1 hr 21 min

Julia Zemiro Asks 'Who Cares?' — E4 — Jen Cloher (Ngāpuhi & Ngati Kahu) & Astrid Jorgensen A Rational Fear

    • Comedy Interviews

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This is the 4th Episode of the monthly spin-off podcast from A Rational Fear:Julia Zemiro Asks 'Who Cares?' 
Each month for the next 3 months on the A Rational Fear podcast feed, Julia interviews change makers, civic leaders, and people who organise their communities and claim their power to discover the secrets to making good things happen.
This month Julia chats with two artists who have built extraordinary communities around their craft, how both these artists have shown leadership and helped their respective communities thrive in times of crisis.
Jen Cloher (Ngāpuhi & Ngati Kahu) — is a highly respected recording and performing artist living on unceded Wurundjeri land in Naarm (Melbourne) Australia. Cloher is co-founder of Milk! Records (Courtney Barnett, Tiny Ruins, Hand Habits) and I Manage My Music, a masterclass series for self-managed artists to assist self-managed artists with the challenges of creating and releasing music in Australia.
“When an artist stands up on a stage, we invite everyone in that room to tap into what it is to be human, which is something politicians are not capable of doing because they're not connected. They've got their own agenda, they're not there to bring us together”
— Jen Cloher
also we hear from:
Astrid Jorgensen — Founding Director of Pub Choir™and its COVID adaptation, Couch Choir. She is also a co-creator of Australia's Biggest Singalong which aired on SBS TV in 2021.
“It's not about competing, there is no way to win. All we can do is work together. And the sum is always greater than the parts. If you have honest and optimistic leadership.” — Astrid Jorgensen
I hope you enjoy these conversations with two great artists building community and helping other to thrive culturally and financially.
Kindest of Regards,
Dan Ilic
If you enjoyed this please drop us a review on Apple podcasts:
And subscribe to our Patreon so we can keep making shows like this for you:
Julia, Jen, & Astrid.Rode Microphones,The Bertha Foundation,Jacob Round.Jess Harwood for the amazing artwork.and our Patreon Supporters.
Julia Zemiro  0:00  This podcast is supported in part by the birther foundation. Hi, Julia Zemiro Here, I'm recording this podcast on the land of the Gandangara people. Sovereignty was never ceded. We need a treaty. Let's start the podcast,
Dan Ilic  0:15  a podcast about politics for people who hate politics. This is Julia Zemiro asks, Who cares?
Julia Zemiro  0:24  Well, hello everyone. 2022 Can you believe it? Welcome back to Julia Zemiro asks, Who cares? And you know what it turns out quite a lot of people do. Today I'm talking to two incredible artists who care create and want others to experience that creativity to the both musicians Jen Cloher and Astrid Jorgensen. The Creator and conductor of public choir, but first up, Jen Cloher Ngāpuhi & Ngati Kahu who their most recent self titled album debuted at number five on the ARIA Charts and received rave reviews. And they were crowned double Jays Australian artist of the year. Now on top of that, Jen is a co founder of The Independent Melbourne label milk records and created I managed my music, a masterclass series for self manage artists just to get them on top of what it means to run your own business in music. We talk acting schools, impressing your heroes, all the training and belief that goes into being an artist, longevity, and why more than ever, we need culture to turn to. It's so good to see
Jen Cloher  1:32  you. So good to see you. Like truly,
Julia Zemiro  1:36  I mean, one of the joys of Rockwell's has been to have these incredible musicians just just a hand spin away from me onstage, and you've given me some of the best moments

🤑 CHIP IN TO OUR PATREON https://www.patreon.com/ARationalFear📨 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL LIST: http://www.arationalfear.com/👕 BUY OUR MERCH HERE
This is the 4th Episode of the monthly spin-off podcast from A Rational Fear:Julia Zemiro Asks 'Who Cares?' 
Each month for the next 3 months on the A Rational Fear podcast feed, Julia interviews change makers, civic leaders, and people who organise their communities and claim their power to discover the secrets to making good things happen.
This month Julia chats with two artists who have built extraordinary communities around their craft, how both these artists have shown leadership and helped their respective communities thrive in times of crisis.
Jen Cloher (Ngāpuhi & Ngati Kahu) — is a highly respected recording and performing artist living on unceded Wurundjeri land in Naarm (Melbourne) Australia. Cloher is co-founder of Milk! Records (Courtney Barnett, Tiny Ruins, Hand Habits) and I Manage My Music, a masterclass series for self-managed artists to assist self-managed artists with the challenges of creating and releasing music in Australia.
“When an artist stands up on a stage, we invite everyone in that room to tap into what it is to be human, which is something politicians are not capable of doing because they're not connected. They've got their own agenda, they're not there to bring us together”
— Jen Cloher
also we hear from:
Astrid Jorgensen — Founding Director of Pub Choir™and its COVID adaptation, Couch Choir. She is also a co-creator of Australia's Biggest Singalong which aired on SBS TV in 2021.
“It's not about competing, there is no way to win. All we can do is work together. And the sum is always greater than the parts. If you have honest and optimistic leadership.” — Astrid Jorgensen
I hope you enjoy these conversations with two great artists building community and helping other to thrive culturally and financially.
Kindest of Regards,
Dan Ilic
If you enjoyed this please drop us a review on Apple podcasts:
And subscribe to our Patreon so we can keep making shows like this for you:
Julia, Jen, & Astrid.Rode Microphones,The Bertha Foundation,Jacob Round.Jess Harwood for the amazing artwork.and our Patreon Supporters.
Julia Zemiro  0:00  This podcast is supported in part by the birther foundation. Hi, Julia Zemiro Here, I'm recording this podcast on the land of the Gandangara people. Sovereignty was never ceded. We need a treaty. Let's start the podcast,
Dan Ilic  0:15  a podcast about politics for people who hate politics. This is Julia Zemiro asks, Who cares?
Julia Zemiro  0:24  Well, hello everyone. 2022 Can you believe it? Welcome back to Julia Zemiro asks, Who cares? And you know what it turns out quite a lot of people do. Today I'm talking to two incredible artists who care create and want others to experience that creativity to the both musicians Jen Cloher and Astrid Jorgensen. The Creator and conductor of public choir, but first up, Jen Cloher Ngāpuhi & Ngati Kahu who their most recent self titled album debuted at number five on the ARIA Charts and received rave reviews. And they were crowned double Jays Australian artist of the year. Now on top of that, Jen is a co founder of The Independent Melbourne label milk records and created I managed my music, a masterclass series for self manage artists just to get them on top of what it means to run your own business in music. We talk acting schools, impressing your heroes, all the training and belief that goes into being an artist, longevity, and why more than ever, we need culture to turn to. It's so good to see
Jen Cloher  1:32  you. So good to see you. Like truly,
Julia Zemiro  1:36  I mean, one of the joys of Rockwell's has been to have these incredible musicians just just a hand spin away from me onstage, and you've given me some of the best moments

1 hr 21 min