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SendMe Radio Melanie Okorie

    • Religion & Spirituality

SendMe Radio is the sister company of SendMe Promotion we are a live streaming radio station and podcast that promotes the Gospel "We Promote the Gospel ". Listen to awesome interviews, powerful messages, Gospel music and ready the stories and be inspired by the stories of featured businesses SendMe Radio streams 24/7download our free app from the Google Play and Apple Store or command Alexa to play SendMe Radio.
Listen to SendMe Radio on various platforms we are on the Apple and Google Podcast, Spotify, Public Radio and just Google SendMe Radio we are everywhere. Share us with your friends and family!

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    Psalms 45 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1110 - SendMe Radio

    Psalms 45 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1110 - SendMe Radio

    Psalm 44 is a communal lament found in the Book of Psalms, expressing the collective grief and confusion of the Israelites in the face of apparent abandonment by God despite their faithfulness. This psalm is attributed to the "sons of Korah," a group of Levitical singers. The structure of Psalm 44 can be broken down into several parts:

    1. Verses 1-8: Remembrance of God's Past Deeds**
    The psalm begins with a reflection on God's historical acts of deliverance and favor towards Israel. The people recall how their ancestors were given the land through God's power, not by their own strength.

    "We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us,
    what deeds you performed in their days, in the days of old."

    2. Verses 9-16: Current Suffering and Reproach**
    The tone shifts as the psalmist describes the current suffering and defeat faced by Israel. They feel abandoned by God, despite their continued faithfulness.

    "But you have rejected us and disgraced us
    and have not gone out with our armies."

    3. Verses 17-22: Assertion of Innocence**
    The people assert their innocence and loyalty to God, claiming that they have not forgotten Him or broken His covenant. This section highlights the confusion and dismay at their suffering.

    "All this has come upon us,
    though we have not forgotten you,
    and we have not been false to your covenant."

    4. Verses 23-26: Plea for Deliverance**
    The psalm concludes with a desperate plea for God's intervention. The people call on God to wake up, see their plight, and redeem them because of His steadfast love.

    "Awake! Why are you sleeping, O Lord?
    Rouse yourself! Do not reject us forever!"

    Themes and Significance

    - Faith Amidst Suffering: Psalm 44 underscores the theme of faith in the midst of suffering and unanswered questions. The Israelites maintain their belief in God’s power and past deeds even when His presence seems absent.

    - Collective Lament: This psalm represents a communal cry rather than an individual lament, emphasizing the collective nature of the people's relationship with God.

    - Questioning and Trust: The psalm reflects a tension between questioning God’s actions and trusting in His ultimate justice and mercy. The people’s appeal to God is based on His covenantal love and past faithfulness.

    Contemporary Application

    Psalm 44 can resonate with individuals and communities today who experience periods of trial and feel abandoned despite their faithfulness. It provides a model for bringing grievances to God honestly while still holding onto faith in His ultimate goodness and sovereignty.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/sendme-radio--732966/support.

    • 39 min
    Psalms 44 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1109 - SendMe Radio

    Psalms 44 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1109 - SendMe Radio

    Psalm 44 is a communal lament from the Book of Psalms in the Old Testament, expressing the people of Israel’s feelings of abandonment by God despite their faithfulness. Here is a summary and analysis:


    Verses 1-8: The psalm begins with a reflection on God’s past deeds. The community recalls how God delivered their ancestors from their enemies and helped them establish themselves in the Promised Land. They attribute these victories not to their own strength, but to God’s favor and power. The psalmists express trust in God and declare that they will continue to praise Him.

    Verses 9-16: The tone shifts dramatically as the psalmists lament their current state. They feel that God has now rejected and humiliated them. Despite their faithfulness, they are suffering defeat and scorn. They describe being scattered among the nations, sold cheaply, and made a reproach and a laughingstock among their neighbors. The community is confused and disheartened by this apparent abandonment.

    Verses 17-22: The psalmists affirm their continued faithfulness to God. They insist that they have not forgotten God or violated His covenant. They have not turned away to worship other gods, yet they are still suffering. This part of the psalm emphasizes their innocence and the unfairness of their plight, culminating in the statement that they face death all day long and are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.

    Verses 23-26: The psalm concludes with a fervent plea for God to wake up and come to their aid. They ask why God is hiding His face and ignoring their suffering. They implore God to remember His covenant, to rise up and help them, and to redeem them for the sake of His steadfast love.


    Theme of Lament: Psalm 44 is a powerful expression of communal lament, where the people collectively cry out to God in their distress. It highlights the tension between God’s past faithfulness and their present suffering.

    Faith and Confusion: The psalm poignantly captures the confusion and pain of the community. They remain faithful and cannot understand why they are suffering despite their loyalty to God.

    Covenantal Relationship: The psalm underscores the covenantal relationship between God and Israel. The people appeal to this covenant, reminding God of His past actions and their own faithfulness as reasons for Him to intervene.

    Cry for Justice: The closing verses are a raw and desperate cry for justice and deliverance. The psalmists’ plea for God to wake up and help them reveals their deep belief in God’s power and mercy, despite their current circumstances.


    Psalm 44 resonates with anyone who has experienced feelings of abandonment or injustice despite their faithfulness. It encourages believers to bring their honest emotions and grievances before God, trusting in His ultimate justice and love. This psalm also serves as a reminder of the importance of community in times of suffering, as it reflects a collective cry rather than an individual one.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/sendme-radio--732966/support.

    • 29 min
    Psalms 42 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Child Okorie Episode 4 - Digital Ink

    Psalms 42 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Child Okorie Episode 4 - Digital Ink

    Psalm 42 is a heartfelt expression of longing for God in the midst of distress. It is attributed to the sons of Korah and is part of the first book of the Psalms. This psalm is particularly noted for its vivid imagery and emotional depth. Here’s an overview and analysis:

    Structure and Themes

    Verses 1-2: Longing for God

    •The psalm opens with a powerful metaphor, comparing the psalmist’s longing for God to a deer panting for streams of water.
    •The psalmist expresses a deep thirst for God, emphasizing a strong desire for His presence.

    Verses 3-4: Remembrance and Sorrow

    •The psalmist recounts their tears and the taunts of others asking, “Where is your God?”
    •They remember past times of joy and worship, contrasting them with their current state of sorrow.

    Verse 5: Hope and Self-Encouragement

    •The psalmist speaks to their own soul, questioning why it is downcast and urging it to put hope in God, with the assurance of praising Him again.

    Verses 6-7: Deep Calls to Deep

    •The psalmist acknowledges their soul’s deep anguish, feeling overwhelmed by the turmoil.
    •They use the imagery of waterfalls and waves to describe their distress, emphasizing the overwhelming nature of their situation.

    Verses 8-10: Trust Amid Trials

    •Despite the distress, the psalmist declares their trust in God’s steadfast love and anticipates praising Him with songs.
    •They continue to question God’s seeming absence while facing the taunts and attacks of enemies.

    Verse 11: Refrain of Hope and Trust in God

    •The psalmist repeats the refrain, encouraging their soul to hope in God and expressing confidence in future praise.

    Key Points

    1.Desperate Longing for God
    •The metaphor of a deer panting for water vividly captures the psalmist’s intense desire for God’s presence. This imagery can resonate deeply with anyone feeling spiritually parched.
    2.Contrast Between Past Joy and Present Sorrow
    •The recollection of past joyous worship experiences serves to highlight the depth of the psalmist’s current sorrow. This contrast underscores the emotional weight of their lament.
    3.Dialogue with the Soul
    •The psalmist’s dialogue with their own soul reflects a profound self-awareness and a conscious effort to combat despair with hope and trust in God.
    4.Imagery of Overwhelming Distress
    •The imagery of waterfalls and waves illustrates the psalmist’s sense of being overwhelmed. This powerful description helps convey the intensity of their emotional and spiritual struggle.
    5.Resilient Faith
    •Despite the depth of their anguish, the psalmist maintains a resilient faith, consistently turning their focus back to hope in God and the anticipation of future praise.


    •For Personal Reflection:
    •Consider times when you have felt a deep longing for God’s presence. How can you nurture this longing in your daily life?
    •Reflect on the importance of recalling past experiences of God’s faithfulness to strengthen your trust in difficult times.
    •For Encouragement:
    •The psalmist’s dialogue with their soul can serve as a model for self-encouragement. How can you speak hope and truth to your own soul when facing despair?
    •For Worship:
    •The psalm emphasizes the significance of communal worship and joyful praise. Think about how you can engage more deeply in worship and support others in their spiritual journey.


    Psalm 42 is a poignant exploration of longing, sorrow, and hope. It vividly captures the human experience of spiritual thirst and the struggle to maintain faith amid trials. Through its powerful imagery and emotional depth, the psalm offers a model of resilient faith and self-encouragement, reminding believers of the importance of hope and...

    • 27 min
    Psalms 43 - 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms Episode 1107 - SendMe Radio

    Psalms 43 - 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie Psalms Episode 1107 - SendMe Radio

    Psalm 43 is a prayer for deliverance and vindication. It is often seen as a continuation of Psalm 42, sharing a similar theme and tone. Here’s a brief overview and analysis:

    Structure and Themes

    Verses 1-2: Plea for Vindication and Deliverance

    •The psalmist begins by asking God to judge and defend them against an ungodly nation and deceitful men.
    •They express a sense of abandonment, questioning why God has rejected them and why they must go about mourning due to oppression.

    Verses 3-4: Prayer for Guidance and Return to Worship

    •The psalmist requests God to send out His light and truth to lead them back to His holy hill and dwelling places.
    •They long to return to the altar of God, where they can offer praise with exceeding joy.

    Verse 5: Refrain of Hope and Trust in God

    •The psalmist ends with a refrain, similar to that in Psalm 42, encouraging their soul to hope in God.
    •They express confidence that they will again praise God, who is their help and God.

    Key Points

    1.Expression of Distress and Injustice
    •The psalmist openly shares their feelings of distress, betrayal, and longing for God’s intervention. This transparency can be comforting for believers facing similar struggles.
    2.Desire for Divine Guidance
    •The plea for God’s light and truth highlights the importance of divine guidance. It reflects a deep desire to be led by God’s righteousness and to return to a place of worship.
    3.Hope and Trust in God’s Deliverance
    •Despite the initial expression of sorrow and questioning, the psalmist concludes with a hopeful outlook. This shift from despair to hope demonstrates the resilience of faith.
    4.Connection to Worship
    •The ultimate goal of the psalmist is to return to worship. This underscores the significance of worship in the life of the believer as a source of joy and strength.


    •For Personal Reflection:
    •Reflect on times when you have felt abandoned or oppressed. How can you find hope and trust in God during these moments?
    •Consider the importance of seeking God’s light and truth in your own life. How can you be more intentional about seeking His guidance?
    •For Community and Worship:
    •The psalm highlights the importance of communal worship and returning to the house of God. Think about ways to strengthen your participation in community worship and support others in their spiritual journey.


    Psalm 43 is a powerful reminder of the believer’s journey from distress to hope. It emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s guidance, remaining hopeful, and finding strength in worship. Through honest expression and trust in God’s deliverance, the psalmist models a resilient faith that can inspire believers in their own spiritual journeys.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/sendme-radio--732966/support.

    • 24 min
    Psalms 38 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1106 - SendMe Radio

    Psalms 38 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1106 - SendMe Radio

    Psalm 38 is a penitential psalm attributed to David, expressing deep sorrow and repentance for sin. The psalmist vividly describes his physical and emotional suffering, which he believes is a result of God’s displeasure due to his sins. Here’s a breakdown of the psalm’s key elements:

    1.Acknowledgment of Sin (Verses 1-4):
    The psalm begins with David pleading for God’s mercy, asking not to be rebuked in anger or disciplined in wrath. He acknowledges the weight of his sins, which have caused his suffering and feel like a heavy burden too heavy to bear.
    2.Physical and Emotional Anguish (Verses 5-10):
    David describes his physical afflictions in detail, including festering wounds, burning loins, and a crushed heart. His suffering affects his entire body, leaving him weak, groaning, and overwhelmed by sorrow.
    3.Isolation and Abandonment (Verses 11-14):
    David feels isolated and abandoned, noting that his friends and companions stand aloof, while his enemies lay traps and seek his downfall. He feels unable to respond, likening himself to a deaf man who cannot hear and a mute who cannot speak.
    4.Hope and Trust in God (Verses 15-22):
    Despite his suffering, David expresses his hope and trust in God, asking for salvation and rescue. He acknowledges his iniquity and confesses his sin, recognizing that his suffering is a result of his wrongdoing. He pleads with God not to forsake him and to come quickly to his aid.

    Psalm 38 is a profound expression of the human experience of guilt, suffering, and the desire for divine mercy. It highlights the psalmist’s deep awareness of his own sinfulness and his reliance on God’s compassion and forgiveness. Through his honest and heartfelt lament, David seeks reconciliation with God, demonstrating a model of true penitence and faith in divine grace.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/sendme-radio--732966/support.

    • 28 min
    Psalms 37 - 150 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 4 - Digital Ink

    Psalms 37 - 150 Days of Searching the Scriptures Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 4 - Digital Ink

    Psalm 37 is a wisdom Psalms attributed to David, offering guidance and encouragement to the righteous. It contrasts the fate of the wicked with that of the righteous and emphasizes trust in the Lord and commitment to His ways.

    Key Themes and Verses

    1.Trust in the Lord (Verses 1-7):
    •The psalm opens by advising against fretting over evildoers or envying those who do wrong because their success is temporary.
    •Verse 3: “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.”
    •Verse 4: “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
    2.Commitment to God (Verses 5-6):
    •Verse 5: “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this.”
    •This section encourages believers to trust God to act on their behalf.
    3.The Fate of the Wicked (Verses 8-15):
    •Verse 10: “A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found.”
    •The psalm reassures that the wicked will eventually be cut off, and their plots will fail.
    4.Blessings for the Righteous (Verses 16-26):
    •Verse 16: “Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked.”
    •Verse 23-24: “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”
    •This section highlights the lasting inheritance and security of the righteous.
    5.Advice for the Righteous (Verses 27-34):
    •Verse 27: “Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever.”
    •Verse 34: “Hope in the Lord and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are destroyed, you will see it.”
    6.The End of the Wicked (Verses 35-40):
    •Verse 37: “Consider the blameless, observe the upright; a future awaits those who seek peace.”
    •The final verses reiterate that while the wicked may flourish temporarily, their end is destruction, whereas salvation and strength are promised to the righteous.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/sendme-radio--732966/support.

    • 55 min

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