3 min


    • Marketing

Many people in the online marketing world have what I like to call lottery mentality. Get rich quick. Push a magic button, make millions. Make a mega-launch and earn millions of dollars, and never have to work again.

It sounds good, but it is more hyperbole than truth.

First, many of the “overnight success” you see, is based on years, if not decades of hard work.

Second, even if you do become lucky and make a windfall of cash, if you have not built the skills, the relationships, the assets over time, it is not sustainable. You never know if you can ever repeat the same success.

It is like the story of the hare vs tortoise. Slow and steady wins the race.

Daily, consistent habits are not glamorous. And at first, it sounds like tedious work. But over time, results grow exponentially.

Here are 3 habits that Dan Kennedy used to build his own business, when he was new, 40+ years ago. Doing these things consistently over a long period of time is what made him the living legend he is today.


I think these are very good habits for anyone who wants to be a top expert in his field. Study your topic every day. Write content every day. Promote yourself every day.

What do you think? Do you have your own daily habits to grow your business? Let me know what you think, by sending me an email or commenting on social media.

Would you like my help with your online marketing? Go to unfairadvantageagency.com/services and schedule a discovery call.

If you have not yet subscribed to my email list go to  unfairadvantageagency.com/subscribe . You’ll get my free pdf report “How To Double Your Business in 90 Days – Even In the Middle Of a Crisis”, and you’ll get my daily content.


Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/unfair-advantage/message

Many people in the online marketing world have what I like to call lottery mentality. Get rich quick. Push a magic button, make millions. Make a mega-launch and earn millions of dollars, and never have to work again.

It sounds good, but it is more hyperbole than truth.

First, many of the “overnight success” you see, is based on years, if not decades of hard work.

Second, even if you do become lucky and make a windfall of cash, if you have not built the skills, the relationships, the assets over time, it is not sustainable. You never know if you can ever repeat the same success.

It is like the story of the hare vs tortoise. Slow and steady wins the race.

Daily, consistent habits are not glamorous. And at first, it sounds like tedious work. But over time, results grow exponentially.

Here are 3 habits that Dan Kennedy used to build his own business, when he was new, 40+ years ago. Doing these things consistently over a long period of time is what made him the living legend he is today.


I think these are very good habits for anyone who wants to be a top expert in his field. Study your topic every day. Write content every day. Promote yourself every day.

What do you think? Do you have your own daily habits to grow your business? Let me know what you think, by sending me an email or commenting on social media.

Would you like my help with your online marketing? Go to unfairadvantageagency.com/services and schedule a discovery call.

If you have not yet subscribed to my email list go to  unfairadvantageagency.com/subscribe . You’ll get my free pdf report “How To Double Your Business in 90 Days – Even In the Middle Of a Crisis”, and you’ll get my daily content.


Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/unfair-advantage/message

3 min