618 episodes

AstroPod_Cast is best described as the Soulful Wanderer that is captivating and a culturally diverse podcast that explores spirituality,motherhood,and the transformative power of embracing diverse experiences.Join Jody -a Leo mom of four boys who was born in Thailand,moved to the US at a very young age,and later lived in Germany on an Air Force base -on a soul stirring journey that traverses continents and celebrates the richness of her colorful background.In each episode,Jody shares her personal stories,wisdom,and insights while engaging in heartfelt conversations with guests.Please join us.

AstroPod_Cast @jodyboots

    • Religion & Spirituality

AstroPod_Cast is best described as the Soulful Wanderer that is captivating and a culturally diverse podcast that explores spirituality,motherhood,and the transformative power of embracing diverse experiences.Join Jody -a Leo mom of four boys who was born in Thailand,moved to the US at a very young age,and later lived in Germany on an Air Force base -on a soul stirring journey that traverses continents and celebrates the richness of her colorful background.In each episode,Jody shares her personal stories,wisdom,and insights while engaging in heartfelt conversations with guests.Please join us.



    WELCOME! to the last full week of Gemini Season!! Following the Gemini New Moon yesterday, this Friday finds the moon shifting into its home base of Cancer renewed and powerful after its downloads from the Sun. With Venus being part of the new moon intentions, we are getting clearer about our collective future with Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter teaching long term stability through persistent steps forwards towards our dreams!

    This week as the new moon moves on to visit various astrological signs of the cosmic wheel, we will receive a preview of the main shifts occurring over the next few months to years- being mindful is critical during this intense manifestation portal of renewal!! Pluto has shifted back half a degree before re-entering Capricorn again to finish up the decades long changes that have been implemented, but being met with rebelliousness nature.

    Mars entering Taurus after being so excited in its home base of Aries, is in no mood to celebrate here in stubborn slow moving sign of the obstinate bull!! It could be a relief to some as the Summer Solstice arrives to quiet down the hive mind mentality of quick thinking curious Gemini. The collective/personal chatter will turn towards values that Venus emulates such as love, beauty, family, and security will become priority over this transit as Mars acquiesces to his lover's home rules!

    Mars' grazing and napping here can bring solo moments to quiet the mind and find serenity in peaceful moments of meditation while communing in nature. Frustrations will occur as plans are met with obstacles with the outer planets slowing down also. Blocked energy will try to push forward as Gemini season comes to an end propelling all onto the stage of life whether or not we want to engage with the outer world's messy problems rearing its ugly head again!

    Many problems will arise to test your patience and intentions for the future as it relates to personal/professional values. Acting rebellious when plans do not commence as planned will be the motivating factor for many unable to recognize integrity without a growth mindset. The balancing of all values in relation to the self and others will play out for the next decades to centuries as the tide has begun to bring in the Age of Aquarius with Pluto active in Aquarius interacting with all the passes through the same degree points!

    I can not reiterate enough the window of opportunity opening up during this week's cosmic downloads to shift into the future you to act of upgrading your life through mindful meditations and love of self..

    We are in amazing times of change as the tide will affect all, none are exempt - only through free will can consciousness meet the unconscious knowing of what is right and wrong as history will take notes. Forgiveness is on tap to help transition from fear to love guiding a soul s towards leveling up to a higher being of collective unity for survival of our species, not the genocidal ways of our histories on Earth so far..

    Take care and next week will be full of Summer Solstice energy as the vibes slow down even more as we enter Cancer Season kicking another cycle of instrospection and growth mindset. Climb aboard the new vision of love and peace for all, lest we lose it all due to anger, violence, and hate.

    Thank you all for your continued support- see you next week-until then set your intentions with the planetary line up all supporting balancing work and play!!


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jody-cirame/message

    • 25 min


    WELCOME to another action packed astrological month of June as Gemini season is actively communicating various ideas needed deep thoughts.

    Mercury zips into Gemini to join the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter. Mercury is never too far from the Sun and is happy being at home where people understand the quick witted commentary and jokes that seem to come out of nowhere.

    The new Gemini moon also conjuncts Venus as Saturn also calls in to the meeting. It's a wonderful time for manifestation and meditation as the TMIs or volume of chatter and data overload may take over during these many many meetings occurring with the outer and personal planets on a daily basis. Even as the planets retrograde, they still continue to have meetings to support the path of the future.

    Of course these planets merely affect the vibes of the electric spark coming from the universe above Earth. How people interact with the pressures on our chemical bodies will reveal the truth. Choosing the path of integrity and balance are always true and trusted winners that will enable a peaceful loving life that is both spiritual and mundane.

    June opens with Pisces moon -ending May which introduced us unknown times that keeps sending more surprising news, especially during the Mercury ruled ogether as never before- strengthening our resolve to feel a larger community that we can call home.

    Next week will be another speedy race around the race track! Buckle up before things begins to slow down near the end of June. By then, the sand traps will be hard to avoid as the summer heats up with hurricane season!!

    Stay safe and sound! See you next week and thank you for your continued support!!Gemini season of learning and teaching. New innovative ways of communicating with out traditional methods will continue to emerge as the new year rings in.

    Sometimes too much of a good thing can cause anxiety overload as the need to be in the know gets addictive- such is social media. I am personally a tech geek in always playing around with various artistic apps to get my vision across to a large audience. This has brought the world together like never before.

    Thank you for your continued support and join me next week as we take another lap around the fast track of Gemini season!!


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jody-cirame/message

    • 29 min
    Jupiter Jumps Into Gemini from May 25, 2024 through June 9, 2024

    Jupiter Jumps Into Gemini from May 25, 2024 through June 9, 2024

    Welcome to the last week of May 2024 as Jupiter shifts into Gemini immediately following the Sagittarius Full Flower Moon. We are now resetting as the moon moves onwards towards a New Moon on June 6,2024.

    Planetary shifts into Gemini forth coming will make a supportive trine to Pluto in Aquarius at 2 degrees. Pluto is retrograding back into Capricorn beginning in September until December of 2024.

    The Capricorn moon brings on the weekend vibes of family celebrations during the Memorial Day remembrances. Finding time to relax and zone out is great for relieving stress/anxiety as the collective will still be feeling the downloads from the aurora borealis last week.

    Remaining calm on Monday during the many festivities may prove challenging as Mars has a heated time with the Capricorn Moon causing explosive tempers.

    Beware and mindful of angry crowds.

    This spark between Mars in its home sign of Aries can spark quite a stir personally when it conjuncts Chiron, the wounded healer/teacher. Bringing up unresolved issues can trigger unresolved trauma, especially as the heat rises with many severe storms across the world. Being aware of your surroundings will help to control any unexpected situations do occur.

    Enjoy this week as Jupiter brings in expanded optimism in Gemini's sector of communication, short trips, intellectual curiosity, community, sales, arms, shoulders, friendships, siblings, short term memory, scattered energy, hypersensitivities, etc. Calming energies can help to focus through physical movement, such as walking or yoga. Gemini also rules the lungs that we need to communicate and sing- meditation can help with breath work to help calm the mind and body.

    Gemini energy will usher in quick moving energy as Pluto trines all planets entering the twins domain.Pluto also in an air sign of Aquarius pushes for a 20 year time frame to herald in the computer age represented by Uranus the ruler of Aquarian Age, whom is currently in Taurus for another year or so.

    Next week will find June to be hot hot hot to trot as Mercury joins in at one of its home base of Gemini, quickening our minds and feet!

    Join me as we talk all things summer forecast as I prepare for my summer hiatus.

    Thank you for you continued support !


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jody-cirame/message

    • 30 min
    Manifest Miracles Week/Make A Wish Upon A Star Day

    Manifest Miracles Week/Make A Wish Upon A Star Day

    Welcome to a week of promise as Mercury in Taurus brings stable simple goals that may seem boring, but are life saving. Sun enters into Gemini on 5/21 on Wednesday followed by Venus, making for quick obliging vibes chasing down the desires that can be mutable and elusive. Sagittarius Full Moon on 5/23 shines on topics of - education, self-start, exploration, teaching, etc. - higher mind contemplations in order to remain computer savvy as the AI revolution begins.

    The cosmic energy supports exploring different topics that are personal, yet relate to humanity as a group of beings that are quite similar to one another, As Pluto meets with the Sagittarius Full Moon and Gemini Sun along the information axis, collectively we are receiving energy from the aurora borealis that have been reaching as far south than ever before in conjunction with the solar flares that are very active compared to previous times.

    With the Sun's movement into Gemini, there can be a sense of movement as the mutual scene shifts drastically from the fixed stubbornness that Taureans are so famous and counted on for. The professional communicator Gemini will be fair in seeing both sides of any situations, but can be quickly just as disinterested. Being mindful and meditating here can help to ward off anxiety through listening to your breath and being one with the your heart.

    This week begins the movement needed to acquire those goals that were dreamt and planned about the last two months while Mercury has traveled through Aries, retrograding for half of the time throwing all planning aside. Now the road stretches ahead, rewards from hard work will bring many blessings and wishes true. On Saturday 5/18 is the annual Day of Wishes when The Sun meets up/conjuncts Jupiter. These two fluctuating friends bring in abundance of material, physical, and spiritual wealth. Keep believing and stay optimistic as movement begins pushing stuck energy over the past two months towards our goals.

    Next week will begin another movement as the full moon wanes and releasing past values that we no longer need will lighten the load as we head into the hot summer months.

    See everyone next week as Gemini season takes off quickly, especially with fluctuating values causing volatility and instability.

    Thank you for being here this week.

    Please subscribe and like.

    Stay safe and sound!


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jody-cirame/message

    • 37 min
    Mercury Enters Taurus/Taurus Sun Meets Uranus&Jupiter

    Mercury Enters Taurus/Taurus Sun Meets Uranus&Jupiter

    Welcome to another very volatile week as the cosmic energy pushes the collective towards permanent changes to values, communication, food, habitat, and homes. Mercury shifts into Taurus shoring up our long term values to support as quick unexpected changes occur over the next decade and beyond. The Taurus Sun will meet up with Uranus and Jupiter after their meeting on 4/20 - helping to crystalize the profound innovative plan to move the collective's evolution. The moon in Leo to start the week will make many personal values come to light whether needing release or adjusting. Venus joins Saturn to help buffer the aggravation that will occur personally through the cosmic push for up leveling of our lives.

    The anaretic degree of 29 is the main focus as powerful shifts occur in the astrological calendar. Being born at this degree with many planets congregated here in my birth chart, I have had many life endings and moving all over the world has kept me flexible to my life's destiny. Understanding that change is the only constant has kept my head above water many times due to my Buddhist upbringing of mindfulness through daily meditation and appreciation of Earth's natural abundance.

    As Mercury enters Taurus and meets with Pluto at 2degrees of Aquarius, our personal communication style is being checked to make sure we are empathic and honest with how we relate to one another as a species. Veering off from integrity and honesty will backfire in karmic destined actions that will reverberate permanently back through the ages. Pluto is a big power player that does not tolerate the low side of anything. Keeping the collective in check is its sole purpose.

    Uranus also connects to the Taurean Sun this week before meeting up with Jupiter a few days later. The conjunctions of Jupiter and Uranus will continue to impact humanity for many years to come. Therefore the Sun meetings this week with these power planets will program our inner core to become more confident to receive these solar flares of changes. The skies are lit up as far south than ever before with the cosmic interplay of lights- lighting up our inner selves with awe and wonder as messages rain down to our hearts and souls.

    Venus will help from her Taurean home with a meet up with Saturn to help support our inner angst against growth, especially the fixed signs of Aquarius/ Leo,/Scorpio/Taurus. Changes can be rough for these signs, unless they have mutual signs, Virgo/Gemini/Pisces/Sagittarius in their personal houses. Thus the science and art of astrology can aid in any confusion or irritation that may occur over the next decades. It would behoove all to learn about your astrological birth chart during these unprecedented times as history is going to be made now.

    You can get a chart made at astro.com or cafeastrology.com. Learning to read a chart will take time and astrologers can help. I offer a free consultation for 10 minutes if you have questions. Please feel free to contact me via my email: jodyboots@yahoo.com

    Thank you for your continued support and subscriptions.

    Next week the Sun shifts into Gemini- bringing the energy of AIR to the masses- making for speedy friendly communications to begin changes to our thoughts and transportation.

    See you all next week and thank you for your patience as technical difficulties snuck up on me as Mercury is almost totally awake by 5/15.


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jody-cirame/message

    • 33 min
    New Taurus Moon Manifests Magic

    New Taurus Moon Manifests Magic

    Welcome to a week of volatility as the moon meets major planetary bigwigs. The new Taurus moon on 5/7 packs an emotional punch as stability gets checked. Mars in Aries will also get tagged by the moon as it nears Mercury. Pluto feeling quite powerful in Aquarius at 2 degrees chimes into these meetings making permanent impressions on long term transformations.

    Staying mindful is quite important this week as Pluto's waves can be felt in irritating nagging ways- causing unease as the moon draws out emotional actions felt in the heat of the moment. Avoid confrontations with others, let it be for now.Manifestation is primed in MAY with the Taurus new moon setting the stage for planting seeds of intentions.

    The Cosmic energy occurring now brings historical context to actions taken. Actions and words used now are inscribed by Pluto in stone making this a truly unique time to be a participant and witness.Serious times to make a legacy for all to be proud of is now. Take time to tune into your inner needs and wants to lift your life towards freedom from prescribed paved roads leading towards a reward that may not exist in the coming years.

    Live now and be present in communicating your ideas.Surprising weather and war occurrences are a distraction away from our inner knowing of what is right and wrong.

    Ending global warming will bring severe weather threats down in the future. War can be averted through respect and integrity for yourself and then others. Simple yet enduring truths.

    Thank you for joining and please like and subscribe.

    Next week will be the last week of Taurus season as Gemini enters with a splash!


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jody-cirame/message

    • 23 min

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