38 episódios

Classroom 5.0 offers a sneak peek into the future of learning for the next gen, and is hosted by Mariane Power, co-founder of The Posify Group. Tune in each week for interviews that uncover industry insights, cutting edge research and practical evidence-based strategies that help us all to imagine and design learning environments and pathways for this ever-evolving world, so that together, we can best support the next gen to uncover and deliver their unique potential.

Classroom 5.0 Mariane Power

    • Negócios

Classroom 5.0 offers a sneak peek into the future of learning for the next gen, and is hosted by Mariane Power, co-founder of The Posify Group. Tune in each week for interviews that uncover industry insights, cutting edge research and practical evidence-based strategies that help us all to imagine and design learning environments and pathways for this ever-evolving world, so that together, we can best support the next gen to uncover and deliver their unique potential.

    #38 Diversity in Tech: Empowering Young, Female and Neurodivergent Talent, with Em Gulliver

    #38 Diversity in Tech: Empowering Young, Female and Neurodivergent Talent, with Em Gulliver

    Em Gulliver, founder of smart tag solution 'Meggi', takes us behind the scenes of what it's really like to navigate the triple minority threat of being young, female and neurodivergent in today's tech industry. From her early days at IBM to thriving as a sought after software developer and founder, Em has learned first hand how to play to her unique strengths for success.  
    In this conversation, we explore: 
    The initiatives and programs working to increase diversity and representation of more women in tech
    Why flexibility and support for working mothers is crucial in creating an inclusive and supportive work environment
    The benefits Technology and STEM careers can offer in providing flexibility for individuals with caregiving responsibilities
    How understanding and accommodating the needs of neurodivergent individuals can support your efforts in creating an inclusive workplace
    For links to today's resources and shownotes, visit the episode page here 
    To learn more about Messy Magic, an ADHD coaching program for women, see here 
    To learn more about how The Posify Group are creating a future-fit workforce, see here 
    Liked this episode? Here's how to rate and review on Apple Podcasts!
    Your ratings and reviews help us support more people, just like you, to imagine and create inclusive impact that benefits our future. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to share what you loved most about this and other episodes! 
    Thanks for tuning into another episode, and for your interest in Inclusive Impact. 

    • 54 min
    #37 From Silence to Support. A Systems-Based Approach for Navigating School Attendance Difficulties

    #37 From Silence to Support. A Systems-Based Approach for Navigating School Attendance Difficulties

    Last year, over 1.5 million Australian children  experienced difficulties attending school. That number reflects 39% of families with school aged children. Their lack of attendance is not because they're 'naughty'. Not because they're 'defiant'. And not because of poor parenting. But because they can't.
    If we're to design a future of learning that's inclusive of all, this nation wide challenge requires nation wide participation, and must involve diverse voices representative of all industries, perspectives and backgrounds.
    In this special episode of Classroom 5.0, we're sharing the recording of our online training from earlier this year on this topic. It aims to help you understand the 'what' and 'why' of school attendance difficulties, and offers practical, actionable steps that parents, teachers and HR professionals can take to provide collaborative, community based support for children and families affected.
    Head to the episode webpage here to download the full webinar and presentation slides, and for links to today's resources. 

    In this episode, you'll discover -

    1. The key issues facing families navigating difficulties with school attendance,

    2. Clinical and research backed insights behind what's driving school attendance difficulties, and why some individuals are more vulnerable than others, 

    3. Current solutions and supports currently available for families, and how we can learn from other countries

    4. Practical things you can say and do to support children and families experiencing 'School Can't', or school attendance difficulties
    This training is in support of, but separate to, the incredible work and efforts of 'School Can't Australia', who can be contacted directly here
    To gain access to resources discussed in today's episode, and to download the free recording of the training and accompnaying slides, visit here .

    • 1h 4 min
    #36 Neurodiversity in Leadership: Building a Neuro-inclusive World and Workforce, with Will Wheeler.

    #36 Neurodiversity in Leadership: Building a Neuro-inclusive World and Workforce, with Will Wheeler.

    In this unique, unfiltered episode of Classroom 5.0, podcast host Mariane Power and Will Wheeler, Neurodiversity Consultant at Untapped and co-founder of the Neurodiversity Academy, dive into the challenges and advantages of living and leading with ADHD. 
    This episode deviates from our usual podcast format with no edits or post-production—just real, raw dialogue between two neurodivergent minds, offering you a sneak peek into the unpolished conversations and glorious thought-bubble deviations that reflect the true dynamics of neurodivergent thinking.
    Through sharing lived experience stories and real world case studies from their diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, Mariane and Will offer a deep dive into the realities of advocating for, creating and sustaining inclusive environments for learning, work and leadership.
    For a full list of resources and links to today’s shownotes, see the episode webpage here 
    Connect with Will via LinkedIn here 
    Join Messy Magic, an online program supporting women with ADHD here
    To discover how The Posify Group can support your school or workplace in achieving its diversity and inclusion learning and development goals, visit www.theposifygroup.com.au
    Liked this episode? Remember to Rate, Review and Follow on Apple Podcasts here
    This helps us support more people, just like you, to imagine and create inclusive impact that benefits our future! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to share what you loved most about this and other episodes! 

    • 1h 7 min
    Ep 35 Leading with Vulnerability and Creating Connected Cultures, with Karen Oldaker

    Ep 35 Leading with Vulnerability and Creating Connected Cultures, with Karen Oldaker

    Where corporate boardrooms were once considered the place for Executives to buckle down and armour up, my guest today, Karen Oldaker, shares what's driving the shifting desire and demand for authentic, vulnerable leadership. 
    Karen is a Senior Executive, specialising in driving Societal Change and Social Impact both from an employee health and community lens. With over 2 decades of experience in large Corporates her focus is on creating mentally healthy workplaces, starting with psychological safety and Inclusion as the foundation. Karen is leading Medibank’s 10-year social impact initiative to tackle Loneliness; one of the most misunderstood health issues of our time.
    Today, she shares an intimate glimpse into her childhood, reflecting on how her personal relationships have fuelled her commitment to creating change for good.
    04:05 Karen's personal story, and how it's shaped her passion for mental health and well-being
    10:25  Vulnerability, courage and compassion in leadership
    14:16  Breaking the silence at work around women's health, menopause and neurodiversity
    21:59 The We Are Lonely Podcast, exploring highlights and stories from Season 2
    For links to resources in today's conversation, head to the episode webpage here 
    Learn more about Messy Magic, an ADHD coaching program supporting late diagnosed women here
    And to learn more about how The Posify Group are supporting the next gen with the skills and mindsets they need to be 'future fit', visit the website here 

    • 32 min
    #34 Who’s Who in Adult ADHD: Navigating Assessment, Diagnosis and Support in Australia, with Mariane Power

    #34 Who’s Who in Adult ADHD: Navigating Assessment, Diagnosis and Support in Australia, with Mariane Power

    'I think I might be ADHD. What do you suggest I do first?’ This is by far the most common question I'm asked.

    And with increased awareness and story sharing by those, like me, receiving a late diagnosis, I'm not surprised.

    In fact - I'm thrilled!

    This is a topic close to my heart. In sharing both my clinical insights and lived experience, I hope this solo episode helps to bust some myths and misconceptions circulating about ADHD, and offer you science-backed insights to inform your conversations and self-discovery journeys.
    Key Timestamps: 
    01:23 Recap of previous episode, and listener feedback and questions - where to start and who to see if you think you have ADHD

    04:05 Myth busting around the claims of over-diagnosis of ADHD in adults - what the Australian numbers really tell us.
    09:14 ADHD defined, and what research reveals about the real world costs of undiagnosed and unsupported ADHD
    13:01 Understanding the different types of ADHD

    26:00 The role of ADHD coaching in supporting desired behaviour change

    37:28 Supporting individuals with ADHD in the workplace
    See the episode webpage with links to resources discussed in this conversation here
    Connect with Mariane via LinkedIn here, and via her website here 
    Join Messy Magic, an online program supporting women with ADHD here
    To discover how The Posify Group can support your school or workplace in achieving its diversity and inclusion learning and development goals, visit www.theposifygroup.com.au
    Liked this episode? Remember to Rate, Review and Follow on Apple Podcasts here
    This helps us support more people, just like you, to imagine and create inclusive impact that benefits our future! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to share what you loved most about this and other episodes! 
    And if you haven't already done so, be sure to visit my homepage here and sign up to my weekly newsletter, where I share bonus updates, behind the scenes action and hand-picked recommended readings for every episode here on Classroom 5.0.

    • 46 min
    #33 Integrated Identity: Healing, Belonging and Inclusive Impact, with Mariane Power

    #33 Integrated Identity: Healing, Belonging and Inclusive Impact, with Mariane Power

    With a balanced look at both mitigating psychological hazards and cultivating peak performance, this episode revisits highlights from guests in this series, and takes a look at research that builds both the wellbeing and business case for investing in identity development and boosting belonging in our communities and workplace cultures. 
    Key Takeaways
    08:17 Safeguarding our psyche at work -  the essentials of psychosocial safety and how it shields us from risks that threaten our mental well-being. 15:34  How our group affiliations shape our sense of self and our interactions with the world. 25:18 Revisiting Imposter Syndrome and how it relates to our identity with Alison Shamir 28:04 Understanding the changing expectations of today's workforce and what the research says about what top talent are seeking in their professional lives 29:32 Charlotte Connell shares insights on how the  push for sustainability is intertwined with our need to belong and find our place. 32:06 Navigating the complex world of labels and the influence they hold . 33:03 Why founders must invest in their own development to lead with authenticity and vision. 36:50 The business case for building belonging, from financial gains to enhanced performance. 38:15 The critical role of schools in nurturing identity development and fostering inclusion. 41:58 How a strong sense of self can amplify our ability to create positive change. 44:13 The challenges and rewards of incorporating our traumas into our identity narrative, and exploring post-traumatic growth - a revisit of conversations with Zach Mercurio. 53:23 Practical steps for cultivating environments where everyone feels they truly belong Episode webpage with links to resources discussed in this episode coming tomorrow! 
    See the episode webpage with links to resources discussed in this conversation here
    Connect with Mariane via LinkedIn here, and via her website here 
    Join Messy Magic, an online program supporting women with ADHD here
    To discover how The Posify Group can support your school or workplace in achieving its diversity and inclusion learning and development goals, visit www.theposifygroup.com.au
    Liked this episode? Remember to Rate, Review and Follow on Apple Podcasts here
    This helps us support more people, just like you, to imagine and create inclusive impact that benefits our future! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to share what you loved most about this and other episodes! 
    And if you haven't already done so, be sure to visit my homepage here and sign up to my weekly newsletter, where I share bonus updates, behind the scenes action and hand-picked recommended readings for every episode here on Classroom 5.0.

    • 55 min

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