44 episodes

The !FALcast: Wherein the gentlemen of the !FALcast—Matt, Skye, and TV's Adam—play video games and then talk about them.

Disparate interests combine and collide in a free-form discussion of topics as diverse as sound design in survival horror, ensemble casts in role-playing games, and emergent vs. crafted narrative.

This is not a place for gaming news, although news may be discussed. This is not a place where games are reviewed, although opinions may be given. This is a place where three men you probably don't know talk at great length about video games you probably do.

!FALcast P!FAL

    • Leisure

The !FALcast: Wherein the gentlemen of the !FALcast—Matt, Skye, and TV's Adam—play video games and then talk about them.

Disparate interests combine and collide in a free-form discussion of topics as diverse as sound design in survival horror, ensemble casts in role-playing games, and emergent vs. crafted narrative.

This is not a place for gaming news, although news may be discussed. This is not a place where games are reviewed, although opinions may be given. This is a place where three men you probably don't know talk at great length about video games you probably do.

    Ep. 42: Words from Batman

    Ep. 42: Words from Batman

    (Note: This episode contains a detailed discussion of Adios, and at points veers into spoiler territory. The Adios talk begins at the 20-minute mark and lasts until 1:17:00, with some direct references to the ending at about 1:15:00.)

    The need for feed in Jurassic World: Evolution

    A deep-dive into Adios: is there enough game in this game?

    Skye wants to do chores harder

    Skye also wants to milk a goat

    Adam talks himself into liking Adios even more than he already did

    Tearin' stuff up with Turnip Boy, who is a dick

    Sometimes the curtains are blue

    Trading minigames and their acceptability

    Scarlet Nexus, cosmetics, and anime (*so much anime*)

    Trails 'n Tales

    The !FALcast game of 2021 (which was timely when we recorded this)

    (Look time just got away from me, OK)

    (I've been playing a lot of Trails of Cold Steel)

    (It's really good btw)

    • 1 hr 59 min
    Ep. 41: Weird Rashes

    Ep. 41: Weird Rashes

    What's the grossest food word?

    Adam's very real, very intense problem with yogurt

    Back 4 Blood: it's current, it's gurgly, and we like it!

    (but we gripe about it anyway)

    (and first we talk about Evolve for a while, because of course)

    Weird magical cards, and the guy who helps you with them

    B4B's lonely, arbitrary hub area

    And just when you think it's over, BAM: 30 minutes on Metroid

    Samus Returns crams too much Metroid into Metroid

    But how about that cutting-edge 3DS tech?

    The one (and only one) not-so-great thing about Hollow Knight

    Skye, of all people, refuses to let the podcast die

    • 1 hr 51 min
    Ep. 40: Consensual Spaghetti

    Ep. 40: Consensual Spaghetti

    oh hey check it out it's the !FALcast again

    Matt's Pinball Journey

    Skye wants a good, clean, brisk episode (and does not get it)

    Matt would have us all Stop Believin'

    Dwerve: tower defense in motion, with spider flowers

    The suspicious motives of the chef in Lady and the Tramp

    Tribes of Midgard = Don't Starve Diablo (with microtransactions)

    The tutorial that refuses to teach

    Fortnite to Fall Guys: when every game expects you to play forever

    We played No Man's Sky (aka The Space Game) alone, together


    Everyone look at this fun picture my kid drew

    Finding the game you want to play in the game you're playing

    Wait, Graveyard Keeper Dude is *married*?

    Enjoyment vs. engagement

    Fishing (Ridiculous and otherwise)

    Seriously though, why won't they let me talk about Ys 9, it's *so good*

    • 1 hr 29 min
    A Lot of Bird Stuff (is Going On)

    A Lot of Bird Stuff (is Going On)

    -Amorous olds

    -I rehash the plot of FF4 for some reason

    -"To be a true paladin, you must not fight now!" *fights*

    -This episode's hot take: After Years was bad

    -The merits/demerits of random encounters

    -Cosmic Star Heroine and its beautiful pacing

    -Eagle Island: it's bird-themed!

    -The tragic servitude of Pokemon (with a brief detour into monkey personhood)

    -Matt really likes Mega Man 11

    -Air Man, Crash Man, Metal Man, Bubble Man, Wood Man, Heat Man, Flash Man, Quick Man

    -Skye continues to not like roguelikes/play video games

    -Hardspace: Shipbreaker and watching people perform manual labor

    -Darren P. vs. Darren C.

    -The mundane joys of House Flipper

    -Surprisingly, ASMR doesn't work on Skye

    -ok then there's a weird little ASMR cul-de-sac for a while

    -Left 4 Dead is basically Destiny (?)

    -Matt assuages my palpable fear that he wouldn't like The Outer Wilds

    -You guys I *love* The Outer Wilds (AND SO DOES MY KID!)

    -Skye worries it might actually be *too* good

    • 2 hrs
    Ep. 38: Walking on Time

    Ep. 38: Walking on Time

    Crunch and the ends (not really) justifying the means

    Van Goff

    The delightful million-thing cleanquest of Horace

    Matt the Save Piggybacker ruined rental games, possibly childhoods

    Can you walk on time? (Also no)

    Boy this time-walking thing sure overstays its welcome

    Skye threatens to quit the podcast because of the time-walking thing because literally of course he does

    Reference as game design in Evoland

    The perfect medley of Retro Game Challenge

    Do you know the KACHO?

    Check out Skye's Last of Us 2 video and a bunch of other stuff at his YouTube channel, you see Skye this is what friends do they support each other

    • 1 hr 40 min
    Ep. 37: The Normal Emotions

    Ep. 37: The Normal Emotions

    "Woman Stuff" is not the title of this episode

    We love Overcooked!

    We hate Operation Raccoon City!

    (Also Games for Windows Live is haunted or something)

    Experiencing the joy of failure and yelling at wheelchair-bound raccoons

    Dumb pretentious nonsense about "speaking the language of video games," and it's not even Skye saying it!

    Steam remote play worked! ...at the TIME


    ...no seriously though I really really love Sayonara Wild Hearts

    Gris' beautiful representation of grief, and us forgetting how many stages of grief exist

    (Also you trundle around as a stone block with a little head on top)

    Let's throw a Swery game in here for good measure because why not

    The open beta of West of Dead that no longer exists is cool

    (West of Dead is cool)

    • 1 hr 42 min

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