5 Min.

Shorts: The Power of Product Focus Bonanza: Product Growth

    • Design

In the latest Bonanza Growth Shorts episode, Behrad Mirafshar reveals the primary reason behind the failure of nine out of ten startups: a lack of product focus. Behrad emphasizes the importance of honing in on one product capability rather than spreading resources thin across multiple features. Drawing on examples from successful businesses like Superhuman and Calendly, Behrad underscores the power of simplicity and focus in driving growth. Listeners are encouraged to prioritize refining one...

In the latest Bonanza Growth Shorts episode, Behrad Mirafshar reveals the primary reason behind the failure of nine out of ten startups: a lack of product focus. Behrad emphasizes the importance of honing in on one product capability rather than spreading resources thin across multiple features. Drawing on examples from successful businesses like Superhuman and Calendly, Behrad underscores the power of simplicity and focus in driving growth. Listeners are encouraged to prioritize refining one...

5 Min.