26 min

Unlock Your Career Path for ADHD Adults Ally Spotlight

    • Personal Journals

In this latest episode of Ally Spotlight featuring with this week's guest, Shell Mendelson, ADHD Career Coach and author of Unlock Your Career Path for ADHD Adults and Teens - Make Your Next Career Move with Confidence

In this insightful episode, we delve into:

Shell's professional journey and career in inclusion
What led Shell to become a dedicated ADHD professional
Common prejudices about ADHD and the harmful misconceptions that impact those with the condition
The critical importance of neurodivergent advocacy in the workplace
Mistakes made in Shell's ADHD journey and the valuable lessons learned
Proud achievements in her Allyship journey
Key qualities that make for a good and positive Ally

Whether you’re a business leader, HR professional, or simply interested in fostering a more inclusive workplace, this episode offers valuable insights and practical advice for supporting neurodivergent individuals.

#Podcast #ADHD #Neurodiversity #Inclusion #Allyship #MentalHealth #WorkplaceInclusion #Advocacy #NewEpisode #BusinessLeadership

In this latest episode of Ally Spotlight featuring with this week's guest, Shell Mendelson, ADHD Career Coach and author of Unlock Your Career Path for ADHD Adults and Teens - Make Your Next Career Move with Confidence

In this insightful episode, we delve into:

Shell's professional journey and career in inclusion
What led Shell to become a dedicated ADHD professional
Common prejudices about ADHD and the harmful misconceptions that impact those with the condition
The critical importance of neurodivergent advocacy in the workplace
Mistakes made in Shell's ADHD journey and the valuable lessons learned
Proud achievements in her Allyship journey
Key qualities that make for a good and positive Ally

Whether you’re a business leader, HR professional, or simply interested in fostering a more inclusive workplace, this episode offers valuable insights and practical advice for supporting neurodivergent individuals.

#Podcast #ADHD #Neurodiversity #Inclusion #Allyship #MentalHealth #WorkplaceInclusion #Advocacy #NewEpisode #BusinessLeadership

26 min