21 min

74: Show up for yourself Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang

    • Mental Health

In this empowering episode, we delve into the art of showing up for yourself every single day and why it is so important. Discover practical strategies and mindset shifts that will help you cultivate a strong sense of self-advocacy and resilience. It's time to step into your power and strengthen your self love and self care through showing up for yourself.

Resources from today's episode

Work with Phi* Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.* Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.* Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here.* Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life.*  

The inspiration behind showing up for yourself

Hello beautiful soul,This episode is inspired by a post I shared on Instagram this week about showing up: Show up when things get difficult. When things get out of hand. When things feel dark. Show up, not for the world. Show up, not for anybody else. Show up for you, in whatever way you need to. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about honouring your heart and soul. Be kind to yourself. Be loving in the way that you need. Take care of yourself and watch as you bloom, watch as life and the universe show up for you too.The message of showing up really came through as a strong clear message as I channeled earlier this week because collectively it’s been energetically dense lately, there’s been a lot of with eclipse energy, Scorpio full moon and Mercury retrograde. It can feel heavy and so I wanted to share something practical that anyone can do, right now, no matter what is going in your life and that is: showing up. Before I begin, I wanted to show up for you listening to let you know I am here if you need support and guidance. I have availability for 1:1 coaching as well as human design readings so if you’ve been thinking about it or feeling the pull, this is your sign to get in touch and let’s chat to figure out how I can best help you with everything going on in your life and within yourself right now. 

What does showing up for yourself mean?

Showing up is so personal to everyone, it changes and is subject to different circumstances yet ultimately showing up is honouring yourself, making yourself a priority and taking care of yourself. Showing up is to live intentionally and to be an active participant inside of your own life daily.You can thinking of showing up as being the captain of your own ship, navigating the waters of life. Showing up for yourself means taking control of the helm, by making intentional choices, and steering your life in the direction you want to go. Now do note, just because you’re in charge doesn’t mean you have full control: there are still circumstances you can’t such as the wind direction, temperature and the sea in which you are in. So as captain you have to stay attentive and mindful of the changing currents and conditions. Showing up requires your conscious awareness, adaptability and resilience in the face of the dynamic nature of life and potential challenges. 

Showing up for others is easier

In most cases and this may apply to you, it’s much easier to show up for someone or something else. Showing up at work out of a sense of duty, obligation and work ethic. Showing up for a family member or friend because you really love them and want to help. What about yourself? Who is showing up for you? Are you showing up for yourself? If you get on that spiral of but if I choose myself first how can I show for others well it’s a win win because when you show up for yourself first, your capacity and bandwidth expand so that you can show up for others. It’s not about being selfish or not wanting to help ...

In this empowering episode, we delve into the art of showing up for yourself every single day and why it is so important. Discover practical strategies and mindset shifts that will help you cultivate a strong sense of self-advocacy and resilience. It's time to step into your power and strengthen your self love and self care through showing up for yourself.

Resources from today's episode

Work with Phi* Learn more about 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.* Apply for 1:1 Coaching with Phi here.* Book a Human Design Reading with Phi here.* Phi's book; The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life.*  

The inspiration behind showing up for yourself

Hello beautiful soul,This episode is inspired by a post I shared on Instagram this week about showing up: Show up when things get difficult. When things get out of hand. When things feel dark. Show up, not for the world. Show up, not for anybody else. Show up for you, in whatever way you need to. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about honouring your heart and soul. Be kind to yourself. Be loving in the way that you need. Take care of yourself and watch as you bloom, watch as life and the universe show up for you too.The message of showing up really came through as a strong clear message as I channeled earlier this week because collectively it’s been energetically dense lately, there’s been a lot of with eclipse energy, Scorpio full moon and Mercury retrograde. It can feel heavy and so I wanted to share something practical that anyone can do, right now, no matter what is going in your life and that is: showing up. Before I begin, I wanted to show up for you listening to let you know I am here if you need support and guidance. I have availability for 1:1 coaching as well as human design readings so if you’ve been thinking about it or feeling the pull, this is your sign to get in touch and let’s chat to figure out how I can best help you with everything going on in your life and within yourself right now. 

What does showing up for yourself mean?

Showing up is so personal to everyone, it changes and is subject to different circumstances yet ultimately showing up is honouring yourself, making yourself a priority and taking care of yourself. Showing up is to live intentionally and to be an active participant inside of your own life daily.You can thinking of showing up as being the captain of your own ship, navigating the waters of life. Showing up for yourself means taking control of the helm, by making intentional choices, and steering your life in the direction you want to go. Now do note, just because you’re in charge doesn’t mean you have full control: there are still circumstances you can’t such as the wind direction, temperature and the sea in which you are in. So as captain you have to stay attentive and mindful of the changing currents and conditions. Showing up requires your conscious awareness, adaptability and resilience in the face of the dynamic nature of life and potential challenges. 

Showing up for others is easier

In most cases and this may apply to you, it’s much easier to show up for someone or something else. Showing up at work out of a sense of duty, obligation and work ethic. Showing up for a family member or friend because you really love them and want to help. What about yourself? Who is showing up for you? Are you showing up for yourself? If you get on that spiral of but if I choose myself first how can I show for others well it’s a win win because when you show up for yourself first, your capacity and bandwidth expand so that you can show up for others. It’s not about being selfish or not wanting to help ...

21 min