544 episodes

Our weekly 30 minute podcast helps you, a small business owner with 5 to 30 team members, take your company to the next level. The Grow A Small Business community, weekly cast, blog and leadership email supports leaders get through the pain of growth.

With insights, lessons learned, books and tools as well as habits these experienced small business owners suggest you develop, our interviews unearth tremendous value for anyone wanting to grow their business with less stress.

Grow A Small Business Podcast Troy Trewin

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 98 Ratings

Our weekly 30 minute podcast helps you, a small business owner with 5 to 30 team members, take your company to the next level. The Grow A Small Business community, weekly cast, blog and leadership email supports leaders get through the pain of growth.

With insights, lessons learned, books and tools as well as habits these experienced small business owners suggest you develop, our interviews unearth tremendous value for anyone wanting to grow their business with less stress.

    QFF: Transforming Small Business Finance: Ruchi Pinniger of Watch Her Prosper® Shares Her Journey from Wall Street to Empowering Multi-Seven-Figure Success with Holistic Financial Strategies. (Episode 544 - Ruchi Pinniger)

    QFF: Transforming Small Business Finance: Ruchi Pinniger of Watch Her Prosper® Shares Her Journey from Wall Street to Empowering Multi-Seven-Figure Success with Holistic Financial Strategies. (Episode 544 - Ruchi Pinniger)

    In less than 20 minutes a week, we'll introduce you to an expert or business owner with deep experience in what they do. Grow you, grow your team, grow a small business.

    In this episode of Grow a Small Business, host Rob Cameron interviews Ruchi Pinniger, founder of Watch Her Prosper®, who shares her journey from Wall Street to helping women redefine prosperity. Ruchi’s expertise has enabled clients to achieve multi-seven-figure revenues through a blend of financial strategy and holistic mindset coaching. Tune in to learn how her approach can transform your business and financial well-being..

    To remain connected with Ruchi and advance in your Redefining Prosperity journey, please click here to download your complimentary Redefining Prosperity Workbook™.

    Key Takeaways for Small Business Owners:

    Adopt her RIR MethodTM: Use Ruchi’s Recognize, Interrupt, Reframe technique to shift negative money beliefs and language into positive, empowering statements that foster an abundance mindset.

    Implement a Savings Strategy: Establish separate accounts for taxes and emergency funds. Allocate a percentage of your income to these accounts regularly to maintain financial stability and avoid surprises.

    Regularly Review Expenses: Audit your business expenses to identify and eliminate unused subscriptions and unnecessary costs. This simple practice can result in significant savings.

    Our hero crafts outstanding reviews following the experience of listening to our special guests. Are you the one we've been waiting for?

    Focus on Joyful, Profitable Activities: Assess your revenue streams to identify which ones are draining your energy without providing adequate returns. Let go of unprofitable activities and focus on those that bring you joy and financial rewards.

    Recognize Emotional Triggers: Understand that your subconscious beliefs about money influence your financial behaviour. Address these emotional triggers to make more informed and confident financial decisions.

    Embrace Holistic Prosperity: Redefine prosperity to include not just financial success, but also well-being, spirituality, and healthy relationships with money and people. This comprehensive approach can lead to more meaningful and sustainable success.

    One action small business owners can take:

    One actionable step small business owners can take, as advised by Ruchi Pinniger, is to implement her RIR MethodTM (Recognize, Interrupt, Reframe) in their daily practice. This method involves recognizing negative money beliefs or language, interrupting these patterns, and reframing them into positive, gratitude-focused statements. By adopting this approach, business owners can cultivate an abundance mindset and improve their relationship with money, leading to more confident and empowered financial decision-making.

    Do you have 2 minutes every Friday? Sign up to the Weekly Leadership Email. It's free and we can help you to maximise your time.

    Enjoyed the podcast? Please leave a review on iTunes or your preferred platform. Your feedback helps more small business owners discover our podcast and embark on their business growth journey. 👇

    Quotable quotes from our special Grow A Small Business podcast guest:

    Prosperity isn't just about the money; it's an inside job involving well-being, spirituality, and healthy relationships with money and people – Ruchi Pinniger

    Recognize, Interrupt, Reframe: Change your negative money beliefs into positive, empowering thoughts to attract abundance – Ruchi Pinniger

    True prosperity combines financial stability with a sense of joy and fulfilment in what you do. — Ruchi Pinniger

    • 19 min
    Achieving Exponential Growth: Lesley Hensell on Riverbend Consulting’s shares Journey from 4 to 100 Team Members, 327% Revenue Increase, and Overcoming Amazon Seller Challenges – Key Strategies for Business Success. (Episode 543 - Lesley Hensell)

    Achieving Exponential Growth: Lesley Hensell on Riverbend Consulting’s shares Journey from 4 to 100 Team Members, 327% Revenue Increase, and Overcoming Amazon Seller Challenges – Key Strategies for Business Success. (Episode 543 - Lesley Hensell)

    In this episode of "Grow a Small Business," host Troy Trewin interviews Lesley Hensell co-founder Riverbend Consulting shares her journey from starting with a team of 4 to scaling to nearly 100 employees. She highlights the firm’s impressive 327% revenue growth and its role in solving complex issues for Amazon sellers. Lesley discusses the tools and strategies that contributed to their success and offers insights into navigating rapid business growth.
    Why would you wait any longer to start living the lifestyle you signed up for? Balance your health, wealth, relationships and business growth. And focus your time and energy and make the most of this year. Let’s get into it by clicking here.
    Troy delves into our guest's startup journey, their perception of success, industry reconsideration, and the pivotal stress point during business expansion. They discuss the joys of small business growth, vital entrepreneurial habits, and strategies for team building, encompassing wins, blunders, and invaluable advice.
    And a snapshot of the final five Grow A Small Business Questions:

    What do you think is the hardest thing in growing a small business?

    According to Lesley Hensell, the hardest thing in growing a small business is managing payroll and scaling effectively. She emphasises the challenges of balancing increased costs with revenue growth and the complexities of hiring and maintaining a team while ensuring consistent cash flow.

    What's your favourite business book that has helped you the most?

    Lesley Hensell's favourite business book that has helped her the most is Deep Work by Cal Newport. She also recommends Newport's other works, including Digital Minimalism and A World Without Email, for further insights on productivity and focus.

    Are there any great podcasts or online learning resources you'd recommend to help grow a small business?

    Lesley Hensell recommends Cal Newport’s podcast, which complements his book Deep Work. She also suggests using productivity tools like RescueTime and ClickUp to help manage time and tasks effectively.

    What tool or resource would you recommend to grow a small business?

    Lesley Hensell recommends RescueTime for tracking time spent on tasks and improving productivity, and ClickUp for managing projects and workflows efficiently.

    What advice would you give yourself on day one of starting out in business?

    Lesley Hensell would advise herself on day one to accept that things won't always go as planned and that’s okay. She emphasises the importance of adapting to unexpected challenges rather than sticking rigidly to preconceived plans.

    Book a 20-minute Growth Chat with Troy Trewin to see if you qualify for our upcoming course. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your small business to new heights!

    Enjoyed the podcast? Please leave a review on iTunes or your preferred platform. Your feedback helps more small business owners discover our podcast and embark on their business growth journey.
    Quotable quotes from our special Grow A Small Business podcast guest:

    Success isn’t a destination but a daily journey of serving clients, team members, and family – Lesley Hensell

    Use your happiest clients as a source of referrals; they’re your best advocates – Lesley Hensell

    Embrace unexpected paths; they often lead to the most rewarding destinations – Lesley Hensell

    • 30 min
    Scaling Success with Andrew Miller of Growth Experts:From Solo Startup to a $500K Annual Revenue Powerhouse with 7 Team Members Unveiling Strategies Behind Transforming Early Stage Companies and Achieving Work Life Balance. (Episode 542 - Andrew Miller

    Scaling Success with Andrew Miller of Growth Experts:From Solo Startup to a $500K Annual Revenue Powerhouse with 7 Team Members Unveiling Strategies Behind Transforming Early Stage Companies and Achieving Work Life Balance. (Episode 542 - Andrew Miller

    In this episode of Grow a Small Business, host Troy Trewin interviews Andrew Miller of Growth Experts shares insights on scaling from a solo startup to a thriving agency with $500K in annual revenue and a 7-member team. He discusses the crucial role of strategic marketing, achieving work-life balance, and managing early-stage company growth. Tune in to learn about building a successful marketing foundation and navigating the challenges of growing a business.

    Other Resources:

    Marketing funding flywheel ebook

    Why would you wait any longer to start living the lifestyle you signed up for? Balance your health, wealth, relationships and business growth. And focus your time and energy and make the most of this year. Let’s get into it by clicking here.

    Troy delves into our guest's startup journey, their perception of success, being a learner again when moving into a new industry, and the pivotal stress point during business expansion. They discuss the joys of small business growth, vital entrepreneurial habits, and strategies for team building, encompassing wins, blunders, and invaluable advice.

    And a snapshot of the final five Grow A Small Business Questions:
    What do you think is the hardest thing in growing a small business?

    According to Andrew Miller, the hardest thing in growing a small business is staying afloat and not giving up. He emphasises the importance of persistence, launching with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), and having patience to avoid rushing through key steps in the business development process.

    What's your favourite business book that has helped you the most?

    Andrew Miller's favorite business book that has helped him the most is “Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman. He finds it valuable for understanding and improving empathy, which is crucial for effective leadership and personal development.

    Are there any great podcasts or online learning resources you'd recommend to help grow a small business?

    Andrew Miller recommends using courses on Udemy, watching free content on YouTube, and listening to audiobooks and podcasts. While he doesn’t specify particular podcasts, he suggests focusing on a few high-quality ones and leveraging online resources for ongoing learning.

    What tool or resource would you recommend to grow a small business?

    Andrew Miller recommends using the SEO tool SEOptimer for a free audit of your website's SEO. Additionally, he suggests checking out his book, which provides over 20 tools for SEO and more than 100 tools for free marketing resources.

    What advice would you give yourself on day one of starting out in business?

    Andrew Miller advises himself on day one of starting out in business to hire sooner. He emphasizes that while saving money is important, hiring an employee can help bring in more clients and achieve a better work-life balance. He reflects that optimizing for work and money for too long took a toll on his health and relationships.

    Book a 20-minute Growth Chat with Troy Trewin to see if you qualify for our upcoming course. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your small business to new heights!

    Enjoyed the podcast? Please leave a review on iTunes or your preferred platform. Your feedback helps more small business owners discover our podcast and embark on their business growth journey.
    Quotable quotes from our special Grow A Small Business podcast guest:
    Embrace empathy and patience—it pays dividends in business and life – Andrew Miller

    Balance is key: good sleep, nature, and exercise fuel productivity  – Andrew Miller

    Start lean, listen to customers, and persist—patience is the ultimate virtue – Andrew Miller


    • 36 min
    QFF: Transitioning from Corporate Leadership to Small Business Triumph:How Jarvie and co Transformed Small Businesses with Over 10 Years of Experience,Achieved Multi-Six Figure Revenues and Built a Dynamic Team of Experts. (Episode 541 - Cara Armstrong)

    QFF: Transitioning from Corporate Leadership to Small Business Triumph:How Jarvie and co Transformed Small Businesses with Over 10 Years of Experience,Achieved Multi-Six Figure Revenues and Built a Dynamic Team of Experts. (Episode 541 - Cara Armstrong)

    In less than 20 minutes a week, we'll introduce you to an expert or business owner with deep experience in what they do. Grow you, grow your team, grow a small business.

    In this episode of Grow A Small Business, host Rob Cameron interviews Cara Armstrong from Jarvie & Co. about the significance of a holistic commercial strategy for business growth. Cara shares a case study where she successfully helped a client shorten their sales cycle by targeting ready-to-buy customers. She highlights the importance of a customer-centric approach and tailoring marketing messages to resonate deeply with potential buyers. For further insights, Cara invites listeners to visit her website and follow her LinkedIn series on the seven core elements of a commercial strategy.
    Key Takeaways for Small Business Owners:

    Customer-Centric Strategy: Always put your customer at the forefront of every decision. Understanding their needs, pain points, and aspirations deeply will help tailor your offerings and improve customer satisfaction.
    Identify Your Ideal Customer: Go beyond basic demographics and understand your ideal customer on a deeper level. This includes their desires, challenges, and what makes them ideal for your business.
    Address Critical Unmet Needs: Focus on solving a priority problem or meeting a crucial desire for your customers. This ensures your product or service is seen as a necessary solution, reducing sales resistance.

    Our hero crafts outstanding reviews following the experience of listening to our special guests. Are you the one we've been waiting for?
    Optimize Your Sales Funnel: Tailor your marketing messages to target customers who are further along in their buying journey. This reduces the time spent on convincing and increases conversion rates.
    Holistic Commercial Strategy: Look at your business's commercial strategy as a whole, ensuring all elements from marketing to sales are aligned and working together seamlessly.
    Continuous Tweaking and Improvement: Regularly review and tweak your commercial strategy based on feedback and performance. Small adjustments can lead to significant improvements in efficiency and effectiveness.

    One action small business owners can take:

    Cara Armstrong's key action for small business owners is to adopt a customer-centric strategy. Focus on deeply understanding your ideal customer's needs, pain points, and aspirations. Use this insight to tailor your marketing and sales efforts so that they address the specific issues and desires of customers who are ready to buy. This approach helps to shorten the sales cycle and make selling more effective and enjoyable.

    Do you have 2 minutes every Friday? Sign up to the Weekly Leadership Email. It's free and we can help you to maximise your time.

    Enjoyed the podcast? Please leave a review on iTunes or your preferred platform. Your feedback helps more small business owners discover our podcast and embark on their business growth journey. 👇
    Quotable quotes from our special Grow A Small Business podcast guest:

    Make your sales process about solving your customer's unmet needs, not just pitching your product – Cara Armstrong

    Understanding your ideal customer is the foundation for accelerating business growth – Cara Armstrong

    Sales should be the natural outcome of a well-crafted commercial strategy – Cara Armstrong


    • 25 min
    Amber De La Garza's Business Coaching Triumph: 70% Profits with a Lean Team of 4, Mastering Work-Life Balance, and Using Podcasting for Growth - A Blueprint for Thriving in Business. (Episode 540 - Amber De La Garza)

    Amber De La Garza's Business Coaching Triumph: 70% Profits with a Lean Team of 4, Mastering Work-Life Balance, and Using Podcasting for Growth - A Blueprint for Thriving in Business. (Episode 540 - Amber De La Garza)

    In this episode of Grow a Small Business, host Troy Trewin interviews Amber De La Garza from The Productivity Specialist. Amber reveals how she grew her business to generate nearly $400K in revenue with a dynamic team of 4. Discover her secrets to scaling success, achieving work-life balance, and thriving in the competitive world of small business. This insightful conversation is packed with actionable advice for any entrepreneur looking to grow a small business and reach new heights.

    Why would you wait any longer to start living the lifestyle you signed up for? Balance your health, wealth, relationships and business growth. And focus your time and energy and make the most of this year. Let’s get into it by clicking here.

    Troy delves into our guest's startup journey, their perception of success, industry reconsideration, and the pivotal stress point during business expansion. They discuss the joys of small business growth, vital entrepreneurial habits, and strategies for team building, encompassing wins, blunders, and invaluable advice.

    What do you think is the hardest thing in growing a small business?

    According to Amber De La Garza, the hardest thing in growing a small business is marketing. She emphasizes the challenge of navigating the myriad ways to market effectively and finding a strategy that consistently works. Amber highlights the importance of understanding marketing principles, even if you use a marketing agency, to ensure you know if it's working and if the right strategies are being implemented.

    What's your favourite business book that has helped you the most?

    Amber De La Garza's favorite business book that has helped her the most is "Profit First" by Mike Michalowicz. She cites it as having made the biggest impact on her business approach and financial management.

    Are there any great podcasts or online learning resources you'd recommend to help grow a small business?

    Amber De La Garza recommends listening to podcasts and watching videos based on specific challenges you're facing. She suggests dipping in and out of various resources as needed, rather than consistently consuming content without a targeted purpose.

    What tool or resource would you recommend to grow a small business?

    Amber De La Garza recommends every small business to have a good project or task management system. Her team uses ClickUp, but she also mentions Asana as a great alternative, emphasizing the importance of these tools for managing tasks and projects effectively.

    What advice would you give yourself on day one of starting out in business?

    Amber De La Garza advises that she would tell herself on day one of starting out in business to have peace and confidence that everything would work out exactly as it was meant to be, likely bigger and better than she could have imagined.
    Book a 20-minute Growth Chat with Troy Trewin to see if you qualify for our upcoming course. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your small business to new heights!

    Enjoyed the podcast? Please leave a review on iTunes or your preferred platform. Your feedback helps more small business owners discover our podcast and embark on their business growth journey.
    Quotable quotes from our special Grow A Small Business podcast guest:

    Encourage your team to have work-life balance for sustainable success – Amber De La Garza

    Invest in a good project or task management system for your business – Amber De La Garza
    The journey would have looked different if I had known it would all work out exactly as it was meant to be – Amber De La Garza

    • 34 min
    From Solo Entrepreneurship to Leading a 24-Member Team: Director of Australian Property Scout Shares Insights on Building a High-Performance Team, Achieving $1M+ Revenue, and Mastering Professional Development in Business. (Episode 539 - Sam Gordon)

    From Solo Entrepreneurship to Leading a 24-Member Team: Director of Australian Property Scout Shares Insights on Building a High-Performance Team, Achieving $1M+ Revenue, and Mastering Professional Development in Business. (Episode 539 - Sam Gordon)

    In this episode of Grow a Small Business, host Troy Trewin interviews Sam Gordon from Australian Property Scout. Sam details his journey from being a solo founder to surpassing $1m in revenue to now leading a 24-member team. He shares key strategies for business growth, such as the importance of deep work, regular breaks, and investing in personal development. Sam also discusses overcoming initial challenges and how professional growth has influenced his business success. Tune in for practical advice on scaling your business and staying resilient.

    Why would you wait any longer to start living the lifestyle you signed up for? Balance your health, wealth, relationships and business growth. And focus your time and energy and make the most of this year. Let’s get into it by clicking here.

    Troy delves into our guest's startup journey, their perception of success, industry reconsideration, and the pivotal stress point during business expansion. They discuss the joys of small business growth, vital entrepreneurial habits, and strategies for team building, encompassing wins, blunders, and invaluable advice.

    And a snapshot of the final five Grow A Small Business Questions:
    What do you think is the hardest thing in growing a small business?

    Sam Gordon identifies the hardest thing in growing a small business as the first 12 months. He emphasises the challenges of building confidence, perseverance, and resilience during this initial period, noting that it can feel like a constant struggle with frequent failures. Despite these difficulties, he believes that if you’re good at what you do, success will eventually come, and your efforts will be recognized.

    What's your favourite business book that has helped you the most?

    Sam Gordon shares that his favourite business resource is not a book but business podcasts. He specifically mentions enjoying Moses' podcast and listening to Andy Frisella's "MFCEO" (now "Real AF") early in his career. Gordon finds podcasts more accessible and impactful for learning and staying motivated compared to traditional business books.

    Are there any great podcasts or online learning resources you'd recommend to help grow a small business?

    Sam Gordon recommends podcasts as a valuable resource for small business growth. Specifically, he praises Moses' podcast for its insights and learning opportunities. Additionally, he mentions Andy Frisella's "Real AF" podcast as another excellent source for motivational and practical business advice. These podcasts have been instrumental for Gordon in staying informed and motivated on his entrepreneurial journey.

    What tool or resource would you recommend to grow a small business?

    Sam Gordon emphasises the importance of developing a skill set rather than relying solely on tools or resources. He suggests that acquiring a skill that might otherwise be expensive to outsource can greatly benefit a startup. This approach allows entrepreneurs to become more self-reliant and effective in managing various aspects of their business operations without incurring unnecessary costs.

    What advice would you give yourself on day one of starting out in business?

    Sam Gordon advises his younger self to "just keep going and don't stop." He emphasises the importance of persevering through challenges and not being swayed by negativity or rejections. Gordon believes that persistent effort and resilience are crucial for overcoming the difficulties of starting a business.
    Book a 20-minute Growth Chat with Troy Trewin to see if you qualify for our upcoming course. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your small business to new heights!

    Enjoyed the podcast? Please leave a review on iTunes or your preferred platform. Your feedback helps more small business owners discover our podcast and embark on their business growth journey.
    Quotable quotes from our special Grow A Small Business podcast guest:

    Perseverance and resilience ar

    • 40 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
98 Ratings

98 Ratings

SPG90……. ,

Sound Business Advice

Diving deep into difference peoples journeys and unpacking wins / losses / hardest parts in a career is always fascinating to listen to and learn along the way.

Theok88 ,


An excellent podcast that provides a lot of value to small business owners and those exploring the space. Well produced with a variety of interesting and insightful guests.

Stuey15273548 ,

Excellent advise for business owners

The information shared in Grow a small business are invaluable for business owners.

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