16 episódios

Welcome to the Career Empowerment Network. Around here, we believe that we can build a life and a career we’re obsessed with! We will be discussing all things around climbing that corporate ladder and landing high-paying jobs. All without giving up your social life in the process.

I’m your host Brianna Dotson. I went from college intern to corporate commercial manager in less than 4.5 years & now I empower women just like you to live their best freaking life while working in corporate America.

If you’re a high-achieving woman ready to ditch societal norms and build both a career and life you’re obsessed with, you’re in the right place.

Career Empowerment Network Brianna Dotson

    • Negócios

Welcome to the Career Empowerment Network. Around here, we believe that we can build a life and a career we’re obsessed with! We will be discussing all things around climbing that corporate ladder and landing high-paying jobs. All without giving up your social life in the process.

I’m your host Brianna Dotson. I went from college intern to corporate commercial manager in less than 4.5 years & now I empower women just like you to live their best freaking life while working in corporate America.

If you’re a high-achieving woman ready to ditch societal norms and build both a career and life you’re obsessed with, you’re in the right place.

    Debunking the Myth That Overworking Is the Only Way to Corporate Success

    Debunking the Myth That Overworking Is the Only Way to Corporate Success

    Do you want to enjoy your life but feel like you’re exchanging ALL of your time for a paycheck? Did you know that you don’t have to choose between a successful career and living your life? And did you know that this balance is possible WITHOUT overworking?

    In this episode, I debunk the myth about overworking as the only path to corporate success and share two powerful steps you can take to achieve the work-life balance you’ve been longing for.

    Yeah! That’s right! You can create balance. You can have both. You can have your cake and eat it, too. So listen to this episode to learn more about achieving corporate success without overworking while also maintaining a work-life balance.

    Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode:
    Know the 5 signs your work is taking over your life Understand why you need to shift out of the idea that you have to work harder to be more successful Identify the 4 signs that you are ready to ditch the idea of working harder to make more money Check out these episode highlights: 
    1.00 - 5 signs your work is taking over your life
    You want to enjoy your life, but it feels like you’re exchanging all of your time for a paycheck You log off late You still think of work and/or to-do lists when you log off early You're not fully present in your life outside of work and/or relationships You're not an active listener
    1.50 - Why you need to shift out of the idea that you have to work harder to be more successful

    2 Powerful Steps to Achieving Corporate Success & Work-Life Balance

    6.08 - Step 1: Ditch the idea that you have to work harder to make more

    Why? You have to work smarter, not harder

    How? By being physically and mentally present in what you do every day
    Focus helps you perform better at what you do

    6.45 - 4 signs that you are ready to ditch the idea of working harder to make more money
    You’re ready to leave work at work You’re ready to have a work-life balance You’re ready to be fully present with family and friends You’re ready to live your freakin life
    7.07 - Step 2: Start creating healthy boundaries around work

    Why? So that you can be your best self outside of work and return to work with an open mind

    How? Start small. Start by blocking out 30 minutes for a lunch break every day.

    8.38 - The benefits of working hard on the clock and having fun off the clock

    9.16 - Why you can’t keep pouring from an empty cup

    10.14 - How work-life balance is only a byproduct of self-care and healthy boundaries

    Connect With Me:
    Website: briannafdotson.com 
    Email Add: hello@briannafdotson.com
    IG: @briannafdotson 
    TikTok: @briannafdotson 

    • 11 min
    Falling Victim to the Comparison Game? Here's How You Can Overcome It

    Falling Victim to the Comparison Game? Here's How You Can Overcome It

    Go ALL IN with your job search and enroll in the Get Hired Group Coaching Program today. Enroll here >>> briannafdotson.com/get-hired
    Have you fallen victim to comparison? Are you spending hours a week scrolling through social media, looking at the lives of people who may be right where you want to be, or heading in the direction you want to go, making you feel not so good about yourself? Perhaps you are facing challenges in your life now, doubting if you are making the right decisions, leaving you exhausted and feeling defeated.

    Don't worry. You are not alone. "Come on, Brianna! As if you suffer from these, too!"

    I do. Recent events have caused me to fall into this trap again. Comparison is the thief of joy. It makes you feel like you are not doing enough, not achieving enough, not earning enough, and not enjoying life enough. That is why I created this episode. This way, I not only help myself overcome it but also help you out in the process.
    Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode:
    Find out the 3 warning signs you are playing the comparison game Discover the truth behind the successes and failures you see on social media posts Learn 3 ways to overcome falling victim to the comparison game Check out these episode highlights:
    1.16 - 3 warning signs you are playing the comparison game
    Your worst days are constantly on your mind You get hooked on using social media You question yourself and your decisions
    1.44 - Why it’s harmful to keep going and not feel your feelings during life-changing events

    3.25 - How the comparison game can easily make you forget about your achievements

    4.27 - The truth behind the successes and failures you see on social media posts

    6:41 - 3 ways to overcome falling victim to the comparison game
    Celebrate your wins, no matter how small they are Go easy on yourself by allowing yourself to sit back and reset Limit the amount of time you spend on social media
    9.00 - Reasons why you should stop looking outward so you can start looking inward
    Everyone is on their own path Everybody is facing their own struggles Everybody gets from point A to point B at a different speed
    9:50 - How I’m holding myself accountable for limiting my time on social media
    For 30 days, I’m limiting my social media to one hour each on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook every day Setting a time limit that requires a passcode
    11.11 - Key takeaways from this episode
    Comparison is the thief of joy Social media is a highlight reel LinkedIn is made to show off career milestones Loving this topic? DM me over on IG @briannafdotson if you want more episodes like this.
    Connect With Me:
    Website: briannafdotson.com 
    Email Add: hello@briannafdotson.com
    IG: @briannafdotson 
    TikTok: @briannafdotson 

    • 13 min
    Top Tips to Impress the Right People at Company Meetings & Career Fairs

    Top Tips to Impress the Right People at Company Meetings & Career Fairs

    Go ALL IN with your job search and enroll in the Get Hired Group Coaching Program today. Enroll here >>> briannafdotson.com/get-hired

    Are you eyeing a promotion at work? Or want to get a new role in a different department or a new company? Do you want your name to be your company's top of mind for special projects and assignments? Then get yourself seen and heard by the right people at company meetings and career fairs. Because the more you are seen and heard, the more opportunities you get for growth, new positions, and promotions.

    In today’s episode, I share effective ways how to stand out in meetings and leave a good impression on the right people. Whether it is attending a webinar for a company you're super pumped for and hope to work for one day or your company's general meeting, or career fair, this will help you.
    Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode:
    Discover how being seen and heard at work contributes to your career growth Know what’s keeping you stuck in your career and the best way to overcome it Learn when and how to ask questions depending on the type of event you’re attending  
    Check out these episode highlights:
    1.59 - Why it’s necessary to be seen and heard at work or at career fairs

    2.36 - The most important thing to know before attending events, whether in-person or virtually

    2.51 - How to look up the attendees without stalking their profiles online

    3.34 - Why you should know who is going to be in the room with you during these meetings/events

    4.01 - Simple and effective ways to be seen and heard during meetings
    Know who is attending so you'll know how to relate with them Come in a couple of minutes early Introduce yourself to everybody & start a personalized connection Shake hands with everyone & build rapport Take the opportunity to interact Ask a question or make a comment so show you come prepared 
    4.28 - How to be seen and heard during in-person career fairs
    Know who is attending so you'll know how to relate with them Wait in line Introduce yourself to everybody & start a personalized connection Shake hands with everyone & build rapport
    5.23 - When to ask questions during meetings and why

    6.22 - When to ask questions during webinars and why

    6.50 - Why you should take advantage of asking the first question

    7.23 - How to ask questions in career fairs

    8.10 - What keeps you stuck and the best way to overcome it
    Loving this topic? DM me over on IG @briannafdotson if you want more episodes like this.
    Connect With Me:
    Website: briannafdotson.com 
    Email Add: hello@briannafdotson.com
    IG: @briannafdotson 
    TikTok: @briannafdotson 

    • 8 min
    My Job Interview “Horror” Stories: Red Flags To Look Out For During Your Job Search

    My Job Interview “Horror” Stories: Red Flags To Look Out For During Your Job Search

    Get off the job search roller coaster by enrolling in the Get Hired Group Coaching Program today. Enroll here >>> briannafdotson.com/get-hired

    Are you intimidated by the job search process? Do you feel like you're riding a roller coaster of highs and lows trying to land your dream job?

    As someone who has felt that way, I want you to know you are not alone. Even successful people you admire have experienced it.

    So let me share with you the behind-the-curtain of my interview journey so you know you're not alone. Also, to tell you crazy stuff happens on the other side of this process, which can happen to anyone.
    Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode:
    Learn the 3 reasons why negotiations shouldn’t be done through email Know the different job search warning signs (red flags) that you should be aware of during the search process Get the mindset to keep you going even if you don't succeed in a job interview Check out these episode highlights:
    0.43 - Why I'm sharing my horror interview stories with you and how it can help you
    3.34 - Why it's okay to apply for jobs you are 60% to 70% qualified for
    4.06 - When my scheduled interview with a director got canceled
    4.36 - When my follow-ups didn’t get any response
    7.33 - 3 Reasons why I’m not a fan of negotiating through email
    You can't pick up on social cues You can't explain yourself They can't hear your voice or tone 9.05 - What do red flags tell us and why we shouldn't ignore them
    9.48 - The worst interview that I've been through (First Time)
    13.09 - The worst interview that I've been through (Second Time)
    14.09 - The worst interview that I've been through (Third Time)
    14.28 - The phone call from the VP of HR I will never forget
    15.08 - Why you should never settle for less
    16.41 - The mindset that helps me feel grateful for my multiple interviews
    17.28 - What I’ve gained after all the failed interviews and lowballed offers I’ve received
    Want to get off the job search roller coaster? 
    I can help! Enroll in my Get Hired Group Coaching Program today so you will have a well-paid, impactful career. Enroll here >>> briannafdotson.com/get-hired
    Connect With Me:
    Website: briannafdotson.com 
    Email Add: hello@briannafdotson.com
    IG: @briannafdotson 
    TikTok: @briannafdotson 

    • 19 min
    Live Coaching! How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile to Attract Recruiters and Hiring Managers (LinkedIn Optimization Masterclass)

    Live Coaching! How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile to Attract Recruiters and Hiring Managers (LinkedIn Optimization Masterclass)

    Go ALL IN with your job search and enroll in the Get Hired Group Coaching Program today. Enroll here >>> briannafdotson.com/get-hired

    Do you get frustrated because you don’t hear back from recruiters? Are you getting job rejections left and right? Do you get overwhelmed with the job search process and now you’re stuck in a job that’s sucking the life out of you?

    Even though it may not seem like it right now, I want you to know that work-life balance is not only possible but inevitable for you. How? By building your LinkedIn to stand out and harnessing the power of networking using the tips shared in my LinkedIn Optimization Masterclass.

    Why on LinkedIn?
    - 87% of hiring managers and recruiters source from it
    - 70% to 80% of jobs are never made public 
    - Networking events source from LinkedIn through invites only

    So, let me help you overcome being ignored and rejected by ensuring your two greatest assets (LinkedIn and resume) do not only stand out but are put in front of the decision-makers (recruiters and hiring managers) through the power of networking. 
    Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode:
    Learn the importance of networking Find out how to build a LinkedIn profile that will stand out to recruiters Learn how to build meaningful relationships with people online Check out these episode highlights:
    3.10 - My journey as your proof of possibility

    8:09 - The life-changing mindset I swear by

    8.47 - Why you should optimize your LinkedIn and harness the power of networking

    12.24 - Components of an optimized LinkedIn profile (common mistakes people make and what you should do instead)
    Your picture should have an either industry-related or passion-related background Your Name must be there Your Header/Title should make you stand out (use keywords for the job that you want) Treat your About Section as a cover letter instead of a resume Your Experience Section should be built for the job you want Your Education must be included Your Recommendations/Referrals should be noted at the bottom 17.40 - 7 Expert tips for your resume
    Bullets should have the same verb tense throughout (present tense for your current role and past tense for all previous roles) Start them with action verbs Be consistent Highlight how your current role relates to your next role Use word descriptions (action verbs) from the job that you want Quantify your results when you can Keep your bullets short while laying them out as action and results 20.57 - The 4 groups of people you should connect with on LinkedIn and why
    Current and previous colleagues University alumni Recruiters and hiring managers a.k.a decision-makers Other key professionals 22.22 - Why it's hard to beat a person who never gives up

    23.23 - How my client Alex negotiated her salary and ended up getting a sign-on bonus as well

    25.50 - Networking Etiquette: The dos and don’ts of networking
    Stop cold messaging people asking for favors. Instead, push your comfort zone and build meaningful mutual relationships through cheerleading and sending personalized connection requests Stop messaging recruiters talking about what they can do for you. Instead, share with them what you can do for the company and why they should hire you Be human. Remember, there’s another human on the other end of your message 30.23 - What is inside of my Get Hired Group Coaching Program (and my client Kelly B's experience with the program)

    Get video access to my LinkedIn Optimization Masterclass here >>> https://briannafdotson.com/linkedin-masterclass Go ALL IN with your job search and enroll in the Get Hired Group Coaching Program today. Enroll here >>> briannafdotson.com/get-hired Connect With Me:
    Website: briannafdotson.com 
    Email Add: hello@briannafdotson.com
    IG: @briannafdotson 
    TikTok: @briannafdotson 

    • 35 min
    Feeling Your Fear and Doing It Anyway

    Feeling Your Fear and Doing It Anyway

    Go ALL IN with your job search and enroll in Get Hired Group Coaching Program today. Click here >>> briannafdotson.com/get-hired

    Have you ever dreamt of something so big others doubt you can make it happen? Some would even try to stop you and discourage you. What’s worse is you believe them. And then, you end up giving up because of a rejection that hasn’t even happened yet.

    And when you put yourself out there and do what you need to do to make your dreams happen, others would pull you down. Most of the time, for no reason at all.

    How do you prevent yourself from getting crippled by fear of rejection and criticism? By feeling it and doing it anyway. Bumps are everywhere and the only way to overcome them is to not let them stop you.

    So listen to this episode to learn how to let courage drive you to empower not only yourself but others as well.

    Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode:
    Learn the two things you can do when others doubt you Know why you should not let your fears hold you back Find out why rejection is just redirection Check out these episode highlights:
    0.49 - My biggest fear and how it almost made me shut my business down
    2.23 - Why I am sharing this and why I never bother to delete rude comments about me
    3.58 - What you miss out on when you focus on negative things
    5.17 - Why you should keep going no matter what
    6.44 - Two things you can do when others doubt you: Prove them wrong and/or cut ties with them
    7.57 - How to normalize feeling the fear and doing it anyway
    9.04 - How your courage empowers not only you but others as well
    9.38 - Why you must celebrate your wins, especially the small ones
    10.36 - My small win that's worth celebrating
    11.25 - How rejection is just redirection
    Ready to take action? The Get Hired Group Coaching Program is now open for enrollment. Click here >>> briannafdotson.com/get-hired Join the Career Empowerment Network Monthly Giveaway (a free one-on-one career strategy session with me!) in 2 easy steps:
    Leave a five-star rating and a review on your favorite podcast platform. Include your Instagram handle in your review so that I can contact you if you win. Connect With Me:
    Website: briannafdotson.com 
    Email Add: hello@briannafdotson.com
    IG: @briannafdotson 
    TikTok: @briannafdotson 

    • 13 min

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