22 min

Kostas Giannoukaris: The SEM landscape in 2023 Digital Surfing

    • Marketing

This week's guest is Kostas Giannoukaris, Huble’s Vice President of Search Consultancy.Born and raised in Athens, Greece, he’s a graduate of Economic Science from the University of Piraeus and worked at his father's business for a couple of years before moving to the UK to pursue a Master’s Degree in Marketing Analytics from the University of Southampton.After graduating, he started working at The B2B Marketing Lab as a Digital Marketing Intern in 2014 and has remained with the company throug...

This week's guest is Kostas Giannoukaris, Huble’s Vice President of Search Consultancy.Born and raised in Athens, Greece, he’s a graduate of Economic Science from the University of Piraeus and worked at his father's business for a couple of years before moving to the UK to pursue a Master’s Degree in Marketing Analytics from the University of Southampton.After graduating, he started working at The B2B Marketing Lab as a Digital Marketing Intern in 2014 and has remained with the company throug...

22 min