58 episodes

The She Births® Show is a place that will inspire your birth, evolve your parenting and help you live a life you love.

Nadine Richardson, founder of She Births®, hosts a collection of conversations with special guests about better births, a philosophy of connected parenting and conscious, healthy living.

Each season includes topics for not only parents and parents-to-be but fellow birth professionals.

She Births® is a scientifically verified childbirth education program (BMJ, July 2016). It combines evidence-based and holistic methods to provide families with the knowledge and skills that empower a better birth and easier transition into parenthood.

Founded in Sydney in 2008 by Nadine Richardson, Director of The Birthing Institute, She Births® is available as a Weekend Course in Australia and as an interactive Online Program accessed by many all over the world. Download the She Births® app and enjoy our free resources.

Please subscribe and leave us a review. Follow us on facebook and instagram. Tell us what you would like to know more of in upcoming episodes.


The She Births® Show Podcast The Birthing Institute 782008

    • Health & Fitness
    • 4.7 • 70 Ratings

The She Births® Show is a place that will inspire your birth, evolve your parenting and help you live a life you love.

Nadine Richardson, founder of She Births®, hosts a collection of conversations with special guests about better births, a philosophy of connected parenting and conscious, healthy living.

Each season includes topics for not only parents and parents-to-be but fellow birth professionals.

She Births® is a scientifically verified childbirth education program (BMJ, July 2016). It combines evidence-based and holistic methods to provide families with the knowledge and skills that empower a better birth and easier transition into parenthood.

Founded in Sydney in 2008 by Nadine Richardson, Director of The Birthing Institute, She Births® is available as a Weekend Course in Australia and as an interactive Online Program accessed by many all over the world. Download the She Births® app and enjoy our free resources.

Please subscribe and leave us a review. Follow us on facebook and instagram. Tell us what you would like to know more of in upcoming episodes.


    S9 E6: Creating a great parent-child relationship

    S9 E6: Creating a great parent-child relationship

    Today's episode is extra special because it is a conversation with my beautiful son Leroy, who is now 22 years old. 

    We start our dialogue about what constitutes a good relationship and then explore what fosters that. 

    We ended up going into some deep dives about education and values at home, the importance of community and teachers, the importance of self expression and freedom that we give to our children.

    We discuss in reflection the priorities that I have endeavored to bring into my parenting with Leroy - to see if he also thinks they were a good idea. 

    We were going to talk about intuition, and Leroy mentions intuition a couple of times, but these topics seemed a lot more relevant to you and our audience.

    I will have more conversations with Leroy I hope on the show because a parent child relationship is always in the process of change and growth. As he talked about adolescence and his experience of identity changes, it felt so relevant to our new understanding of matresence and patresence (and even menopause and andropause too).

    I wonder if we can, as a society, be more compassionate for all of these phases of change. Then, we can also connect and feel the privilege of having so many deep feelings during these times—as Leroy explains, he even misses them. 

    We chat about my regrets as a mum and the regulation of the nervous system. Plus, the latest research and discoveries about our awakened brain, the protection of spirituality, connection, and perspective in our lives. As you will hear, he is a very intelligent and very insightful young man, if I do say so myself.

    He is my greatest gift, and I couldn't be prouder. But we certainly are not perfect, as you will hear in the conversation. (There is some swearing, so only for adult ears.)

    I hope you have a few laughs, and I look forward to sharing more conversations with you next season, where we're going to launch with an amazing chat about boobs and feeding our babies. 

    It is winter here in Australia, so it feels like time to be a little quieter and more inward.

    I'm finding my energy is deeply creative right now, during the cooler months. As I dive into the finer details of editing my book, I just changed the title. Funnily enough, I was reminded that this was the title I had five years ago when I first sparked the idea.

    The creative process is a wild one, and I feel really grateful to be in it as grateful as I am almost to being a mum.

    Sending lots of love to you and your tribe. Please help others by sharing or reviewing this episode - as we'd love to hear from you, too.

    What touched you and what do you want to hear more of?

    Have a beautiful birth, enjoy your parenting and live a life you love.

    Nadine xx


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    • 1 hr 12 min
    S9E5 How to make ‘high risk’ birth beautiful

    S9E5 How to make ‘high risk’ birth beautiful

    Hannah’s successful VBAC after 2 c-sections

    In a world where VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) seems like an insurmountable challenge, Hannah took a leap of faith. 

    Listen in as we explore her journey, filled with lots of learning, determination, resilience, and the unwavering belief in her instinct and intuition.

    Today I am talking with She Births mum Hannah Rodger @hannahrodgerchaimama about her 3 birth experiences. Across those stories, there are 2 hospital births, 2 c-sections and 1 Homebirth transfer.

    We allow space for Hannah to really harvest her birth experiences. To understand the growth and journey, the lessons and the gifts. 

    The gift of awe really stood out to me, as you will see in her photos, too. And awe cannot be underestimated in life. Awe is profound and brings with it a deep sense of belonging to the expansive universe. It can change and heal us. According to some researchers, awe is even an antidote to loneliness. 

    On socials, you can enjoy the wonderful birth photos taken by She Births mum, Tessa Tran @iamtessatran, who has also shared her amazing birth story with us on the show.

    This podcast is an epic unfolding, like our motherhood journeys are, and it seems like Hannah is never going to achieve her natural birth, even up to the last minute when she starts to feel her c-section scar.

    Stay tuned to the end, where Hannah shares her intuition across the birth experiences. I know you will find it insightful and probably resonate deeply.

    I hope you enjoy it.

    Nadine xx





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    • 1 hr 42 min
    S9 E4: Teaching children intuition will change the world

    S9 E4: Teaching children intuition will change the world

    How intuition expands talent, creativity, confidence & happiness

    I have been waiting a long time to record this podcast! To say I am excited about the Intuition Process for children is putting it mildly.

    I believe this program, with its teachings and the power and integrity of the organisation behind it, has the ability to change the world and, as my guests say, contribute to world peace. The documentary and the Australian research are also going to be amazingly powerful.

    So, let me begin by asking you a few questions…

    Do you believe in intuition? How often do you access it?

    Are your children more intuitive than you?

    Do you think it is important for them to harness their intuition?

    Today, I have Mala Sundareshan, International Program Director of the Intuition Process, with me. Mala works for the global Art of Living non-profit organisation founded by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and is currently leading the teacher training and rollout of the Intuition Process worldwide.

    I also have a dear friend and documentary filmmaker, Michael Collins. Michael is a four-time Emmy-nominated director and producer and the founder of Thoughtful Robot Productions. His films are highly impactful, have been screened globally over the last two decades, and have even changed laws!

    Mala and Michael share their experiences and insights into following and teaching children aged 5 to 18 techniques to harness what seems like magic or superpowers.

    The Art of Living says the Intuition Process wakes up our latent intuitive potentials through specific techniques of brain activation and meditation. Allowing children to access, cultivate and maintain their inherent intuitive capacity.

    “Intuition is the faculty of knowing or understanding something without the need for conscious reasoning or proof. As a culture, we have learned to follow our rational thinking as we go through our daily lives. We pay little attention to our inner voice, our gut feeling, that instinctual form that goes beyond our reasoning layers.

    We were all born with a naturally intuitive ability to perceive beyond our senses. As we grow, our culture and education obstruct us from developing our capacity to access our inner potential, especially when we need them most.”

    Today, we talk about:

    If intuition is an essential aspect of human experience?
    If intuition can be developed and honed over time?
    How intuition differs from coincidence
    How intuition might change the education system? (Fingers crossed for this one!)
    What children are gaining from learning the process of intuition and how that unique expression occurs in each child.
    And the research into the mechanisms of intuition by Joel Pearson, world leading neuroscientist based at UNSW, Sydney, Australia.

    This will create a revolution in not only Artificial Intelligence but Absolute Intelligence!

    I hope you enjoy.

    Nadine x

    #intiution #shebirths #podcast #newepisode





    • 1 hr 2 min
    S9 Ep3 What does a new model of healthcare look like? With Dr Stu.

    S9 Ep3 What does a new model of healthcare look like? With Dr Stu.

    Hello, and thank you for joining me for today's podcast. 

    Whether you're pregnant, you've got a baby in your arms or a child at school. Whether you are a birth worker or an allied health practitioner, you will find this conversation very interesting. 

    I believe it is important to have conversations with people who think differently, especially those who are curious. People who speak their minds and research outside the mainstream narrative. 

    Dr. Stuart Fischbein has been an obstetrician in America since 1986. After working in the standard medical model at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, California, he now practices community-based birthing. He works directly with home birthing midwives through www.birthinginstincts.com to offer hope for those women who prefer and respect a natural birthing environment and cannot find supportive practitioners for VBAC, twin and breech deliveries. He is an outspoken advocate of informed decision-making, the midwifery model of care and human rights in childbirth, receiving the 2016 “Most Audacious” award from HRIC. 

    He has spoken internationally on breech and vaginal birth after cesarean section. He has appeared in many documentaries, including: “More Business of Being Born”, “Happy Healthy Child”, “Reducing Infant Mortality”, “Heads Up: The Disappearing Art of Vaginal Breech Delivery” and multiple YouTube videos discussing birth choices and respect for patient autonomy and decision making.

    He has the goals of improving collaboration amongst the differing professions in the birthing world and the re-teaching of the core skills, such as breech and twin vaginal birth, that make the speciality of obstetrics unique.

    One of the most challenging conversations I have during She Births is informing people that your body is your own and only you can decide what to do with it, even during pregnancy and birth.

    The second uncomfortable truth is that so-called evidence-based care is a term that gets bandied about a lot in search of status and prestige and power, but in truth, health care varies from practitioner to practitioner. From hospital to hospital. From country to country.

    In today's conversation, Dr Stu and I explore how the medico-industrial complex is more likely to be influencing the policy and therefore the suggestions, trickling down into advice and maybe even coercion that is given to us during pregnancy and birth. 

    Different policies flow down to us as consumers from the private companies that own the hospital as to whether we are allowed to birth in water for example. An insurance company that covers an OB may be the determining factor as to whether you are offered a VBAC. 

    We need to do our own research and choose. Just because someone says so, does not make it so for you. 

    Right now we are living in an age of disinformation and misinformation, and as the powers that be seem to continually try to confuse us and divide us. We're going to have to come back to ourselves. 

    We talk about

    the medico-industrial complex 

    How informed consent is not able to happen in our current model of healthcare

    Medical induction, the reality of due dates and the ARRIVE trial

    Natural breech births and other so called high risk mums being offered more choice

    The risks of multiple ultrasounds, the label of growth restriction and realising what ais happening redefining risks within maternal foetal medicine

    How continuous monitoring of labour and tracking the time of labour increases c-section rates

    And finally my favourite part is seeing this system vs consumers as a Star Wars battle. We also lean into a vision that has hope.

    I hope you enjoy today’s conversation with Dr. Stu - sending lots of love across the ethers to you and your family.

    If you feel passionate like I do, and you want to help families have better births then reach out and join me in our upcoming training. Become a wise woman of birth and help others find their own way. I also wil

    • 1 hr 37 min
    S9, Ep2 Intuition is the parental brain working with Neuroscientist Rocio Zunini

    S9, Ep2 Intuition is the parental brain working with Neuroscientist Rocio Zunini

    What happens to your brain as a mother or father?
    ‘Intuition is the parental brain working’ with Neuroscientist Rocio Zunini

    Welcome, dear listeners, to 2024. I am so happy that this season of the podcast has decided to be about intuition. It is one of my favourite topics, and I believe it is also one of our superpowers as mums. 

    This season I will be exploring intuition and of course other topics with professionals and parents around the world. 

    Today's podcast is with Rocio Zunini, a neuroscientist with a Ph.D. from the University of Ottawa and a mother of two.

    She is the founder of Newborn Parents, which was born out of a fusion of her two passions: the brain and the relationship between parents and their infants. 

    She educates parents and professionals about parental brain science so that they can take advantage of the profound brain changes that accompany matrescence and patrescence. 

    She is also an advocate for nurturing infant sleep.

    She firmly believes that when parents and professionals learn about the power of the parental brain, they can create a path for a lifelong nurturing relationship between families and their babies.

    I couldn’t agree more! And birth is the big bang beginning of this relationship.

    Today with Rocio we explore the parental brain and the amazing changes that occur across pregnancy, birth and postpartum…And I mean in my experience, when does matrescence ever end? Our children, if we maintain a relationship with them and want to have quality connection then we have to continue adapting and growing. They continue to keep us on our toes.

    I'm hoping I might even convince Leroy to come on this season, even though as a philosopher, he doesn’t actually believe in intuition I think it would be fabulous to hear about quarter-life and his 21st birthday experience. Let me know if you would like to hear about that. For me I was so emotional I could hardly give the speech. 

    Anyhoo! Today we discuss

    How the parental brain is highly dependent upon experience and environment

    How parents and infants synchronise, and children borrow our nervous systems

    How we can nurture, embrace and help this process of brain development

    Why it is so important to take care of the Information we are putting in, not just food

    Why we often feel anxious as new mums, and how to manage this

    Did you know that because the brain is more malleable, you can actually benefit more from yoga and mindfulness

    We also describe the brain networks that change during matrescence, which are: reward, protector, emotional and empathy systems

    The importance of joy and mutual delight!

    I love how brain science reiterates so much of what we practice in our Soul Mama Circles, which start up again in February. 100% of mums say that they loved the process and found it priceless btw.

    Also, the wisdom and importance of She Births to utilise both bottom-up and top-down approaches in education.

    So I hope that there will be joy in your new year, whenever or wherever you are listening to this podcast.

    I love hearing from you. Leave us a review, send us an email and let us know what you think and feel, please.

    We have so many exciting things to share this year. My new one-day Masterclass is a hybrid learning program with an online course. It is a one-day live program plus Zoom workshops for Q&A and allows me to include some of my new teachings about intuition, embodiment and matrescence.

    Our new She Births® Guide and Educator training is launching again. We have a vision to reach so many more families, but we need your help. If you are passionate about helping restore the sacredness of birth in your community and helping others have beautiful births, then reach out.


    Rocio Website


    Weekend and Masterclass dates:


    Soul Mama Circles


    Guide and educator training


    • 51 min
    S9, Ep1 Maiden to Mother Birth Story

    S9, Ep1 Maiden to Mother Birth Story

    ⁠SheBirths.com.au ⁠ | ⁠She Births® Online Courses⁠ | ⁠ She Births® Weekend Courses

    Maiden to Mother Birth Story : The power of slowing down with Tayla & Jaime

    Today's podcast is with Tayla and Jaime, a She Births® couple who gave birth on the south coast of NSW about 10 minutes before their midwife arrived.

    We share a lot of laughs in this podcast and a lot of insights and truths. They are a really fun and playful couple. I was recently inspired by their rewilding of their relationship recently.

    Tayla took pregnancy as a time for really slowing down. Which I believe is one of the most important things we can do, in resistance to our hyper productivity culture but also because it is a step towards being able to listen and receive all the wisdom and gifts from both our instinctual bodies and our intuitive higher self during pregnancy.

    As we move into more being and less doing there is more stillness and therefore silence. We can tune in and listen to the way our bodies and all of Nature around us communicates with us continually 

    I love how Tayla could feel the subtle moments when her maiden self was arising and dying throughout labour. And I love how much laughter these two bring to their life. Why can’t birth also be fun and playful?

    We talk about

    The shadow and light sides of our maiden selves

    The victim and drama triangle we can get caught up into

    Making love to initiate labour

    Creating a birth altar that connects us with our red thread and the power of mother blessing ceremonies

    The different type of support we receive from dads and doulas, especially during pushing 

    My knowledge of the psychic imprint on a child at crowning from the atmosphere in the room

    We also discuss the superpowers and gifts from birth such as intuition, intimacy and the awesome strength and competency as a mother all of which I am writing more about in my upcoming book.

    As this is our final podcast episode for 2023 I want to thank you all for listening and engaging with my work here at She Births. 

    It has been so nourishing to meet mums post partum who said they learnt and were so inspired by the birth stories we share here.

    Also, by the openness and vulnerability I share too.

    I look forward to a new year ahead and sharing some very new and exciting projects and offerings. 

    • 1 hr 8 min

Customer Reviews

4.7 out of 5
70 Ratings

70 Ratings

lucyparmitage ,

Inspiring and practical 💗

I LOVED your latest podcast with Dr Robyn Thompson. I loved every aspect of her discussion from the plan-less journey to the intuitive style off feeding. This was a great episode that really captured the practical and intuitive approach to mothering x

sattie c ,

One of my fav’s!

I so love Nadine’s calming voice and approach to learning all things birth... keep em coming!!

Sorry buddy ,

Best birth podcast out there

Love it! I am learning so much. I love the evidence based approach & focus on natural birthing practices.

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