334 episodes

Are you ready to supercharge your Norwegian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Norwegian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Norwegian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Norway? Maybe you want to speak Norwegian with your friends from Oslo? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Norway.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Norwegian listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

Begynn å forbedre din lytteforståelse i norsk med våre historier i dag!

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian FluentFiction.org

    • Education

Are you ready to supercharge your Norwegian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Norwegian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Norwegian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Norway? Maybe you want to speak Norwegian with your friends from Oslo? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Norway.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Norwegian listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

Begynn å forbedre din lytteforståelse i norsk med våre historier i dag!

    Dancing in the Rain: A Sibling Adventure at the Bergen Festival

    Dancing in the Rain: A Sibling Adventure at the Bergen Festival

    Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Dancing in the Rain: A Sibling Adventure at the Bergen Festival
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Nb: Det sildret regn i Bergen, men det stoppet ikke folkemengden.
    En: It was drizzling in Bergen, but that didn't stop the crowd.

    Nb: Festivalen var i gang!
    En: The festival was on!

    Nb: Ingrid, Marius og lillesøsteren deres, Lillemor, gikk nedover Bryggen.
    En: Ingrid, Marius, and their little sister, Lillemor, walked down Bryggen.

    Nb: De holdt hender for ikke å miste hverandre i alt kaoset.
    En: They held hands to avoid losing each other in all the chaos.

    Nb: Ingrid hadde på seg sin nye regnjakke.
    En: Ingrid wore her new raincoat.

    Nb: Den var gul som en sol, og hun smilte bredt.
    En: It was yellow like the sun, and she smiled broadly.

    Nb: "Se, Marius," sa hun og pekte på en gruppe musikere.
    En: "Look, Marius," she said, pointing to a group of musicians.

    Nb: De spilte fiolin og cello.
    En: They were playing violin and cello.

    Nb: "Så vakker musikk!"
    En: "Such beautiful music!"

    Nb: Marius nikket.
    En: Marius nodded.

    Nb: "Jeg elsker disse festivalene," sa han.
    En: "I love these festivals," he said.

    Nb: "Vi ser noe nytt hvert år."
    En: "We see something new every year."

    Nb: Lillemor var også begeistret, men hun var mest interessert i sukkerspinnet hun så lenger ned i gaten.
    En: Lillemor was also excited, but she was most interested in the cotton candy she saw further down the street.

    Nb: "Kan vi kjøpe sukkerspinn?"
    En: "Can we get cotton candy?"

    Nb: spurte hun og så bedende opp på Ingrid.
    En: she asked, looking pleadingly at Ingrid.

    Nb: Ingrid lo.
    En: Ingrid laughed.

    Nb: "Selvfølgelig, Lillemor.
    En: "Of course, Lillemor.

    Nb: Men først må vi finne en fin plass å se på parade."
    En: But first, we need to find a good spot to watch the parade."

    Nb: De tre gikk gjennom folkemengden og fant en fin plass ved Torget.
    En: The three of them walked through the crowd and found a nice spot at the Market Square.

    Nb: Der kunne de se alt som skjedde.
    En: There, they could see everything that was happening.

    Nb: Paraden startet med store, fargerike flåter.
    En: The parade started with large, colorful floats.

    Nb: Folk i kostymer danset og vinket.
    En: People in costumes danced and waved.

    Nb: "Se på de store maskene!"
    En: "Look at those big masks!"

    Nb: ropte Lillemor.
    En: shouted Lillemor.

    Nb: "De er så morsomme!"
    En: "They're so funny!"

    Nb: Marius så på Ingrid.
    En: Marius looked at Ingrid.

    Nb: "Jeg husker da vi var barn og kom hit med mamma og pappa.
    En: "I remember when we were kids and came here with Mom and Dad.

    Nb: Nå er det vår tur å ta vare på Lillemor."
    En: Now it's our turn to take care of Lillemor."

    Nb: Ingrid nikket.
    En: Ingrid nodded.

    Nb: "Ja, det er rart å tenke på.
    En: "Yes, it's strange to think about.

    Nb: Men det er fint også."
    En: But it's nice too."

    Nb: Plutselig begynte det å regne kraftigere.
    En: Suddenly, it started to rain harder.

    Nb: Mange folk løp for å finne ly, men Ingrid, Marius og Lillemor ble stående.
    En: Many people ran for shelter, but Ingrid, Marius, and Lillemor stayed put.

    Nb: De hadde gode regnjakker.
    En: They had good raincoats.

    Nb: "Regnet...

    • 15 min
    Magical Midsummer: Friendship and Festivities in Bergen's Glow

    Magical Midsummer: Friendship and Festivities in Bergen's Glow

    Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Magical Midsummer: Friendship and Festivities in Bergen's Glow
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Nb: Solen skinte klart over Bergen.
    En: The sun shone brightly over Bergen.

    Nb: Gater og torg var fulle av folk som gledet seg til midtsommerfesten.
    En: Streets and squares were full of people looking forward to the Midsummer festival.

    Nb: Ingrid gledet seg også.
    En: Ingrid was excited too.

    Nb: Hun hadde invitert vennene sine, Lars og Maja, til en spesiell sammenkomst.
    En: She had invited her friends, Lars and Maja, to a special gathering.

    Nb: Ingrid bodde i et lite hus nær Bryggen.
    En: Ingrid lived in a small house near Bryggen.

    Nb: Huset var pyntet med blomster og lys.
    En: The house was decorated with flowers and lights.

    Nb: Inne i huset var bordet dekket med mat.
    En: Inside, the table was set with food.

    Nb: Det var lefser, laks, og jordbær.
    En: There were lefser, salmon, and strawberries.

    Nb: På bordet stod også en stor kanne med saft.
    En: On the table also stood a large pitcher of juice.

    Nb: Klokken nærmet seg seks.
    En: The clock was approaching six.

    Nb: Ingrid hørte bank på døren.
    En: Ingrid heard a knock on the door.

    Nb: Hun åpnet døren og så Lars og Maja som smilte stort.
    En: She opened it and saw Lars and Maja smiling broadly.

    Nb: "Velkommen," sa Ingrid og klemte dem begge.
    En: "Welcome," said Ingrid, hugging them both.

    Nb: De satte seg rundt bordet og begynte å spise.
    En: They sat around the table and began to eat.

    Nb: Lars fortalte en morsom historie fra ferien sin.
    En: Lars told a funny story from his vacation.

    Nb: Maja lo så hun nesten mistet pusten.
    En: Maja laughed so hard she almost lost her breath.

    Nb: Ingrid følte seg glad.
    En: Ingrid felt happy.

    Nb: Vennene hennes var de beste i verden.
    En: Her friends were the best in the world.

    Nb: Utenfor vinduet hørte de barn leke og voksne synge.
    En: Outside the window, they heard children playing and adults singing.

    Nb: Hele byen var i feststemning.
    En: The whole city was in a festive mood.

    Nb: Lars foreslo at de skulle gå ut.
    En: Lars suggested they go out.

    Nb: "Det er en stor bål på festplassen," sa han.
    En: "There's a big bonfire at the festival ground," he said.

    Nb: "La oss gå dit."
    En: "Let's go there."

    Nb: De gikk ut og fulgte lydene av musikk og latter.
    En: They went out and followed the sounds of music and laughter.

    Nb: Plassen ved Festplassen var full av folk.
    En: The plaza by Festplassen was crowded with people.

    Nb: Et stort bål brant midt på plassen.
    En: A large bonfire burned in the middle of the plaza.

    Nb: Rundt bålet danset folk i ring.
    En: Around the fire, people danced in a circle.

    Nb: Noen spilte trekkspill, andre sang gamle sanger.
    En: Some played the accordion, others sang old songs.

    Nb: Ingrid, Lars, og Maja tok hverandre i hendene og gikk inn i ringen.
    En: Ingrid, Lars, and Maja took each other’s hands and joined the circle.

    Nb: De danset og lo.
    En: They danced and laughed.

    Nb: Gleden fylte hjertene deres.
    En: Joy filled their hearts.

    Nb: I lyset fra bålet føltes alt magisk.
    En: In the light of the bonfire, everything felt magical.

    Nb: Senere samme kveld satte de seg på en benk ved vannet.
    En: Later...

    • 13 min
    After the Deluge: A Family Stands United in Bergen's Storm

    After the Deluge: A Family Stands United in Bergen's Storm

    Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: After the Deluge: A Family Stands United in Bergen's Storm
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Nb: Sofie våknet med et rykk.
    En: Sofie woke with a start.

    Nb: Regnet trommet hardt mot vinduet.
    En: The rain drummed hard against the window.

    Nb: Utenfor var Bergen mørkt og vått.
    En: Outside, Bergen was dark and wet.

    Nb: Hun gikk ned til kjøkkenet.
    En: She went down to the kitchen.

    Nb: Hans og Ingrid var der allerede.
    En: Hans and Ingrid were already there.

    Nb: "Er alt bra?"
    En: "Is everything alright?"

    Nb: spurte hun.
    En: she asked.

    Nb: "Nei," svarte Hans.
    En: "No," replied Hans.

    Nb: "Elva har flommet over.
    En: "The river has overflowed.

    Nb: Hagen er fylt med vann."
    En: The garden is filled with water."

    Nb: Ingrid så bekymret ut.
    En: Ingrid looked worried.

    Nb: "Hva skal vi gjøre?"
    En: "What are we going to do?"

    Nb: Hans sukket.
    En: Hans sighed.

    Nb: "Jeg vet ikke.
    En: "I don't know.

    Nb: Vi må se hvor mye skade det er."
    En: We need to see how much damage there is."

    Nb: De tok på regnklær og gikk ut.
    En: They put on rain gear and went outside.

    Nb: Vannet nådde dem til anklene.
    En: The water reached their ankles.

    Nb: Blomsterbedene var borte.
    En: The flower beds were gone.

    Nb: Hagen var et stort basseng.
    En: The garden was a large pool.

    Nb: Sofie kjente en klump i magen.
    En: Sofie felt a lump in her stomach.

    Nb: De gikk til naboene.
    En: They went to the neighbors.

    Nb: Alle sloss med vannet.
    En: Everyone was fighting the water.

    Nb: Noen bar bøtter.
    En: Some carried buckets.

    Nb: Andre prøvde å bygge barrierer.
    En: Others tried to build barriers.

    Nb: "Vi må jobbe sammen," sa Hans.
    En: "We need to work together," said Hans.

    Nb: "La oss hjelpe hverandre."
    En: "Let's help each other."

    Nb: Sofie, Hans og Ingrid hentet koster og bøtter.
    En: Sofie, Hans, and Ingrid fetched brooms and buckets.

    Nb: De begynte å fjerne vannet.
    En: They started removing the water.

    Nb: Det var slitsomt arbeid.
    En: It was exhausting work.

    Nb: Hendene deres ble røde og kalde.
    En: Their hands became red and cold.

    Nb: Men de ga ikke opp.
    En: But they did not give up.

    Nb: Timene gikk.
    En: Hours passed.

    Nb: Regnet lettet.
    En: The rain eased.

    Nb: Vannet sank sakte.
    En: The water slowly receded.

    Nb: De kunne se gresset igjen.
    En: They could see the grass again.

    Nb: En nabo, fru Olsen, kom bort.
    En: A neighbor, Mrs. Olsen, came over.

    Nb: "Takk," sa hun.
    En: "Thank you," she said.

    Nb: "Vi klarer oss."
    En: "We will manage."

    Nb: Sofie smilte.
    En: Sofie smiled.

    Nb: "Vi klarer det sammen."
    En: "We will manage together."

    Nb: Da kvelden kom, var vannet nesten borte.
    En: By evening, the water was almost gone.

    Nb: Huset stod trygt.
    En: The house was safe.

    Nb: Hagen trengte mye omsorg, men den var der fortsatt.
    En: The garden needed a lot of care, but it was still there.

    Nb: Ingrid satte på varm te.
    En: Ingrid made some hot tea.

    Nb: "Vi klarte det," sa hun.
    En: "We did it," she said.

    Nb: Hans nikket.
    En: Hans nodded.

    Nb: "Ja,...

    • 14 min
    Exploring the Geirangerfjord: A Class Trip to Nature's Wonders

    Exploring the Geirangerfjord: A Class Trip to Nature's Wonders

    Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Exploring the Geirangerfjord: A Class Trip to Nature's Wonders
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Nb: Solen skinte lyst over Geirangerfjorden.
    En: The sun shone brightly over the Geirangerfjord.

    Nb: Fjorden lå som en blå perle mellom de bratte fjellene.
    En: The fjord lay like a blue pearl between the steep mountains.

    Nb: Åse, Lars og Sigrid var begeistret.
    En: Åse, Lars, and Sigrid were excited.

    Nb: De skulle på en klassetur for å studere fjordens økosystem.
    En: They were on a class trip to study the fjord's ecosystem.

    Nb: Nede ved vannkanten samlet læreren alle sammen.
    En: Down by the water's edge, the teacher gathered everyone together.

    Nb: "Vi skal lære om fiskene, plantene og vannet," sa hun.
    En: "We will learn about the fish, plants, and the water," she said.

    Nb: Åse, Lars og Sigrid fikk mikroskoper og notatbøker.
    En: Åse, Lars, and Sigrid received microscopes and notebooks.

    Nb: De skulle undersøke alt de fant.
    En: They were to investigate everything they found.

    Nb: Åse var fascinert av vannets farge.
    En: Åse was fascinated by the color of the water.

    Nb: "Hvorfor er det så blått her?"
    En: "Why is it so blue here?"

    Nb: spurte hun.
    En: she asked.

    Nb: "Det er på grunn av isbreene," forklarte læreren.
    En: "It's because of the glaciers," the teacher explained.

    Nb: "Smeltevannet fra isbreene gir fjorden denne spesielle fargen."
    En: "The meltwater from the glaciers gives the fjord this special color."

    Nb: Lars dykket ned i vannet.
    En: Lars dived into the water.

    Nb: Han fant en fisk med fargerike skjell.
    En: He found a fish with colorful scales.

    Nb: "Se her!"
    En: "Look here!"

    Nb: ropte han.
    En: he shouted.

    Nb: "Hva slags fisk er dette?"
    En: "What kind of fish is this?"

    Nb: Læreren forklarte at det var en Lyr.
    En: The teacher explained that it was a Pollock.

    Nb: "Den lever ofte i slike farvann," sa hun.
    En: "It often lives in such waters," she said.

    Nb: Sigrid gikk langs stranden.
    En: Sigrid walked along the shore.

    Nb: Hun kikket nøye på alle plantene.
    En: She carefully examined all the plants.

    Nb: Plutselig ropte hun, "Hva er dette?"
    En: Suddenly she shouted, "What is this?"

    Nb: Hun pekte på en grønn plante som vokste halvveis under vannet.
    En: She pointed to a green plant growing halfway underwater.

    Nb: "Det er tang," svarte læreren.
    En: "That's seaweed," the teacher replied.

    Nb: "Tang er viktig for mange sjødyr."
    En: "Seaweed is important for many marine animals."

    Nb: Etter lunsj satte Åse seg på en stein.
    En: After lunch, Åse sat on a rock.

    Nb: Hun så utover fjorden.
    En: She looked out over the fjord.

    Nb: "Vi har lært så mye i dag," sa hun.
    En: "We have learned so much today," she said.

    Nb: "Ja," svarte Lars.
    En: "Yes," replied Lars.

    Nb: "Det er fantastisk hvordan alt henger sammen her."
    En: "It's amazing how everything is connected here."

    Nb: Sigrid nikket.
    En: Sigrid nodded.

    Nb: "Jeg visste ikke at naturen var så komplisert," sa hun.
    En: "I didn't know nature was so complex," she said.

    Nb: Som dagen nærmet seg slutten, samlet klassen seg igjen.
    En: As the day came to an end, the class gathered again.

    Nb: Læreren sa, "Fjorden er et spesielt...

    • 14 min
    Mornings at Bryggen: A Day in the Life at Bergen’s Fish Market

    Mornings at Bryggen: A Day in the Life at Bergen’s Fish Market

    Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Mornings at Bryggen: A Day in the Life at Bergen’s Fish Market
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Nb: Vinden blåser kaldt på Bryggen i Bergen.
    En: The wind blows cold at Bryggen in Bergen.

    Nb: Maja og Sondre står i fiskehallen.
    En: Maja and Sondre stand in the fish market.

    Nb: Klokka er seks om morgenen.
    En: It is six o'clock in the morning.

    Nb: Bergen våkner.
    En: Bergen is waking up.

    Nb: Maja smiler til Sondre.
    En: Maja smiles at Sondre.

    Nb: "God morgen!"
    En: "Good morning!"

    Nb: sier hun.
    En: she says.

    Nb: De to har jobbet sammen i ett år.
    En: The two have worked together for one year.

    Nb: De selger fisk hver dag.
    En: They sell fish every day.

    Nb: "Klar for en ny dag?"
    En: "Ready for a new day?"

    Nb: spør Sondre.
    En: asks Sondre.

    Nb: Han tar på seg et forkleskjørt.
    En: He puts on an apron.

    Nb: Fersk fisk ligger på is foran dem.
    En: Fresh fish lies on ice in front of them.

    Nb: "Alltid klar," svarer Maja.
    En: "Always ready," replies Maja.

    Nb: Hun legger laks på isen.
    En: She places salmon on the ice.

    Nb: Det lukter hav.
    En: It smells like the sea.

    Nb: Måker skriker i himmelen.
    En: Seagulls scream in the sky.

    Nb: Folk begynner å komme.
    En: People begin to arrive.

    Nb: Turister fra Tyskland og Japan ser på fisken.
    En: Tourists from Germany and Japan look at the fish.

    Nb: En gammel dame kommer bort.
    En: An old lady approaches.

    Nb: "Har du fersk torsk i dag?"
    En: "Do you have fresh cod today?"

    Nb: spør hun.
    En: she asks.

    Nb: "Ja, selvfølgelig," svarer Maja.
    En: "Yes, of course," replies Maja.

    Nb: Hun tar en stor torsk og pakker den inn i papir.
    En: She takes a large cod and wraps it in paper.

    Nb: Damen smiler, betaler og går.
    En: The lady smiles, pays, and leaves.

    Nb: Sondre snakker med en mann.
    En: Sondre talks with a man.

    Nb: Mannen peker på en krabbe.
    En: The man points at a crab.

    Nb: "Stor krabbe!"
    En: "Big crab!"

    Nb: ler mannen.
    En: the man laughs.

    Nb: Sondre ler også, løfter krabben og legger den i en pose.
    En: Sondre laughs too, lifts the crab, and puts it in a bag.

    Nb: Maja ser på klokka.
    En: Maja looks at the clock.

    Nb: Det er lunsjtider.
    En: It is lunchtime.

    Nb: Sondre tar fram en termos med kaffe.
    En: Sondre brings out a thermos of coffee.

    Nb: De setter seg ned.
    En: They sit down.

    Nb: "Det er mange folk i dag," sier Maja.
    En: "There are many people today," says Maja.

    Nb: "Ja, det er bra," svarer Sondre.
    En: "Yes, it's good," replies Sondre.

    Nb: De sitter stille en stund, ser på folk som går forbi.
    En: They sit quietly for a while, watching people pass by.

    Nb: Solen står høyt nå.
    En: The sun is high now.

    Nb: Det er varmt.
    En: It is warm.

    Nb: Plutselig hører de et rop.
    En: Suddenly, they hear a shout.

    Nb: En gutt har snublet ved brygga.
    En: A boy has stumbled on the pier.

    Nb: Han har falt på isen.
    En: He has fallen on the ice.

    Nb: Sondre reiser seg raskt, løper bort.
    En: Sondre stands up quickly, runs over.

    Nb: Gutten gråter.
    En: The boy is crying.

    Nb: "Er du ok?"
    En: "Are you...

    • 15 min
    Rescue on Mount Fløyen: Jacob's Unforgettable Hiking Adventure

    Rescue on Mount Fløyen: Jacob's Unforgettable Hiking Adventure

    Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Rescue on Mount Fløyen: Jacob's Unforgettable Hiking Adventure
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Nb: Jakob våknet tidlig på morgenen.
    En: Jacob woke up early in the morning.

    Nb: Solen skinte gjennom vinduet.
    En: The sun was shining through the window.

    Nb: Han var spent.
    En: He was excited.

    Nb: I dag skulle han til Mount Fløyen i Bergen.
    En: Today he was going to Mount Fløyen in Bergen.

    Nb: Han hadde gledet seg hele uka.
    En: He had been looking forward to it all week.

    Nb: Fjellene og naturen lokket ham.
    En: The mountains and nature beckoned him.

    Nb: Etter en rask frokost, tok Jakob på seg fjellskoene.
    En: After a quick breakfast, Jacob put on his hiking boots.

    Nb: Han sjekket sekken.
    En: He checked his backpack.

    Nb: Vann, mat, og et kart var på plass.
    En: Water, food, and a map were in place.

    Nb: Han låste døren og gikk ut.
    En: He locked the door and went out.

    Nb: Turen startet ved Fløibanen.
    En: The hike started at the Fløibanen.

    Nb: Han valgte å gå opp, ikke ta banen.
    En: He chose to walk up, not take the funicular.

    Nb: Han ville ha utfordringen.
    En: He wanted the challenge.

    Nb: Stien opp mot Fløyen var vakker.
    En: The path up to Fløyen was beautiful.

    Nb: Jakob så på trærne rundt ham.
    En: Jacob looked at the trees around him.

    Nb: Han hørte fuglene synge.
    En: He heard the birds singing.

    Nb: Det var fredelig.
    En: It was peaceful.

    Nb: Han møtte andre turgåere.
    En: He met other hikers.

    Nb: De smilte og hilste.
    En: They smiled and greeted him.

    Nb: Jakob følte seg sterk og glad.
    En: Jacob felt strong and happy.

    Nb: Men halvveis opp, skjedde noe uventet.
    En: But halfway up, something unexpected happened.

    Nb: Jakob snublet over en stein.
    En: Jacob stumbled over a rock.

    Nb: Han falt og landet hardt.
    En: He fell and landed hard.

    Nb: En skarp smerte skøt gjennom ankelen.
    En: A sharp pain shot through his ankle.

    Nb: Han prøvde å reise seg, men ankelen var vond.
    En: He tried to get up, but the ankle hurt.

    Nb: Jakob forsto at han hadde forstuet ankelen.
    En: Jacob realized that he had sprained his ankle.

    Nb: Han satte seg på en stein og prøvde å puste rolig.
    En: He sat down on a rock and tried to breathe calmly.

    Nb: Hva skulle han gjøre nå?
    En: What should he do now?

    Nb: Han hentet mobilen fra sekken.
    En: He retrieved his phone from his backpack.

    Nb: Han hadde dekning.
    En: He had coverage.

    Nb: Jakob ringte til nødetatene.
    En: Jacob called the emergency services.

    Nb: "Hei, jeg er på vei opp Mount Fløyen.
    En: "Hi, I'm on my way up Mount Fløyen.

    Nb: Jeg har forstuet ankelen," sa Jakob.
    En: I've sprained my ankle," said Jacob.

    Nb: "Vi sender noen for å hjelpe deg, hvor er du?"
    En: "We're sending someone to help you, where are you?"

    Nb: spurte operatøren.
    En: asked the operator.

    Nb: Jakob beskrev stedet.
    En: Jacob described the location.

    Nb: Han pakket ut mat fra sekken og ventet.
    En: He unpacked some food from his backpack and waited.

    Nb: Smerten var intens, men han prøvde å holde hodet kaldt.
    En: The pain was intense, but he tried to keep his head cool.

    Nb: Etter en stund kom redningsfolkene.

    • 16 min

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