35 min

Write Emails with Purpose, NOT by Accident: Liz Danziger Your Intended Message

    • How To

Write email that gets you the results you want.
Avoid sending email that shows up in the news, or in court
Episode 204 (repeat of #134, Liz is based in L.A.)
Listen to this conversation with Liz Danziger before you send that toxic email and save yourself grief.
About Liz Danziger:
Liz is the author of four books published by major publishers including business writing guide, Get to the Point! She is also a columnist on Inc.com

She has decades of experience in helping teams to write clearly and confidently. 
Her goal is to empower people to wield the power of words to create success.
To receive her monthly writing tips called Writamins visit www,WorkTalk.com
At the same site you can get your copy of Ten Tips for Communicating Effectively in a Fast-Paced World.
You can arrange a complimentary 30-minute call to explore communication issues in your organization. Select a time on her calendar
Excerpts from this conversation with Liz Danziger:
Mistakes that right off the bat, you could say, okay, stop doing this, this and this, and people's writing will dramatically improve?
Yes, one thing is that they could know their purpose before they start and know their point before they start. My view is that most writing problems happen before a person starts to write.
They happen in the thinking phase when people don't think about their purpose. And that's why I'm so pleased to be on this podcast, your intended message, because that's exactly what the worktop trainings are about is having people be clear on their intentions, and then target their readers.
And so the first thing is to know your purpose and your point. The second thing would be to think about your reader it astonishes me sometimes, how people will just sit down and they're just tap it, tap it tap, but they're writing away.
And then if I stopped them in coaching or in training, and I asked them, so what do you think your readers interested in? And they're like, oh, that's an interesting question. So they need to think about the reader and they need to use clear language.
And the last thing I will say is, people have to reread before they send. It's a common common error that people just tap it tap and send without proofreading. And they live to bear the consequences.

Write email that gets you the results you want.
Avoid sending email that shows up in the news, or in court
Episode 204 (repeat of #134, Liz is based in L.A.)
Listen to this conversation with Liz Danziger before you send that toxic email and save yourself grief.
About Liz Danziger:
Liz is the author of four books published by major publishers including business writing guide, Get to the Point! She is also a columnist on Inc.com

She has decades of experience in helping teams to write clearly and confidently. 
Her goal is to empower people to wield the power of words to create success.
To receive her monthly writing tips called Writamins visit www,WorkTalk.com
At the same site you can get your copy of Ten Tips for Communicating Effectively in a Fast-Paced World.
You can arrange a complimentary 30-minute call to explore communication issues in your organization. Select a time on her calendar
Excerpts from this conversation with Liz Danziger:
Mistakes that right off the bat, you could say, okay, stop doing this, this and this, and people's writing will dramatically improve?
Yes, one thing is that they could know their purpose before they start and know their point before they start. My view is that most writing problems happen before a person starts to write.
They happen in the thinking phase when people don't think about their purpose. And that's why I'm so pleased to be on this podcast, your intended message, because that's exactly what the worktop trainings are about is having people be clear on their intentions, and then target their readers.
And so the first thing is to know your purpose and your point. The second thing would be to think about your reader it astonishes me sometimes, how people will just sit down and they're just tap it, tap it tap, but they're writing away.
And then if I stopped them in coaching or in training, and I asked them, so what do you think your readers interested in? And they're like, oh, that's an interesting question. So they need to think about the reader and they need to use clear language.
And the last thing I will say is, people have to reread before they send. It's a common common error that people just tap it tap and send without proofreading. And they live to bear the consequences.

35 min