13 min

A Day at the Oslo Market: Sun, Smiles, and Sweet Moments Fluent Fiction - Norwegian

    • Language Learning

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: A Day at the Oslo Market: Sun, Smiles, and Sweet Moments
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Nb: Oslo våknet til liv på en solfull morgen.
En: Oslo woke up to life on a sunny morning.

Nb: Astrid hadde en klar plan for dagen.
En: Astrid had a clear plan for the day.

Nb: Hun skulle kjøpe mat på det lokale markedet.
En: She was going to buy food at the local market.

Nb: Solen skinte, og fuglene sang.
En: The sun was shining, and the birds were singing.

Nb: Astrid likte å gå til markedet.
En: Astrid liked going to the market.

Nb: Luktene, lydene, og fargene gjorde henne alltid glad.
En: The smells, sounds, and colors always made her happy.

Nb: Det var et samlingssted for mange mennesker.
En: It was a gathering place for many people.

Nb: Markedet lå i hjertet av Oslo.
En: The market was located in the heart of Oslo.

Nb: Da Astrid kom frem, var det allerede fullt av folk.
En: When Astrid arrived, it was already full of people.

Nb: Hun smilte og gikk rett til grønnsaksboden.
En: She smiled and went straight to the vegetable stall.

Nb: «Hei, Astrid!
En: "Hi, Astrid!"

Nb: » sa Per, mannen som solgte grønnsakene.
En: said Per, the man who sold the vegetables.

Nb: «Hei, Per!
En: "Hi, Per!

Nb: Hvordan går det?
En: How's it going?"

Nb: » svarte Astrid.
En: replied Astrid.

Nb: «Bra, takk,» sa Per.
En: "Good, thanks," said Per.

Nb: Astrid kjøpte gulrøtter, poteter, og salat.
En: Astrid bought carrots, potatoes, and lettuce.

Nb: Plutselig hørte Astrid noen rope.
En: Suddenly, Astrid heard someone shout.

Nb: Det var en liten gutt som lette etter moren sin.
En: It was a little boy looking for his mother.

Nb: Han var redd og gråt.
En: He was scared and crying.

Nb: Astrid gikk bort til gutten og spurte, «Hvor så du moren din sist?
En: Astrid went over to the boy and asked, "Where did you see your mother last?"

Nb: » Gutten pekte mot fiskeboden.
En: The boy pointed towards the fish stall.

Nb: «La oss gå og se,» sa Astrid.
En: "Let's go and see," said Astrid.

Nb: De gikk til fiskeboden.
En: They went to the fish stall.

Nb: Der fant de guttens mor.
En: There they found the boy's mother.

Nb: Hun var lettet og takket Astrid mange ganger.
En: She was relieved and thanked Astrid many times.

Nb: Gutten smilte igjen.
En: The boy smiled again.

Nb: «Ha en fin dag,» sa Astrid til gutten og moren.
En: "Have a nice day," said Astrid to the boy and his mother.

Nb: De vinket og forsvant inn i folkemengden.
En: They waved and disappeared into the crowd.

Nb: Astrid fortsatte å handle.
En: Astrid continued shopping.

Nb: Hun kjøpte brød fra bakeriet og kjøtt fra slakteren.
En: She bought bread from the bakery and meat from the butcher.

Nb: Til slutt kjøpte hun ost fra ostehandleren.
En: Lastly, she bought cheese from the cheesemonger.

Nb: Hennes handlekurv var nå full.
En: Her shopping basket was now full.

Nb: På vei hjem, tenkte Astrid på dagen.
En: On the way home, Astrid thought about the day.

Nb: Hun følte seg glad og fornøyd.
En: She felt happy and satisfied.

Nb: Hun hadde hjulpet noen og handlet alt hun trengte.
En: She had helped someone and bought everything she needed.br...

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: A Day at the Oslo Market: Sun, Smiles, and Sweet Moments
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Nb: Oslo våknet til liv på en solfull morgen.
En: Oslo woke up to life on a sunny morning.

Nb: Astrid hadde en klar plan for dagen.
En: Astrid had a clear plan for the day.

Nb: Hun skulle kjøpe mat på det lokale markedet.
En: She was going to buy food at the local market.

Nb: Solen skinte, og fuglene sang.
En: The sun was shining, and the birds were singing.

Nb: Astrid likte å gå til markedet.
En: Astrid liked going to the market.

Nb: Luktene, lydene, og fargene gjorde henne alltid glad.
En: The smells, sounds, and colors always made her happy.

Nb: Det var et samlingssted for mange mennesker.
En: It was a gathering place for many people.

Nb: Markedet lå i hjertet av Oslo.
En: The market was located in the heart of Oslo.

Nb: Da Astrid kom frem, var det allerede fullt av folk.
En: When Astrid arrived, it was already full of people.

Nb: Hun smilte og gikk rett til grønnsaksboden.
En: She smiled and went straight to the vegetable stall.

Nb: «Hei, Astrid!
En: "Hi, Astrid!"

Nb: » sa Per, mannen som solgte grønnsakene.
En: said Per, the man who sold the vegetables.

Nb: «Hei, Per!
En: "Hi, Per!

Nb: Hvordan går det?
En: How's it going?"

Nb: » svarte Astrid.
En: replied Astrid.

Nb: «Bra, takk,» sa Per.
En: "Good, thanks," said Per.

Nb: Astrid kjøpte gulrøtter, poteter, og salat.
En: Astrid bought carrots, potatoes, and lettuce.

Nb: Plutselig hørte Astrid noen rope.
En: Suddenly, Astrid heard someone shout.

Nb: Det var en liten gutt som lette etter moren sin.
En: It was a little boy looking for his mother.

Nb: Han var redd og gråt.
En: He was scared and crying.

Nb: Astrid gikk bort til gutten og spurte, «Hvor så du moren din sist?
En: Astrid went over to the boy and asked, "Where did you see your mother last?"

Nb: » Gutten pekte mot fiskeboden.
En: The boy pointed towards the fish stall.

Nb: «La oss gå og se,» sa Astrid.
En: "Let's go and see," said Astrid.

Nb: De gikk til fiskeboden.
En: They went to the fish stall.

Nb: Der fant de guttens mor.
En: There they found the boy's mother.

Nb: Hun var lettet og takket Astrid mange ganger.
En: She was relieved and thanked Astrid many times.

Nb: Gutten smilte igjen.
En: The boy smiled again.

Nb: «Ha en fin dag,» sa Astrid til gutten og moren.
En: "Have a nice day," said Astrid to the boy and his mother.

Nb: De vinket og forsvant inn i folkemengden.
En: They waved and disappeared into the crowd.

Nb: Astrid fortsatte å handle.
En: Astrid continued shopping.

Nb: Hun kjøpte brød fra bakeriet og kjøtt fra slakteren.
En: She bought bread from the bakery and meat from the butcher.

Nb: Til slutt kjøpte hun ost fra ostehandleren.
En: Lastly, she bought cheese from the cheesemonger.

Nb: Hennes handlekurv var nå full.
En: Her shopping basket was now full.

Nb: På vei hjem, tenkte Astrid på dagen.
En: On the way home, Astrid thought about the day.

Nb: Hun følte seg glad og fornøyd.
En: She felt happy and satisfied.

Nb: Hun hadde hjulpet noen og handlet alt hun trengte.
En: She had helped someone and bought everything she needed.br...

13 min