41 episódios

Ceteris Never Paribus: The History of Economic Thought Podcast covers diverse topics from the history of economics, economic thought, and economic ideas such as new research and methodological questions.

Ceteris Never Paribus: The History of Economic Thought Podcast Ceteris Never Paribus

    • Ciência

Ceteris Never Paribus: The History of Economic Thought Podcast covers diverse topics from the history of economics, economic thought, and economic ideas such as new research and methodological questions.

    Decolonising Development, Episode 41

    Decolonising Development, Episode 41

    Guests: Rahul A. Sirohi (Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati) and Sonya Surabhi Gupta (Jamia Milia Islamia)

    Host and Producer: Maria Bach (Walras Pareto Centre, University of Lausanne)

    In this episode, I talk to professors Sirohi's and Gupta's book on development discourses from India and Latin America.

    As mentioned in the episode, here is the poem translated at the beginning of the last chapter:

    Problems of Underdevelopment

    Monsieur Dupont calls you unculturedbecause you cannot tell who wasVictor’s Hugo’s favourite grandson.Herr Müller has started to screambecause you do not know (exactly)the day that Bismarck died.Your friend Mr. Smithan Englishman or Yankee, I cannot tell,becomes incensed when you write Shell.(It seems you leave out an “l”and, what’s more, you pronounce it chel.)Okay, and what of it?When it’s your turn,make them say cacarajícaraand ask them where is the Aconcaguaand who was Sucréand just where on this planetdid Martí die.And please:tell them to always speak to you in Spanish. Nicolás Guillén  Trans. by Rahul Sirohi and Sonya Surabhi Gupta

    • 53 min
    A Political Economy of Power, Episode 40

    A Political Economy of Power, Episode 40

    Guest: Raphaël Fèvre (Université de Côte d'Azur)

    Host and Producer: Maria Bach (Walras Pareto Centre, University of Lausanne)

    In this episode, Maria talks to Raphaël Fèvre who published a book with Oxford University Press, pictured above, based on his PhD research.

    For advice on writing a book, see the following books:

    From Dissertation to Book

    Revise: The Scholar-Writer’s Essential Guide to Tweaking, Editing, and Perfecting Your Manuscript

    • 47 min
    The (ignored) blindspots of International Political Economy, Episode 39

    The (ignored) blindspots of International Political Economy, Episode 39

    Guest: Eric Helleiner (University of Waterloo)

    Host and Producer: Maria Bach (University of Lausanne)

    In this episode, Maria interviews Eric Helleiner to discuss his current research on writing a deeper global history of the field of International Political Economy. We mainly discuss his latest two books pictured above, The Contested World Economy and The Neomercantilists.

    • 56 min
    The Agrarian Question in India, Episode 38

    The Agrarian Question in India, Episode 38

    Guest: Srishti Yadav (Azim Premji University, Bengaluru)

    Host and Producer: Maria Bach (Walras Pareto Centre, University of Lausanne)

    In this episode Maria talks to Srishti about her heterodox economics studies, her work on Paradigms in Economics and her book project on the agrarian question in India.

    Check out the following links to Srishti's research:

    Yadav, S. (2022) ‘Caste, diversification, and the contemporary agrarian question in India: A field perspective’, Journal of Agrarian Change, 22(4), pp. 651–672.

    A video presentation of the above article for the Foundation of Agrarian Studies seminar series.

    Yadav, S. (2022) ‘Reviewing Petty Commodity Production: Toward a Unified Marxist Conception’, Review of Radical Political Economics, 54(4), pp. 411–419.

    To check out the Indian Society of History of Economic Thought established in 2023, click here.

    • 39 min
    The History of Counting Where Few Have Looked Before, Episode 37

    The History of Counting Where Few Have Looked Before, Episode 37

    Guest: Cecilia Lanata-Briones (Warwick University)

    Host and Producer: Maria Bach (Walras Pareto Centre, University of Lausanne)

    Bunge, A. E. (1918): «Costo de la vida en la Argentina, de 1910 a 1917». Revista de Economía Argentina 1 (1), pp. 39-63

    In this episode, Maria talks to her co-author and team member of a new project on the history of national accounting in what we call the Global South today. Cecilia talks about her thesis on the history of the cost-of-living index in Argentina, a recent co-edited book and our new project.

    To check out some of Cecilia's work, see two of her articles linked below:

    Lanata-Briones, C.T. (2021) ‘Constructing Cost of Living Indexes Ideas and Individuals, Argentina, 1918–35’, History of Political Economy, 53(1), pp. 57–87.

    Lanata-Briones CT. (2023) 'RECONSTRUCTING OFFICIAL STATISTICS: A NEW ESTIMATE OF THE ARGENTINE COST OF LIVING INDEX', 1912-1943. Revista de Historia Económica / Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History. 41(1):39-82.

    • 38 min
    Elucidating the Role of Value Judgments in Normative Economics, Episode 36

    Elucidating the Role of Value Judgments in Normative Economics, Episode 36

    Guest: Nestor Lovera (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne)

    Host and Producer: Maria Bach (Centre Walras-Pareto, University of Lausanne)

    In this episode, Maria interviews Nestor Lovera from the Université of Reims Champagne-Ardenne about his thesis and latest projects. For a summary of Nestor's thesis, click here.

    Check out Nestor's new podcast (in French) on the history of economic thought: https://l-heure-d-unepauseconomique.fr/

    • 43 min

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