24 min

How To Know If Your Facebook Ads Are Actually Working Scale My Ecommerce Store

    • Marketing

Paid advertising can be absolute gold for driving traffic and sales in your online store. Once you nail the Facebook Ad Campaign that works for your target customer, you can almost have traffic and sales on tap!
You can convert new and repeat customers and transform them into raving fans that spread the good word about your biz far and wide.
That’s the aim, right?
But there is a big difference between creating an ad and creating a winning ad campaign that sells.
These are the questions I hear people asking all the time: How do I know if it is working? When should I increase the budget? Are those numbers good? If you too are asking these questions, then you need to get to know your metrics – intimately!
Listen to this podcast as I share exactly how to make sense of your Facebook ad results.

Paid advertising can be absolute gold for driving traffic and sales in your online store. Once you nail the Facebook Ad Campaign that works for your target customer, you can almost have traffic and sales on tap!
You can convert new and repeat customers and transform them into raving fans that spread the good word about your biz far and wide.
That’s the aim, right?
But there is a big difference between creating an ad and creating a winning ad campaign that sells.
These are the questions I hear people asking all the time: How do I know if it is working? When should I increase the budget? Are those numbers good? If you too are asking these questions, then you need to get to know your metrics – intimately!
Listen to this podcast as I share exactly how to make sense of your Facebook ad results.

24 min