37 min

Peter Sewell interviews Jaemin Frazer Goals and Gratitude

    • Self-Improvement

Episode 4: Interview with Jaemin Frazer

Today, it’s my special joy to introduce you to one of Australia’s most influential life coaches, Jaemin Frazer.

Jaemin has just published his latest book, Unhindered: the seven essential practises for overcoming insecurity.

He’s a TEDx speaker and has a popular radio segment called the One Minute Coach, that’s on stations all over Australia.

He’s a global leader on personal insecurity, and the founder of The Insecurity Project. If you haven’t listened to The Insecurity Project podcast, I definitely recommend it.

I first met Jaemin in Germany about 4 years ago, and had the privilege of being interviewed by him, so it was really special to be on the other end of the conversation.

Some of the topics we discussed in this interview were:

· Life not being entirely fair.

· Insecurity and its impact on individuals.

· The impact of the people around us

I especially like the way Jaemin unpackaged the whole topic of insecurity and know you will really enjoy today’s show.

Episode 4: Interview with Jaemin Frazer

Today, it’s my special joy to introduce you to one of Australia’s most influential life coaches, Jaemin Frazer.

Jaemin has just published his latest book, Unhindered: the seven essential practises for overcoming insecurity.

He’s a TEDx speaker and has a popular radio segment called the One Minute Coach, that’s on stations all over Australia.

He’s a global leader on personal insecurity, and the founder of The Insecurity Project. If you haven’t listened to The Insecurity Project podcast, I definitely recommend it.

I first met Jaemin in Germany about 4 years ago, and had the privilege of being interviewed by him, so it was really special to be on the other end of the conversation.

Some of the topics we discussed in this interview were:

· Life not being entirely fair.

· Insecurity and its impact on individuals.

· The impact of the people around us

I especially like the way Jaemin unpackaged the whole topic of insecurity and know you will really enjoy today’s show.

37 min