70 episodes

Radical shifts are revolutionising business! Don’t get left behind! Get the inside track from Game Changers! Every week GET: Game Changer INSIGHTS about revolutionary products, services or approaches to cut through the noise and accelerate your rate of success; WIZBOMBS or nuggets of gold to trigger new ways of thinking to get better, faster results; ALERTS of what's coming to de-risk your business and leverage opportunities and INTEL on what to start and stop doing to succeed in a space of chaos & disruption. Don’t go it alone, SUBSCRIBE at www.bwbtv.net and let's win together!

Business without Barriers! Season 2: Game Changer Carmen Wilde

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 1 Rating

Radical shifts are revolutionising business! Don’t get left behind! Get the inside track from Game Changers! Every week GET: Game Changer INSIGHTS about revolutionary products, services or approaches to cut through the noise and accelerate your rate of success; WIZBOMBS or nuggets of gold to trigger new ways of thinking to get better, faster results; ALERTS of what's coming to de-risk your business and leverage opportunities and INTEL on what to start and stop doing to succeed in a space of chaos & disruption. Don’t go it alone, SUBSCRIBE at www.bwbtv.net and let's win together!

    Companies With This Winning Edge Weathered Lockdown Storms. Lynne Thomas, CEO Thomas Consulting

    Companies With This Winning Edge Weathered Lockdown Storms. Lynne Thomas, CEO Thomas Consulting

    Employees and customers are the engine of your company! Lynne Thomas shares her pearls on how unhappiness in the ranks equates to a floundering bottom line. Refusing to work with companies that don’t care about their employees, she shares simple yet powerful strategies for staff retention through extreme humanism in the new context of business where a Triple Win is well within reach. Before Covid, as much as 65% of employees were not engaged. Since Covid hit, feelings of mounting personal stress and in some instances a feeling of being unheard or uncared for has resulted in as much as 36% of employees leaving their jobs without having an alternative job lined up, a huge loss for industry. Never underestimate the power of really engaged, passionate, and innovative employee because they will regularly wow and delight you, says Lynne. Her belief that there’s a slice or two of genius in each person, steers us strongly to tap employees for their valuable input into how to solve problems, demonstrating that inspired and involved employees provide a better return on investment as their loyalty to the organisation soars. This is the real Game Changer in the new world of work according to Lynne. Employers should not just accept the loss of excellent employees which can have a very negative knock-on effect on their client-base.

    Lynne sparkles with interesting and smart and fun approaches to authentically communicate and connect with your valued employees to show care, consideration and concern to keep them productive, engaged and committed to your organisation through more relational rather than transactional methods. Indeed, life happens on the skinny branches, where you’re out on a limb taking a chance, which requires doing things differently! You have to be flexible, able to pivot and purposely do things that make you uncomfortable to provide yourself with new perspectives and innovative ideas on plugging the holes to retain staff and clients. Admittedly, we’re a little rusty with social skills right now, so if you feel uncomfortable, that’s okay. Lynne laughs and says, “Everyone's gonna be uncomfortable because we're doing new things.”. This is a time for growing trust and pooling strengths and innovative ideas through meaningful communication.

    She shares interesting stories, ideas and insights and inspires us to be bold and brave in setting our businesses up for higher engagement and breakthrough results. No matter your level of discomfort, shoot higher! A must watch interview for every business leader!

    Connect with Lynne Thomas

    Website: www.ThomasConsultingwins.com
    Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnthomasjd/

    Connect with Carmen Wilde

    SUBSCRIBE at https://bwbtv.net to be notified of new episodes via email
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmenwilde/
    BwB TV website: https://www.businesswithoutbarriers.tv
    Email Carmen at team@bwbtv.net to discover how you can achieve Game Changer business results in record time.

    To Your Wildest Success!

    • 1 hr 6 min
    Is HEAD TRASH Stealing Your Success? Noah St. John, Founder Success Clinic

    Is HEAD TRASH Stealing Your Success? Noah St. John, Founder Success Clinic

    “What’s THE SECRET OF SUCCESS that highly successful people are keeping from the rest of us?” Having grown up in the wealthy New England community in a dirt-poor family, Noah St. John was inspired at a very young age to find the answer to this question. By age 25, and despite studying teachings of countless wealth gurus, his search had led him to depression and despair to the point where suicide seemed like the only option. But his life was spared, and profound understandings of purpose and meaning were birthed within him. Having uncovered the answer to the secret of success Noah now helps his clients play the game that is seemingly rigged, and win!

    Gone are the days when we are obligated to find a job and work for 40 years until retirement. Today, the world offers a universe of opportunity to give life to entrepreneurial dreams and Noah makes it his mission to create a solid foundation for those dreams to stand on and find clear direction. He greases the wheels to help entrepreneurs traverse the lonely road to success and shortcut the journey while avoiding the pricey and perilous lessons he learned along the way. He creates awareness of the opposing driving and limiting forces that unconsciously may be slowing you down and empowers you to kick restraints to the curb so that you can floor it. He shares the 1 thing that is responsible for 90% of your success and the vital difference between Afformations and Affirmations and why the former is such a powerful technique.

    Noah’s abundance mindset is contagious and his generosity of spirit in this interview will shed light on key elements to thriving in business. He believes in the nobility of success and helps you lose the guilt which sometimes comes with immense success reminding you that when you’re successful, you can help more people from a strong position. The more you have, the more you can give. True to his name, Noah cares deeply about the state of our planet, and puts his weight behind making the world a better place.

    Get Noah's new book Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money FREE at www.SendMeaBookNoah.com

    Connect with Noah St. John
    Website:  https://NoahStJohn.com ; https://BookNoah.com ; https://Afformations.com
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/noahstjohn
    Twitter: noahstjohn

    Connect with Carmen Wilde
    SUBSCRIBE at https://bwbtv.net to be notified of new episodes via email
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmenwilde/
    BwB TV website: https://www.businesswithoutbarriers.tv
    Email Carmen at team@bwbtv.net to discover how you can achieve Game Changer business results in record time.

    To Your Wildest Success!

    • 45 min
    How to Get Onto TV & Supercharge Your Brand. Jacquie Jordan, CEO TVGuestpert

    How to Get Onto TV & Supercharge Your Brand. Jacquie Jordan, CEO TVGuestpert

    How do you rapidly gain massive exposure and dramatically grow your business? Jacquie Jordan has a knack for turning unknown business leaders into TV celebrities through the right messaging and unique angles producers want. Capitalising on the insatiable appetite of the TV animal means infinite opportunity for business exposure. They’re always hungry for great content and great guests and that could be YOU. Appearing on TV creates credibility, catapulting awareness of you and your brand into the stratosphere, so well worth considering as a major part of your marketing strategy. Content is disposable and timing is crucial. Jacquie ensures that you hit the sweet spot at the right time so that your message is not old news. She listens out for what her clients value and how she can help them succeed despite the narrative that’s been fed to us in the media. Jacquie’s game is helping her clients navigate that tricky and somewhat intimidating media dance while participating in the message that gets heard.

    Before starting TVGuestpert, Jacquie had all the trappings of success, an office overlooking Time Square, and having worked with big names from Steven Spielberg to Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Clint Eastwood, George Clooney, to name a few, her career had hit a glass ceiling. Jacquie took a leap of faith and made the drastic decision to start her own business. She now reaps the rewards of her incredible success and shares with us all the diversity and fun things she’s doing while running TVGuestpert.

    Given how social media platforms can go down overnight, Jacquie believes we should consider keeping some traditional ways of doing business alive and avoid the risk of total digital dependence. A lot of clients who previously wanted to be famous are now aiming to make meaningful impact, to share wisdom or follow the calling within. The world has changed. Despite there being a dark soul of the night collective in the media right now, Jacquie feels that this will change, that a realignment is imminent but that it’s up to us to bring about more autonomy and reclaim our sovereignty. We need to be alert, question things, not be sucked in by the tricky narratives of the day. She sees through the game and helps you play it to your advantage. She finds that balance between the glamour girl celebrity life to delightfully shovelling shit as a stable girl staying fit and happier than she’s ever been. She has delicious diversity, she’s making a difference and loving her successful and fulfilling life. Her energy is infectious!

    Connect with Jacquie Jordan

    Websites: www.TVGuestpert.com, www.TVOnCameraTraining.com , www.TVGuestpertPublishing.com
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jacquie-jordan-a51b204
    Twitter: TVGuestpert

    Connect with Carmen Wilde

    Subscribe at www.bwbtv.net to be notified of new episodes
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/carmenwilde
    BwB tv website: https://businesswithoutbarriers.tv
    Email Carmen at team@bwbtv.net 

    • 54 min
    How To Scale Your Business Growth Through JOINT VENTURES. David Riklan, Founder The Joint Venture Directory

    How To Scale Your Business Growth Through JOINT VENTURES. David Riklan, Founder The Joint Venture Directory


    In a highly competed digital world how do you scale business reach and revenue? David points out the merits of effective Joint Ventures and how the JV Directory helps you achieve a magical triple win and shares proven tips on attracting traffic, building a client list and creating your own powerful presence.

    There’s no silver bullet when it comes to success, and everyone needs different solutions. David introduces you to Selfgrowth.com which has attracted over 100 million unique visitors, adding value through 400,000 resources. He shares the 10 commandments / tenets of self-improvement to help you be top of your game and reach for the next level of success and what you need to be prepared to do if things aren’t going according to plan. Through his story of how he hit a massive roadblock, we get to see the 10 tenets of self-improvement in action and how one in particular helped him transcend this devastating incident.

    Touching on what’s hurting our world and what we need to do instead, David says that there is no cure-all in life but you can navigate the challenges easier with the right people at your side. David has achieved multiple successes by choosing collaboration over competition, which he believes will be the true game changer for humanity.

    Get Your Free Report, 21 Ways to Catapult Your Business Using Joint Ventures, Collaborations and Partnerships HERE

    Episode Themes

    Widespread Impact
    Value Exchange
    No Single Cure
    10 Commandments of Self Improvement
    Power of Vision
    Triple Win Joint Ventures
    The JV Directory
    Oppressor & Oppressed
    Build Better Business
    Collaboration Over Separation
    Working Together

    Connect with David Riklan

    Website: https://www.selfgrowth.com
    Website: https://www.jvdirectory.com/
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/davidriklan

    Connect with Carmen Wilde

    SUBSCRIBE at https://bwbtv.net to be notified of new episodes via email
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmenwilde/
    BwB TV website: https://www.businesswithoutbarriers.tv
    Email Carmen at team@bwbtv.net to discover how you can achieve Game Changer business results in record time.

    To Your Wildest Success!
    Carmen Wilde

    • 51 min
    How To Soar To Success With VIRTUAL SPEAKING OPPORTUNITIES. Jackie Lapin, Founder SpeakerTunity®

    How To Soar To Success With VIRTUAL SPEAKING OPPORTUNITIES. Jackie Lapin, Founder SpeakerTunity®

    How do you get in front of your target market easier & faster? With the digital wave influencing the world of work so significantly, opportunities to reach your business community are literally borderless and boundless it’s essential not to get stuck in the past but to embrace change, expand into it and ride this wave as you take your place on the virtual stage. Jackie Lapin’s game changer services and resources help you secure speaking opportunities faster and easier which she says is the single most effective way to get your people onto your client list and into your community.

    As one of the 1st women sports writers in America and a string of successes over the decades, she lets us into the secret to offering the market exactly what it wants and needs and what your audience actually cares about.  She helps resolve any fears you may have about getting your message out there with a tailored solution for your specific niche. One size does NOT fit all!

    She shares the secret to consistently developing in-demand products to fill the gaps and solve the next problem. As a serial pioneer, Jackie has accomplished so much, yet for her it’s all about the lives she’s touched and highlights 3 things that would make our world a better place. This highly relevant interview is a reminder that your message is a gift and your audience needs you to share it!

    Episode Themes

    Follow The Universe’s Breadcrumbs
    The Universe Has Your Back
    Virtual Speaking Opportunities
    One Size Does NOT Fit All
    Get On Stage Faster & Easier
    The Ultimate Speaker Toolbox
    Your Audience Needs You
    Threats & Opportunities
    Power Of Community
    Be Visible
    What’s Your Next?
    Most Cherished Success
    3 C’s To A Better Humanity

    Connect with Jackie Lapin

    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jackielapin
    Website: https://speakertunity.com/
    Website: https://consciousmediarelations.com/

    Connect with Carmen Wilde

    SUBSCRIBE at https://bwbtv.net to be notified of new episodes via email
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmenwilde/
    BwB TV website: https://www.businesswithoutbarriers.tv
    Email Carmen at team@bwbtv.net to discover how you can get Game Changer business results in record time.

    To Your Wildest Success!

    • 36 min
    Revolutionary Solution BOOSTS ONLINE SALES Using Retail Space! Founders Soko District, Ricardo Rocha & Hanre Truter

    Revolutionary Solution BOOSTS ONLINE SALES Using Retail Space! Founders Soko District, Ricardo Rocha & Hanre Truter

    SOKO District is revolutionising retail through a dual digital presence & dynamic space solution, propelling online brands and sales to new heights. Founders Ricardo Rocha & Hanre Truter have set out to fix what’s broken and dramatically lift the future face of retail. They explain how commoditisation, making it about product and price removes customer connection, which is why so many brands are moving off large platforms like Amazon to stand out from the crowd. SOKO District is elevating online brands that started out on websites like Shopify and Wix. This is a fresh format for retail that is transformative and scalable.

    The concept is well aligned with the new challenges retailers face with intermittent lockdowns. Moving into the SOKO District allows retailers to curb lockdown blues and continue to remain connected with their communities and having a physical space has proven to boost online sales. SOKO is putting the “small guy” on the map, with a turnkey solution that provides exposure and benefits of the “big boys” without the hassle factor and costs and empowers retailers to compete on a global stage alongside the big conglomerate.

    Ricardo shares the magic behind what they do and what keeps business buoyant when unusual circumstances threaten to derail you. Hanre and Ricardo believe that we have to elevate the quality of products we are selling with more consideration to the environmental impacts they have on the earth, and that we can become a better species. The SOKO District is out to solve a global problem and they need partners to help them. They’ve already positively impacted the retail sector, fasten your retail belts, the journeys only just begun!

    Connect with Ricardo Rocha & Hanre Truter

    Website: https://www.sokodistrict.com
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/ricardo-rocha-74164634
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/hanré-truter-07a6142a

    Connect with Carmen Wilde

    Subscribe at https://bwbtv.net to be notified of new episodes via email
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/carmenwilde
    Website: https://businesswithoutbarriers.tv
    Email: Connect with Carmen at team@bwtv.net to explore proven game changer strategies to gear your business for Wilder Success

    To Your Wildest Success

    • 53 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
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1 Rating

Bronwen GMR ,

Quality listening

Carmen Wilde always has excellent guests that challenge your thinking. The show is always packed with actionable tips and I always learn a tonne on every episode! Highly recommended!

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