59 min

Season 3 Finale Q+A Pod and Prejudice

    • Books

Season 3 finale!!! We're taking all of your questions about all things Emma, Jane Austen, and ourselves as we gear up to start Persuasion!

Our show art was created by Torrence Browne, and our audio is produced by Graham Cook. For bios and transcripts, check out our website at podandprejudice.com. Pod and Prejudice is transcribed by speechdocs.com. To support the show, check out our Patreon!

Season 3 finale!!! We're taking all of your questions about all things Emma, Jane Austen, and ourselves as we gear up to start Persuasion!

Our show art was created by Torrence Browne, and our audio is produced by Graham Cook. For bios and transcripts, check out our website at podandprejudice.com. Pod and Prejudice is transcribed by speechdocs.com. To support the show, check out our Patreon!

59 min