1 hr 2 min

Stress to Success - Banish Burnout: Janice Litvin The 7 Hats

    • Careers

Welcome, 7 Hatters! In this episode, we speak with Janice Litvin and dive deep into hats 1, 3, and 4... the soul, the servant, and the entrepreneur, as we take a deep breath, reduce our stress levels and banish burnout for good.

Stress and burnout have reached an all-time high, and I know of no one better to speak with on the topic than Janice. As an award-winning speaker and certified virtual presenter, she wants to help as many people as possible take care of their physical and mental health. She is one of the world's pre-eminent experts on the subject, and I'm so excited to speak with her today.

So if you're ready to move from stress to success, then let's welcome Janice to the 7 Hats...

Welcome, 7 Hatters! In this episode, we speak with Janice Litvin and dive deep into hats 1, 3, and 4... the soul, the servant, and the entrepreneur, as we take a deep breath, reduce our stress levels and banish burnout for good.

Stress and burnout have reached an all-time high, and I know of no one better to speak with on the topic than Janice. As an award-winning speaker and certified virtual presenter, she wants to help as many people as possible take care of their physical and mental health. She is one of the world's pre-eminent experts on the subject, and I'm so excited to speak with her today.

So if you're ready to move from stress to success, then let's welcome Janice to the 7 Hats...

1 hr 2 min