40 episodes

Current issues in today’s political world are discussed and the ramifications for our daily life are held up in light of the Constitution. How much do you know about current issues, political doings of conservatives and liberals both in government and in the private world? Join us in bi-monthly discussions, live to learn the exciting details. Replays available.

Current Issues and The Constitution Professor Woody Wilson & Felice Gerwitz

    • Education

Current issues in today’s political world are discussed and the ramifications for our daily life are held up in light of the Constitution. How much do you know about current issues, political doings of conservatives and liberals both in government and in the private world? Join us in bi-monthly discussions, live to learn the exciting details. Replays available.

    Political Climate – Episode 41

    Political Climate – Episode 41


    Let's Discuss the Political Climate & Current Issues

    * Are people really disillusioned by the current state of politics, not matter the party? I believe they are and in this broadcast you'll learn what to do about it as well as how to listen to the candidates declaring political aspirations with an open and educated mind!

    Show Notes: Here are some points covered in today's broadcast on the Political Climate

    Thomas Jefferson said:

    “If I could not go to Heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all.”


        John Adams said: 

    “There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”

    George Washington agreed, saying in his farewell presidential speech:

    “The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism.”

    Lets discuss:

    * How do we really know what the candidate stands for and ignore rhetoric?

    * Positions change - is there a place to see what they use to believe (for example candidates have been pro-life at one time and now are not.)?

    * I can refer to the document in the government class that helps the kids go through what their position is?


    Let's think:

    * What values are you looking for in a candidate?

    * What issues are most important to you?

    * How will you support your chosen candidate?



    Many of these topics are covered in other broadcasts - search for these terms on the front page: Click here find them. I've suggested a few below under specific topics:

    * The Economy  - Hope and Change

    * Government spending and the national debt - Debt Crisis

    * Immigration Reform - A Year In Review

    * Foreign Policy, particularly ISIS and Russia – China?  - State of the World

    * National Security  - Free Market and ISIS

    * Climate change - Blog on the Topic of Politics Today


    Hilary’s Problems:

    * Do nothing Senator

    * Do nothing Secretary of State

    * Benghazi

    * Clinton Foundation

    * She’s a rich person trying to get middle class and lower vote with anti-rich rhetoric

    * Deleted emails from Secretary of State tenure

    * Her attempt to position herself as a member of the middle class when she and her husband are multi-millionaires

    Other Democrats:

    * Bernie Sanders – Independent/Socialist, Vermont Senator

    * Lincoln Chafee - Former Governor and Senator, Rhode Island

    Republicans, declared candidates, with NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey of 251 Republican primary voters – ‘Could You See Yourself Supporting:’

    * Marco Rubio 74%

    * Jeb Bush 70%

    * Scott Walker 61%

    Perfectly Incorrect – Common Core? Not!

    Perfectly Incorrect – Common Core? Not!

    Common Core Exposed

    Current Issues and the Constitution with Moderator Felice Gerwitz and special guest, Terry Marselle.

    Terry is a teacher and the author of "Perfectly Incorrect" a book that uncovers why Common Core is psychologically and cognitively unsound.

    About Terry: Terry has taught for the last 41 years with a few years left before he retires. He teaches psychology on the highschool level, and has a Master’s Degree in Psychology by the University of Hartford with a concentration in children’s cognition and the psychopathology of childhood.  In the 1980s, and for the next twenty+ years, Terry taught overseas, in (mostly) U.S. Embassy/Consulate schools. Upon returning to the US he was greeted with No Child Left Behind and now The Common Core. Terry couldn't let the profession he loved, nor the students suffer without exposing the fallacies behind what Common Core professes.

    Visit Terry Marselle's website: CommonCoreNot

    Purchase this 600+ page book on Kindle here:

    Show Notes:


    1. An Introduction to Terry Marselle

    2. How did you learn about Common Core and your immediate reactions?

    3. A synopsis of what you see Common Core's role is in the future of teaching our youth. What you would say to parents or students directly - about the dangers and what can/will happen if it is allowed to continue?

    4. The idea that education resides with the States instead of the Federal Government -- The Constitution - about state sovereignty?) 10th Amendment?

    5. What recourse do we have as 1. parents 2. students 3. educators

    Terry Marselle - Perfectly Incorrect

    One Page Summary - Main Points:

    1. Common Core in K-6, and especially in K-3 years, are developmentally inappropriate in substantial ways.

    2. One size does not fit all. Common Core directly contradicts well settled research on how people think and learn.

    3. Common core is upwardly spiraling staircase of abstract, conceptual and intuitive thinking... only 30% of the population can do this naturally.

    4. There is no evidentiary research to support its claims going forward that the curriculum is "college and career ready."

    5. Common Core is most probably unconstitutional at the federal level.

    America’s Christian Foundations & Current Events

    America’s Christian Foundations & Current Events

    Let’s Talk about – America’s Christian Foundations

    & Current Events

    We discuss many topics in this episode - and will hit upon America's Christian Foundations - what do you think? Is America's Christian Foundations evident? Did the freedom from religious persecution help form our constitution?

    Here are the topics we discussed as well as a lively question and answer session with our live audience.

    USA Direction Poll - 29% right direction 64% not

    Netanyahu wins the election. 

    Hilary Woes:

    * Disappearing emails

    * Did not sign exit form?

    * Benghazi back in the news

    * Fav. – 59%. MAR. FAV. 53%

    Nuclear Negotiations With Iran

    Two policemen shot in Ferguson MO

    Keystone Pipeline:

    * January 31, 2014, The State Department concluded in its final environmental assessment issued Friday that the proposed Keystone XL pipeline would be unlikely to alter global greenhouse gas emissions.

    * Senate 62-36 – House 252-161 (incl. 31 democrats)

    * President vetoes congressional legislation

    * Hampers relations with Canada

    USA fundamentally changed during last six years?

    * National Debt

    * Economic doldrums

    * Government growth and expansion, bureaucratic malfeasance

    * Affordable Care Act

    * Abdication of leadership in foreign affairs

    * Minimizing the Constitution

     America’s Christian Foundations

    * Freedom from religious persecution, colonial era

    * First Great Awakening mid – 18th century

    * Declaration of Independence is essentially a reflective summary of the American experience, pre-1776

    * Declaration of Independence recalled (1820s)

    * US Constitution, Constitutional Convention

    * Early America - Second Great Awakening (1790-1840)

    We will discuss this in detail next time! 

    The Constitution of the United States

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Article V

    The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; (Slave trade and income tax) and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.


    37 – Hope and Change?

    37 – Hope and Change?

    Hope and Change? What Do You Think?

    Personally I think there is always plenty of hope and change - but not necessarily GOOD change since the election of the President. However in six years you can be sure that 2000 years of history can't be changed - and not with conservative watch dogs, thank-fully!

    Do you know your civics? We discuss several states considering giving students a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services exam as a prerequisite for graduation. Most candidates who take the naturalization exam are presented ten questions which they answer orally and pass it, on average at 91 percent on their first try.

    How did the American students fair in comparison? Here is a quick snapshot of the outcome of a random test given to students in the following states: Oklahoma: 2.8 percent passed; and Arizona: 3.5 percent passed. Reportedly only 23 percent knew that George Washington was the first president! Are you surprised?

    Illegal Immigration:

    * New report isis crossing Mexican border – need to secure border

    * Illegal immigrant, Pedro Espinoza, released from prison, murders black youth Jamiel Shaw - 2008? Los Angeles

    * Jeb Bush, 2013, “accelerated path to citizenship.” In the primaries, can he overcome this and his support for Common Core?


    * New White House spin – Isis problem is poverty – Obama, Susan Rice, State Department spokeswoman

    * Holy War?

    Keystone Pipeline:

    * January 31, 2014, The State Department concluded in its final environmental assessment issued Friday that the proposed Keystone XL pipeline would be unlikely to alter global greenhouse gas emissions.

    * Senate 62-36 – House 252-161 (incl. 31 democrats)

    * President vetoes congressional legislation

    * Hampers relations with Canada

    USA fundamentally changed during last six years?

    * National Debt

    * Economic doldrums

    * Government growth and expansion, bureaucratic malfeasance

    * Affordable Care Act

    * Abdication of leadership in foreign affairs

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu headed to Washington on Sunday (3/1) to press his case against an emerging deal on Iran's nuclear program in a contentious address to the U.S. Congress, which he said he is delivering out of concern for Israel's security.

    America’s Christian Foundations

    * Freedom from religious persecution, colonial era

    * Declaration of Independence

    * Declaration of Independence recalled (1820s)

    * US Constitution, Constitutional Convention

    * Early America - Second Great Awakening (1790-1840)

    Declaration of Independence Online Version: http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/declaration_transcript.html

    PDF - Please download this copy with highlights that Professor Wilson discussed.Declaration of Independence - Highlights For Show


    36- The Free Market, ISIS & Obama

    36- The Free Market, ISIS & Obama

    In this action packed show - Episode 36

    We discuss ISIS and the issues surrounding the current president's refusal to address address the terrorism issues head-on. The show also recaps captialism with a more through analysis -- building on the last show here.

    Show Notes:

    Review Capitalism/Free Market

    Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3:  To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

    Capitalism vs Socialism

    Economic Recovery?

    How can government stimulate small business growth, simple, tax cuts and deregulation.

    SOU - middle class economics

    Obama 2016 budget, $4 Trillion! ….

    * $2.4 trillion spending increase

    * $2.1 trillion tax increase

    * $8.5 trillion national debt

    Federal judge temporarily blocks Obama's immigration executive action

    A federal judge has granted a request by 26 states to temporarily block President Obama's executive action on illegal immigration, allowing a lawsuit aimed at permanently stopping the orders to make its way through the courts.

    The media "throws knives" for Scot Walker

    Obama policy on Terrorism Back in the News

    Breaking News:  45 Iraqi security troops murdered by burning


    21 Coptic Christians murdered in Egypt

    Last six years:

    * Arab Spring 2010 to present

    * Benghazi

    * Red Line

    * Syria – opportunity ignored

    * Iran and nukes

    * ISIS – “JV team”

    * Russia and Putin – open mike blunder

    Critics:  Top brass in Pentagon:

    * Leon Panetta – former Obama CIA Director

    * Bob Gates – former Obama Secretary of Defense,

    * Gen Jack Keene – four-star general and Vice Chief of Staff of the United US Army

    * Dennis Ross, Former Mideast negotiator

    * General Mike Flynn - Retired US Army lieutenant general, served as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, he says, “you cannot defeat an enemy you do not admit exists. How can you defeat an enemy if you don’t identify them?”

    * Many More

    ISIS/ISIL – Islamic State in Iraq, Syria and many other nations!

    *  Are air strikes working?  ISIS Affiliates In (addition to Syria and Iraq):

    * ·       Saudi Arabia

    * ·       Iran

    * ·       Algeria

    * ·       Lybia

    * ·       Yemen

    * ·       Jordan

    * ·       Afghanistan

    * ·       Pakistan

    * ·       Nigeria

    * ·       Somalia

    * ·       That’s 12 countries so far …will continue to plant affiliates

    ISIS Crisis:

    * ISIS attacks Ala Sahd ….US marines

    * ISIS waging a holy war against Christians?

    * Is it good policy to tell your enemy what you plan to do?

    * Kayla Mueller – four Americans now murdered

    * Sickening video surfaced showing black-clad jihadists marching 21 Coptic (Egyptian) Christians to a beach to be beheaded. TWO WAVES OF EGYPTIAN AIRSTRIKES attacked ISIS militants in neighboring Libya, killed 64 militants ….destroyed  training camps and weapons caches a day after Obama speaks of media hype

    * In -The -Know Consensus: the threat from Muslim fanatics is growing and Obama admin does not have an effective srategy to deal with it

    AUMF – Authorization to Use Military Force was requested:

    Vague and non-specific language:

    * THREE-YEAR limit?

    * All necessary and appropriate steps to defeat the enemy?



    Let's Talk about - Capitalism/ Free Market

    with Professor Wilson and Moderated by Felice Gerwitz

    Capitalism/Free Market - HISTORICAL overview

    Woody shares a recap of the historical significance of capitalism and free market in the USA. This begins this sessions.

    We take a look at the Constitution:

    Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3:  To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

    Economic Recovery?

    * Third Quarter – GDP 5% growth in third quarter (July thru September)

    * Fastest growth rate in 11 years

    * Worst recovery in US history

    * GDP growth lowest level since 1947

    * Adult population employed 59%, down from 64% in 2000

    * Stock Market up: Dow-Jones exceeded 18,000 for the first time

    * Why? Internet sales are up, sinking personal debt, plunging oil prices, increased government contracts - the free market finally prevails

    * Who takes credit?

    * But, unemployment remains at 5.8%

    * All net gains jobs since 2007 have gone to immigrants, legal and illegal – 2.5 million more immigrants, l.5 million fewer American citizens (Bureau Labor Statistics)

    * Middle class wages stagnant

    * 73% increase in health care premiums

    * 35 million living in poverty, up from 18 million in 2007

    * 2010-2014 – More small businesses closing than opening, 2% gap, taxes and regulation, ACA, focus on redistribution of wealth. Moving to European socialist government/economic system.

    * How to stimulate small business growth, simple, tax cuts and deregulation.

    Middle class economics?!?! – this is discussed.

    Obama 2016 budget, $4 Trillion! ….

    * $2.4 trillion spending increase

    * $2.1 trillion tax increase

    * $8.5 trillion national debt

    John Boehner and Benjamin Netanyahu Controversy

    * Cold shoulder, Hostility began 2008

    * Last year Hamas attacks Israel – president urges Israel be patient, praises Palestinian authority

    * Recent refusal to meet with Netanyahu

    * State Department using American taxpayer dollars to campaign in Israel election against Netanyahu

    Obama policy on Terrorism Back in the News

    * Last six years

    * Arab Spring 2010 to present

    * Benghazi

    * Red Line

    * Syria – opportunity ignored

    * Iran and nukes

    * ISIS – “JV team”

    * Russia and Putin – open mike blunder

    * Critics: top brass in Pentagon, Leon Panetta – former Obama CIA Director, Bob Gates – former Obama Secretary of Defense – Gen Jack Keene – Former Mideast negotiator Dennis Ross – General Mike Flynn, “you cannot defeat an enemy you do not admit exists.”  Refusal to acknowledge Islamic, Muslim, Jihad elements of terrorism “How can you defeat an enemy if you don’t identify them?”

    Self identified Republicans Presidential Candidates Poll

    * Romney 21%

    * Huckabee 19%

    * Paul 10%

    * Bush 9%

    Romney drops out!

    American Sniper Controversy

    * American Sniper - A 2014 American biographical war drama film directed by Clint Eastwood and written by Jason Hall.

    * Based on the book American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S.

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