9 episodes

The OMCP® Online Marketing Best Practices Podcast is where top authors and industry leaders share authoritative best practices in online marketing.

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The OMCP® Online Marketing Best Practices Podcast is where top authors and industry leaders share authoritative best practices in online marketing.

    Conversion Optimization Practices with Talia Wolf

    Conversion Optimization Practices with Talia Wolf

    What does a conversion optimization professional need to know?  Talia Wolf, Founder and Chief Optimizer at GetUplift discusses thank you pages, AB testing, persona mapping, and how to understand what makes our customers take the next step in the buying journey. 

    Talia Wolf, Founder and Chief Optimizer at GetUplift

    The OMCP Podcast is where top authors and industry leaders share authoritative practices in online marketing which are covered by the OMCP standard, competencies, and exams.  This is an OMCP pilot program that may continue based on member interest and support. Stay subscribed to the OMCP newsletter to get new episodes.

    Michael Stebbins:

    All right. Welcome back to the OMCP Podcast and with us today is Talia Wolf, founder and chief optimizer at GetUplift, author, speaker, and thought leader in conversion optimization. Talia, welcome to the OMCP Best Practices Podcast.

    Talia Wolf:

    Hello, hello. Thank you for having me.

    Michael Stebbins:

    Now, Talia, We know your agency is GetUplift. We know you speak on and teach conversion optimization in some of the most prestigious stages in the world. We know you’re a skydiver with over 1000 jumps, for those of you who haven’t read your blog, followed you on Twitter, or heard you speak, tell our audience something we don’t know about you, and what it is you’ve been working on lately.

    Talia Wolf:

    Oh, my God, there’s nothing no one knows about me. I’m like an open book. What don’t people know about me? I love Harry Potter, but I think people know that. And other than that, I have two kids under three, which I was just confessing to that I’m basically sleep deprived. And what am I working on right now? I’m actually working on some super cool client work and opening enrollment for my new course, The Income Engine.

    Michael Stebbins:

    Yes. And we’re going to include a link for that here in the podcast and make sure listeners have a chance to get training from you. Talia, I mean, obviously it’s impressive that you’ve jumped out of perfectly good planes for awhile. 

    A few other questions for you just to find out more about you, dogs or cats?

    Talia Wolf:

    Dogs, a hundred percent.

    Michael Stebbins:

    SEO or paid?

    Talia Wolf:

    Hmm, SEO.

    Michael Stebbins:

    Bitcoin or Ethereum?

    Talia Wolf:

    I actually have a terrible story about that, about Bitcoin. So about, I think it was six years ago. My husband said that, “we should buy one of the mining machines and we should do it. And it was like nothing. And we should spend like $5,000 and buy this whole thing.” And I said, “Are you crazy? $5000, we’re not doing that.” So, here we are.

    Michael Stebbins:

    What you want to know is how they do the work itself and that it actually has depth to it.–Talia Wolf

    And now Elon is an endorser, we’re seeing it go through the ceiling, but who knows people listening to this podcast a year from now may be laughing and saying,

    • 20 min
    Digital Marketing Course Comparison LinkedIn Learning

    Digital Marketing Course Comparison LinkedIn Learning

    Which digital marketing course should you choose?

    One of the most common questions asked of OMCP is “Which Digital Marketing Courses are right for me?” In this special training series, we interview the leaders of seven digital marketing course providers to learn the differences.

    In this episode, Mordy Golding, Director of Content for LinkedIn Learning shares what to expect in LinkedIn Learning training, his own thoughts on the value of certification, and where LinkedIn Learning is headed in the future.

    Listen to the interview below, on iTunes or on Google Play

    Michael:All right. Welcome back to the OMCP studio. With us today is Mordy Golding, Director of Content for LinkedIn Learning. I’m your host, Michael Stebbins, and today we’ll be discussing digital marketing training and some of the differences you should be aware of. Mordy, welcome.

    Mordy Golding, Director of Content for LinkedIn Learning

    Mordy Golding:It is my pleasure to be here.

    Michael:I know you have a great history in graphic design, some time as Adobe’s product manager for Illustrator. Then 15 or so years ago, a jump into education and training. What drove you to make the change?

    Mordy Golding:I don’t know if I would say it’s a jump, I think I maybe fell backwards into it.

    Michael:Join the dark side, if you will.

    What drove you to get into the business of training?

    Mordy Golding:Yeah. Well, so here’s the thing. I am very passionate about design. I left Adobe and basically went around the world teaching people how to use Adobe software. I was just blown away by the response and how people really kind of came around to valuing … when you leave college or you leave school, you have a certain skillset and that skillset doesn’t end. As new digital tools come out, people need to kind of reinvent how they kind of learn. But more so, technology kind of completely changes your approach to how you do work.

    So, I found a lot of people had old mindsets. Digital tools that Adobe was creating really allowed designers to completely think differently about how they do their work. I was friendly with Linda Wyman. I recorded some courses for her online, and realized through the response of the people, from members and from learners, that this was way beyond just design. I think it was an opportunity for me to kind of think about how do we actually take this idea, which I’m always passionate about teaching people something, beyond just graphic design, into really all the topic areas that we cover?

    Michael:Mordy, you’re responsible for all of the content, I believe, that’s in English on LinkedIn Learning.

    Mordy Golding:Correct.

    Michael:Of that spectrum, how do you measure the success of the courses or programs that you deliver?

    How do you measure the success of your courses and programs?

    Mordy Golding:It’s a great question. I say this a very simple way. We measure success, which is we ask people, was this content worth your time? A lot of companies think about using assessments and test scores, and I’m not saying that those are not valuable, there’s a place for each of those. But high level, because today’s environment requires people to ...

    • 19 min
    SEO Knowledge-based Search with Bill Slawski – Online Marketing Best Practices Podcast from OMCP

    SEO Knowledge-based Search with Bill Slawski – Online Marketing Best Practices Podcast from OMCP

    SEO: Determining Algorithm Changes

    Google’s recent updates are leaning heavily towards knowledge-based search. How does it work and how should our content be optimized for it?  What signals are they looking for for inclusion in the knowledge graph? Find out here in this interview with SEO and Google patent analyst Bill Slawski who is also Director of SEO Research at Go Fish Digital, and author at SEO by the Sea. Here Bill covers knowledge graph usage, ontology based images, augmented queries based on knowledge graphs, and how to stay up to date with the changes in search.

    The OMCP Online Marketing Best Practices Podcast is where top authors and industry leaders share authoritative best practices in online marketing which are covered by the OMCP standard, competencies, and exams.  This is an OMCP pilot program that may continue based on member interest and support. Stay subscribed to the OMCP newsletter to get new episodes.

    Interview with Bill Slawski

    Bill Slawski helps us understand the systems behind search results.

    Michael:All right. Welcome back to the OMCP Studio, and with us today is Bill Slawski, Director of SEO Research at Go Fish Digital, author at SEO by the Sea. Bill, welcome to the OMCP Best Practices Podcast.

    Bill Slawski:Thank you for having me here, Michael.

    Michael:We know your blog SEO by the Sea for your insights on algorithm interpretation based on patents. We know you’re the director of research at Go Fish Digital, but some may not know he studied law, but before we get started, for those who haven’t read your blog or followed your Twitter or heard you speak, tell our audience something we don’t know about you, and what it is you’ve been working on lately.

    Bill Slawski:Okay. I graduated from law school just before the web came round, and I was interested in environmental law. And one of my professors was rewriting a paper he had written previously and updating it on finding electronic sources of information to do natural resource damage assessment. Sources like LexisNexis and so on. And eventually that became just like the web. So I had an introduction to the electronic databases that were in the world before there was a web, which was an interesting experience.

    Michael:So you were, in some ways, helping categorize knowledge from the start. What brought you into the digital era?

    Bill Slawski:So I had a friend who was a service manager at a car dealership, and he hated his job. He couldn’t stand it. I was reading a book on how to incorporate people in Delaware and be the registered agent as a business. The only technical requirement for performing that job was having a postal address in Delaware, so you can receive notice of process in case there was a lawsuit against one of these companies. So the idea was, you charge people to be the registered agent, you act as a registered agent, and register with the Department of Corporations for the state. I suggested it to him. He said, “Well that sounds like good idea, except I don’t have a website,” and I said, “Well, let me see what I can do about that,” and I learned HTML in two weeks and spent two weeks and built a website.

    Michael:And since then, you’ve helped countless businesses set up strategy for SEO. You’re considered an authority on how search engines work. So it just makes sense that we’re going to cover how marketers can understand how en...

    • 27 min
    Digital Marketing Course Comparison – Circus Street

    Digital Marketing Course Comparison – Circus Street

    Which digital marketing course should you choose?

    One of the most common questions asked of OMCP is “Which Digital Marketing Courses are right for me?” In this Winter 2019 education series, we interview the leaders of seven digital marketing course providers to learn the differences.

    Richard Townsend, CEO of Circus Street was kind enough to sit with us and share what the industry can expect from his company and training courses; now and in the future.

    Listen to the interview below, on iTunes or on Google Play

    Michael:All right. Welcome back to the OMCP studio and with us today is Richard Townsend, CEO and cofounder of Circus Street. I’m your host, Michael Stebbins and today we’ll be discussing digital marketing training and some of the differences you should be aware of. Richard, welcome.


    Richard Townsend, CEO and Co-Founder of Circus Street

    Michael:I’m glad you’re with us today. So, Circus Street has been a good success story in digital marketing training. You and your co founder started this—how long ago?

    Richard:It was about eight or nine years ago. We started building a pilot about nine years ago and then we launched that pilot eight years ago.

    What drove you to get into the business of training?

    Richard:Essentially, we saw an opportunity within the marketplace, so we could see from my experience working in digital marketing and in marketing generally, that there was very low levels of understanding about what appeared to be a growing subject. We could see that it was much larger than most companies thought it would be in terms of the levels of knowledge required in the businesses that we were going to work with. And we knew that technology had to be part of the answer to that problem.

    Michael:Were you providing services prior to that and just educating your customer and it grew out of that?

    Richard:So essentially I was a digital marketer working in an agency. I was head of digital for a company called Starcom Mediavest with part of the Publicis group in the UK. And my brother was working in an online learning business, but his background had been more in the mobile networks in the mobile industry, but it happened to end up as an MD for a learning business who had a mobile product. I’d started to do some consultancy and part of that was sitting in rooms with senior folk and discussing digital, which became sort of the basis of the training program because it was clear that many of them had very low levels of knowledge around the subject, technology in general, how technology was impacting on marketing and then digital marketing. And so we could then see that there was this emerging opportunity, but that what we needed to do was solve a problem that existed within learning from an online learning perspective, which was most online learning that we’d seen in most of our learners had seen at that point, wasn’t very good.

    Michael:Just in the last few years I can think of two companies, at least, that have been recognized for training practice success and they were customers of Circus Street. How do you measure the success of your courses and programs?

    How do you measure the success of your courses and programs?

    • 23 min
    Digital Marketing Course Comparison Jump Digital

    Digital Marketing Course Comparison Jump Digital

    Which digital marketing course should you choose?

    One of the most common questions asked of OMCP is “Which Digital Marketing Courses are right for me?” In this education series, we interview seven leaders in digital marketing training to learn the differences.

    In this episode, industry veteran and Jump Digital Founder Alex Clyne shares what to expect in Jump Digital’s marketing courses and where they are headed in the future.

    Listen to the interview below, on iTunes or on Google Play

    Michael:All right. Welcome back to the OMCP studios, and with us today is Alex Clyne, co-founder of Jump Digital, makers of best-in-class digital education content and training courses. I’m your host, Michael Stebbins. Today we’ll be discussing digital marketing training and some of the differences you should be aware of. Alex, welcome.

    Alex:Thanks, Michael.

    Michael:We do know you’ve been involved in digital successfully, I might add, since the mid-nineties so as a founder, we want to know what drove you to get into the business of education and training.

    What got you into digital marketing training?

    Alex Clyne, Industry Leader and Co-Founder of Jump Digital

    Alex:Sure. We were delivering through our digital marketing strategy organization strategy to corporates, and we were, our business model has always been to up-skill the internal people, so that they could own it going forward, because we believe that’s where digital marketing will live in the future. And we’re building bespoke training for these organizations. At the same time, we’re sort of witnessing this gap between IT and marketing, and the lack of practitioner led training in this new digital marketing field.So we were visiting lecturers at the University of Aberdeen, and we convinced them to allow us to build their first ever online master’s program, which ends up in an MSC in digital marketing leadership, which has now been running for, successfully for over three years globally, and takes a very strategic vision of digital marketing. At the same time, we wanted to try and understand how people were learning now compared with in the past.

    Alex:So we built a platform that allows us to basically take an hour long lecture that you would get at a university and condense it into a seven, eight minute TV script, and then use them with the appropriate tool to transfer that knowledge. So it could be Camtasia, it could be animation, it could be straight face to camera, and so on. This has become really successful from the MSC prospective. And we embellish that with the relevant Ted talks and the most recent appropriate articles. Alongside this, there’s a sort of transcript, all the video material, so that people can read as well as listen and look at the appropriate materials.

    And then two years ago we decided to develop a shorter version of the MSC, which we’ve called the accredited digital marketing professional. And we’ve used the same approach, the same learning methodology, and it’s now been accredited to the OMCA. So I suppose in summary, we came at it from a business perspective saying, “Look, we think there’s a gap in the market, and we think it should be practitioner led, so let’s go and do something about it.”

    • 16 min
    Digital Marketing Course Comparison Simplilearn

    Digital Marketing Course Comparison Simplilearn

    Which digital marketing course should you choose?

    One of the most common questions asked of OMCP is “Which Digital Marketing Courses are right for me?” In this special interview series, we interview seven leaders in digital marketing education to learn the differences.

    Mark Moran, the Chief Marketing Officer with Simplilearn shared what to expect in Simplilearn’s digital marketing courses and where they are headed in the future.

    Listen to the interview on iTunes or on Google Play

    Michael:All right. Welcome back to the OMCP studios and with us today is Mark Moran, the Chief Marketing Officer with Simplilearn, long time digital marketing veteran with some of the world’s leading companies. I’m your host Michael Stebbins and today we’ll be discussing digital marketing courses. Mark, welcome to the podcast. I’m glad you’re here.

    Mark:Hey Michael, great to be here. Thanks for having me.

    Mark Moran, CMO Simplilearn

    Michael:Now Mark, I know your role is to lead marketing, but first question really has to do with what drove the founders to get into the business of education and training and how did you come to join the company?

    What got you into digital marketing training?

    Mark:Right. So Simplilearn’s been around almost 10 years now and our original founder who is still our CEO and driving the company is a man named Krishna Kumar, and he had just sold a previous company where he was a founder and he had started a blog on project management, which is his area of expertise. And over the course of 6 to 12 months, it evolved. It went from having a readership to having people asking more and more questions and saying, “Hey can I get on a chat with you, can I talk with you?” to then people asking, “Can you help me pass the exam?”.

    Mark:And in the case of project management, PMI, the Project Management Institute is the definitive certification body and this sort of cascaded and he realized, “Hey, this is a business,” and he also looked, starting in India, but really some of his first customers were in the US as well, and saw that this whole online training thing was really taking off. And so went from a personal passion project to really wanting to help people learn first in project management, and then it’s evolved to what we call digital economy skills, which includes digital marketing, cybersecurity, really anything that is driving sort of the modern economy is where we focus.

    And so fast forward about three plus years ago and one of the board members approached me and I had just exited from a consumer e-commerce company and we had a fantastic exit, and was really looking to do something that was a little more mission-driven. I’d always been involved mostly in consumer web and started looking into this company, super interesting company. I hadn’t worked internationally, predominant number of our head count is out of Bangalore, India, and one thing led to another and I’m driving marketing here in San Francisco with a big team in India and folks all around the US. The whole mission is, I like to say, is keeping humans one step ahead of AI and robots, and keeping us all relevant and employed. So that’s what motivates me and gets me up in the morning.

    • 23 min

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