28 min

BNC London: O’Sullivan Q&A – SA’s crime crisis and surge in white-collar fraud BizNews Radio

    • Investing

During a Q&A session at the BizNews conference in London, Alec Hogg spoke to forensic investigator Paul O’Sullivan on crime in South Africa. O’Sullivan highlighted the dire state of the SAPS police force, unable to handle the crime volume due to poor resource allocation. He shared cases of rampant white-collar crime and emphasized the need for improved police leadership and judicial efficiency to combat the overwhelming criminal activities. Despite the challenges, O’Sullivan remains optimistic about potential improvements in the justice system.

During a Q&A session at the BizNews conference in London, Alec Hogg spoke to forensic investigator Paul O’Sullivan on crime in South Africa. O’Sullivan highlighted the dire state of the SAPS police force, unable to handle the crime volume due to poor resource allocation. He shared cases of rampant white-collar crime and emphasized the need for improved police leadership and judicial efficiency to combat the overwhelming criminal activities. Despite the challenges, O’Sullivan remains optimistic about potential improvements in the justice system.

28 min