27 min

Chinese NEVs on the up and up The Point with Liu Xin

    • News Commentary

At the Beijing auto show 2024, 278 NEV models were on display, with Chinese car makers stealing the show and foreign carmakers feeling the pinch. German, Japanese and South Korean giants are teaming up with their Chinese partners to "catch up with Chinese carmakers." How advanced is China's NEV industry? Will these partnerships with Chinese players all become grist for the mill for foreign automakers? With more trade barriers on Chinese NEVs looming, is the West shooting itself in the foot?

At the Beijing auto show 2024, 278 NEV models were on display, with Chinese car makers stealing the show and foreign carmakers feeling the pinch. German, Japanese and South Korean giants are teaming up with their Chinese partners to "catch up with Chinese carmakers." How advanced is China's NEV industry? Will these partnerships with Chinese players all become grist for the mill for foreign automakers? With more trade barriers on Chinese NEVs looming, is the West shooting itself in the foot?

27 min