名著分级阅读 一篇

周日:level 4短文 一篇

    Level 5-Day 26.Vaclav Havel: 'Contamination of morality' (2)

    Level 5-Day 26.Vaclav Havel: 'Contamination of morality' (2)

    1.legacy 遗产
    2.bequeathed 遗赠
    3.blunt 减弱
    4.slumbered 睡
    5.apathy 冷漠
    6.categorically 绝对的
    7.meek 温顺的
    8.totalitarian 极权主义的
    9.yoke 枷锁
    10.speculation 投机
    11.intrigue 阴谋 
    Vaclav Havel: 'Contamination of morality' (2)
    Why do I say this?
    It would be very unreasonable to understand the sad legacy of the last forty years as something alien, which some distant relative bequeathed us.
    On the contrary, we have to accept this legacy as a sin we committed against ourselves.
    If we accept it as such, we will understand that it is up to us all, and up to us only, to do something about it.
    We cannot blame the previous rulers for everything, not only because it would be untrue but also because it could blunt the duty that each of us faces today,namely, the obligation to act independently, freely, reasonably, and quickly.
    Let us not be mistaken: the best government in the world, the best parliament and the best president, cannot achieve much on their own.
    And it would also be wrong to expect a general remedy from them only.
    Freedom and democracy include participation and therefore responsibility from us all.
    If we realize this, then all the horrors that the new Czechoslovak democracy inherited will cease to appear so terrible.
    If we realize this, hope will return to our hearts.
    In the effort to rectify matters of common concern, we have something to lean on.
    The recent period - and in particular,the last six weeks of our peaceful revolution -has shown the enormous human,moral, and spiritual potential and civic culture that slumbered in our society under the enforced mask of apathy.
    Whenever someone categorically claimed that we were this or that, I always objected that society is a very mysterious creature and that it is not wise to trust only the face it presents to you.
    I am happy that I was not mistaken.
    Everywhere in the world people wonder where those meek, humiliated,skeptical, and seemingly cynical citizens of Czechoslovakia found the marvelous strength to shake from their shoulders in several weeks and in a decent and peaceful way the totalitarian yoke.
    And let us ask: from where did the young people who never knew another system take their desire for truth, their love of free thought, their political as,their civic courage and civic prudence?
    How did it happen that their parents- the very generation that had been considered as lost - joined them?
    How is it possible that so many people immediately knew what to do and, none of them needed any advice or instruction?
    Masaryk based his politics on morality.
    Let us try in a new time and in a new way to restore this concept of politics.
    Let us teach ourselves and others that politics should be an expression of a desire to contribute to the happiness of the community rather than of a need to cheat or rape the community.
    Let us teach ourselves and others that politics can be not only the art of the possible, especially if this means the art of speculation, calculation, intrigue,secret deals, and pragmatic maneuvering,but that it can even be the art of the impossible, namely, the art of improving ourselves and the world...

    • 3 min
    英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part7(story11-12)

    英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part7(story11-12)

    Tales From The Thousand And One Nights
    1.gallants 勇士
    2.butcher 屠夫
    3.bonnet 帽子
    4.ridiculous 荒谬的
    5.infatuated 迷恋
    Story 11: The Goodwife of Cairo and Her Four Gallants
    There once a beautiful woman in Cairo.
    She was married to an Emir.
    She had problems with a Kazi(or Judge) who was alway swatching her.
    Once a month she went to the Hammam.
    The road to the Hammam passed by the Kazi's courthouse.
    One day, the Kazi saw her and she saw him.
    He asked,"Is there a possibility that something could happen between us?" and she said yes, and invited him to come to her home after dinner.
    After the Hammam she met a man named Shahbandar.
    He asked the same of her, "Is union possible between us?" and she agreed.
    She invited him to come to her at a specific time.
    The same happened with a man who was a butcher, and again with a trader.
    She promised herself to four men.
    At the appointed time, each man arrived, one after the other.
    She had them change into a light robe and bonnet.
    The Butcher came after the Kazi.
    When the Butcher knocked on the door, the Kazi feared it might be her husband.
    She told him to hide in the closet.
    She repeated this until there were four men in the closet.
    She said loudly so they could hear, "Oh, yesterday my husband killed four men!"
    Her husband the Emir came home.
    He sat in a chair and they talked.
    He asked her about her day.
    She told him she came across four silly men all dressed in light robes and funny fluffy bonnets.
    She asked her husband, "If I brought them here,would you have killed them?"
    He said no, he could not kill those ridiculous men.
    "We could have made them dance and be silly for us."
    The wife said, "Actually, don't get upset with me but they are here!"
    He promised he wouldn't be upset.
    She brought out the Judge (the Kazi) and they made him dance like a monkey.
    He fell to the floor, exhausted.
    The husband said, "Get up and entertain us with a story!"
    The Judge told the story of The Tailor and the Lady and the Captain.
    Story 12: The Tailor and the Lady and the Captain.
    There was Captain who had a beautiful wife.
    Their home faced a tailor shop.
    The tailor saw the wife and was infatuated with her.
    His staring and looking offended her.
    She thought to herself, "I'll play a trick on him and he'll never bother me again."
    She put on her best clothes and made herself extra beautiful.
    She sent one of her servant girls to the tailor, sending a message saying, "My lady wishes to have coffee with you..."
    He immediately closed his shop and crossed the street.
    They talked and had coffee and she had dinner prepared for them.
    Her husband knocked on the door.
    She told the tailor to hide in the closet.
    She locked the closets door and broke a piece of the key and put it in her pocket.
    The husband saw the food and questioned her.
    She said openly that she was with her lover, and that he was in the closet.
    She gave her husband the key but the door would not open.
    The Captain was very upset and threatened to kill the lover when he found him.
    Finally,the wife laughed and said, "Do you really think I would tell you if I had a lover here? That's ridiculous. I was just playing a trick on you."
    The husband calmed down and believed her.
    They sat and ate the meal, while the tailor was nearby in the closet.
    When the husband left to go to the Hammam, she opened the closet.
    She said to the tailor, "I hope you learned your lesson. If you ever look at me or talk to me again you will die. This time I'm letting you go free."
    The servant girl took him across the street to his shop.
    The tailor was disgraced, walking back to his shop full of embarrassment.

    • 4 min


    Conversation 46
    A:What do you do on weekends?
    B: I usually go shopping and clean my room.
    A: Do you hang out with your friend?
    B:Yes, sometimes.
    Conversation 47
    A:Are you ready to go?
    B:Hold on a minute! I can't find my house keys.
    A:Did you check inside your bag and coat pockets?
    B:Ah! I found it! It was in the pocket!
    Conversation 48
    A:What kinds of food don't you like?
    B:I'm bad with spicy foods.
    A:Don't you have any spicy foods in your country?
    B:No, we don't have any spicy foods in my country.
    Conversation 49
    A: I left my bag on a train.
    B:You should go to the Lost and Found.
    A:Where is it?
    B:Right next to the station entrance, on the right hand side.
    Conversation 50
    A: Do you have an appointment?
    B:No, I don't.
    A:The manager is very busy but if you'd like to wait I'll see if he has a moment for you.
    B:Thank you, I won't take up much time, I just want to thank him for his help.

    • 5 min
    单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day51(501-510)

    单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day51(501-510)

    Day 51
    Why don't you consult a lawyer?
    You should consult a doctor if the symptoms get worse.
    Please contact my secretary to make an appointment.
    If you'd prefer a room closer to the Convention Center, please contact us.
    I found it impossible to get in contact with him.
    Some mushrooms contain deadly poisons.
    This juice contains no added sugar.
    adj.满足的,满意的 n.目录;满足,满意;v.使满意,使满足
    She was content with her life.
    The content of his essay is excellent, but it's not very well expressed.
    Are you content with your present salary?
    What time does that contest start?
    I joined a speech contest.
    He didn't understand the context of this paragraph.
    Can you guess the meaning of this phrase from the context?
    Africa is the poorest continent.
    Australia is the smallest continent in the world.
    They crossed the vast continent on foot.
    v. (使)继续,(使)延续;继续说,接着说
    How long will this cold weather continue?
    Prices will continue to rise.
    Please continue with your story. It's really interesting.
    This continuous noise annoys me.
    This is my very first contract.
    The terms of the contract are under review.
    What are the terms of the contract?

    • 13 min
    Level 5-Day 25.Vaclav Havel: 'Contamination of morality' (1)

    Level 5-Day 25.Vaclav Havel: 'Contamination of morality' (1)

    1.contamination 污染
    2.morality 道德
    3.variation 变化
    4.flourished 繁荣的
    5.humiliates 羞辱
    6.exploits 剥夺
    7.obsolete 过时的
    8.bequeathed 遗赠的
    9.concepts 基本观念
    10.regime 政权
    11.autonomous 自主性
    12.inexorably 无情地
    13.totalitarian 极权主义者
    Vaclav Havel: 'Contamination of morality' (1)
    My dear fellow citizens, for forty years you heard from my predecessors on this day different variations of the same theme; how our country flourished, how many million tons of steel we produced, how happy we all were, how we trusted our government, and what bright perspectives were unfolding in front of us.
    I assume you did not propose me for this office so that I, too, would lie to you.
    Our country is not flourishing.
    The enormous creative and spiritual potential of our nation is not being used sensibly.
    Entire branches of industry are producing goods which are of no interest to anyone, while we are lacking the things we need.
    A state which calls itself a workers' state humiliates and exploits workers.
    Our obsolete economy is wasting the little energy we have available.
    A country that once could be proud of the educational level of its citizens spends so little on education that it ranks today as seventy-second in the world.
    We have polluted our soil, our rivers and forests, bequeathed to us by our ancestors, and we have today the most contaminated environment in Europe.
    Adult people in our country die earlier than in most other European countries...
    But all this is still not the main problem.
    The worst thing is that we live in a contaminated moral environment.
    We fell morally ill because we became used to saying something different from what we thought.
    We learned not to believe in anything, to ignore each other, to care only about ourselves.
    Concepts such as love, friendship, compassion, humility, or forgiveness lost their depth and dimensions, and for many of us they represented only psychological peculiarities, or they resembled gone-astray greetings from ancient times, a little ridiculous in the era of computers and spaceships.
    Only a few of us were able to cry out loud that the powers that be should not be all-powerful, and that special farms, which produce ecologically pure and top-quality food just for them, should send their produce to schools,children's homes, and hospitals if our agriculture was unable to offer them to all.
    The previous regime - armed with its arrogant and intolerant ideology - reduced man to a force of production and nature to a tool of production.
    In this it attacked both their very substance and their mutual relationship.
    It reduced gifted and autonomous people, skillfully working in their own country, to nuts and bolts of some monstrously huge, noisy, and stinking machine, whose real meaning is not clear to anyone.
    It cannot do more than slowly but inexorably wear down itself and all its nuts and bolts.
    When I talk about contaminated moral atmosphere, I am not talking just about the gentlemen who eat organic vegetables and do not look out of the plane windows.
    I am talking about all of us.
    We had all become used to the totalitarian system and accepted it as an unchangeable fact and thus helped to perpetuate it.
    In other words, we are all - though naturally to differing extents - responsible for the operation of the totalitarian machinery; none of us is just its victim:we are all also its co-creators.

    • 3 min
    英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part6(story10)

    英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part6(story10)

    Tales From The Thousand And One Nights
    1.sharpers 骗子
    2.jeweler 珠宝商
    3.genealogist 谱系学家
    4.smashed 打碎
    5.lineage 血缘
    6.bushy 浓密
    7.immunity 豁免
    8.adulterer 奸夫
    Story 10: The Story of the Three Sharpers
    Along time ago there were three sharpers.
    Everyday they searched through the garbage piles to find some coins or pieces of silver.
    Every night they spent everything they found on food, drugs and a candle.
    Three days passed and they found nothing.
    They were very hungry.
    They decided to beat each other up outside of the palace to get attention.
    The guards saw them and brought them in.
    The King questioned them.
    They said they were masters of special skills.
    One said he was a jeweler, one said he was a genealogist of horses, and one said he was a genealogist of humans.
    The King decided to test them.
    He gave them apartments and food.
    When the time came for them to prove their skills, he called for them, one by one. 
    The jeweler was asked to examine a precious stone.
    He told the King there was a worm, or defect in the stone.
    The King ordered the stone to be smashed and they discovered there was really a defect.
    The King asked how he knew this and the jeweler said, "The sharpness of my sight."
    Next,the King was given a black horse.
    He asked the horse specialist if the horse was a pure breed.
    He said no, the mother was a buffalo cow.
    The King asked how he knew this and he said, "The horse's hoof is round and the hooves of bison are long and shaped like a duck."
    The King asked the third sharper about the genealogy of his wife, the Queen.
    He told the King that the Queen's mother was a gypsy.
    The King asked how could he have known this and he answered that he noticed her lineage from the shape of her eyes and her bushy eyebrows.
    The King asked to know about his own lineage.
    The third Sharper made the King promise him immunity if he told him.
    The King agreed.
    The King was told he was not true King; he was the son of a cook.
    The King's mother confessed it was true, saying she could not get pregnant from her husband the King, so she took the cook as a lover to get pregnant.
    The King, her husband, never knew.
    The King said, "I am not fit to be a king, I am the son of an adulterer."
    He gave his kingship, his crown and robe to the third swindler.
    The new"King" called for his friends and they did not recognize him.
    He ruled as a generous king for the rest of his days.

    • 3 min

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