298 episodes

The Extreme Health Radio Podcast is your one stop source for all things related to health, healing and longevity. Whether you're recovering from cancer, have heart disease, diabetes or struggling with other diseases our show has something for you. We empower you to take back control of your health by learning from expert authors, scientists, researchers and doctors. If you're somebody who's into fitness, the paleo diet or a raw food vegan we've got your covered. You'll learn how to take your health, cleansing and detoxification protocols to the next level! Stop spending thousands of dollars on drugs, medications or surgeries when you can learn to live naturally without needing a doctor. Extreme Health Radio is the show for you.

Podcasts – Extreme Health Radio Justin Stellman

    • Health & Fitness

The Extreme Health Radio Podcast is your one stop source for all things related to health, healing and longevity. Whether you're recovering from cancer, have heart disease, diabetes or struggling with other diseases our show has something for you. We empower you to take back control of your health by learning from expert authors, scientists, researchers and doctors. If you're somebody who's into fitness, the paleo diet or a raw food vegan we've got your covered. You'll learn how to take your health, cleansing and detoxification protocols to the next level! Stop spending thousands of dollars on drugs, medications or surgeries when you can learn to live naturally without needing a doctor. Extreme Health Radio is the show for you.

    Dayna Martin – On The Rise & Popularity Of The Unschooling Movement

    Dayna Martin – On The Rise & Popularity Of The Unschooling Movement

    Check out all my individual health protocols here >>

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    Dayna Martin joined us to talk about the whole idea of unschooling children. We're so brainwashed to believe that the only way for our children to learn is to have a state run government institution teach them.

    Personally I don't believe it's the only way to learn. If a child wants to go to school then by all means I would support that. But there are so many problems with the traditional school system as it now is in America.

    Children often get bullied and get in fights at school. They're influenced by peer pressure to have sex, drink alcohol, do drugs and do all kinds of wild things through "socialization" which we all thought was such a good thing.

    Vaccinations are also something that parents think their kids need to have before they can attend a public or private school. In high schools girls can get the morning after pill to induce an abortion without their parents knowledge. It's just amazing.

    We also see school violence and shootings happening at schools these days which are on the rise.

    Then we have the issue of labeling children based on performance and grading on information that may or may not even be accurate. The whole thing doesn't seem to make sense to me personally.

    Ask any adult who thinks that school is so great, if they'd be willing to spend the next 9 months from 8am to 3pm going to classes all day studying things they don't care about. Every adult I know would rather be working and being in the "real world". So why do we make our children go to school like this? Is it because we think they're too young and not capable of adult activities?

    I think it is. And this is where we're going wrong. A 12 year old child is capable of doing amazing things if we treat them as an adult and with respect and give them the confidence to carry out such tasks.

    Each child learns differently and forcing them all through the narrow funnel of a cirriculum taught in a specific way is going to create a desire to get good grades instead of wanting to learn. And this is what we see. All kids and parents think about is what kind of grades their son or daughter is getting.

    It's all a performance based grading system which is archaic in my belief.

    To me there are so many reasons to not to send your child to school and Dayna Martin talks about how they do life and what the unschooling movement is all about.

    After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think!

    We discuss the following and so much more:

    * Where did the idea of state control schools come from?

    * What's the difference between homeschooling and unschooling?

    * Don't states require kids to attend school?

    * What's a typical unschooling day like in her family?

    * How does school indoctrinate the minds of our children

    * How learning styles aren't supported in regular schools

    * What are her main reasons for unschooling (drugs, vaccinations, ADD, friends, truth of information)

    * The problem of labeling children

    * The speed at which child reads, walks, does math

    * What about High School

    * Recommended books

    * And so much more!

    Dayna Martin explains why the unschooling movement is becoming so popular! - Click to tweet this!


    • 1 hr 7 min
    Dr. Harvey Bigelsen – How Almost Everything Can Be Seen In The Blood!

    Dr. Harvey Bigelsen – How Almost Everything Can Be Seen In The Blood!

    Check out all my individual health protocols here >>


    * Dissolve-It-All - breaking down scar tissue, inflammation and calcification

    * PUFA Protect - Eliminating a lifetime of a high PUFA diet

    * Purely K - Reduce Calcification

    * NAD Power - Allow Your Mitochondria To Create Energy!

    * Probiotic Endotoxin Reducer - Lower Endotoxins!

    * Oyster Extract - Bioavailable Copper, Selenium & Zinc

    * Resilien-C - Whole Food Vitamin C

    * Panacea - Pure Shilijit 84 Minerals + Chelate Iron

    * Digest-it-All - Better assimilate & absorb your food

    * Use discount code EHR15 :)

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    We had such a great time speaking with Dr. Harvey Bigelsen in this radio show. His work is truly fascinating. He's taking live blood cell analysis to another level. He does what's called dark field microscopy where he doesn't stain the blood.

    Most holistic health care practitioners stain the blood. By doing so it actually kills some of organisms and clouds the picture of the blood. When most doctors do live blood cell analysis you might see parasites, white blood cells and other things floating in the blood plasma.

    But when Dr. Harvey Bigelsen does dark field microscopy he sees things that make you think of Twilight Zone. Remember when Marsuo Emoto wrote the book and he took pictures of water crystals that actually change their structure and shape based on the intention that's put around them?

    This is similar to what Dr. Harvey Bigelsen is doing. He has seen some pretty amazing things while looking at people's blood. For example, he's seen a woman's baby in the blood when she was pregnant. He can see cancer tumors years before they've actually grown into a detectable cancer. He can see anger in the blood in the form of a liver.

    Each organ actually carries different emotional states. For example anger in Chinese Medicine correlates to the liver. The lungs, the stomach, the spleen, the endocrine organs all carry with them different emotional states.

    He even saw a broken femur of a woman who had no broken femur. It turns out 2 weeks later this older lady fell and broke her femur. Can you believe that? What's going on there?

    Did the event of breaking her femur happen as a sort of subconscious self fulfilling prophecy or was her blood somehow telling the future? Is that creepy or what?

    If you look into energy medicine, quantum physics and string theory, this ideas shouldn't surprise you.

    • 1 hr 13 min
    Phil Wilson – How & Why You Should Detox On A Regular Basis With Sauna Therapy

    Phil Wilson – How & Why You Should Detox On A Regular Basis With Sauna Therapy

    Check out all my individual health protocols here >>


    * Dissolve-It-All - breaking down scar tissue, inflammation and calcification

    * PUFA Protect - Eliminating a lifetime of a high PUFA diet

    * Purely K - Reduce Calcification

    * NAD Power - Allow Your Mitochondria To Create Energy!

    * Probiotic Endotoxin Reducer - Lower Endotoxins!

    * Oyster Extract - Bioavailable Copper, Selenium & Zinc

    * Resilien-C - Whole Food Vitamin C

    * Panacea - Pure Shilijit 84 Minerals + Chelate Iron

    * Digest-it-All - Better assimilate & absorb your food

    * Use discount code EHR15 :)

    Our friend Phil Wilson joined us on today's show to talk about sauna therapy and how detoxification through sweat is really important for overall health. We also sell the heat lamp through him that can direct the FAR infrared light to specific areas of your body as well.

    There is lots of debate about what sauna is the best and we get that question all the time. There are pros and cons to all of them and no one "device" is going to be the end all be all for your health needs.

    There are many ways up the mountain my friends.

    I use this Relax FAR Infrared Sauna about 3 to 4 days a week, I used to use it 5 or 6 days a week before our twins were born!

    Here's why I like the Relax FAR Infrared Sauna so much...

    * It's portable

    * It uses FAR infrared light instead of near infrared

    * Your head can stick out (great from an Ayurvedic perspective)

    * You can watch TV or movies while in it, making the time go fast!

    * It requires zero pre-heating

    * It doesn't spike your electric bill

    * You sweat almost immediately

    * You can control the tempurature

    * It doesn't take up a lot of space

    * And many more reasons too!

    I hope you enjoy this show with Phil Wilson from Momentum98 about the Relax FAR Infrared sauna therapy!

    On Last Thing!

    As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our...

    • 1 hr 46 min
    Jeanice Barcelo – Ultrasounds During Pregnancy Are DANGEROUS!

    Jeanice Barcelo – Ultrasounds During Pregnancy Are DANGEROUS!

    Check out my health protocols here >>


    * Vitamin E - PUFA Protect - Eliminating a lifetime of a high PUFA diet

    * Dissolve-It-All - breaking down scar tissue, inflammation and calcification

    * Purely K - Reduce Calcification

    * NAD Power - Allow Your Mitochondria To Create Energy!

    * Probiotic Endotoxin Reducer - Lower Endotoxins!

    * Oyster Extract - Bioavailable Copper, Selenium & Zinc

    * Resilien-C - Whole Food Vitamin C

    * Panacea - Pure Shilijit 84 Minerals + Chelate Iron

    * Digest-it-All - Better assimilate & absorb your food

    * Use discount code EHR15 :)

    Today we had Jeanice Barcelo on the show to talk about her book called The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound and the Dangers of Non-Ionizing Radiation: Part 1. I highly recommend you read this book!

    The last time she was on was on episode #62 where we talked about the dangers of hospital births.

    That show was fascinating and it talked about what's really going on with hospital births and the satanic influences you probably never new existed.

    In this show we talked about ionizing and non ionizing radiation with regards to ultrasounds and how these high frequencies affect the developing brain of a baby. It's not a fetus. It's a baby that grows in a mother's womb.

    Doctors will tell you that there is no harm in having ultra sounds during pregnancy and Jeanice Barcelo has done mountains of research and she says otherwise.

    Think about it.

    The more tests they can do, the more they can find something "wrong" that will require further testing and possibly medical intervention.

    More money for hospitals and doctors.

    This is truly an eye opening show by Jeanice Barcelo. I hope you buy her book and think twice about getting an ultrasound during pregnancy!

    Please share it with your friends would you? It would really help our cause and hopefully you're friend also!

    Thank you for listening and for all your support over the years!

    One Last Thing!

    As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep...

    • 2 hrs 9 min
    Tobias Segal – The Power of Ozone Gas & The Many Ways You Can Use It!

    Tobias Segal – The Power of Ozone Gas & The Many Ways You Can Use It!

    Check out my health protocols here >>

    Patreon.com is where we're putting all our best protocols for health conditions, exclusive content, live monthly Q&As and more. 3 plans to choose from. Come join the community, you'll be glad you did.

    Episode Summary

    In this episode of Extreme Health Radio I talk with owner of Promolife.com (Our discount code is EHR10 to save 10% off your order) Tobias Segal and we discuss the power of ozone therapy and the many different ways you can harness this magical gas to help the body heal itself. We also talked about his machines, the history of Promolife and the innovation of ozone since the mid 1990s.

    I hope you enjoy this show. Everybody should have an ozone generator in my opinion and if we did, the nonsense the past 3 years would have never happened.

    Episode Sponsors:

    Show Page With Links

    Dissolve It All

    Relax FAR Infrared Sauna

    Methylene Blue  - Use code EHR10 to save 10%

    Surthrival Colostrum - Use code OPTIMIZE to save 20%

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    • 1 hr 18 min
    Dr. John Bergman: (In Studio) – How To Eat Healthy & Have A Healthy Lifestyle, Vaccines & Much More!

    Dr. John Bergman: (In Studio) – How To Eat Healthy & Have A Healthy Lifestyle, Vaccines & Much More!

    Check out and purchase my individual health protocols here >>

    Dr. John Bergman joined us in this awesome podcast to talk about how to eat healthy as well as having a healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy and having a healthy lifestyle seem to go hand in hand but they're not the same.

    For example one could have a diet of clean organic whole foods but also work in construction or work laying tar on the streets. Eating healthy foods is one small part of living a healthy toxin and chemical free lifestyle.

    Everything matters from the food we eat, the thoughts we think, the chemical exposures we're surrounded by and even our spiritual life. It all matters and they all help to build a whole human.

    In this show with Dr. John Bergman we also discussed vaccines and I was blown away but what he had to say about vaccine shots and flu shots.

    He was sharing with us at the coffee shop about some patients he's had recently where they've developed cancer of the bone, osteosarcoma at the exact locations of where the vaccine injection site was.

    For some odd reason (which I can't understand why I never put together myself) I always just thought a person could develop some kind of cancer from vaccines but I never thought it could be at the exact site where the needle was injected into the skin.


    So we talked about how to get healthy, the dark ages of health and the current health renaissance we're in. We have the option to turn things around.

    It starts with us! It stats with where we spend our money, the thoughts we think, the foods and juices we consume and how we live our life on a day to day basis.

    This is really important stuff people. Being healthy, vibrant full of energy and life is a really rebellious act. It takes work, it takes a spiritual shift and it takes us actually placing value on our own lives and having self worth for our lives.

    We're currently working behind the scenes with Dr. John Bergman to create the Extreme Health Academy (link below) to help educate, inspire and fully support each of us to take care of ourselves and in turn, change the world.

    But it all starts with education. It starts with us understanding who we are and why we're here. It starts with us.

    I hope you enjoy this show with Dr. John Bergman!

    Please share if you like it!

    Thanks for listening.

    Justin, Kate, Charlee and Coco Puff

    On Last Thing!

    As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you're not buying anything right now! :)

    Thank you all!

    Justin, Kate and Maggie

    Sponsor For This Episode:

    Extreme Health Academy

    Bellicon Rebounders

    Raw Organic Grass Fed One World Whey Protein Powder

    Featured Products For This Episode:


    • 1 hr 57 min

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