Love what we doing? Help us make future podcasts, videos, school/madrassa workshops, conferences, projects, and other events a reality - contribute here. British-born Haafidha Rayhaanah Omar is an international award-winning radio personality, certified life coach & consultant for Muslimaat, assisting them to develop their lives spiritually & emotionally. As the founder of Fee Qalbee, her passion lies in mentoring Muslimaat seeking to memorise Al Qur’aan, thereby enriching their lives through this noble journey. Rayhaanah has studied aspects of oratory & mass media communications both privately & at college level. Rayhaanah Omar has, in a note of excellence, accumulated more than 3800 radio programmes in the past 12 years. With her vibrant & charismatic personality, she has become a role model for disempowered women. She is a household name in cities & countries across Southern Africa. She memorised The Qur’aan in less than a year & has since then, furthered her Islamic studies in numerous countries around the world. Her intersts & speciality lies in ‘Uloomul Qur’aan, Seerah & Ahaadeeth. For 6 years, she served as the principal of Darul Qur’aan Linn-Nisaa’, an academy of Tahfeedhul Qur’aan, Itqaanul Qur’aan & Uloomul Qur’aan,with a student enrolment of 400 learners. An established motivational speaker, Rayhaanah has successfully consulted to thousands of women in numerous countries on: confidence building, time-management, goal-planning & emotional healing. Fee Qalbee Consulting is the online branch of this unique company, allowing sisters the world over to be inspired & uplifted by her charismatic approach to the Hifdh Journey. She has lived, studied abroad & travelled extensively with her husband & son. They are currently based in South-East Asia. is registered as a NPO: Ref #195-995 Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed on this podcast are those of our guests and may be different from yours, however encourages respect for diversity of views. We are all different and in our differences, there are opportunities to learn - Insha-Allah!