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3 ways to use voice over to promote your online business Unfair Advantage

    • Marketing

Use voice over to make videos

Videos are everywhere online these days. %85 of online traffic is video. 500 hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube every minute. Videos are more attraction grabbing, and people consume, share and interact with videos more than any other content type.

Videos are not just for free content on your blog or social media either. Video ads on facebook and youtube attract attention and clicks better than anything else.

Don’t forget the increasing demand for online learning and tutorials either. Most people learn much better when they watch a video, compared to only reading text.

Of course there is more to video than voice over. But for simple screen recording type of videos, voice over is the most important component. When you have text and the voice over, you can make video.

2) Convert your blog posts and articles to podcasts

Many people listen to music and podcasts while they drive, exercise, or run errands. Podcasts have mostly replaced radio. Popular podcast directories like itunes, spotify and others have millions of regular users.

One thing about audio content is, there is less distractions compared to being in front of a screen. You don’t have 23 tabs open and 17 pop up notifications trying to grab your attention. So podcasts can be very effective to reach some markets.

3) Use voice over to create audio ads

The same reasons that makes audio content and podcasts effective, are also the reasons that make audio ads effective. No distractions, you have direct access to the ears of your target market.

All the popular podcast directories also have paid advertising options. If you rather spend some money on audio ads than time to create audio content, this may also be a very effective way to reach your target audience.

Would you like me to do voice overs for you? Go to unfairadvantageagency.com/services and schedule a discovery call.

Would you like to do all your voice overs with a natural, human sounding voice? Get the best voice over software at unfairadvantageagency.com/bestvoiceover

And if you have not yet subscribed to my email list go to  unfairadvantageagency.com/subscribe . You’ll get my free pdf report “How To Double Your Business in 90 Days – Even In the Middle Of a Crisis”, and you’ll get my daily content.


Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/unfair-advantage/message

Use voice over to make videos

Videos are everywhere online these days. %85 of online traffic is video. 500 hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube every minute. Videos are more attraction grabbing, and people consume, share and interact with videos more than any other content type.

Videos are not just for free content on your blog or social media either. Video ads on facebook and youtube attract attention and clicks better than anything else.

Don’t forget the increasing demand for online learning and tutorials either. Most people learn much better when they watch a video, compared to only reading text.

Of course there is more to video than voice over. But for simple screen recording type of videos, voice over is the most important component. When you have text and the voice over, you can make video.

2) Convert your blog posts and articles to podcasts

Many people listen to music and podcasts while they drive, exercise, or run errands. Podcasts have mostly replaced radio. Popular podcast directories like itunes, spotify and others have millions of regular users.

One thing about audio content is, there is less distractions compared to being in front of a screen. You don’t have 23 tabs open and 17 pop up notifications trying to grab your attention. So podcasts can be very effective to reach some markets.

3) Use voice over to create audio ads

The same reasons that makes audio content and podcasts effective, are also the reasons that make audio ads effective. No distractions, you have direct access to the ears of your target market.

All the popular podcast directories also have paid advertising options. If you rather spend some money on audio ads than time to create audio content, this may also be a very effective way to reach your target audience.

Would you like me to do voice overs for you? Go to unfairadvantageagency.com/services and schedule a discovery call.

Would you like to do all your voice overs with a natural, human sounding voice? Get the best voice over software at unfairadvantageagency.com/bestvoiceover

And if you have not yet subscribed to my email list go to  unfairadvantageagency.com/subscribe . You’ll get my free pdf report “How To Double Your Business in 90 Days – Even In the Middle Of a Crisis”, and you’ll get my daily content.


Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/unfair-advantage/message

2 min