64 episodes

A podcast known for intentionally raising your vibration through its powerful transmissions, 'An Inspired Life' is the home for discussions between global thought leaders on all things spirituality, empowering mindset, intuition, self-love, manifestation and sacred sexuality. Your host Kiara O'Leary shares informal conversations that are fun, real, insightful, practical and contain exactly what you need to actually live a more inspired life as a direct result of listening in.

An Inspired Life An Inspired Life

    • Religion & Spirituality

A podcast known for intentionally raising your vibration through its powerful transmissions, 'An Inspired Life' is the home for discussions between global thought leaders on all things spirituality, empowering mindset, intuition, self-love, manifestation and sacred sexuality. Your host Kiara O'Leary shares informal conversations that are fun, real, insightful, practical and contain exactly what you need to actually live a more inspired life as a direct result of listening in.

    An Inspired Life: Becoming Limitless

    An Inspired Life: Becoming Limitless

    “If the mind is what created the cage, it’s what can free us too.”

    At a young age, Kristian Stephan Martin realised that his thoughts about himself and life were what stopped him from obtaining what he wanted, therefore it must also be the key to obtaining his desires.

    In this episode, Kristian (an Unbound Initiator, TedX Speaker, Dancer and Explorer) and I discuss what it is that really limits us, and how we can play on the edge of the limits so we can continually become more and more limitless in our self-expression and the life we live.

    Inspired takeaways include:

    • The importance of having a vision that excites you and makes you want to elevate your existence
    • Why needing to know the ‘how’ keeps you limited (and the antidote: what Kristian calls the One True Step)
    • How Kristian listens to the 0.001% of his heart and holds his heart’s integrity first and foremost
    • Why going deeper into our shadow parts is crucial when reaching for greater heights
    • Why presence in the moment is the key to having a limitless life
    • How Kristian used ‘modelling’ to learn the behaviours and mindset of successful people
    • How we are programmed to care about identity, status and following the societal blueprint we were given at birth: and why it feels like ‘death’ if we try to break through our limits
    • Why the willingness to give up what’s in your current reality is key to creating the future reality you desire
    • How to know if you’re not listening to your heart
    • How to decide what beliefs to keep & what to release

    JOIN THE TRIBE – Head over to https://www.facebook.com/groups/lightworkersrising/ to join a community and sacred space for lightworkers. Join the conversation under the podcast post to tell us what resonated for you, and ask any questions you have for Kiara and her guests. This is where you get the most ongoing benefit from this podcast – supported by like-minded, light-working individuals.

    With love,
    K xx
    Divine Change Agent

    • 1 hr 2 min
    An Inspired Life: Your Biggest Spiritual Growth Tool - Relationships

    An Inspired Life: Your Biggest Spiritual Growth Tool - Relationships

    If I could sit by myself alone on a mountaintop somewhere, just maybe I could become enlightened. But put a partner or family members there? Things get a whole lot more challenging, real quick. Because the people we love most are often the people who challenge us most.

    And that’s also why they are our greatest spiritual teachers.

    Last week I shared with you how I realised that even when we’re not feeling high and light all the time, we are still Divine perfection. And this week we’re talking about that in the context of our ultimate mirror and greatest spiritual growth tool: relationships.

    I invited two conscious relationship coaches (and two of my favourite souls in the world) onto the show to chat about how to use your relationship as the ultimate tool to know and love yourself.

    Annalie McKeough and Roman Zakirov discovered important tools to strengthen relationships and communication through their own sacred union (and the many triggers that arose and continue to arise from it). They support men, women & couples who want to transcend the ‘normal relationship’ by helping them uncover, activate, and access a new paradigm and template of relationships based on unconditional love, connection and communication.

    We might be fed stories of ‘happily ever afters,’ but according to A Course in Miracles and from my own experience, I believe relationships are more like spiritual assignments. So in this podcast Roman, Annalie and I discussed our own personal stories of triggers, mirrors and choices; and we share actual tools that you can use to take back the power in your relationships by finding growth and freedom through the triggers.

    Inspired take-aways include:

    • How we moderate and filter ourselves in relationships to gain another’s love and approval – but lose ourselves in the process
    • Why happiness’ is NOT the key indicator of success in relationships
    • How all three of us have uncovered our ‘people-pleasing’ tendencies and how we continually shed them
    • Why Annalie and Roman see their relationship triggers as gifts and how they grow and love MORE from their disagreements and fears
    • The two words that guarantee you’re triggered + other ways to know when you’re being triggered
    • How tiny little triggers add up to big resentments (and how you can ensure you clear it out properly each time)
    • Why speaking the seemingly ‘unspeakable’ is the key to more acceptance and love in all of your relationships
    • A trick to give and receive feedback with your loved ones that bypasses defensiveness
    • A very personal example of how Annalie, Roman and I were triggered in our little trio and how we navigated that for intense personal growth
    • How to communicate that you’re being triggered without blaming another
    • How to hear your partner and honour them, without taking responsibility for their feelings and without moderating who you are

    JOIN THE TRIBE – Head over to https://www.facebook.com/groups/lightworkersrising/ to join a community and sacred space for lightworkers. Join the conversation under the podcast post to tell us what resonated for you, and ask any questions you have for Kiara and her guests. This is where you get the most ongoing benefit from this podcast – supported by like-minded, light-working individuals.

    With love,
    K xx
    Divine Change Agent

    • 1 hr 5 min
    An Inspired Life: The One Thing That Fixes Everything

    An Inspired Life: The One Thing That Fixes Everything

    I have spent so much time identifying and clearing limiting beliefs. For half a year, I felt like I was only one more ‘insight’ or ‘realisation’ away from finally getting ‘there.’

    I understood my energy created my reality, and it terrified me. Sometimes I didn’t feel great, my heart felt cramped, my stomach was in knots. Other times I felt needy and desperate for someone to make me feel better, or I was angry but trying not to be – like a ‘good spiritual person.’ Imagine what someone as ‘broken’ as me would be creating? I was terrified.

    Then one day I was crying on the bed in my AirBnB in Athens, absolutely broken apart. And I realised. I was needy as fuck.

    But the feeling of neediness isn’t what caused my issues. It was my judgment of it as ‘wrong,’ and my desire to do something – anything – to cover it up. I realised that if I didn’t NEED anything to ‘fix’ my neediness – then neediness was just a sensation that would pass through. And guess what? This works for so many of the big perceived ‘demons’ that we’re avoiding, numbing and generally trying to pretend don’t exist.

    AND in my experience, once they pass through, they leave you with more wisdom and power than you had before.

    This is my first ever solo podcast and I’ve used it to share THE one thing that has fixed everything else for me: There’s nothing that was ever broken.

    Inspired takeaways include:

    • How we can hold the knowing we will never be finished, while simultaneously holding the knowing we are and always have been perfect
    • Why the sensations we call ‘negative emotions’ are NOT the issue – but our unwillingness to experience them is
    • What I do on the days I wake up terrified of feeling bad (which is a clear sign I’m already suppressing feeling ‘bad’) to be with my emotions and allow them to pass through as the teachers they are
    • How to see the perfection and Divinity in ALL of our human experience – including in ALL of you
    • Practical tools you can use to come back to wholeness and love when you find yourself judging yourself or your emotions as ‘less than’ another
    • The answer to audience question: How I shifted from being a spiritual seeker to a ‘there’s-nothing-to-seek’ Divine warrior
    • And the answer to another audience question: How I deal with the experience of being lonely and where do I feel it comes from?

    This is my first solo episode – produced upon request – so I would love to hear what you liked/didn’t like, and what YOUR audience questions are. Send me an email here: http://www.aninspiredlife.com.au/contact/

    Also, my GOSH this week’s secret episode was POTENT. It’s a guided process to be with your emotions without judgment, and actually receive the messages they’re here to share with you. You can get access here: https://www.aninspiredlife.com.au/secret/

    JOIN THE TRIBE – Head over to https://www.facebook.com/groups/lightworkersrising/ to join a community and sacred space for lightworkers. Join the conversation under the podcast post to tell us what resonated for you, and ask any questions you have for Kiara and her guests. This is where you get the most ongoing benefit from this podcast – supported by like-minded, light-working individuals.

    With love,
    K xx
    Divine Change Agent

    • 25 min
    An Inspired Life: What you want. In this moment. Right now.

    An Inspired Life: What you want. In this moment. Right now.

    We are co-creative powerhouses. We are able to set intentions and create magic. We are able to visualize a desired outcome or desired lifestyle, and sit back months or a year later in awe that we are now living what we once imagined. There’s so much Divine creative power inside of each of us.

    But there’s also a sneaky trap in that. Many people invest so much of their time and energy creating their future and working on their goals, without really being present in the moment. We think we’ll feel good when we get ‘there.’

    But we can’t just visualize and feel good for those few minutes in ritual, and then go back to our current lives and think we’re not still in communication with the Divine in routine.

    We are most powerful when we find a way to balance intentionally creating our futures the way we desire, whilst feeling everything we wish to feel in the future – in this moment. Right now.

    Allison Braun (a business & lifestyle success coach for freedom-seeking, purpose-driven coaches and healers) and I spoke all about this crucial balance between creating our future and enjoying our present in this podcast episode. Allison believes the more emphasis you put on enjoying the journey, rather than pushing towards unaligned goals, the more fulfilling your “work” will be. And she is a powerful energetic transmission of just that – so I know you’ll like what you hear but also what you feel listening to this episode!

    Inspired takeaways include:

    • The third pathway that Allison teaches, how you can honour your body and yourself more AND allow your income to naturally grow as well
    • How to find the balance between enjoying the present moment and intentionally creating your desire future
    • The trap of manifesting and visualizing in order to attract what you want or block what you don’t want, and how you can actually find everything that you desire by coming back to the present moment
    • How to identify what YOU really want and not what others want you to want
    • How to invite more pleasure into every moment
    • How we all have this upper limit around how good we think it’s safe to feel and how to keep raising that bar so it doesn’t stop us from the good feels that we actually deserve
    • The sneaky comfort zone in personal and spiritual development where we feel more safe and more comfortable ‘working on our stuff’ than just enjoying life
    • How our ego uses what we value to trick us into staying right where we are
    • Dropping the need for struggle as a badge of honour
    • How to really stick to your boundaries around what you know serves you, and trust that’s the greatest good for all

    JOIN THE TRIBE – Head over to https://www.facebook.com/groups/lightworkersrising/ to join a community and sacred space for lightworkers. Join the conversation under the podcast post to tell us what resonated for you, and ask any questions you have for Kiara and her guests. This is where you get the most ongoing benefit from this podcast – supported by like-minded, light-working individuals.

    With love,
    K xx
    Divine Change Agent

    • 47 min
    An Inspired Life: Speaking Your Truth With Love

    An Inspired Life: Speaking Your Truth With Love

    Lisa Murray ended up in an abusive relationship as a result of ignoring her intuition and wanting to be ‘nice’. She’s had corporate burn-out three times as a result of not listening to herself and living according to society’s plan for her.

    But not anymore.

    Lisa (an MBA-qualified unconventional business coach and prolific writer) is now a true embodiment of authentic, radiant joy – AND a bad-ass, fierce truth-teller. She embodies the kind of quiet power that comes from within, is unfuckwithable, but doesn’t have to be proven.

    For example, after a big tough bikie man tried to intimidate her, Lisa stared him down with such a fierceness that he was terrified and screaming at her to stop looking at him.

    That’s power. You don’t have to prove it to anyone, you just stand in it.

    And in this podcast episode we chatted about so many things related to ignoring your intuition (and the reasons why we do), trusting yourself, fierce yet loving boundaries, being able to speak your truth, how to actually have challenging conversations in a truthful yet loving way and so much more.

    May this be a transmission of fierce love and backing yourself up by speaking your truth for all who listen.

    • Why we all need to start speaking up and out with fierce love – for us and for the people we love – even if it’s controversial at the time
    • How to set up permission with your close friends to speak the truth, call each other out, and hold each other accountable to the best version of yourselves
    • How to have difficult conversations in an open, authentic way that allows everyone to grow
    • The difference between being ‘nice’ and being kind – and which one is actually an act of love
    • How to have fierce boundaries without being aggressive (and how this joyful petite woman terrified a big bikie man with this approach)
    • How to balance learning from challenge whilst not relying on the challenge to learn
    • Why our resistance to our Soul’s path causes most of our suffering
    • How to notice if someone undermines us in such subtle ways that it’s easily missed
    • The relationship between the ‘narcissist’ and the ‘empath’ and why the pattern is so seductive for them both
    • And then how to rise above even those labels and free yourself from the pattern
    • Why we’re not here to ‘fix’ anyone but invite them into a change
    • How Lisa and I have both consciously manifested what we desired, and then unconsciously resisted our desires from being allowed in!

    JOIN THE TRIBE – Head over to https://www.facebook.com/groups/lightworkersrising/ to join a community and sacred space for lightworkers. Join the conversation under the podcast post to tell us what resonated for you, and ask any questions you have for Kiara and her guests. This is where you get the most ongoing benefit from this podcast – supported by like-minded, light-working individuals.

    With love,
    K xx
    Divine Change Agent

    • 48 min
    An Inspired Life: Unconditional Love In Relationships

    An Inspired Life: Unconditional Love In Relationships

    Two episodes ago I released the podcast that made me feel the most vulnerable so far… Andrew Eggelton and I discussed all of the ways in which we block ourselves from allowing the love we crave into our lives.

    In that episode Andrew and I talked about the love that we feel for each other, and in THIS episode I talk to Andrew’s partner Dani Strong about how she felt when she heard her partner and another woman talking about the love they feel for each other.

    In an old paradigm of relationships, Dani could have seen me as competition. She doesn’t. She sees me as someone who contributes to the happiness of her partner – and that makes her happy.

    This episode is the first time Dani and I have ever spoken (besides online messages to organise the podcast). Together we have a completely unscripted, even-we-don’t-know-what-we’ll-say discussion about how Dani felt when she listened to the episode, the new paradigm of inviting unconditional love into relationships, and the inner work it takes to open to this abundance of love.

    Dani Strong is a holistic nutrition coach who helps women fuel their lives and achieve their goals through making loving choices around food and lifestyle – and she definitely embodies this commitment to love over fear. This episode was so potent it transformed an area of my life and helped me find more love where I had been struggling to for weeks. I know you will feel the transmission of this new paradigm around relationships too. Enjoy!

    • How Dani felt as she listened to the podcast where her partner Andrew and I talked about our love for each other
    • Why we’re so afraid to hear our own guidance
    • How Dani defines romantic love, and how Kiara is questioning it all
    • How we are all trained (particularly women) to see getting married as the end goal for happiness – and how we are now entering a new paradigm of relationships that’s based on unconditional love – if we choose it
    • Mine and Dani’s experience with jealousy, and how to release it
    • Why taking the barriers and conditions off love actually creates more love inside of romantic relationships
    • How speaking our feelings and experiences as they come up actually diffuses the triggers and takes the power out of old patterns
    • How to speak truthfully without allowing the fear to take over
    • The one tool that Kiara uses to feel grounded in every new experience and path outside of her comfort zone
    • How we create unnecessary and unhealthy pressure in our romantic relationships by blocking off love in other relationships
    • Why if you really love someone you will want them to make the choices that will serve them most – even if that’s not being with you
    • The break-down of the old need to compete with other women and the welcoming in of sisterhood and more love
    • The power of asking yourself ‘how do I feel when I believe this thought?’ to guide you to always choose love
    • An energetic transmission that feels like an un-picking of the threads of our resistances and conditions that we place on love in the old paradigm

    JOIN THE TRIBE – Head over to https://www.facebook.com/groups/lightworkersrising/ to join a community and sacred space for lightworkers. Join the conversation under the podcast post to tell us what resonated for you, and ask any questions you have for Kiara and her guests. This is where you get the most ongoing benefit from this podcast – supported by like-minded, light-working individuals.

    With love,
    K xx
    Divine Change Agent

    • 1 hr

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